I Prayed have prayed
Thank You, Lord, for those who faithfully serve You in public office. Raise up many more such holy and courageous servants.
Reading Time: 7 minutes

Why would anyone run for office? Recently on Pray With America’s Leaders, IFA Chief Program Officer Kris Kubal spoke with Bill Wells, mayor of El Cajon, California, and his wife, Betty. The discussion was about how the Lord had called him to public office, how He had prepared the Wells for that call, and how He had provided for them along the way. They chose obedience over comfort and have embarked on quite a journey with the Lord. 

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Neither Bill nor Betty had any training or desire to work in public service. They were counselors: Bill has a doctorate in clinical psychology and worked in the mental health field; Betty had attended seminary and became a therapist. They certainly never had any intention of involving themselves in politics. But as is so often the case, God had other plans.

During a time when Betty had given herself to praying through a family emergency, the Lord spoke a word of prophecy.

Betty confesses that it was something she did not want to hear. “I ignored it for several days,” she said. “It’s not even what I was praying about at all. I heard in my right ear: ‘politics.’ I came out of prayer into our bedroom, where Bill was sitting. I did not want to tell him.”

Finally, though, she did tell Bill, who laughed and said: “OK, but what does that mean?”

“I don’t know,” Betty replied. “Maybe we’re supposed to help someone.”

And so, what began as Betty saying, “We’re going to have to be involved in politics,” led to a series of related events.

“I was reluctant at first,” Bill says. “I called my pastor, whom I didn’t know very well — I was part of a megachurch. Pastor Jim returned my call, and I shared my wife’s prophecy. I thought he would laugh, but instead, he connected me to someone who said: ‘Would you be willing to move to El Cajon?’ God actually set up everything for us and made a way.”

Says Betty: “We didn’t know how we would do it. We were going to sell our home. At this time, the Cedar Fire broke out — a lot of people lost their homes. Rather than selling our home, we rented it to someone who had lost theirs. The timing was lining up, and we were financially ready to move. Things will line up, and God will provide for what he calls you to.” 

Ahead of the move, Bill thought he would merely be helping on a political campaign of some sort. Instead, he began serving on the El Cajon Planning Commission.

“I had no idea what it was, but I learned the ropes,” said Bill. “I served for four years, and by the time I got to the City Council, I knew what to do. By that time, I was excited because I saw there was good that could be done. In 2004, I was on the Planning Commission. In 2008, I ran for City Council and won; it surprised me — there were a lot more-qualified people who were well known. In 2013, the mayor of El Cajon had problems and had to leave. I was appointed to fill his term.”

The following year, Bill ran in his own right, and won with 84% of the vote. He has been in office ever since.

“There are people who plan their whole lives to be in office,” Bill said. “They do all these things, they meet all these people; I just kind of stumbled into it. Nobody knew who I was, and suddenly, I was being prepared for it.” 

Asked how he sees God working through his mayoral term, Bill says: “I thought El Cajon would be quiet; it’s got about 100,000 people, not a lot happens here. We have been the focus of every exciting and controversial thing that happened in our region. When COVID-19 happened, we spoke to the police department and decided not to enforce any regulations or mandates. That made us famous to some, and infamous to others. We received national and local media. Through all the attention, God was also providing for us.” 

A Leap of Faith: To Congressional District 51

But God is still at work. Now He seems to have Bill Wells running for Congress, to represent the 51st Congressional District. The primary is scheduled for March 5, 2024. Bill had already run for a congressional seat earlier, in 2018, when he lost the primary for the 50th Congressional District.

“They redistricted our congressional district a year and a half ago,” explains Bill. “A consultant told us we should look at a district seat that a 34-year-old woman who comes from the Qualcomm family holds; she’s basically a billionaire and as far left as you can imagine — she’s aligned herself with The Squad. I thought her seat was unavailable, but my consultant convinced me to run, and we prayed together. Our country is in such bad shape, we don’t have 20 years to wait and figure things out.”

After prayer, they realized the Lord had positioned Bill to take this seat. “I came to the conclusion, it’s not the best thing for me personally, it’s my obligation,” said Bill. “From the moment I declared my candidacy, the money has been raised, and we are in the hunt.”

Betty agrees: “The campaign is going well, considering that we are conservatives in California — not to mention going against someone so far left.”

God Confirms His Call

The final confirmation came through a close friend of Bill’s who was a pastor. He had been skeptical of prophecy, but he had an overwhelming encounter with God and was given a prophecy that he shared with Bill and which encouraged him.

“People we have never met are praying for me and my wife on this journey,” Bill said.

Says Betty: “What’s interesting is, we have Democrats calling us and reaching out online telling us they are voting for Bill! Our prayer is that when we win, it’s going to be in such a way that even unbelievers will say: ‘This has to be God.’ ”

As Christians, Bill and Betty began to understand that there are spiritual principles at work. “We need more than agreements; we need godly connections, we need to move in His authority,” Betty said. “We were always conservatives and voted accordingly. But when we were put in this unique position, we said: ‘I don’t care what the world thinks — this is God’s seat, not ours. It belongs to Him. We pray and see which way He wants things to be done.’”

Says Bill: “When I became mayor, we had a prayer ceremony on a mountain overlooking the city; we prayed for our area, we prayed for our people, we dedicated ourselves and our city to God. We’ve been doing it for eight years, and prayer makes the difference.” 

