The times they are a changin’. No one might have ever believed we would see the things we are seeing today. Who would believe that we would see the celebration of sin like the shedding of innocent blood or the redefining of marriage and now gender. Oh yes, things have definitely changed, but thank God that He never does.
Have you noticed words have now taken new meanings? Woke used to just be the past tense of wake, now it takes on a new meaning as woke culture is on the rise. Being “woke” is now about having particular views on social and political issues.
Don’t get me wrong. We should be concerned about any injustice. Cancel culture actually came about as a solution to being woke. It is one’s way of dealing with injustice. But cancelling does not deal with the root issue of injustice. Abortion, sex trafficking, racism, sexual immorality are moral issues. There is no quick fix. We can’t cancel the problem away because the deeper issue is the heart of man and sin. People can try over and over to redefine sin, but we know that God tells us murder, rape, trafficking, hatred are all sins.
Same devil, same tricks
Everything satan offers is a lie. He was a liar from the beginning. (Jn 8:44) All he offers is a cheap counterfeit to what God offers, hoping to deceive the masses. The thing about a counterfeit is to the untrained eye it looks a lot like the real thing.Ā
Woke is an awareness of injustice. This is not a bad thing. We need to be aware. We also shouldn’t be afraid to speak out against injustice either.Ā If you are “woke” without Jesus Christ at the center of your fight, you miss the bigger picture. Only God offers us the real solution to the sin problem. His name is Jesus Christ and He paid the price for our sins and offers us forgiveness and complete wholeness in Him.
She shall bring forth a son. You shall call his name Jesus, for it is he who shall save his people from their sins. (Mt 1:21)
Being woke without Jesus is a counterfeit. You can fight against injustice but without Christ it becomes religion. It can become a system of works or a regiment. It’s what the Bible calls “having a form of godliness.” Even Christians are being swept up in this culture. The Bible warned us of this coming time.
But you need to be aware that in the final days the culture of society will become extremely fierce. People will be self-centered lovers of themselves and obsessed with money. They will boast of great things as they strut around in their arrogant pride and mock all that is right. They will ignore their own families.They will be ungrateful and ungodly.
They will become addicted to hateful and malicious slander. Slaves to their desires, they will be ferocious, belligerent haters of what is good and right. With brutal treachery, they will act without restraint, bigoted and wrapped in clouds of their conceit. They will find their delight in the pleasures of this world more than the pleasures of the loving God. They may pretend to have a respect for God, but in reality they want nothing to do with Godās power. (2 Tm 3:1-5 TPT)
Woke culture is a counterfeit to God’s awakening! Awakening means to wake from your sleep or to suddenly become aware. This is God’s desire for the church. We must gain that awareness of who He is. He is a loving God yes, but He is a holy God.Ā
This young generation who embraces woke culture have a zeal for justice and I think that’s great. But we must contend for our youth to come to the knowledge of the truth of Jesus. Only then are they truly fighting the right fight.
Fight the good fight of the faith [in the conflict with evil]; take hold of the eternal life to which you were called, and [for which] you made the good confession [of faith] in the presence of many witnesses. (1 Tm 6:12 AMP)
Are you awake yet?Ā
2020 brought us Covid. With it sickness, economic impact, closures in churches and schools and I truly believe a majority of the church was unprepared.
We went into panic mode. We were overwhelmed with fear. We became divided over things like masks. Although the government mandated church closures, many abandoned fellowship altogether, refusing to return.Ā
We saw riots and violence in our streets. Many were upset at the needless destruction, but refused to acknowledge that we do in fact need racial reconciliation.
Many were blindsided after the election thinking it was all over because it didn’t turn out as we prayed, but God has the final say over what happens in this nation.Ā
I believe through everything that has happened the Lord has been rousing his church. If we can be honest, the church was sleeping. We complain about political issues, but it was the church who was supposed to lead the way. Evil and immorality crept in on our watch. I have repented over this many times.
Have you had enough?
I believe that God in His mercy is using these conditions we are facing as a line in the sand. Have we become frustrated enough to do something about it? When Moses was in the wilderness with the Israelites they were going around the same mountain over and over until the Lord said, “You’ve been on this mountain long enough. It is time to break camp and move on. Go to the hill country of the Amorites and to all the neighboring regions (Dt 1:6,7)
First God says, enough! You’re going in circles.We must acknowledge that what we have tried in the past didn’t work. We need new strategies from God. We need new partnerships. We need a new thing, because the old was unfruitful. It did not work.
