April Eclipse: The Heavens Declare the Glory of the Lord
April Eclipse: The Heavens Declare the Glory of the Lord
When I first heard that a total solar eclipse would cross America in August 2017, I knew I had to see it. These things don’t happen every day, and for all I knew, this might be my best (and possibly only) opportunity to witness what some consider to be the grandest spectacle in nature. It would mean a 12 hour drive from Houston (one way), but I reckoned it a small price to pay for the experience of a lifetime.
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I had some business to transact in St. Louis, but no particular eclipse viewing destination in mind – as far as I was concerned, one place was as good as another, so long as I was close to the centerline. GPS sent me north through Texarkana, Little Rock and Memphis, and the day before the eclipse I arrived in a small town I’d never heard of: Carbondale, Illinois.
Weather conditions were favorable, and my traveling companion and I found a bank parking lot on the outskirts of town where we settled in for the show. Little did I know that this brief experience would consume much of my time and attention over the next several years, nor could I have known how large a role Carbondale would play in my journey.
It didn’t take long to discover that two additional eclipses would cross America within the next seven years. And the more I studied, the more it appeared that the event I had witnessed that bright (and then dark, and then bright again) August day might have been much more than a mere once-in-a-lifetime astronomical event. As information slowly trickled in, a story began to unfold. But it became abundantly clear that I would have to begin the tedious process of separating fact from fiction if I truly wished to get to the bottom of it. This week I posted the results of my investigations on a website created especially for this purpose: SkyScroll.org
What I believe the Holy Spirit revealed to me is well beyond anything I could have imagined when I began my journey. This is much more than a simple list of random facts, places and warnings. Though I didn’t realize it at the time, the three eclipses commonly referred to as the Great American Eclipse Cycle of 2017-24 actually tell a grand story. I prefer to call this the Eclipse Cycle of the Church. Though it mirrors the book of Revelation, the spotlight is on the Body of Christ.
Many bloggers, pastors, YouTubers and influencers are speaking about these eclipses and what they mean. Some of that information is accurate. Much of it is misleading. And a good percentage is downright wrong. But nowhere have I seen anything resembling what I believe God is truly saying to us.
And make no mistake about it, I am absolutely convinced that God is, indeed, speaking to mankind.
I don’t have space to tell the story here, nor do I want to tantalize you with bits and pieces. I believe this is God’s story, and to really gain the full measure of what He may be saying, you need to read it from beginning to end. You may do so at SkyScroll.org. Also, I will be posting a series of YouTube videos on Friday which can be accessed from the SkyScroll homepage. But I would like to make a couple of general comments before you go there.
First of all, as most of you know, the idea that God may be giving us a sign is predicated upon Gen 1:14 where God states that He has given us the lights in the heavens to separate day and night; to serve for signs, seasons, days and years; and to give light upon the earth. So God clearly says that He sometimes uses the heavenly lights for signs. I am sure that has occurred at various times, but I am only aware of two celestial signs in scripture: the Star of Bethlehem, and the woman in heaven in Revelation 12. The miracle of the long day described in Joshua was not a sign, but an answer to Joshua’s prayer. The three hours of darkness at Christ’s crucifixion may have been a sign, but it could not have been an eclipse, as the maximum duration of a solar eclipse is only around 8 minutes. Either God supernaturally turned the lights down, or some sort of particulate matter or cloud cover blocked its light.
So if God is, in fact, giving mankind a sign in the skies, then this is a very special event indeed. And it would be in our best interest to learn what He has to say and hew closely to the message.
Please read the material and/or watch the video, then share the information if you feel led to do so. And please pray with me that His message would flood the world – that lives would be changed, both within the Church and without.
What are you hearing from the Lord concerning the eclipse? Share your prayers and revelations in the comments!
(You can read Kurt Nauck’s revelations at SkyScroll. Photo Credit: Jongsun Lee on Unsplash)
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