Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Monday signed a bill requiring teachers in K-12 first-period classes to provide between one and two minutes of silence, which will allow students to pray if they want.
The Republican governor explained that many of the Founding Fathers who helped create the country’s system of government wouldn’t agree with the notion that “you can just push God out of every institution and be successful.”
“I’m sorry, our Founding Fathers did not believe that,” DeSantis added, speaking at a signing event in Bal Harbour.
The bill, H.B. 529 (pdf), requires the principals at public schools to require certain teachers to take a moment of silence at the start of each school day in public schools. The bill also bans “teachers from making suggestions as to the nature of any reflection that a student may engage in during the moment of silence.”
“In today’s hectic society too few persons are able to experience even a moment of quiet reflection before plunging headlong into the activities of daily life,” according to the measure. “Young persons are particularly affected by the absence of an opportunity for a moment of quiet reflection. The legislature finds that our youth and society as a whole would be well served if students in the public schools were afforded a moment of silence at the beginning of each school day.”
The GOP-backed bill also encourages parents to talk about the designated moment of silence with their children while making suggestions about how to best use their time.
State Rep. Randy Fine, a Republican who sponsored the bill, said that it’s designed to combat the effects of “technological” and “media-driven” turmoil that are ever-present within society.
“Our children desperately need time for quiet reflection,” Fine said, according to a news release. “Because it is in those fleeting moments that we find our higher purpose. That’s why I was so proud to sponsor HB 529, to ensure that each child gets a minute at the beginning of the school day—without a TV on or a cellphone blaring—to think about the world and their place in it. It is my hope that these small moments to become emotionally centered will have a big impact on their days—and their lives.” . . .
What are your thoughts about Gov. DeSantis bringing a mandatory minute of silence in the Florida schools? Let us know your thoughts and prayers in the comments below!
(Excerpt from The Epoch Times. Article written by Jack Phillips. Photo by Canva)
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It is a good start. If the Pledge of Allegiance is also incorporated, God first Nation next.
Wow! Praise God! Governor DeSantis and the Florida Legislature are to be commended. The true victors here will be the children.
It is an inspiration to just read the comments left by others ; I can whole heartedly endorse them all. As a conservative Christian I take comfort and strength in knowing I am not alone in my views. May God increase our numbers and our effectiveness, and help our great country RETURN to Godly Values in ALL aspects of our lives. Praise God ! God Bless America!
I too am thrilled by this movement and so thankful for the legislature & Governor that put this bill through. I pray that those who a afraid of moments of silence will be moved to consider it a good thing. My only suggestion is that a minute is not enough.
A moment of silence is a start. Could you at least add the pledge of allegiance to our flag?
It’s great to hear that our Governor is sending a message to school boards that children need God in their lives. Even if it’s only a few minutes before a class day.
That’s great news! We’ll continue to pray for every state to follow! To God be the glory!
I’m 72, so the endless distractions and noise of today weren’t an issue. In elementary school and middle school, I had a few teachers who prayed at the beginning of class. My family was not religious, but somehow, as I grew up, I was always drawn to Christians and pastor’s daughters for friendships. When I was invited into their homes (especially in high school) I saw families that were different from my alcoholic parents. I was drawn into their love and real care for me. When I met the man who became my husband, I saw those same character traits that separated him from any boy or man I had dated. We had 41 amazing years and two children together before his death. I believe the prayers of those teachers opened my heart to the things of God. My eyes were opened to the differences that could be found in those who knew the Lord. My children have chosen Him as well, and I will always be grateful to those teachers who made me hungry to know more about the One who created me for his pleasure.
Awesome testimony. Thank you for sharing.
Cover each state with these decrees, LORD, is my prayer. Raise up the voices to carry the torch from sea to shining sea. In Jesus name, amen.
Praise God for our governor with a backbone who speaks and stands for the Truth
Thank you, Lord, for leaders like Gov. DeSantis. We pray more governors, mayors, Congress men and women, pastors, will have the courage that Gov. DeSantis has displayed. We pray that your people will stand up and speak up for these leaders when they take a stand like this. Help every teacher, who is a believer, to stand their ground on this. Protect them and their families as they do. I pray that one day the “moment of silence” will turn in to, “let’s pray!” In Jesus name!