Then God says, it’s time to break camp and move. Breaking camp means stop settling. When one settles in, it means you’ve become comfortable. Have we settled? Have we gotten comfortable the way things are? Have we thought within ourselves, this is just how it’s going to be now? If so, it’s time to break camp and move.Ā
I think we have all prayed, “Here I am Lord, send me.” The Lord did send them. He sent them into the hill country of the Amorites–directly into the enemyās camp. They went from comfort to confrontation and it was God’s doing. They were to recover the land that was rightfully theirs by promise. Will we have that kind of courage to go into the enemyās camp and recover everything He’s taken from us?Ā
The Bible warns us that satan is like a roaring lion seeking to devour ( 1 Pt 5:8). The different translations say be alert, be sober, be watchful, meaning our eyes must be opened both physically and spiritually. We must be aware.
Accordingly then, let us not sleep, as the rest do, but let us keep wide awake (alert, watchful, cautious, and on our guard) and let us be sober (calm, collected, and circumspect). (1 Thes 5:6 AMP-C)
This is not a time to sleep, it’s a time for awakening! This is a time for discernment. We must be aware of the counterfeits and tactics of the devil. We must also be aware of what God is doing right now and choose to partner with him.
This is a time for a new thing, meaning it won’t look as we expect. That doesn’t mean God is not at work. Let’s not miss this visitation because it doesn’t meet our expectations. We must watch and pray. Then, we must act in faith. We can shrink back or we can stand in faith and trust that God has equipped us for battle.Ā
Lord, I thank you that none can stand against you. The gods of the land are idols, but you are the true and living God. Wake me up, Lord! Open my spiritual eyes to see what you see.
Awaken your church, Lord! Awaken the pastors. Awaken your people. Forgive us for settling. Forgive us for staying quiet when we should speak and speaking when you wanted us quiet. Forgive us for being comfortable and complacent. Forgive us for our apathy. We can’t stay any longer on this mountain. I know that even now, despite how it looks, you are at work and I say I’m all in. Align me with the right people. Help me find my community again. Help me to discern the times and seasons we are in.Ā
I believe that You have a purpose for me. I believe that I am where You need me to be right now. Use me, Lord. If I’m not where you want me, then move me, Lord. Show me how I can partner with You. You are my life source and my truth. Apart from You I can do nothing, but through You I can do all things. I’m breaking camp and moving on. In Jesus name, Amen.
Author Gloria Robles is a passionate intercessor with a prophetic voice for today. For more from Gloria, go to Spotify or Anchor to listen to her podcast Something To Share. (Photo Credit: Unsplash.)
What do you think about woke culture? What part of this article speaks to you most?
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Amen. Amen. Amen. Gloria Godās Word and Spirit is moving many through your words. May he be the Strength of our Hearts….
Answering the question in this article, have you had enough?… oh yes, I have. I’d like to reach out to my sisters in Christ and ask if they have had enough? Males calling themselves female, children allowed to think they can change their gender based on how they feel, especially boys wanting to change to being a girl. All I’m hearing is about girl’s sports and how unfair that is. That is not an argument. A female goes through most of her life having painful monthly cycles for the sole purpose of bearing children which is also very painful, as females already know. I’m quite sure, that no matter what they do to their bodies males will never be able to do that. I love being a real God made woman and will never accept a counterfeit. Honestly, this offends me greatly and I wish all women would speak out instead of being silent. Yes, I’ve had enough of woke culture and I am not afraid to say so.
Youāre right Barbara! The ā wokeā generation calls right wrong and wrong right….This is judgement. When a nation turns its back on God judgement follows. Read Romans and discover the kind of judgement America is under. When millions of unborn children can be murdered and so many donāt care…. thatās judgement. When government supports changing a childās gender… thatās judgement. When stealing and lying and cheating can be overlooked to win an election… thatās judgement. Lord, I pray for those who will be saved by hearing the gospel of salvation by the blood of the risen Christ. Please unstop deaf ears and open blind eyes to see your salvation and receive eternal life. In Jesus name I pray. Amen
I would like to ask pastors, “are you making your congregations aware of what is going on?” Are you waking your people up? Shepherds, it is past time to stand up and BE SHEPHERDS to your flock! Most pastors are afraid to take this subject on! WHY?? God clearly tells you where He stands on this! Enough woke, let’s WAKE up!
Amen and hallelujah! I totally agree with you. Thanks for reading my mind. I am 84 years of age and have never wanted to be a man. I fear the heavy penalty the āwokeā generation will experience if they never learn that what God has created man has no authority to tear to pieces.
