Nevertheless, many even of the authorities believed in Him, but for fear of the Pharisees they did not confess it, so that they would not be put out of the synagogue; for they loved the glory that comes from man more than the glory that comes from God. (John 12:42-43 ESV)
When Jesus revolutionized His nation with the gospel of the Kingdom, He was continually questioned and criticized for His visionary initiatives and unorthodox methods. The Pharisees were the politically-correct referees who sought to silence His voice and penalize any advancement of His message. Knowing that their power and influence were losing ground, their religious mindsets could not comprehend or celebrate the very truths that could set them free from their own man-made bondage.
It is just like the Accuser of the Brethren to threaten and attack anyone who exposes his lies and demonstrates the true nature of our Heavenly Father. Our spiritual adversary seeks to use control, fear, and condemnation in order to keep us trapped in our flesh and disconnected from the life-giving power of God’s Spirit. This religious spirit is still active today speaking into the ears of many unsuspecting believers, trying to block any Kingdom advancement and fresh expression of the Holy Spirit. Preying on our fears and self-doubts, this demonic influence will stop at nothing to keep us bound to religious systems and the expectations of man.
This spirit is manifesting again today, not only in our national politics, but in many of our church pulpits and social media platforms. This counterfeit authority is still speaking, trying to draw us away from all that the Father is accomplishing in this hour. The enemy resists any true work of the Spirit and subverts any attempts in bringing the supernatural realities of heaven to earth.
It is the Holy Spirit that we must recognize and embrace if we are to partner with heaven’s purposes and see radical transformation happen in our culture. It is the Holy Spirit that will lead us into truth and keep us on the path to victory. It is His voice that we can trust to rightly discern the Father’s activities and discern the enemy’s schemes.
When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come. (John 16:13)
The first step in getting free of any religious spirit is to recognize its presence and purpose. If we understand the redeeming nature of the Father’s heart and His highest purposes for our lives, we can rightly discern which voice to listen to in order to open wide the gates for the King of Glory to come in. Prayerfully consider these comparisons and see if you recognize any pattern in your own life:
The Religious Spirit is like an older brother who follows you around, criticizing your every move and whispering endless doubts that cause you to shrink back in fear.
The Holy Spirit is like a loving father who is always two steps ahead, taking your hand and gently leading you on a path of discovery.
The Religious Spirit gets bent out of shape when the rules aren’t followed.
The Holy Spirit gets excited when creative expression imagines the possibilities.
The Religious Spirit berates you for missing the mark.
The Holy Spirit inspires you to aim higher next time.
The Religious Spirit tells you to “Stay in the Lines!”
The Holy Spirit tells you to “Go Explore!”
The Religious Spirit wants credit.
The Holy Spirit celebrates others.
The Religious Spirit debates everything you do.
The Holy Spirit dares you to climb higher.
The Religious Spirit is a Task Master that is never satisfied with your efforts and always asking for more.
The Holy Spirit is your greatest Cheerleader, drawing out the best in you, even when you make mistakes.
Your journey is meant to be one of freedom, joy, and a never-ending sense of wonder and awe. Even through the trials, setbacks, and personal weaknesses, the Holy Spirit always sees a way through and will empower you to keep moving. Your future is ahead of you, not behind you. Its not about “adding up,” but jumping in! It’s Redemption, not Religion, that brings life to the dead and wholeness to the broken.
As we determine to follow Jesus’ example and listen to the Holy Spirit instead of a religious spirit, we can be assured of fulfilling the Father’s purpose. In the end, it’s not whether or not we get it “right.” It’s about Who we travel with and discovering the endless possibilities of heaven inside of us that the flesh can never reach.