Glory Hallelujah!!! A man after God’s own heart! And Yes, Gov. DeSantis believes as the founding Father’s did. Nothing or no one can be successful without God. The Fathers meant for God to be a part of our whole life in America – not separating in any way shape or form.
I pray that God continues to bless him and his family, providing protection and provision and courage to keep standing up for God’s word and principles for Florida. I pray other governors have the same insight and courage to STAND as well!
God bless you, Gov De Santis, America’s governor – and He will. Whenever we take a stand to honor God, respect our
history, and protect our innocents, God is pleased – and He blesses. Thank you for your courage and integrity in passing this bill. America First patriots appreciate you!!
Incredibly, there will be pushback on this – even from religious groups. But God, thank you for Ron DeSantis’ leadership and I pray for more Nehemiah’s to stand up in our day against the ungodly tide of opinions flooding our land. Give our leaders wisdom to be guided by the principles in your Word and may as a nation, we learn to discern between right and wrong as we seek to do your will. In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.
Children need a time of silence in this nonstop technology driven world. May this come to my state of Minnesota and to many states. I am a recently retired teacher in MN. God bless Governor DeSantos for leading the way!
Dear God, I praise Your name that the Governor of Florida had the conviction and determination to do this. This is desperately needed in other states as well. Please intervene on behalf of our children, God. Thank You for all that You are.
I think that it is great and I trust more states will follow. Man must know that we need God in every area of our lives… I trust that this time will be use wisely as the students understand what it really mean to reflect and be silent. I pray that the Father will use it as an opportunity to minister to the students lives and it will make a difference.
LORD, I pray that the news of this is heard by every born again follower of you who is working in the Public School system. Father I ask for boldness in those same teachers to take the lead in their own Districts across the nation and appropriately incorporate this “moment of silence” in their own classrooms without backlash. Give them the language and responses to those who would question their motivation, and magnify the results of the prayers of those who would use the time to pray to You. Father, I ask for every church to take this message to their congregations, and let this become a gentle movement that cause a revival in our youth who are being bombarded with SO much propaganda and twisted regulations. LORD we know You are bigger than the problems we face – and we trust You to provide genius ways to face these unsettling trends. Amen
I think it’s great that governor DeSantis has signed such a bill into law and God bless the congressman that introduced the bill. I think that is a first for a government offical to dare do such a thing since the 1960’s. And I pray that other governors will follow suit. I pray that the kids will truly use that brief moment to their benefit.
Reformation, Lord, in our school systems. Cleanse the educational system of unrighteousness and lead us in the way everlasting, to Your Glory, Jesus. Amen and amen!
‘Prayer… is the root, the fountain, the mother of a thousand blessings… The potency of prayer has subdued the strength of fire, it has bridled the rage of lions… extinguished wars, appeased the elements, expelled demons, burst the chains of death, expanded the gates of heaven, assuaged diseases… rescued cities from destruction… and arrested the progress of the thunderbolt.’
~Saint John Chrysostom (349–407)
GOD bless Governor DeSantis for standing up for Christian values and in making America great again. This is great news for our children in Florida and hopefully will catch on in other states. Children need a good moral and faith foundation in their young lives. I see a leader in Governor DeSantis with courage standing up against socialism which threatens all of us. I pray that GOD guides him with strength and wisdom in many more decisions that is sure to come that will affect all of us. Thank you, dear GOD, for making this possible and providing a leader like Governor DeSantis during these trying times. I pray that many people see the Light and turn our country around. Praise GOD from whom all blessings flow.
Governor DeSantis is the most logical, reasonable, and godly Governor in the United States. Many are praying for him to run for president. So glad he’s taken this step in our schools. Hopefully students who pray will have a forum with other students who have never heard the Gospel.
Praise God! Thank You Lord for what You are doing in the state of Florida. I pray that You would continue to protect children and education around the rest of the country and I pray also this is the beginning of revival in our country and education system. In the authority and name of Jesus, amen.
To God be all the Glory. Keep praying for our schools. I am a substitute teacher since 3 years now in my district in Jeffersonville, Indiana and we are doing the pledge alliance to the flag and the moment of silence but I never new the purpose of it. However, I have being doing the silent prayer… you are awesome God!! Thank you Jesus!