A prayer concern I have had for some time is the teaching of social justice and woke culture in the churches and finding it is actually incompatible with The Gospel. The whole idea of these ideologies holds that everyone is a victim and yet God says No one is a victim, but all have sinned. In His eyes no one is a victim, all are guilty, all are rebellious. It’s like when Adam said “You gave me” and blame others for our life, we ultimately are blaming God. We take on a victim attitude and many of our churches have bought into this and are becoming more like the world and do not become accountable for my own responses to the pain life can bring. this message of victimization is in conflict with Jesus message of “it’s in losing ones life that we gain our life” and being set free by the power of His resurrection life in those who believe. When we blame others for our condition we are blaming God and denying the work of Calvary and the Power of His Blood. To embrace Critical Race Theories we deny the power of the Gospel and pervert justice. Ezekiel 18:4 tells us ” the soul who dies is the one who will die”, as he spoke the Word of the LORD to his people. God judges us individually and the church must be strong and stand for TRUTH, “His Word is Truth” and not bend to what the culture speaks “a man’s own folly ruins his life. Yet his heart rages against the Lord.” [Proverbs 19:3] This has become somewhat of an issue in our family and has brought some discord in theology, so I have researched thoughts from leaders in Christianity and settled in my heart that my focus must be on the LORD and His WORD. I recently read Erwin Lutzer”s book “We Shall Not Be Silenced”, a very balanced book on this subject. I have to acknowledge it has been prayer and the leading of the Holy Spirit that has helped me to answer question I had. To Him be all Glory and Honor as I “abide in Him” for “He who the Son sets free is free indeed.” May He lead His people into all truth as we read His Word, trust His Spirit and abide in Him.
Thank you for sharing your revelation Toni. Very thought provoking! You are so right about connecting woke culture and victim mentality. It is completely incompatible with the gospel message. Very true. I was taught some time ago that christians lives are to laid down. We do not have the rights to play victim, the right to be offended, or the right to be right all the time. I also love how you touched on truth, that is something that I have been in prayer over.
Bless you Toni
Excellent article!
The re-definition of words is BIGGER than you think.
The jewish Talmud redefines and twists the Bible in many ways to undermine and destroy God’s Word in the Bible.
EG: a “oneness” doctrine is given that basically says that if the muslims worship the crescent moon god of babylon, or a pagan worships one of the idols/demons of creation, then they are “worshipping the true God” if they emphasize the “oneness” of their pagan god. Which sounds wonderful to a pagan, but is obvious stupid — God has a name, “Yahweh” in the Old Testament and “Yeshuah/Jesus” in the New Testament. Moreover, God is a PERSONAL God, He SPOKE to Moses, He SPOKE to Abraham, and JESUS SPOKE to His disciples. He is not a “vibration that you get when you pray to an idol” or a “tickling” on your body when you prostate for a pagan god.
So, the “oneness” doctrine replaces the true personal God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit with the worship of idols and demons — paganism is exalted and Jesus is removed.
(if you look at the Deut 6:4 hebrew it says “Yahweh Echad” (Yahweh is a unity — same word as the man and woman becoming a “unity” — so even the verse that was misused by the rabbis proves that not any god is God, but that God has a name, Yahweh (Jesus is a name based on Yahweh, Yahweh – shuah (YaShua — Yahweh saves or Yahweh the Saviour)). And God’s character is the source of Holiness, Justice, and Mercy on the earth Exodus 34:6 — He is not anyone’s “oneness”.
Similarly, the jewish talmud’s denial of the fallenness of mankind, is an attack on the necessity for everyone man, woman and child to repent and seek the forgiveness of God’s One and Only Sacrifice of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Thus, the denial of original sin, is an attack on the necessity of God’s gospel to save a human from eternal destruction.
(“Shabbat 146 teaches that when the Israelites stood at the bottom of Mount Sinai all the residual pollutants they still retained as a result of Adam’s original sin departed from them (HaChaim on Exodus 19:5) — if so, why did God COMMAND continual sacrifices for the sins of Israel’s children — did the rabbis know better than God?)
And Tikkun Olam is an attack on the redemption of man — man “improves” the world in his own image, rather than doing anything that pleases God. Eg, if you have seen a supposedly “just, equitable, tolerant, open and socially inclusivity” promoted, but by nature, it is perverted, antichrist, anti-God, and anti-God’s-laws, you are looking at “Tikkun Olam” — man’s perverted definitions of these concepts which are supposedly good, and flowing out of the very character and power of God, Himself.
