I Prayed have prayed
Father God, You are good! Thank You for stirring us to pray, hearing those prayers, and then answering them. We exalt You!
Reading Time: 3 minutes

God is at work in the schools! These are real-world testimonies of powerful answered prayers for the schools.

Tide Change in Tulsa

The School Board of the Tulsa Public Schools (TPS) in Oklahoma has a history of being very liberal. They also have rubber-stamped every liberal agenda presented by the superintendent of TPS.

In 2020, a group of believers started attending the school board meetings ā€” praying before and during the meetings. Eā€™Lena Ashley belonged to that prayer group. She decided to run for a vacant school board seat in 2022. She won.

Eā€™Lena has transformed the TPS school board. She invited experienced intercessors to pray over all the chairs in the room prior to school board meetings. She wisely refused to rubber-stamp the TPS superintendentā€™s yearly budget. As a result, a $343,000 embezzlement was discovered.

E’Lena made national news after praying in the name of Jesus at a school event. IFA covered this courageous act in “The Prayer that Rocked the State.”

Jana commented on that article: “I have been making copies & distributing Nancyā€™s ‘Decrees for Your School’ prayer guide & we are seeing results! I appreciate the work she is doing in the Education Mountain. Itā€™s an honor, responsibility & privilege to lift up our students & children, teachers, administration, security & staff in prayer. Thank you & may we see the kingdom advance this school year to overcome evil in Jesus name!”

Gov. Kevin Stitt authorized a special audit of TPS in the summer of 2022. (Watch IFA President/CEO Dave Kubal’s powerful interview with this godly man HERE.) The TPS superintendent abruptly resigned. The academic scores at TPS had steadily declined over her eight-year watch. As of last springā€™s testing, only 16% of TPS students read at grade level, with math and science scores being lower than the reading scores.

Prayer in New York for UNESCO

UNESCO stands for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Unfortunately, UNESCO puts out anti-God, antifamily, liberal woke curriculum toolkits for public schools worldwide. UNESCOā€™s sex-ed curriculum contains instructions on how to teach sex ed to children from birth to adulthood.

In October 2016, while in New York, I used my book, Decrees, to pray at the five UNESCO offices in New York City. We divided up into five groups. We went to each of the UNESCO satellite offices in the city, made decrees, and prayed. A few months later, when President Trump took office, he immediately withdrew the United States from UNESCO.

Prayer-Walkers Stop a Potential Disaster

A group of ladies prayer-walking a school site saw an out-of-control car coming down the street. They began to decree safety for the students. The car barreled through the groups of students arriving at the school and crashed into the front of the school building. Miraculously, no one was injured!

Do you have an answered prayer story related to schools? Please share in the comments!

Nancy Huff is an educator with a mission to equip believers to pray strategically for the cultural mountain of education. She is the author of Taking the Mountain of Education: A Strategic Prayer Guide to Transform American Schools;Ā Safety Zone: Scriptural Prayers to Revolutionize Your School; andĀ Decrees for Your School. She leads groups for prayer at key educational locations across the U.S. Find out more by visitingĀ TakingTheMountainOfEducation.com. Photo credit: Arthur KrijgsmanĀ fromĀ Pexels, Canva Pro.

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Jim Manning
September 6, 2023

Thankyou Father for Your grace and mercy being poured out on this district as the bod of Christ stepped in to serve in this district. Continue to do what You desire to do in the hearts and lives of every person who steps on these campuses in Jesus name and every home touched by Your love in Jesus name, amen

Grant Windholz
September 5, 2023

AMEN šŸ™! He’s our rock and salvation and the American education system DESPERATELY NEEDS JESUS AND PRAYER throughout the country! Keep on praying šŸ™!!!

Harriet Jackson
September 4, 2023

Thank you, prayer warriors! My dear husband of 65 years of marriage passed into the presence of Jesus last November, and God’s Holy Spirit has kept me full of His peace, love, and joy ever since! No sad days or nights! That’s the power of God!

August 30, 2023

This week at University of NC at Chapel Hill a shooter shot and killed a faculty member. There was a lockdown instituted immediately. My granddaughter is a freshman. Only there a little over a week. I prayed early that morning over the campus and over her. When talking to her mom I learned her classes were cancelled early that morning as her professors were not able to be in class. He knows our prayers before we speak them. Like the ladies who prayed over the car coming towards children at the school, I believe He heard my prayers and kept my grandchild in her dorm before the lockdown even happened. And I thank Him that my prayer and thst of other parents and grandparents may have saved many lives as there was only one fatality. Prayers for the family of staff member annd students who were shaken by this event appreciated.

