An “Esther” in the White House, who has worked closely with President Trump and his family, has asked for a corporate Esther fast from November 2-5, 2019. The fast is a call for the safety and protection of President Trump and his family. There is great concern over increased threats against them. The timing of this fast is 365 days before the 2020 election.
An Esther fast refers to the Scripture in Esther 4:16 in which the Jewish people were facing a slaughter. Esther pleaded with her uncle to gather their people together in corporate intercession for protection. They were to abstain from eating or drinking for three days as they prayed and interceded before Esther went before the king.
Need help preparing for this fast? Sign up for a wonderful 12 day teaching
by famous Bible teacher Derek Prince: How to Fast Successfully.
“Go, gather together all the Jews who are in Susa, and fast for me. Do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. I and my attendants will fast as you do.”
Please join us for this important corporate three-day fast to see this assignment of destruction against President Trump’s life and his family broken. Please begin to pray even now for those who mean to harm our president and his family, that they will be exposed and their plan stopped.
Will you commit to fast November 2-5, 2019? Let us know by leaving a comment. And, please, share this with your friends. There is power in corporate fasting in one accord.
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Just saw this. Can we do another corporate fast for our President? During this crucial time of exposed fraud, lies, and satanic influences I think we need it now more than ever. So does our God fearing President.
Just got this today, Dec. 1 2019, howsoever I pray a hedge of protection around DJT regularly and I intend to step that up!! Yours is not the first post that I have seen about people wanting to murder the best POTUS we have had in my lifetime! “The effectual fervent prayer of a rightous man availeth much”!!! Daily, from now on!!!
I am 36 hours into this three day fast. I am weak this morning and I am keeping activity to a minimum. “God, as we fast and pray today I pray that your hands will go to work to break the assignment of destruction against President Trump’s life and that of his family. Mike and Karen Pence and their family need your protection as well. When is justice going to prevail against President Trump’s enemies? In the book of Esther Haman was hanged on the gallows intended for Mordecai. Surely, Father, U have a plan to bring justice soon to those who dog this President as he continues to drain the swamp in Washington. Thank U for the Esther in the White House who is fasting and praying today also as he/she knows firsthand what this battle is all about. In Jesus Precious name. Amen.
Praying & fasting with you all today, Nov. 3rd.
Lord Jesus, Thank you for the prayers of your saints as we lift up President Trump & his family to you. It is so encouraging for me to know that even as I sit here alone in my apt. that I am in the company of your saints as we agree in prayer. Psalm 133:1 says ‘Behold, how good & how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity’.
I pray a hedge of protection around President Trump, his wife, Melania, Baron, Eric & his family, Donald, Jr. & his family as well as Ivana & her family. I ask that you put a holy shield of armor around them that the enemy cannot penetrate. I ask you for a miracle revival like the Great Awakening of earlier days in history that would encompass the entire country from Northwest to Southeast, from Northeast to Southwest, from North to South and from East to West so that we all may live Godly lives in service to you for your glory, oh Lord. Thank you in advance for what great things you are going to do and for allowing us to be a part of the process. We love you, Lord. In Jesus name we pray.
Joining in prayer!
I’m praying and fasting with you!
Fasting all meals from now until the evening of the 5th, and praying the Greatness of our God will be made manifest in the lives of all those who are joining this sacrificial and sacred time to pray and fast for President Trump and our Nation. May we unite together to usher in the Will and Anointing of God to break EVERY yoke of oppression and deception that is trying to take over the Governmental Authority that rules over us. May we in fasting and humility to God usher up prayers to heal our land and protect those that have His authority to rule and reign over this land. Thru the mouth of Kim Clement (a prophet of God) it was announced almost a decade before Trump became President that they would shout impeach impeach to the Trumpet of God but he would not be impeached and he would reign a 2cnd term. Our prayers need to align with God’s heart and will for this Nation and His beloved Israel. We do not need to fear or dread but to stand resolute and come in alignment and agreement with God’s will and Declare His word! There is nothing that can prevail against the Angel Armies of the Lord…We pray No weapon formed against our President shall prosper and may God guide protect strengthen and uplift His chosen servant to carry out the plans to rebuild and re-establish this Nation as a Nation Undivided and Under God in the name of Jeshua…
I’m in too.