But man is FALLEN and must be REDEEMED before his works are pleasing to God (seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness (matt 6:33) — or Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again (John 3:7) — actually ALL of Matthew 6 is a good explanation why judaism and it’s Talmud CANNOT serve or please God in any way.
Another is the multiple incarnations (reincarnation) teaching that the rabbis copied from the hindus (during the babylonian exile and afterwords, rabbis used hindu spirituality to access unclean spirits — see “merkobah dreams” (heavenly chariot dreams of the rabbis using hindu meditation to try to access heaven). Thus, some the information channelled by the rabbis in the talmud is satanically sourced (see Jesus “boiling in excrement” in talmud). The reincarnation is also used to create successions of rabbis, false prophets and false messiahs (see Donmeh, Jacob Frank, “hidden messiah”, the “seveners”, or the muslim Mahdi or final caliph — it all depends on hindu reincarnation).
But, there is no reincarnation — it is a demonic lie:
hebrews 9:27 And it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgement
These corrupt definitions of important concepts are used to undermine and destroy God’s Word and Christianity, to glorify idolatry and demon worship, and to exalt the corruption/fallenness of an unsaved man going to hell.
This is a really big deal, we need accurate definitions of these concepts and how they derive and are supported by God, else a liar and a thief will steal everything, by pretending that they are the source and definition of these concepts eg rabbi Shabbetai Sevi’s “spiritual torah”.
The Talmud is an anti-Bible, anti-God, anti-gospel, anti-Christ, anti-freedom, satanically-inspired collection of books. And it has been the source text for dishonest books like the koran, freemasonry “theology”, and perhaps others.
May God save the jews through their repentance and faith His Son Jesus Christ, and may God bless you all!
Very powerful, Gloria. Thank you for your wisdom and courage.
Racial reconciliation requires agreeing with the Creator that there is only one race. With that as our premise, we can then move onto diversity of many other things.
Father, God, You have given us authority to bind and loose. We bind the forces of darkness reigning in this world; and, in place, we release the power of light (Holy Spirit) to reign and bring people out of the darkness and into your marvelous light. Do a work, Lord, as in the days of Noah, when he built the ark and you saved the righteous; and as in the days of Moses, when You parted the red seas and again saved your people. You are a God of justice; bring justice back to America and to the world. In Jesus name.
Amen! Amen! and Amen! I believe the Lord has directed me to fight back by examining how I might be funding satan’s plan. With the help of the Holy Spirit I reviewed how I spent my money and deliberately cancelled out some news subscriptions, do not shop at certain places, and cut out alot of my TV watching. Instead I try to spend my money with small businesses that are Christian, pay and view news outlets that lean more to the right, and support organizations such as IFA that promote righteousness. I know that its almost impossible to to not in some way engage with companies that fund these ungodly initiatives, but I can at least ‘cancel’ out those things that I can control. The enemy runs off of money, and I can help promote righteous with mine.
I spend much time in prayer which is my main weapon of offence which leads me to action (Ephesians 6:12) Imagine if the whole Body of Christ jointly took steps to ‘cancel’ out the satanic works that wage their heads against us. We are to show that every weapon used against us to be in the wrong (Isaiah 54:17). God is continually reminding us that we have more power than we give ourselves credit (2 Kings 6:16), It’s time that we be on the offensive rather than always on the defensive. We have the greatest Commander and Chief to lead and guide Who has supplied us with His weapons. He’s already showed us how to defeat the enemy who is already been defeated by the Blood of Jesus but continues to convince those in the dark that somehow he has won the war. Let us stand together as Victors in the Authority of Jesus. Amen.
Thank you, Suzy, for your examples of ways we can have a financial impact on our communities. Today, i just heard Autry Pruitt state that we comprise over 60% of the United States’ consumers. Like another person stated, we need to see ourselves as we truly are: not victims but a VICTORIOUS MAJORITY! As we come together with our Commander JESUS and stop frequenting those anti-GOD businesses, internet sites and indulging our fleshly lusts, we are truly HIS FORCE that are unstoppable in pursuing and manifesting righteousness. ×Öø×ֵׄ AMATS (H533)!
Holy Spirit is moving! Out of the mouth of two or more witnesses shall every word be established (2 Cor.13:1). Truly the Body of Christ needs to know how to “righteously” cancel the works of satan. Jesus and the Apostles gave us some examples: Jesus made sure the wicked didn’t profit by selling their wares in the temple; He aggressively threw them out. The Apostles hit the head sorcerer in the pocket by winning over his people. I guess you could say that the local market did not make any money off of Jesus when He preached to the crowds of 5,000 and 4,000. He simply performed a miracle and supernaturally fed them. When the Body of Christ begins to rely on God as our Source, we will see a change in my mind and heart in how we spend the money God has entrusted into our hand. Amen.
