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Jesus, we need you in our nation--Your truth, Your freedom, Your direction.
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A recent report from the New York Times states that the Justice Department is targeting a secretive partnership between Apple and Google worth billions of dollars as part of its landmark antitrust case. The deal, which cemented Google’s control of internet search, is described as “one of the most lucrative business deals in history” by the Times.

Breitbart News recently reported that the Department of Justice has filed its hotly-anticipated antitrust lawsuit against Google. 11 states also joined the DOJ action against the internet giant. The lawsuit claims that the company engaged in anticompetitive practices in order to preserve monopolies in the search and advertising components that make up huge sections of the tech firm’s main business.

Now, the New York Times has outlined one deal between Apple and Google that is reportedly an area of focus in the case. The deal cemented Google as the primary search engine on Apple’s devices, funneling massive amounts of traffic to the search giant.

The New York Times writes:

When Tim Cook and Sundar Pichai, the chief executives of Apple and Google, were photographed eating dinner together in 2017 at an upscale Vietnamese restaurant called Tamarine, the picture set off a tabloid-worthy frenzy about the relationship between the two most powerful companies in Silicon Valley.

As the two men sipped red wine at a window table inside the restaurant in Palo Alto, their companies were in tense negotiations to renew one of the most lucrative business deals in history: an agreement to feature Google’s search engine as the preselected choice on Apple’s iPhone and other devices. The updated deal was worth billions of dollars to both companies and cemented their status at the top of the tech industry’s pecking order.

Now, the partnership is in jeopardy. Last Tuesday, the Justice Department filed a landmark lawsuit against Google — the U.S. government’s biggest antitrust case in two decades — and homed in on the alliance as a prime example of what prosecutors say are the company’s illegal tactics to protect its monopoly and choke off competition in web search.

Breitbart News previously reported that the Justice Department has been planning to bring an antitrust case against Google for some time. The recent filing comes after Attorney General William P. Barr reportedly overruled lawyers who said they needed more time to build a case against the tech giant.

It was reported that the company has been under investigation for almost a year with dozens of Justice Department lawyers working in two groups, each overseeing a separate line of inquiry. The two main areas being investigated were Google’s dominance in search and the company’s control over the online advertising ecosystem.

Google has control over approximately 90 percent of web searches worldwide, many rivals have complained that  Google extends its dominance by making its search and browsing tools defaults on phones running its Android operating system.

(Excerpt from Breitbart/New York Times. Article by Lucas Nolan.)

Pray about the stranglehold that Google, Apple, and other media organizations have on our information. Share your prayer below.

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Mel Teoh
October 29, 2020

Thank you for this article.

Please remind APPLE and GOOGLE management that they are only human and there is a LIVING GOD who loves them and created them and want them to do what is right in HIS eyes. Therefore, Father, please allow your people who has influence in the life of Tim Cook and Sundar Pichai so that they can know the TRUTH (JESUS CHRIST) because without JESUS life is confusing. God, You know what can make Tim Cook and Sundar Pichai repent. Please allow them to repent and find YOU so that they can worship and glorify you in the remaining of their life on earth. In Jesus name, we pray that Your will be done on this matter. Amen.

October 29, 2020

Lord God raise up your Ekklesia to stand against the darkness by praising Your name and Your Holiness. We will shed your Light and Your Truth. You created all things with Your Word. Your Word is still alive today. We will speak Your written word in faith that It will not return void but will go forth and accomplish Your purposes. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:1
Jesus was with the Father in the beginning and He is the Living Word. Jesus, we lift You up

Jan Kingma
October 28, 2020

Please, Lord, we ask that Davids (figuratively) would defeat these giants who seem to control the thinking of many people. We ask that people in Your church would not fall victim to their propaganda, nor their targeting of temptations to sin. Release many from the hold these companies have over them. Please help those in the Attorney General’s office in their legal cases.

Darlene Estlow
October 28, 2020

Father, in your mercy continue to release truth and destroy evil. We praise your name.

Karen Hosier
October 28, 2020

Nothing is impossible for you! These businesses are known as tech “giants” but giants are your specialty. Raise up an army of Joshua’s and Caleb’s inside both companies to expose their intentions. Raise up David’s in the justice department who will stand firm against them without fear. May your Holy Spirit lead and guide Attorney General Barr and those working for him. Give them the spirit of wisdom and revelation as they work towards exposing any illegalities.
Shine your light into the darkness of back room deals between these businesses and politicians. You say in your Word that you hate “a heart that devises wicked schemes.” Expose the greed behind this deal. Money and power so often lead men astray but you, Father, are all powerful and you, Father, own the cattle on a thousand hills. God break this up so that others may benefit from their businesses participating in the on-line market.
Expose the control they are exercising in this election as well. May truth prevail.
Thank you Lord that you are bringing this to light. May your saints rise up and share this information so prayers will go forth throughout our country. Like David may we fill our hand with rocks of prayer that we will sling at this “giant” in our land. You are mighty, you are all powerful. Nothing is impossible for you!
In the mighty name of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, Jesus our Redeemer.

    Kathleen Curtis
    October 28, 2020

    I will also pray. And I stand in agreement with your prayer.
    God bless you.
    In Jesus name Amen.

    October 28, 2020

    I stand in agreement with your prayer. SO POWERFUL!!! Thank you for the reminder that THERE IS NOTHING IMPOSSIBLE FOR GOD … and these words make me think about the question God asks in Jeremiah … “Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh; is there anything too hard for Me? Changing whatever evil that is going on at Apple and Google is certainly not too hard for God.

October 28, 2020

Heavenly Father, in the Name of Jesus, I ask that you break the enemy’s stronghold over Google and Apple (also Facebook and Twitter).

I loose billions of angel armies of Seraphim, Cherubim, and Justice, supervised by Holy Spirit upon this situation.

I loose billions of angel armies of Wisdom upon the Justice department issuing inditements.

Expose impure and wrong motives these organizations have, and may the enemy overplay his hand, and be exposed for all to see.

I bind, rebuke and command everything that is not of Jesus in these organizations. May their corruption be revealed, exposed, and strong consequences issued.

May all of the world see and understand the lack of credibility on the part of these organizations.

In Jesus’ name I call it done!


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