One thing I am noticing–many, many prayers are being offered by our sisters in Christ, but very few prayers written here are being submitted by men. That is not to say that men are not praying, but come on Men! We need you to share your strong prayers with us here. “The prayer of a righteous man accomplishes much! Who better qualified to pray for our President than his fellow man!
I’d heard there was an Esther fast going on, but just got around to finding this website. I’ll be joining you all in prayer and (intense) fasting!
– Jason
GOD bless you, Jason! Thank you so much for joining us in prayer and fasting. The thought came to me this morning that those who oppose GOD’s choice of President and GOD’s purposes and plans will answer to HIM! May the fear of GOD grip each and every person who is actively opposing GOD and may GOD enlighten those who by remaining silent when they see wrongdoing are also opposing HIM. In Jesus Name, Amen.
I too am joining in the fast, believing that God is restoring justice, righteousness and holiness to our nation. Believing that the plans of the enemy will crumble upon him, and that Jesus and His ways will be lifted up and that there will be a great turning of America to Him. Protect and use President Trump to do your will in our land.
Thank you all for praying. I am also joining in the fast and praying for the President, his family and our nation. I’m in agreement with Birgie – protect him Lord and use President Trump to do your will in our land.
Psalm 54:
1 Come with great power, O God, and rescue President Trump!
Defend him with Your might.
2 Listen to our prayer, O God.
Give ear to the words of our mouths
5 May the evil plans of his enemies be turned against them.
Do as You promised and put an end to them.
6 We will sacrifice a voluntary offering to You;
We will praise Your Name, O LORD,
for it is good.
7 For You have rescued the President from his troubles
and helped him to triumph over his enemies.
Amen to what Rosa prayed. In addition Lord, I pray that You will grant President Trump an increased measure of Your wisdom in responding to his political foes, teaching him not to respond with fleshly might or power, but by Your powerful Spirit. May the words of his mouth and the meditation of his heart be in step with you. May all that you have assigned him to accomplish be done in accordance with Your will and to Your honor and glory.
Amen! In unity with all my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus!
You Lord are the Lord of the Breakthrough. We decree You have broken through the enemies schematic and battle headquarters like the breaking through of mighty waters.
Dear Heavenly Father I come to you now in Jesus Christ Name and pray peace upon President Trump. No weapon formed against him will prosper. No evil shall befall him or his family. I say that you are his rock, fortress, protector and healer.I pray that President Trump has wisdom from heaven. Heavenly Father direct his path and help him lead this country towards freedom and away from evil. Give him wisdom from above Heavenly Father in Jesus Christ’ Name. Amen.
Dear Father, they have surely gathered together against President Trump and his family and administration, BUT because their gathering is not of You, we annul it by the Blood of Jesus. We thank You that Isaiah 54 I7 will be fulfilled over them so that Your Light will shine in the darkness in Jesus name.
And yes I join to fast and pray.
Will also pray and fast for President and country. Praying that God would raise a standard against the enemy and come to the Presidents defense, for the Lord is our defender, advocate, mediator, counselor, and our high priest whoever lives to intercede for us.
Thank you and Father in Heaven, we call upon the Heavenly Host to protect our President, his entire family and the Country. This is a time of great peril in our nation and we ask that Father God, You would show forth Your Protection for all those in our Government who are trying to do Your Will. Give them Your Wisdom, and the courage necessary to stand their ground and move at Your command. The causeless curse will not alight. Expose and bring to justice those who seek to do the work of the real enemy. Confound their plans and shed light on their nefarious schemes. Waste the money of those who plot to do evil and confound their plans. Bless Your People, called by Your Name, with the strength and grace we need in the says in which we serve. In the Precious Name of Jesus, You Son. Amen
Thank you IFA for letting us know about this time of prayer and fasting. I passed this info to some of my friends intercessors.