AMEN, Suzy, and unfortunately, just yesterday i “caved” to Costco’s mask restriction just to take advantage of a “good” price! In the blue state where i live there have been less than 500 deaths over the whole year and for the last several weeks, the 7-day “count” has been less than 1% positive! Yet, the restrictions remain and i have been faithful ever since the nonsense began of refusing to mask. It is a good lesson — after holding out for months the $$ got the best of me — i have repented and am determined to rely on Holy Spirit to enable me to remain “faithful” to principles i claim to hold! Thank you for your encouragement!
I have become so fed up with the term “woke.” Woke culture is counterfeit to God’s awakening. And you will never be able to fix or correct the problems and it does Not deal with the root issue of injustice. Only God’s awakening can face and overcome these issues. There is no quick fix to any of this.
I’m fed up with hearing the term “woke,” too. And you’re right. It’s not the same as God’s awakening. It’s pure counterfeit.
While reading this, an older Keith Green song came mind where he states…. The world is awake in the dark, but the church is asleep in the light.
Lord, wake up your church that we become the army of truth and righteousness. Let God arise, and his enemies be scattered. On earth as it is in heaven.
Help us dear heavenly Father in Jesus’ Name.
Lord God,
Thank You for Your Word! Help us to read it, live it out and share it with others. Help us to fix our eyes in Christ and not be overcome by the distractions of the enemy. You love all people but not all people are Your children. We have been granted adoption through the blood of Christ. We have been graphed into the living vine. The gift of eternal life with You is ours. We thank You and gratefully acknowledge Your goodness in our lives. The culture continues to grow darker. We should not be surprised as Jesus himself warned us! (Read Matthew 24). Many pray for revival but I donāt see it in Your Word until we are in the Great Tribulation. But You have also promised that Your bride will not be here for this time of Your wrath. What we are experiencing is the wrath of man, the consequences of our rebellion against You. Satans push to derail Your plans. Unfortunately, many have aligned themselves with sin and exchanging the blessings of Christ for the curse of evil (Romans 1:24-32). Eventually, man will face You in Judgement, but Your children will be with You at the Berma seat receiving rewards for those things done for Christ. Draw us to Yourself. Help us to stand firm during these last days. Keep our eyes fixed on Christ and give us courage and resolve to hold fast to Your Truth! I pay in Jesus Name and by His Power! Maranatha, come quickly Lord Jesus!
This is what we need to hear. Thank you Gloria. The connection with the Israelites, the connection with what is going on in our world / our country, the connection with God. We need to standing up and fight for what is right, for what God is calling us to do. Not fighting physically, hopefully, but fighting a spiritual battle in God’s name for justice. Too many people are like frogs in the comfortable warm water that will soon boil, like June bugs and moths jumping into the fire because it looks enticing, like cattle in the moo-line being led off to slaughter. We need not be like them. God is calling His soldiers and putting His army together. Are you listening and willing?
Amen, Amen and Amen! It is time for us to go boldly and become “truth tellers” and not be afraid.
We were born for such a time as this. Do something with it! Where is the church? Where are church leaders?
What are we doing to “champion for Christ”?
I pray that God gives those of us continued strength and courage. Discernment is a gift and I pray that the Holy Spirit guides me to clearly see.
I pray that this great country will have a “great awakening”! The battle is fierce, but we as Christians have the best armor!
I say these words everyday that God himself goes before me.
Amem, Amen and Amen! It is time for us to go boldly and become “truth tellers” and not be afraid.
We were born for such a time as this. Do something with it! Where is the church? Where are church leaders?
What are we doing to “champion for Christ”?
I pray that God gives those of us continued strength and courage. Discernment is a gift and I pray that the Holy Spirit guides me to clearly see.
I pray that this great country will have a “great awakening”! The battle is fierce, but we as Christians have the best armor!
I say these words everyday that God himself goes before me.
REVIVAL is in the air āØšļøš„ catch it if you can! Lift your eyes to see, he is better than you dreamed and everything we lost, love is returning š āļøā¤ļø We welcome you here Holy Spirit! Your kingdom come Lord š
This woke culture wants to erase all things Western as if it never existed. I understand being angry and wanting justice, but you donāt get justice with violence. The race card only goes so far.
Praying for awakening to the day we now find ourselves in the days of Noah! Praying to keep my lamp trimmed full with oilš Asking to become Christ like in my witness always in sharing HIS Agape ā¤ļø