So then, beloved ones, the flesh has no claims on us at all, and we have no further obligation to live in obedience to it. For when you live controlled by the flesh, you are about to die. But if the life of the Spirit puts to death the corrupt ways of the flesh, we then taste his abundant life. The mature children of God are those who are moved by the impulses of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 8:12-14 The Passion Translation)
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Hi Jack
So are you saying that any use of drums in worship music is demonic? If so that excludes classical composers such as Mozart and Handel among others would it not? It would also exclude African Christians who use drums in their worship of the Lord and do so with great faith
energy and passion directed in pure adoration of Him. Have you never heard the Ugandan Childrens Choir worship Him in Spirit and Truth?
Great article , I just listened to a study on John 8-9 , this subject came up. How sometimes prejudices, preconceived ideas, and traditions can blur ones vision when reading the word of God. Similarly the enemy And religious spirit bring about control , fear. May God deliver me of anything like this , Lord I repent of any kind of religious inclinations please lead me by your Holy Spirit always, free me of any fear, control , and condemnation amen.
I’d like to understand how to discern false teaching versus having a religious spirit or being accused of having it. You can be doing all the things this article attributes to the Holy Spirit and be way off. Or, it may, in fact, be from the Holy Spirit.
There are false teachings out there actually using scripture to back up what they are teaching, so to say to ‘test it with scripture’ isn’t foolproof.
We know there will be false teaching in end times and in Revelation God criticizes the churches who put up with it, or who don’t deal with it in love. So, while this article sounds good and no Christian wants to be driven by a religious spirit, I think the article’s content is too loose of a description (discovery, creative ex[pression, etc.)and could actually be describing false teachings as being from the Holy Spirit.
There are points in this article that are good but I think you have a good point. The Holy Spirit at times convicts us and we feel low because we know we blew it. Then He encourages us to go forward.
Thank you Father for this article teaching and reminding us as the people of God to be led by truth which the Holy Spirit will do as we commit to Him these vessels to bring honor and glory to the Name of Jesus. A religious spirit will always reveal itself through Domination, Intimidation and Manipulation. the Spirit of God will always inspire, motivate and gently lead us into Truth as we seek Him with a willing spirit. free us as a church first of our religiosity as a people and lead us in the way of righteous living toward all that the world will know we are Yours by our love for one another. You have taught us to Agapeo Our God that we will Agapeo one another. You are Agape, for God is Love and I pray that we may be living vessels of the Love of God and bring Glory to you not with religious ways but with the genuine heart of God trough Love “for it is not with might nor with power but by Your Spirit” that we can do Your good pleasure. Holy Spirit fall upon the Church that You may separate us in Truth, for Your Word is Truth. Be Glorified in Us by Your Spirit.
Amen! I pray Lord in Jesus name.
I appreciate your comments that the Holy Spirit ‘draws out the best in you, even when you make mistakes.’ Though Scripture does not directly say this, I believe that that is a part of leading us into righteousness. If we stopped moving forward because of ‘mistakes we made’ we would never grow. Christ speaks of pruning to bear fruit. As we grow, we may grow in some directions that need correction, but when we have encouragement we will grow towards the light. A good illustration is that of a plant. When given the opportunity, many plants grow towards the light.
Negative words are like removing the leaves of a plant that it needs to grow. We need God’s encouragement to bring the best in us to be able to follow Him and grow in our relationship with Him.
A thought–Learning to Bless is a way to invite encouragement and God’s help into others. It is like bringing the light that is so desperately needed.
Thank you amen!
What a rare find is this well executed article. Needful enlightening of the spiritually blinded eyes and thereby bring freedom to the lives of those that want and find this truth.
Psalm 19:8 The statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes.
Amen!!! Wanda clearly walks with the Lord. Well done!
That Religious Spirit is none other than the Devil. We must be aware of His purposes and the legions of demons that do His bidding. Holy Spirit, give us ears to hear the difference between the Devil’s vitriolic lies and Your still small voice that will lead us into all truth.
Holy Spirit, come! Lead us in the joy of serving others for Jesus’ glory. Let people see and recognize that we have been with Jesus and desire His love and peace in this strife-driven world for themselves. Remove the religious spirit from our midst and shine Your light in the darkness. In Jesus’ precious Name. Amen