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I Prayed have prayed
Father, forgive our nation for being so divided. Humble us towards one another and may our hearts be softened towards You. Bring peace and unity to this nation.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

A progressive professor at a university founded by Baptists has penned what she calls a “devotional” in which she prays to God to help her “hate” white people.

Chanequa Walker-Barnes, Ph.D. is a professor of practical theology at Georgia’s Mercer University, which was founded by Baptists almost two centuries ago but has since grown secular roots. The professor contributed to a devotional book called “A Rhythm of Prayer.” The book contains her “Prayer of a Weary Black Woman,” which starts with the lines:

“Dear God, please help me to hate white people. Or at least to want to hate them.” . . .

“At least, I want to stop caring about them, individually and collectively. I want to stop caring about their misguided, racist souls, to stop believing that they can be better, that they can stop being racist.” . . .

In the devotion, Walker-Barnes cites as heroic the hatred of Jonah toward the Ninevites and the indifference of Lot toward Sodom. And to be clear, Walker-Barnes doesn’t request help in hating all white people – but only the “nice ones.”  . . .

Dr. Alex McFarland, a Christian apologist, contends that Mercer needs to do some soul-searching.

“Mercer was founded by the Baptists in 1833, and if they have one thread, one shred of common sense and fidelity to God’s Word, this ‘professor’ – quote, unquote – should be fired,” he tells One News Now.

“Notice it doesn’t say ‘hate racist white people’ – although that in itself would be bad,” McFarland continues, “because if you’re a follower of the true and living God, you can’t hate anybody.” . . .

“Race has become an idol to many black Americans,” he states. “[Many of them promote] the idea that every white person is a racist, [and argue] I’m due all these special rights, and I’m a victim and let’s slash and burn America. [These attitudes about] race and wokeness and social justice – even for some Christian blacks – has become an idol.”

According to her website, Walker-Barnes is an “ecumenical minister whose work focuses upon healing the legacies of racial and gender oppression” – and whose faith “has been shaped by Methodist, Baptist, and evangelical social justice communities as well as by Buddhism and Islam.” . . .

What do you think of this apologist’s comments about this devotional? Share in the comments below. . .

(Excerpt from One News Now. Article bySteve Jordahl. Photo Credit: Canva.)

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Robert Jones
April 20, 2021

True unity will only come when human beings sit and work through this ugliness. There will never be peace and equality when cities are being burned. This only furthers the divide and gives seed to more hate in both the African American and white communities. For true peace all must act like human beings that have some sense.

Faithe Giaquinto
April 19, 2021

Father God, Please help us to be your hands and your feet and to have your heart for our fellow men and women.
Jesus, we ask that you would open her eyes and all of our eyes to the truth in your Word, that we “lay down our lives for each other.” This is agape love and we desperately need your agape love to work through us in the world today! We ask for wisdom from you knowing that wisdom only comes from you.
Where my flesh would like to shake some sense into this woman, please replace those feelings with mercy and forgiveness for her and so many others who are so deeply deceived. God, may we be a light in the darkness and shine the way to you!

Susan CC
April 19, 2021

This woman’s faith is shaped by Christian, Buddhist and Islamic tenets—–If we say that we have fellowship with Him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth; 1 John 1:6

She wrote “Prayer of a Weary Black Woman,”—-Jesus said, “come to me all who are weary and tired….all of you take my yoke and learn from me and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:

She asks the Lord, “help me to hate white people”–We love because God first loved us. Whoever says, “I love God,” but hates his brother is a liar. The one who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love the God whom he has not seen. 1 John 4:19,20

Father, You are the Alpha and the Omega, You are El Emet, God of Truth. Only You save and redeem. I pray You would embrace this woman until she can no longer move in herself. I pray You would overwhelm her with love and approval. I pray her next writing will astonish her readers as she praises her God and Father, confessing her salvation in Christ alone. May the Truth set her free. In the Name of the Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. Amen

April 19, 2021

Galatians 6:7

7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

I am Black and most of us do not stand with the foolishness being spouted!
GOD tells us we can know a person by their fruit. This person’s fruit is satanic. The hatred that is being sown will come back to the sender…in other words, the trap they set for someone else, they themselves will fall into it. FATHER GOD please wake this person up to YOUR LOVE for all of YOUR creation. Help them to become born-again, with the old man that is full of hatred, gone. Reveal the Truth of YOU to all black people and white people and all ethnic groups, and help them to wake up and come out of this nightmare of BLM, antifa, and other haters and to come into YOUR KINGDOM OF PEACE, LOVE, and a Sound Mind
in JESUS MIGHTY Name! Amen!

    Susan CC
    April 19, 2021

    I really appreciate your comment Suzie; it is so right. We are all created in the likeness of God. Who are we to disparage anyone as to the way they were created? I recently read in Revelation when satan and his angels were flung to the earth, they “lost their place in heaven… woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you. He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short.” Our adversary is using so many to speak his lies and do his bidding. You, my friend, are not deceived. I am not deceived…countless are not deceived. We must not let the lies of the enemy go unchallenged…greater is HE in us than he in the world. Peace to you, your family, and all those you minister to.

    Mel PGM/PA
    April 19, 2021

    Dearest Suzie, you
    I love your words and your attitude revealed through them. I am reading Dr. M.L. King’s essential writings and speeches and marvel at the love he expressed in them.
    In Jesus,
    P.S. If you’re ever in Pine Grove Mills,PA please stop by and bless me!

    April 20, 2021

    Amen, Amen, Suzie!

April 19, 2021

This sounds awful! I would encourage everyone to read the whole devotion and maybe more of her work to be fair.

May God correct all that is wrong and give the Christian leaders of this college wisdom.

May we hate the sin always but never the individual.

Lord, please help these people of influence in your kingdom heal from their own wounds that they may lead their students and followers in your Truth.

Our Country needs you Lord. I thank you for the United States and the blessings you have bestowed upon us and especially your forgiveness for sins we have committed.

Help us live Your Word as a nation and as individuals. We were miraculously founded on sound Biblical Principles with your guidance. I thank you that Plymouth’s ideas won out over Jamestown and even improved.

Please lead us in the Light of Your Wisdom once again as one nation indivisible under You, Our One True God.

April 19, 2021

Abba, Please allow Ms. Walker-Barnes to encounter You, the One true God, this very moment on her own road to Damascus. Your arm is not too short! Please move in her life with Your saving love! And I ask that You will remember Mercer University & bring redemption in Christ Jesus. Thank You for answering before we finish praying. In the name of Jesus ~ Amen


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