I will be joining you in fasting two meals a day and praying for our President and his family and the administration as well as the change of hearts, repentance and salvation among the members of the Congress. I am praying the following for the President, Vice-president and their families: Psalm 23, Psalm 91, Psalm 20, Psalm 27 and Psalm 12, Isaiah 59:19, Isaiah 58:14 and Psalm 138. Greater is He, who lives in you than he that is in the world. All government ultimately rest upon Yeshua/Jesus’ shoulders. He is the King over kings of kings and He is in control even in the midst what seems to be chaos. May the peace/shalom of God that surpasses all understanding mount a garrison over your heart and mind through Christ Jesus. Mr. President, be strong and of good courage do not be afraid or dismayed for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Pro. 3:5-6.
Lou, Gene, Ann We will be praying and fasting one meal each day for this great need.
We will also pray prayers of repentance for the sins of our country.
I am joining this fast.
Thank you for this alert! Yes I will be joining you all in fasting 1-2 meals each day and praying. May God bring His people and all of America to repentance and obedience to His Word. I pray Psalm 91 protection over President Trump and all his family and administration and plead the blood of Jesus over them all. In Jesus name.
I’m in! The Lord actually had me start today November 1 and I had no idea that you were calling for this Nov 2-5. I will add this to my prayerful decrees.
I will be fasting with you all Nov. 2-5. Praise God, what a mighty God we serve, He is gathering the troops and sounding the trumpets!
I have felt led as as well to pray during this time that God will raise up an army of men and women who will take on the challenge and obedience of Esther and Mordecai in this time of crisis in our nation. Men and women who will hold loosely to the things of this earth and tightly to things eternal. Who will pray and fast for a nation and its people and be willing to go before the king, before those in authority, to step into the “public square” and speak truth no matter the cost.
Men and women who like Mordecai, will call out, challenge and mentor this young generation to be faithful and obedient to the call of God upon their lives for the welfare of a nation and of their families depends on it. “”For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place but you and your father’s family will perish. And who know but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this.” (4:14)
We are all called to obedience for such a time as this. To prayer and fasting for protection over our President and his family and to step into all that God has for us, right here and right now. Paul in Acts 17:26 says: “From one man He made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and He determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live.”
His call upon our lives has been set from the beginning of time. Praying we will be faithful and obedient and that God will raise up from among us many who will be to our nation as Esther and Mordecai were to this nation of Jews sentenced to death. Willing to fast and pray fervently for Gods will to be done, HIs purposes to be accomplished and the enemy to be defeated. Willing to stand up and speak truth to a world that doesn’t want to hear it. Willing to challenge and mentor, pray over and support those who can do what we can not. May His name be lifted up and glorified through our obedience.
Kathy … Awesome prayer. I too will be fasting and praying as well.
I will fast and pray. Thank you very much for calling us to participate! And praise God for the volumes of anointed prayer arising all over our nation. The Lord loves it when His children partner with Him through prayer, releasing him to accomplish all the great things He has in mind that will bring glory to His name. These are wonderful days to be a sold-out-for-God Christian! We are making a difference in the heavenly realms, and the Lord is working mightily through our efforts. So let us continue our prayers with faith and hope, joy and perseverance, and courage and determination, in the power of the Spirit, all for the glory of our beloved Lord and Savior.
I will join this time of prayer and fasting.
I too will fast and pray. These posted prayers, scriptures, petitions & words of encouragement in unity are brought about by The Wonderful Counselor. Because of Jesus we are boldly approaching God the Father in the courts of Heaven. We are one in Him. I have discovered a fire within me for the precepts of God, What a time to be reading Jeremiah as reading through the Bible over 365 days. “Your words were found, and I ate them. And Your word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart…”. I pray for the blood of Jesus to cover the POTUS and his family. Also, for the VPOTUS and his family. Amen.
