I Prayed have prayed
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We are all waiting, watching, and praying for another Great Awakening to turn things around in this country. But, are we willing to pay the price? Have we considered what it’s going to cost us personally and as a Church?

Salvation comes freely, and God’s grace is unmerited. However, preparing a place for a Holy God to come and take up residence long-term is something else. The Visitations of past decades have been powerful preludes of what is to come, but the Church needs to consider the price tag to the pervasive and transforming spiritual revival that we desperately need.

“Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool. Where is the house you will build for me? Where will my resting place be?” (Isaiah 66:1)

God is looking for a place to “land.” Yet, if we truly want His righteousness to rule the land, we must prepare a place for His Presence to dwell. If we are looking for God’s presence and power to come to our cities and nation in order to redeem, restore, and transform – it’s going to cost us.

1] Our Offenses – Unity in the Church is not just about denominational networking. It’s about extending forgiveness to those who have hurt us – especially fellow believers.  There are many who have left the Church out of offense. It’s time to forgive and get plugged in again. The Lord has been calling back his “Run-away Brides.” Those who have been hurt or overlooked in times past are being drawn back to the family of God to get re-attached, for the Body can’t function without all the parts. Facing past issues will not always be easy. This will require humbling ourselves and embracing one another’s faults and weaknesses in the journey.

This is going to cost us our pride and the need to be right.

2] Walking in Commitment, not Convenience– We must stay together and walk together, no matter what. This applies at all levels: commitment to our spouse, commitment to our families, and yes, commitment to the Body of Christ. This means that we determine to contribute our God-given role whenever it’s needed – not just when it’s convenient. We must choose to be faithful and consistent members of the Body of Christ, making it a priority rather than just another option.

This is going to cost us our over-loaded schedules.

3] Breaking Unholy Alliances – Ungodly soul-ties and generational curses can slowly drain us of the life of God until we revoke the legal ground of the enemy and receive God’s intended blessings. Vows or oaths we have made to any group or individual that is not true to the Word of God will rob us of our spiritual inheritance and choke off our blessings and intimacy with Jesus. Our pursuit of holiness is not a religious ritual but a requirement to come before the presence of a Holy God (Deuteronomy 14:2).

This will, more than likely, cost us some relationships.

4] Healthy Spiritual Leadership – Though this is a team effort which will require all the gifts, our culture desperately needs healthy spiritual fathers and spiritual mothers who can demonstrate that it’s possible to live holy and happy at the same time. Servant-leadership was God’s idea and it’s what Jesus exemplified as He raised up spiritual sons to go further than what He did in His earthly ministry. His greatest authority (and joy) came when He laid down His life and gave it away for others. God will get all the glory when the world sees such leaders who serve rather than seek to be served.

This will cost leaders any self-promoting reputation.

5] Persistence – Sustained prayer and intercession require perseverance over the long haul. When we don’t see immediate results, we get frustrated and either stop praying or try another prayer. Many times, God is simply inviting us to dig deeper in order to get to the roots of our issues. To Him, the process is just as important as the destination. The character, maturity, and spiritual insight that is gained through persistent prayer, study, and reflection bring us closer to His heart and ways. Jesus was always the hardest on His disciples as He challenged them in their thinking and perspectives. He wasn’t as concerned with giving them the answers as He was with getting to their hearts.

This will cost us our need for quick fixes.

6] Preparing a House of His Presence – The Lord is looking for a place like home. For heaven to come to earth, we must prepare that place for Him to come. This is not just allegory but actual. Cities, congregations, and ministries that have already experienced a measure of His manifest presence testify to the power of preparing such a place. This should actually be normal for the Church – the starting place for lasting transformation! Are we willing to host heaven and prepare a place for Him to not only visit, but stay? Are we willing to prepare the sanctuary and our schedules to make room for Him to come as we wait in His presence? Are we willing to become like the five virgins who took the time to fill their lamps with oil, readying themselves for the Bridegroom?

This will cost us our time.

