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What do today’s millennials think about the current president’s policies and their impact on black Americans?

Listen to Candace Owens, Director for Turning Point USA, being interviewed by The Daily Signal as she describes the impact of Democratic policy on the black community in recent decades.


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August 5, 2018

Yes all races including blacks are better off w/Trumps policies. Black,white,brown,yellow first of all are colors not races…but beyond that the polls have proven Trumps policies are better…the economy is alot better so ppl feel better i believeRasmussen Reports-below is a recent rasmussen Poll showing that Trumps approval ratings among blacks(as well as other ppl i believe) have risen. i think that says alot about how great a job Trump is doing his job&helping his fellow Americans find prosperity. No prez since Reagan really has cared and done so well for the Americans. Trump is not the racist the media/soros say He is all day long everyday …but i believe ppl are seeing that is not the truth themselves as we see many ppl leaving the dem party to be on the Trump side now…
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Todayā€™s @realDonaldTrump approval ratings among black voters: 29%

This time last year: 15%-Its very unfortunate that obama brought back so much of the black victim lie mentality that MLK had helped remove…now its as if many blacks believe they must have a victim mentality because of obamas gang of socialists…all i can do is pray that God who can do the impossible will change hearts and minds remove that victim lie and hatred and fear of other races plus remove the dependency on govt money and programs long term…i never owned a slave nor even looked at a black person as less than me…infact i always thought they were more fun and full of Gods spirit than myself and could pray better!! i hope that wasnt racist it wasnt meant that way. just trying to lighten things up …man this civil war we are in is bad,meaning the entire govt is practically against Trump…the media, the illegals….look up
United We Dream on twitter they say to kill Trump Ivanka stop ICE kill Trump supporters..demand housing,food,cash,free med care,ED etc…they have politicians&lawyers helping them…how is it legal to say kill Trump..i reported it but zip….
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Fran Wingquist
July 20, 2018

Candice is right !!! The democratic party wants black people to focus on the color of their skin.

June Huber
July 19, 2018

I pray where there is hatred there will LOVE, where there is distress there will be comfort and HOPE where there is doubt the will be FAITH … the greatest of these is Love – and God is Love!

8 Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins. (1 Peter 4:8)

Belay Woldemaraim/ Ethiopian Amercan
July 19, 2018

I dont understand why democrats stand against the Bible. We know and understand that abortions, and gay marriage is against God’s low. We understand from the history in the Bible Genesis
19:23-26 it tells us this;

Then LOD raised upon Sodom and up on Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven.
And he overthrew those cites and all the inhabitants of the cites, and that which grew upon the ground.

Peggy Wyar
July 19, 2018

My prayer is that we see each individual person as Jesus sees them: someone precious and worth His dying for. Once that is our mindset we can act in love towards all people. Prejudice from both sides will only divide us, but those of us who are in Christ can seek to unite all cultures and nationalities through the gospel. I do not think any political party or man-made law will ever break through the prejudice individuals carry, but I know God is the God of breakthrough, and He reigns over every nation. As we seek justice and love mercy and learn to walk humbly with our God lives will be affected and changed.

Ruth Daniel
July 18, 2018

I grew up in Birmingham, Alabama. The Democrats water-cannoned the young Girls praying outside their Church because they were of a beautiful, darker Color. They now strongly support Abortion Clinics in hopes there will be less of GOD’S Children. We are all Children of ONE FATHER. Hope the Democrats wake up before its too late.

kay abel
July 18, 2018

May we deny ourselves daily, take up our crosses and follow Jesus, not a political party or ideology. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as in heaven. For Jesus sake in His Name, Amen.

July 18, 2018

This is all fake propaganda to get the idea of Blacks being better off in this Drumpf era of so called presidency. This is the House Negro line of thought, “Ole Masse treat us better and better in the big house”. Another racist lie perpetrated by the Alt Right haters to demean us. Separate and not equal. My prayers are for this president and his entire administration to be impeached, and the slate wiped clean. Dear Lord, forgive them for they know not what they do…only for themselves and not the rest of us!


July 18, 2018

Yes, Black Americans are better off. Look at how the Blacks survived under President Obama: Unemployment among Blacks was twice as high as other races in America. Also, look at how Blacks are living and enduring in districts under the leadership of Black senators and representatives. It is horrible. The senators and representatives live well, but there is poverty and high crime in their districts. It bothers me to see how President Obama has destroyed and divided America and yet, Blacks are still calling his name and giving him praise. Much of the demonstrations and uprising are caused by President Obama. My prayer is that American Blacks will wake up! ( am Black).

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