Thank you for this!!! My dad is running for Congress after being ousted 5 years ago. He feels the call to return. We feel called to support him rallying the grassroots. Prayer and fasting needed.
I will gladly pray and fast.
I will fast and pray on November 2-5! I pray for our president and his family and our government every day! May God bless everyone who also prays for our president and may the evil against him be deflected by prayer! Amen!
Jer 20:11 MSG But God, a most fierce warrior, is at my side.Those who are after me will be sent sprawling—
Slapstick buffoons falling all over themselves,a spectacle of humiliation no one will forget…A WALL OF PROTECTION IS AROUND TRUMP FOR HIS GOD GIVEN PURPOSE so he will certainly NOT be impeached and WILL WIN a 2nd term in 2020!!!(fellow intercessors you already know this)…The Word of God will triumph over all the wicked imaginations and efforts to bring down Donald J Trump, they will all perish and come to nothing…. Psalm 109:28 TPT- So let them curse me if they want, but I know you will bless me! All their efforts to destroy me will fail, but I will succeed and be glad.
Psalm 21:9-12 MSG -With a fistful of enemies in one hand and a fistful of haters in the other, You radiate with such brilliance that they cringe as before a furnace. Now the furnace swallows them whole, the fire eats them alive! You purge the earth of their progeny, you wipe the slate clean. All their evil schemes, the plots they cook up, have fizzled—every one. You sent them packing; they couldn’t face you.
Yes, I have been praying for the POTUS And his family. Including prays for his emotional and mental health, I am amazed he’s able to carry on. I will fast, having diabetes I’m a little concerned but God will sustain me, this I pray. God bless the USA and the President!
your chosen scripture…. a gift that brings to light, our LIGHT & assurance of HIS Almighty Hand !
God bless the President of the United States!
I will join y’all in fasting and prayer for our president and his family. They are hidden from the enemy’s eyes and the plans of the wicked will be devoured by the locusts of God and overtaken by a flood of living water
yes! Jane and Frank will join in the fast on the 2,3 and 4 of November 2019. I sense the urgency.
The LORD put urgency also to fast since this Monday 28 till 1st of November….SURELY THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD IS WORKING CORPORATE IN HIS BODY
Will be fasting during these appointed days. We fast and He will hear and answer. Important to remember 2 Chronicles 7:14 – If my people who are called by name would humble themselves and pray, seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin and HEAL THEIR LAND. As we pray for our President we must recognize the fact that we are living in a time in which we are seeing the fruit of the sin of a nation that has turned away from its G-d. Time to intercede, L-rd awaken more in Your body as to the urgency of the hour.
I will pray and fast also… NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST PRESIDENT TRUMP AND HIS FAMILY WILL PROSPER.. GOD will be President Trumps stronghold
What do you think might happen if we each prayed Psalm 40 sincerely as our vow to the Lord and prayed for our president for the grace to also pray Psalm 40 sincerely as his vow to the Lord?
I will pray it and agree it with you amen
I am 69, I usually fasted by only a meal a day, I don’t know if I will hang on by three days without eating, so please pray for me also, thank you.
Lifting you up during this Fasting and Prayer. Hear what the Lord Instructs You to do….
Thank you.
I wrote about this very thing in my latest News Letter, titled Mickey Mouse at sightedmoon dot com about why the President is in great danger from the left.
Yes I will be fasting for President Trump, His family and our entire nation.
I will be joining The Esther Fast with you all.I will be joining everyone in prayer for President Trumps protection, peace, calm and sound mind and that our Father God would bring forth His justice. That the plans of the enemy would fail.
I want to fast maybe 1 or 2 days for I am not well but I want our president and family to be safe.
Yes, I am going to fast and pray for our president! God heal our land!