God IS coming with another awakening of His love and power, but this time it will be something much bigger than just revival. It will be total transformation. He’s coming to stay, after all, and that means we need to get our Houses ready to sustain His presence. He can’t entrust His Presence to orphans or slaves. He is looking for sons and daughters who know who they are and are ready to carry His heart for sake of the Kingdom.

We are not just preparing to bring in the lost, save a city, or deliver a nation. We are preparing to live with a Holy God whose presence is overwhelming, life-changing, and supernatural. I think it’s worth the cost.

  • Wanda Alger, IFA Field Correspondent



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June 30, 2017

They will know us by our love…
or will they?
goodness, the ones who are angry in their words, what frightens you?

Lord Jesus, i do pray that the world would see our love for one another and for those in the world, help us to leave the building of our churches and go into the streets if that is your call. Heal us of all religiosity and bring us repentantly into deeper relationship to you. Heal us of all pride and arrogance. Bless the author of this article, make us wiser because of it and we ask that the run away brides would return from the land of the enemy. In Jesus name, Amen

June 26, 2017

So sorry! Referring to the comment from Sandra re: Bill Johnson. Lover your article, Wanda!

June 25, 2017

Wow, some harsh words about the author! I believe the Lord has been calling for the uniting of His church. I love how he calls the prodigals the “run away brides.” It’s time the church decided whose side they are on- the world or Jesus! Until we get things right with ourselves & quit being all self righteous /religious, we will never reach the prodigals or the lost!
They need to know the Father’s Love & it would stand to reason, that those reaching out to them would know what that love looked like as well.
That’s what makes us powerful! When we know who we are in Christ, we can stand up against Persecution. We can identify the False Prophets you speak of. And, not only will we feel & show others the love of Christ, but others will be attracted to the Light in us & be drawn to Him- not us, because they see Christ in us.
I believe that there is definitely a Revival going on right now. For those who do not see it- where have you been?? It’s not like any Revival in the past. God is doing something different. The church cannot see it until they- Leave the Building!! It’s in the streets, but many won’t go there because it’s too dirty or scary. Jesus & His disciples weren’t afraid to go out, why should I be? That’s where you will find Him. You can’t experience His love til you give it away!
I have been apart of something so precious & real, that it has to be All God. Step out of your box & look around. It is such an Exciting Time to be a Christian now!! He is coming back soon!

June 24, 2017

Jesus when asked by his disciples, when shall these things be, and what is the sign of thy coming, and the end of the world said in Matthew 24 v 4 TAKE HEED THAT NO MAN DECEIVE YOU.

God Word tells us what to expect and it is not the peace and the unity that false teacher Bill Johnson is calling for!
What does the Scripture say? The true Church is to prepare for persecution not a false revival. Read Matt. 24, 1 Tim 4v1&2. Luke 21.

These false Christ’s and false prophets shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that if it were possible they shall deceive the very elect. Matt 24V24–BEWARE

    Wanda Alger
    June 26, 2017

    This article was not written by Bill Johnson, but by Wanda Alger, IFA Field Correspondent.

John Tucker
June 23, 2017

Now THATS what I’m talking about !
Is The Bride love sick ?
If she is then our answer to the cost is YES LORD!


Thank you to the one who posted this.
It is the cry of my heart for The Church, and the cry of the BRIDEGROOM!

June 23, 2017

Heavenly Father, Search my heart, search our hearts; reveal the places that need your transformation. Let us be obedient; knowing as we each abide in you abundant life produces the fruit you desire. Let us offer a harvest pleasing to you! Your goodness, love abounds, may your Kingdom grow, your will be done here as in Heaven.

Encouraging each of us to pray, listen, obey. I’m one who had left the church. Disillusioned, disappointed with what I perceived to be ineffective, lack. Thankfully I had grandparents, parents, family who interceded. Scripture and the love, mercy & grace of our Savior drew me back and continues to show how we a connection of believers, a church body CAN be effective with all of our pieces, parts, differences together unified in worship and service. Over past several years this has been a process. Each step in scripture prayer service regardless of the immediate situation or feeling is resulting in peace, strength & joy, faith, receiving & seeing transformation. Persevere.

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