The Wells offer these words to those who seek to connect with their elected officials: “A lot of people don’t want to call or email because they assume we are too busy,” says Bill. “We’re never too busy. You don’t realize how encouraging it is to us to receive messages that people are praying for us. It’s such a nice thing. It really makes our day, especially in the middle of battles. Send an email to them and let them know you are praying. Even if you don’t agree with them, you can still let them know you are praying.” 

The Wells do request our prayer covering.

For strength and protection to withstand spiritual attacks:

For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience (Colossians 1:9–11 NIV).

That the Lord would provide the resources to combat the Democratic Party in San Diego:

I have been young, and now am old; yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his descendants begging bread (Psalm 37:25).

For election integrity:

The integrity of the upright will guide them, But the perversity of the unfaithful will destroy them (Proverbs 11:3).

That eyes would be opened to see how deep the darkness is, and how great the needs:

For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” is the One who has shone in our hearts to give us the Light of the knowledge of the glory and majesty of God [clearly revealed] in the face of Christ (2 Corinthians 4:6 AMP).

This is a David vs. Goliath fight in California: Bill is up against someone with resources who is very well connected — “a giant of a candidate,” he says. Pray for victory in California. 

Notes Betty: “When Bill wins the seat, there will be a spiritual vacuum — a vacancy in his seat in El Cajon City Council. We care about our city, and we want godly leadership.”

Let’s pray for the right person to fill that vacancy.

What about you? Would you have faith to trust God if you felt He was calling you to do something like this? The Wells had no training in politics. They initially did not want to do it, but they acted in obedience. When they did, God confirmed His word. He connected them, provided for them, and made a way. This is what God does. He never calls the qualified. He qualifies those He calls. Perhaps God has been nudging you in your prayer time. Maybe you feel that you should be running, but you are reluctant. If it is God calling you, though, He will keep calling. He will confirm that prophetic word or dream he has given you. He will connect you to the right people at the right time. He will provide everything you need to accomplish the call. All you need is obedience. And to take that leap of faith.

Will you do it?

Father, thank You for people like Bill and Betty, who moved in obedience. May their example of excellence while serving You in office embolden other leaders to do the same. We bless the Wells as the battle for their district intensifies in the coming months. Give them courage to run their campaign with integrity in the face of any attack. We pray for a physical covering over their family, finances, and faith as they enter the viper pit. We pray a spiritual covering over them as we band together in the mighty name of Jesus so that no weapon formed against them will ever prosper. Financially, they are at a disadvantage against their opponent. Give them everything they need, Lord, in abundance, pressed down, shaken together, and running over. You’ve heard the declarations of Bill, Betty, and others: This city is Yours! The seat is Yours! When that is given, please appoint the right person to fill Bill’s vacancy. We pray for those You have certainly called and are still calling, because they may have run away from that call due to fear. Confirm what You are calling them to do, and grant them boldness to step out in faith. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Share your own prayers below for those in public office, thus encouraging others to pray.

IFA contributing writer Gloria Robles is a passionate intercessor with a prophetic voice for today. For more from Gloria, go to Spotify or Anchor and listen to her podcast. Photo Credit: Bill Wells.

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Grant Windholz
February 20, 2024

Lord God bless those who are Christian servants serving God in public office!! You have selected these individuals in this country to represent you in their hard work. Give them mental strength and wisdom that comes from only 🙏 you. AMEN!!

February 20, 2024


Rick Augustine
February 20, 2024

I believe and know Bill. He is the kind of elected leader we will be proud of! God will bless him.

Darlene Estlow
February 20, 2024

Father, how we praise you for those you are raising up to be in the mountain of government. Speak to many others and draw them to serve you in this area. Draw others to serve you in the other 6 mountains. We praise you and thank you for the work you are doing in answer to our prayers. Praise your name.

February 20, 2024

God Bless You! I prayed for you and will continue to pray. Our daughter is moving back to San Diego. She is a prodigal at this time. Your testimony encourages me that God will meet her there. I pray for Holy Spirit power and protection over you, your family, and your campaign activities. I pray the mighty name of Jesus and redeeming blood of Jesus to cover you with a hedge of protection.

Doug suter
February 20, 2024

Last year God gave me 2 sets of 4 words! Dominion
Authority identity equals
Great Faith!
Next set
love plus Rest plus peace equals Great Joy
Verses for each
Genesis 1:28
Psalms 8:5-6
Psalms 103:22
2 Identity Matthew 5:44-45 TPT 5:48 message Roman’s 7:20 TPT Gal 2:20
Zechariah 13:5 ampc
Now = GreatFaith
Acts 14:22
Matthew 8:8-10
Matthew 15:25-28

Philippians 1:9 kjv Tpt
Psalms 19:8 kjv tpt
51:6 tpt 143:10 kjv
John 14:16 tpt
1Corn 2:13 tpt kjv
1Tim 4:16 tpt!
2Tim 4:2 tpt kjv
1 John 2:27 tpt kjv

Rest Matthew 11:28 KJV TPT Matthew 3:16 TPT 1 Corn 1:10 TPT
Peace Psalms 29:11 TPT
Romans 14:17 AMPC
Roman’s 15:23 KJV
2 Corn 13:11
= Great Joy
Psalms 35:27
2John 1:12
You have the victory declare and decree!
Many blessings in The Holy Spirit! Doug suter
[email protected]

Linda Dickman
February 20, 2024

Praise you Father, for making a way where there is no way. Praise you for raising up Bill and Betty, for ordering their steps, for guiding their actions. Continue to bless them, and California through them. Raise up more of youro children in this way. Bless Bill and Betty and continue to guide their walk. In the name of the Jesus, Amen


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