    August 30, 2023

    Amen!! Praise God in heaven!! God is good all the time.. all the time -God is good

Yvonne Pendleton
August 30, 2023

Thank you, Father, that we stand firm prayer walk & make a difference by standing for godliness…speak out truth in kingdom business in Jesus’s authority. Amen

August 30, 2023

This is fantastic, PTL. Our schools need a lot Prayer.

Venisa Villar
August 29, 2023

The Lord allows me to lead a small prayer team but we have seen the Mighty hand of God moving and working for the last nine years. Just yesterday we had some one step up to lead in prayer for teachers and students. We pray for lost souls to be saved, godly marriages, those with cancer, the nation and it leaders other prayer needs and now at the Spirits leading Teachers & Students & other staff. Believing God is at work to bring Himself back into schools!! Praying for revival among our teachers and students in America & across the world. In Jesusā€™ Name, Holy Spirit have Your way and move and breathe and blow throughout each school across this land and every land around the world. Nothing is to hard for You. Nothing is impossible for You. Thank You for the way You are moving and working through the prayers of Your people. Thank You for giving us ears to hear and hearts to do Your will as trusting believers by the work of Your hands not our our own. Thank You for every answered prayer. The prayer of individuals and the prayers of many prayer teams across this land that You have raised up. Continue the great work of Your hands in the lives of teachers and students Thanks You for IFA and their hearts for You and for prayer. And for bringing prayer issues before us to pray about. “Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven (Matt. 18:18-19).ā€ Bring Yourself back into our schools by salvations of lost souls among them, by Your Word and by prayer. Thank You, Lord God, that You are moving and working even in the midst of all the chaosā€¦in Jesusā€™ Name May CRT completely be done away with everywhere..,May wokeness be done away with every whereā€¦may hearts be turned to You-and Your Words of truthšŸ™Great is Your faithfulness!! In Jesusā€™ Name we pray believing Who is interceding in Your right ear right now with the Spirits groaning according to Your perfect will. Amen! šŸ™šŸ™ŒšŸ™Œ

Willett Amie
August 29, 2023

When we enter into and take a controlling interest in the “7 Mountains (Education being one of them) of Influence” we’ll see immediate change.
Praise the Lord for E’Lena’s obedience to the Spirit and calling on her life.
May the Prayers continue to go up as the Blessings come down.

Shirley lathrop
August 29, 2023

Praying for our children, and young people in school situations. May God arise and scatter our enemies.

Darlene Estlow
August 29, 2023

Praise God! I rejoice that God has heard and answered our prayers. We will gain the victory over satan’s plans and acts!

August 29, 2023

In 2019, I led a small group of women to meet on the school grounds during the summer to pray for our public high school, middle school, and elementary schools. During our prayers, a plea arose asking God to change the curriculum in the schools to a more godly agenda. We didnā€™t see how that could happen but we knew that with God all things are possible! The following school year, LifeWise Academy was instituted in our schools. A law was passed nation wide in 1952 (and it was discovered during Covid) that allows children to be able to leave the school premises during the school day to attend RTRI ā€¦Released Time Religious Instructionā€¦. at another building off of the school grounds. It has had tremendous results and growth. Many other schools in our surrounding area have since also joined LifeWise!

Grace Fuqua
August 29, 2023


MeiWah Wong
August 29, 2023

Please also support: https://lifewise.org/about/

LifeWise Academy is a Released Time Religious Instruction (RTRI) program which provides Bible-based character education to public school students. Under RTRI laws, students can be released from public school during the school day to attend religious classes, provided the program is off school property, privately funded and parent-permitted.

    MeiWah Wong
    August 29, 2023

    I forgot to include:
    Right now there is a group of us in West Los Angeles (Del Rey to be exact) who are working to bring a Lifewise supported (i.e. Bible based class that is an elective) to Marina Del Rey Middle School. We are asking for prayer that we get the people, resources ($500.00) and parent support. We anticipate this will be the first of many schools in the LAUSD school district to offer this course. Also be in prayer for other communities to bring this education to their school. Thank you for your prayers. Praise Jesus and God Bless You!

Brian lynch
August 29, 2023

Thank you, Nancy, for sharing these developments. This is indeed a powerful testimony to why crying out to God God in intercessory prayer is so vital in today’s culture. Mat this be but a beginning- God’s word says to never despise small beginnings. I pray, Lord Jesus, that more of these changes for the good of our children will continue to take place in our land.