Please keep putting our schools and children under the blood of Jesus and the fire of the Holy Spirit in them in Jesus name!!
God bless Governor De Santis for standing in the gap, for his concerns for the well-being and future of our children, for his courage and boldness in standing against that which threatens America and her citizens. May God continue to give him strength, clarity, wisdom and honor for times such as these. Shalom.
Dear Governor DeSantis
Thank you so much for bringing prayer back into schools and for all the other wonderful bills you have signed protecting us and our beautiful state of Florida .
We love you and you have our future vote for sure.
Heavenly Father, cause other governors and leaders in education, business, legislatures to catch the fire of Holy boldness that is rising up in America. May every state begin to renounce the antichrist notion that God is not allowed anywhere and everywhere. Let the worship rise up to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. We want to see your glory and see your mighty hand touch children, teens, young adults, new parents, middle agers, senior citizens and everything that has breath…..praise the Lord. Amen
Thank you Father for Gov. DeSantis, who puts you first
before politics, continue to speak through him, protect
him and his family.
Holy Spirit thank you for pouring your Holy boldness
in him.
Bless his work for the Kingdom of God!
This is a good development on the Governor of Florida’s part. Now, let’s let the kids know that they can feel free to pray. After all, Madeline Murray O’Hare is long gone. Let’s make her Supreme court decision dead, also. Lord, please make a way for this to be the beginning of a powerful prayer movement in our schools, where this type of revival is so much needed. Amen.
Highest praise to God. Victory is found in Jesus Christ.
Father thank you that you are a good and loving God. Praise you for answering prayers for our schools, teachers and students. We need you more than ever! Thank you for Godly bold leaders like Desantos and Fine. Please help us to elect more Godly leaders to turn our country back to you the way our country was founded. Praying that this is just the beginning of a mighty revival in our country. Lord thank you that are a God of mercy and miracles. Praying for an outpouring of your Holy Spirit on our country s leaders and people. Help us to put you first and to be a Godly and holy nation again for your good purposes and glory in Jesus mighty name!! 🙏🙏🙏
Governor Ron DeSantis has helped me to be grateful and proud that I was born in Florida and continue to live here. Especially with the stands he is taking for our state. I pray that God will continue to provide protection for him and his family,that God will continue to bless him with the courage he has to stand and fight for the good of our state and nation. I believe the mandatory minute of silence Governor DeSantis is bringing to Florida schools is a bold stand he is taking for the children. To help them get theirs day started in the correct way and to help their minds to focus clearly.
This is wonderful! May the Lord continue to raise up Davids, Daniels and Esther’s for our time!
Dear Lord, thank you for Governor Ron DeSantis, a wonderful governor! Let it be that many more governors will follow in this law for the school children in their states. And please let the children use this time to say a prayer to you Lord God.
I praise you for this Governor bringing you into
all of his governing of Florida.
I think it is wonderful that this governor has stepped up. How about our teachers at the local level, in other states? There is no law that prohibits a moment of silence in classrooms. No one is telling the student what they must do with that time and if they ask, a variety of suggestions can be made. How do I know this? I live in NYS and instituted a moment of silence for many years in my classrooms. As a teacher, I did not violate any laws, I was challenged by a few students and just explained it could be a time that they could reflect on their upcoming day in whatever way they choose, but it was to be done in quietness. We never know what we can do until we step up. I retired just before the pandemic. Many teachers can have the same freedom I experienced. I encourage teachers to do what can be done, check the laws thoroughly and be creative. God opens closed doors and makes a way where there is formerly not been a way.
I am a public middle school teacher and am so grateful for your comment. Right before I read it I was wondering how to gain momentum to effect change in my building and district. Frankly, there is a significant portion of our student population that would see this as an opportunity for intentional disruption and anarchy. Since it is not in the school handbook I don’t know what kind of leverage I would have to insist administration enforce it at the building level. I don’t think the union would be of much help since this is not a contractual issue. Students who engage in this behavior are often modeling their parents values so I most likely will get no support there. Ignoring disruptions doesn’t work with this group. Do I address the PTA, the school board with like minded colleagues, write a letter to my Governor? These are probably good starting places but what is effective? Please pray not only for me but for other teachers who are like you and me; boots on the ground, in the arena, and ready to step up. Heavenly father, please make a way for prayer to return to our schools across this nation. In Jesus’s name, amen.
