I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray that You would restore what was stolen by the enemy. Let Your will be done in our military.
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The Army is offering to correct the military records and rehire those who were discharged or left over the COVID vaccine mandates. Intercessor, what do you think of this effort to seemingly make ammends?

From The Daily Wire. The Army sent letters earlier this month to nearly 2,000 former service members fired under the Biden administration’s COVID vaccine mandate telling them how to correct their military records …

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The letter was sent out before Veteran’s Day and told the fired soldiers that they could change the characterization of their dismissal from the military because of the expiration of the COVID vaccine mandate. …

“As a result of the rescission of all current COVID-19 vaccination requirements, former Soldiers who were involuntarily separated for refusal to receive the COVID-19 vaccination may request a correction of their military records from either or both the Army Discharge Review Board (ADRB) or the Army Board for Correction of Military Records (ABCMR),” a letter from Brig. Gen. Hope Rampy, Army Director of Personnel Management said. …

Over 8,400 service members were kicked out of the military due to the vaccine mandate while thousands more had their requests for religious exemptions rejected. …

The Army, which has struggled to meet recruiting goals in recent years, also suggested that the former service members could return to the military.

“Individuals who desire to apply to return to service should contact their local Army, US Army Reserve (USAR) or Army National Guard (ARNG) recruiter for more information,” Rampy said. …

Share your prayers and scriptures for our servicemembers below.

(Excerpt from The Daily Wire. Photo Credit: Bo Zaunders/Getty Images)

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November 28, 2023

Our armed service is greatly weakened due the vaccine mandate. Yes reenlistment should be an option. The damage may be too much to correct.

November 28, 2023

Lord, I ask for genuine/public repentance to come to our leaders from the “top, down”. That You will re-awaken moral resolve to stand for what is right in YOUR eyes & give boldness to question wrong policy (regardless of where it originates). Lord, grant favor to those who can discern truth, so that truth is heard. Let those who were purposefully humiliated before their peers & ridiculed by their commanders be vindicated. Church, you should not be surprised that so few want their jobs back.

    November 28, 2023

    Sadly, we are going into an election where the two leading candidates need to both be morally re-awakened. It isn’t just Biden. I regard Trump being charged by the courts in Georgia and elsewhere as a secondary issue. What concerns me is his moral qualifications that has come front and center. Lying, for example. He has no issue with lying. He even lied about the square footage of his property. He lied on camera about his keeping top secret documents. And after getting a warrant from a grand jury, he tried to get an employee to destroy security footage in order to cover up something that he obviously felt was wrong or he won’t have given the order in the first place. Destroying evidence is illegal.

    And storing top secret documents in his bathroom because he didn’t want to let go of how powerful it made him feel. What does that say about his putting the welfare of the country before himself. There is no other reason for him holding on to them. Biden was not going to consult with him. Trying to keep them from Biden is a bonkers reason for leaving them laying around so that even a plumber and cleaning maid saw them. Showing top secret military documents to people not cleared. What if we now have to use them?? So, keeping them so everyone in the world can see them, including our enemies, but not the president???

    Having twitter battles with celebrities???

    The fact that so many still support him indicates to me that a moral awakening needs to occur in more than just progressives.

November 27, 2023

While acknowledging that there was probably some deception on the part of Dr. Fanci and politics got involved toward the end, I believe in giving grace to people, and I think it is important to point out that one of the reasons that COVID was like the Spanish Flu is that it was an RNA virus, which means that it constantly changed. Researchers now think that the first generation of the Spanish Flu was mild, but that when it got to the trenches of WW I, it evolved and became deadly. Hindsight can make us feel superior, like we knew all along, but as COVID spread and the first generation looked mild, no one knew if it could evolve into something more deadly at any point. One of the purposes of the vaccines was to bring COVID under control, to prevent it from spreading because each person who had it had the potential of being a carrier of another virus which could merge with COVID and become more deadly. I give grace to the CDC. I know some of it at the top became political, but I think below that was many sincere people who tried to find ways of stopping and then later, just slowing it, and made mistakes and went too far in some directions.

    November 27, 2023

    I also want to add this: COVID was not just a RNA virus, it was a RNA virus which started in another species. Historically these types of viruses have been the deadliest viruses for humankind because the natural immunities we inherit through our mothers is not present. It was a pig-virus which wiped out a generation in ancient Greece. The Spanish Flu started in birds.