August 29, 2023

When our school board chose to adopt a Planned Parenthood funded curriculum for grades 3-8, a group of us wrote to school board members and prayer-walked around the administration offices and schools. We prayed at the flagpoles and took communion together at the picnic tables outside the buildings. God used our presence to open the minds of two board members who contacted me to learn more about our concerns. After our discussion , they worked with the Director of curriculum to find a different program that aligns more closely with the family values in our community while navigating the state laws that were promoting planned parenthoodā€™s program. Godā€™s gentle guidance made it possible for us to approach each other with respect and find a solution together.

Christine Berger
August 29, 2023

This past Monday a group of pastors, educators and people met to pray for the students, teachers, administrators and school board members in Avon and Avon Lake, Ohio. This event took place in an arts center of Avon High because an obedient Christian couple approached the school. The Major of Avon also spoke and gave a heartfelt testimony of the powerful prayers of his late mother. It was a powerful event that included worship and prayer. Students came forward and all present gathered behind them and prayed. This was the first event of it’s kind in this community. Praise God for a humble couple that dared to listen to Holy Spirit. A testimony for each of us to realize that we all can do something to advance God’s Kingdom plans in this hour.

Mark Tracy
August 29, 2023

I lead a retired menā€™s prayer group in my church. I would love to hear more stories of answered prayer. We read about and pray against all the negative spiritual forces presented in IFA, but rarely see how our prayers are answered; although we do see signs of beginnings of victory in stories of young people of faith standing their ground to good results. May revival come!

Kathy Hines
August 29, 2023

I am very encouraged after reading the power through prayer to our father, praying the word. I am praying for my son with mental illness and advocating for him.

    August 30, 2023

    Praying in agreement for healing for your son, by Jesus’ stripes and in His Mighty Name; amen!
    God bless you both!

August 29, 2023

Thank You Lord God for the boldness of true intercessors, that know the power of Your spoken Word! Continue to cover them and protect them as they stand up for righteousness and justice in every place, in Jesus name.

Joseph D. Hapka
August 29, 2023

This is GREAT.!!!!

August 29, 2023

Besides praying, one way parents and students and employees can fight back against LGBTQ indoctrination is by using the schools or companies Sexual Harassment policies against these indoctrination classes. Four of our children have done this in the school and work place, and all have opted out of the classes.

    August 30, 2023

    Wow, Judi!
    Thank you for sharing your experiences – hope others are able to follow suit!
    God bless!

August 29, 2023

God is so good!!! Thank you for the testimonies of answered prayers. This is a reminder to pray without ceasing and to decree a thing. God is still on the throne and hears and moves.

Cyndy Snyder
August 29, 2023

This is so wncouraging.

Thank you Lord for Holy Spirit inspired prayers that are transformational.And for IfA and all you are doing in and through Dave and the team.

LASTLY, How can I get Nancy’s Decrees for school guide?

Cyndy Snyder
August 29, 2023

This is so wncouraging. How can I get Nancy’s Decrees for school guide?

August 29, 2023

Praise God on these answers to prayer. Holy Spirit is filling His ekklesia with more Deutemas Power as we His Saints step out in FAITH. Father in Heaven use us for Your Glory and position us as You Father see fit

Sherry Menchaca
August 29, 2023

I proudly stand to take back the mountain of education for our nation and state of Michigan I lift up our children and come against all those who would try to push their ideology of transgender on our children I pray for godly men and women who will teach and stand up for truth and righteousness not imposing ungodly beliefs on our children lord release your angel armies to protect our children during these difficult times in Jesus mighty name amen šŸ™

August 29, 2023

Reading that when President Trump took office he removed the US from UNESCO, I can further understand why the power of hell is coming strongly against him. Let’s continue praying, wisely, seeking God’s protection and favor during these evil times.

Allena Jordan
August 29, 2023

Proverbs 11:10
10 When it goes well with the righteous, the city rejoices,
And when the wicked perish, there is joyful shouting.
Father, I thank You for working through Your servants to bring righteousness into these situations. Thank You for all those working and praying across this nation to bring Your Kingdom to the Education mountain. We give You all the praise and glory. Amen.

    Paul W. Conant
    August 29, 2023

    Allena, we worked together for AC years ago. I thank God you also pray with the IFA. I agree with your prayers.

Pamela C
August 29, 2023

Thanks be to God for leaders who are bold, strong in the Lord, and making a huge difference.

Rev. Vernon York
August 29, 2023



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IFA President
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