The old adage, “How do you eat an elephant, one bite at a time.” Start with your own classroom and insist on a quiet time at the beginning of your day with first period or homeroom. I told my class this is how we would start our day and it was a few minutes so they could prepare themselves for their day at school, to reflect, draw, or if they had a belief exercise it. My students were not easy students to deal with or teach, to say they were at risk was an understatement. Talk to other teachers in your school that are Christians and encourage them to do what they can do, find a prayer partner or group. Prayer with others outside your contractual hours. So often we think we must evangelize or quote scripture to be effective, not so, paraphrasing the Truth has helped me often in many types of meetings. Pray and ask God for the words. I hope this helps, God blessed my humble attempts and He will bless yours.
Heavenly Father, You are always faithful to Your promises. You said You will always leave a remnant in every generation. And You are doing just that by reviving our education system. And by faith, it will come to fruition in Your time. May You place in office more like Governor DeSantis, who clearly believes in the importance and priority of having the true God in every person’s lives, particularly our future generation’s lives. We thank You in advance. We wait expectantly for Your supernatural presence and power manifested once again in our US of A. In Your awesome name Jesus, we pray. Amen.
Father I thank you for Gov. Desantis and Rep. Fine and their desire to honor You in their seat of authority. May Holy Spirit use these moments to awaken and stir the hearts of our children as they begin their school day. Father we love You and thank You that You have not left us or forsaken us and that You ARE still on Your Heavenly throne receiving and answering the prayers of the saints. We proclaim the U.S.A blessed because You are the Lord over this nation and we claim her people Your people, in Jesus name🙌🙌🙌🙏
God is alive and well! He has given us Governor DeSantis who has shown a back bone in the line of fire that needs to be an example for others in leadership….that “good” can prevail over “evil.” Thank you, Governor DeSantis and Thank you Jesus!
Praise the Lord!! We pray that this time of reflection will be used for the glory of God. By the power of our resurrected Savior, we stand against any flaming arrows that the enemy might use to destroy, distract or cause confusion. By the power of the Holy Spirit may all students and teachers be blessed, no matter what their beliefs or background. May this time be sacred holy ground for those who follow Jesus and it is in His mighty name we pray. Amen
Thank you Lord for providing us with a leader like Ron Desantis. I am a proud Floridian and as Intercessor, I pray for Governor Desantis often. May this bill truly let students reflect and hopefully pray. Great is thy faithfulness, oh Lord our God.
Praise the Lord for a political leader to take a stand for the principles upon which our country wasfounded. We need more men & women to do the same.Also, believers must wake up & let our voices b heard.
Prause the Lord I am so glad Gov DeSantis and Rep Fine did this it is so needed and I am glad teachers can’t make comments to the students if what to mediate on in their silent time protects them from wrong thinking etc.
This is the BEST thing I’ve read for our children in a long time!
Praise the Lord!!
This is a beautiful thing! Thank God for leaders like Fine and DeSantis.
Praise God! Lord Jesus bless these men and women who are standing up and planting their feet and trusting you to lead them in these difficult times. Allow these free moments to enrich these students Father. By the power of the Holy Spirit, help them find You and learn to rely on You. I know You love the little children Lord. I found You at age nine and now I am an ordained Minister. Lord teach them how they can know Your voice. Fill that empty hole in their being Father, so they never feel alone in any circumstance. And allow that belief, and strength, to grow throughout their life. I am so thankful Lord, that the Governor and Rep. Randy Fine used common sense and stepped up and out, and found a way to take personal power back from our enemies. Father, I ask that You protect our children from far-left teachers. Remove them from our schools. Raise up the parents and give them wisdom, strength, and courage to win the battles before them. Put trust in their hearts Lord.
Let them know that we have millions-millions praying for them. Bless them Father. Show them their voice matters. And please continue guiding our governors Lord. Place Your hand at their back and Your divine Light upon their paths. In the power of Your Sons name, I ask for Your Will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Amen.