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I Prayed have prayed
Father, we ask that everything about this case will be brought into the light for all to see. We pray for a cleansing in our government. (Lk 8:17)
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Former acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe said Tuesday that no congressional leaders pushed back against the counterintelligence and obstruction of justice investigations launched against President Trump.

Mr. McCabe told NBC’s “Today” show that he briefed the “Gang of Eight,” the group of top congressional leaders from both parties — which would have included former Speaker Paul D. Ryan and current Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell — about the investigations.

“That’s the important part here,” Mr. McCabe said. “No one objected — not on legal grounds, not on constitutional grounds and not based on the facts.”

In an interview with CBS’s “60 Minutes” to promote his new book “The Threat,” Mr. McCabe revealed that he ordered the two investigations into Mr. Trump because of concerns that the president won the election with Russia’s help.

Mr. McCabe claimed on Tuesday that investigators has several reasons to suggest there was a national security concern, and one theory was that Mr. Trump could be in cahoots with the Russian government.

The former acting FBI director, who was later fired, said it was “entirely possible” that the president is a threat to national security and is complicating the job of U.S. intelligence agencies. (Excerpts from Gabriella Muñoz artcle in The Washington Times)

The Informer February 19, 2019

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Felicia Penner
February 23, 2019

I agree and ask also that you would open the eyes of the blind that they might see the treachery of the Evil one in our government, but also his treachery in blinding them from accepting the gift of salvation, of turning away from Jesus. I ask that all lies of religion and vain philosophies would crumble and the youth of our country would be restored to right reason and come out of the indoctrination that the schools have done to them.

Give us your wisdom, Lord, to see through McCabes accusations. Perhaps he believes his own words. Give back Senate and Congress the power to investigate with integrity, and back to the courts to prosecute with integrity. In Jesus name, Amen

It is an old ploy to pin on the opposing side the act that you yourself has done. May none of your children fall for this deception, dear Lord, in Jesus name, Amen

Shirley Setliff
February 21, 2019


February 20, 2019

[…] Mrs. D (IFA intercessor, posted prayer here.) […]

Marcia Street
February 20, 2019

Thank you Mrs. D for that powerful written prayer I just prayed.

February 20, 2019

Agreeing with Mrs D in prayer!!

Donna Wood
February 20, 2019

I prayed and agreed with Mrs D.

Cynthia Coppersmith
February 19, 2019

Thank you, Mrs. D, for a prayer that is truly Holy Spirit inspired. I prayed with you and praise God for it and you.

Alberta Biss
February 19, 2019

We pray daily for God to open the eyes and ears; soften the hearts of those who are so determined to destroy our President, our Christian beliefs, and our nation.

Valetta Crumley
February 19, 2019

The prayer above is truly God honoring, truth honoring and honoring to our beloved country. I prayed with the writer above.

Karen Secrest
February 19, 2019

Why isn’t the fact that s high ranking national security officer defected to Iran ever mentioned except in a very brief media blip. That person compromised national security more than President Trump.

The Truth shall set us free.

    Denise Arnold
    February 21, 2019

    Agree. That proves those in control of our nation are trying to destroy it. The light is already been shone on the darkness. I recently heard the Spirit say. Now do not be afraid to push back. Your congressional leaders were afraid but I give you Jeremiah 33:3. PRAY IT CALL ON ME. REMIND YOURSELVES EVERY DAY of this word from me. This fight is Spiritual you need strong tools. There is prayer and there is PRAYER. I am with you to help you become stronger to overcome the unseen enemy. Do not give up. Seek and you shall find my full help.

Mrs D
February 19, 2019

We thank You that You desire government to be just in administering peace and liberty equally to all its citizens. For that reason, You have ordained Your people to pray for those in authority. The objective is tranquility in all piety toward You and honor to and for human dignity and virtue in others. To that end, Father, we call forth revelation of Truth so that any people, plans and/or purposes that would sabotage or in any way hinder implementation of equal justice, peace and liberty under the Constitution which You inspired would be stopped and rendered totally powerless. Father, we also lift up and call forth total realignment of the educational systems throughout our Constitutional Republic so that all people, whether young, old or somewhere in between would understand and cling to Your principles of life and integrity. Despite propaganda, lies, ignorance, ill-will, self-doubt, bitterness, and fear we declare that all people will have ears to hear, minds to comprehend, hearts to receive and wills to act upon Truth. Father, we ask for grace and mercy for those who have sought ways/governmental styles that would bring harm or any type of bondage upon others. We declare that they know not what they do and we ask You to show them the error of their ways, enable them to “see” and to repent in humility. Reveal all that needs to be revealed and administer justice to bring restoration and restitution. We thank You, Father, that You have appointed President Donald Trump to lead the United States and other countries into greatness through honoring You above all else. We call forth and thank You for appointing Godly counselors to advise him in the endeavors which lie ahead of him. Keep him and them strong, steadfast, filled with wisdom and diligence to pursue Your plans without compromise, with stamina, focus and spiritual perception and obedience. In like manner, Father, we ask that You would prompt and encourage us to remain faithful to Your ways and Your will so that without bias we may expect the same of all our leaders. We thank You for the power of Holy Spirit within our lives to guide us as we walk out the separateness (holiness) and purity, which is the path You have ordained for each of us to follow. Father, we desire to be Light so that it would be impossible for darkness to remain wherever we go and in whatever we say. May our lives be a testimony to Your greatness so that others see the Model of JESUS, upon which they, along with us, may build their and our lives. We know that many have fallen prey to the plans of the defeated foe, but we declare that the day of reckoning has come; the thief has been revealed and the Restorer of the breach is at hand in each of us. We say, “Welcome, Holy Spirit! As You have looked…we stand ready, willing and able through Your power…Send US!” In JESUS’ Name we pray…

    Lanice White
    February 19, 2019

    Thank you, Mrs. D, for your wonderful prayer! I prayed with you and I praise God for it and for you!

    February 20, 2019

    I too thank you Mrs D for a wide range prayer covering many things. Amen and amen. Lord let it be so as we agree together

    February 20, 2019

    In the name of Jesus I come into agreement with your prayer, Mrs.D

    February 20, 2019

    Yes and Amen to this prayer. I stand in total agreement.

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