    I feel compassion for those who struggled to contain this virus. Many tried their best.

    Janet Drawhorn
    November 28, 2023

    The vax is still a huge debate on the effectiveness.

    On this IFA site we were only suppose to:

    Share your prayers and
    scriptures for our
    servicemembers below.

    This should be the one place we do not have to hear anything on pros or cons of that shot.

      November 28, 2023

      IFA is the party that choses to bring up antivax positions, constantly.

      So, I agree that this site should be focused on prayer but that is something that IFA has to agree to.

Susan CC
November 27, 2023

synonyms of creed- gospel, testament, doctrine

“Soldier’s Creed” https://www.army.mil/values/soldiers.html

The Soldier’s (Army) Creed begins and ends with, “I am an American soldier.” The oath they swear to upon enlistment, is in essence the same as our president’s, “to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic…”. Our leaders are failing them.

“Yeshua commanded us to love our enemies, and pray for those who persecute us. We can do this when we know that they are up against God, not us. We can do this when we know we are protected by an invincible power, and that we have eternal life.”

“When we call our Heavenly Father the “Lord of Hosts”, there is so much in that name. Yes, there are the myriad armies of angels at his disposal, and yes, he is a warrior, mighty in battle, but he is also the conductor of the beautiful orchestra that is the entirety of all creation. Every atom, every molecule, moves in accordance with his purposes and at his command. He sustains everything by his powerful word.”

Dear Lord and God, You are called Adonai Tzva’ot, the Lord of armies and I believe everything in existence moves at Your command and is sustained by Your Word. Today, we are at war. But You know this. Our enemy surrounds us but is also in our families, in the church, in our schools and in our government. But You know this too. I believe the enemy has no hold over us and cannot defeat us when we seek to live under Your protection. So this morning, I call upon You, in the Name above all names, Yeshua Hamashiach, Isa Al-Masih, Jesus Christ, for an invincible Army, Air Force, Navy, and Marines. I pray You are raising up men and women who will serve our nation well and who will seek Your command and protection. As for those who are in opposition both here and abroad, I pray You will have Your way. Amen

November 27, 2023

As Christians, it is always helpful for us to understand the other side because self-righteousness never glorifies God and doesn’t present the love of God to a struggling world. To be fair, it was a difficult position for the military. Troops have to live in close proximity to each other; on ships, in encampments and on the battlefield. As COVID enfolded, especially in the early months, it looked like it was going to be like the Spanish Flu, and except for modern medicine, which they didn’t have in 1918, probably could have been. If you will remember, more soldiers died from it than from the fighting during World War I, and it was the movement of troops around the world which helped spread it. By modern medicine, I was not referring to vaccines, by the way, although I think they helped reduce the deaths in the older population and reduce the stress on hospitals. At the beginning of COVID, we didn’t have that but did have IVs and other medicines which could be used to treat the symptoms.

    November 27, 2023

    I want to remind everyone that modern medicine has provided us with insulin to treat diabetes, ways of fighting cancer, stents to unblock arteries and penicillin and other antibiotics to fight infections. We now have ways of saving babies who are born prematurely. Vaccines are just one tool and the new breakthroughs with the COVID vaccines are being looked at to solve some diseases for which there has never been any hope.

    Janet Drawhorn
    November 28, 2023

    The vax is still a huge debate on the effectiveness.

    On this IFA site we were only suppose to:

    Share your prayers and
    scriptures for our
    servicemembers below.

    This should be the one place we do not have to hear anything on pros or cons of that shot.

      November 28, 2023

      I agree that this site should be focused on prayer, but it is IFA that continues to position antivax positions.

    Janet Drawhorn
    November 28, 2023

    The vax is still a huge debate on the effectiveness.

    On this IFA site we were only suppose to:

    Share your prayers and
    scriptures for our
    servicemembers below.

    This should be the one place we do not have to hear anything on pros or cons of that shot.

November 27, 2023

Lord, I pray the other branches of armed services will follow the Army to correct this agregious mistake. Be with the individuals who boldly stood against the pressure to conform and paid the price of having their lives upset. Bring judgement on the Biden administration for this terrible action.

    Janet Drawhorn
    November 28, 2023

    You are a God of restoration. Restore to our military members who bravely stood against this “mandate”.


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