We will fast & pray for president Trump!
Ps. 75:10 “For God says: I will cut off the strength of the wicked, but I will increase the power of the godly.” I will endeavor to fast and pray according to His word, Nov. 2-5
Yes I too will pray and fast! I pray often and much for our president his family and all of the great people in Congress who are supporting our president! There is no question God has appointed Donald Trump to this office! May God rebuke Satan and all of his minions! Glory and praise be to God almighty! Continue to give our president wisdom and vision and continue to blaze a trail through this treacherous Washington DC swamp!
Lord God, Keep Your hedge of protection around Donald Trump, his family and his administration. Keep him steadfast and true on the path You have set before him Lord. Let him know believers in Your Promises Lord God rally around him and pray for him as he directs this nation in the way that You want it go Lord. Keep all evil from him and only allow in those things which come from You, Lord God. In Jesus Christ, I pray!
I will fast and pray.
I will pray and fast during this time and will share with others to do the same!
I will pray and fast for our president. I can’t believe how he is being persecuted!! I’m appalled at our country right now. We need Jesus!
Amen. Pour out Your Spirit, Lord
Thank you for calling this fast and thank you for this aid to praying for our president. I will gladly join in both!
Psalms 141
President Trump’s Eyes are fixed on you Lord in you he takes Refuge do not give him over to death. Keep President Trump safe from the trapes set by evildoers, from the snares they have laid for the President.Let the wicked fall into their own nets,while He and his family pass by in Safety. In Jesus Name.
I am praying and will continue to pray . Also will fast.
My husband and I will pray and fast during this time frame. We have been praying daily and fasting weekly for our beloved President since his inauguration. We will not cease to pray for him, his family, and his administration…the gates of hell will NOT prevail!!
I am currently fasting and will continue to. God promises that He WILL RAISE UP A STANDARD like a flood when the enemy comes in. satan’s days are so numbered and he is pouring out his wrath….We KNOW how this all ends! God has and will continue to strengthen President Trump…The very blood of Jesus that is as powerful today as it was when He hung on that cross is applied to our beloved President, his family, staff and all who support him. The enemy thinks he has the upper hand…I have three words for him. LAKE OF FIRE!! I thank You in advance Jesus for the victory You have accomplished when You PLUNDERED HELL!
I will fast and pray with all of you.
Praying! My parents and my church taught me to pray for all politicians in power and for our world. Continuing to pray for safety for America, the President and his family and for our Nation. Dear Lord, Please protect our President, his family, the entire population of America, no matter what nationality or skin color they have. You made us all in your image. Dear Lord, Please cover the President, his family, the population of America with your protection as you describe in Psalm 91. Please cover the President, his family and everyone in America….even the population of the entire world with the PROTECTION of Psalm 91. Thank you Lord…in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit…thank you Lord…Amen, Amen and Amen.
Yes, I will be glad to participate. I presently fast Wednesday’s and Friday with bread and water, called by the Blessed Mother at Medjugorje. Is an Esther fast along these same lines?
My husband and I will be fasting and praying no weapon formed against president trump and his family will prosper and pleading the Holy Blood of Jesus amen and amen
I would be honored!
Will do. Hallelujah!!
I will fast and pray for protection and faithfulness to Christ by President Trump.
I will pray and Fast for our President & Family. I also pray as MANY are calling for a National Day of Repentance on November 3, 2019 this PROCLAMATION will be HERALDED FROM THE WHITE HOUSE THROUGH Vice President Pence!!! Alleluia Praise the Lord!!!!
I agree with that prayer in the almighty name of Jesus!Amen!!
Yes, I too am thrilled to be able to fast for our White House family as initiated by our own Esther. I am proud to do this. I have been unable to contribute financially but pray daily for our President and his family. Thank you Queen Esther (Melania Trump) for recognizing this most important act. Yea! Go God!
Then Job answered the Lord and said, “I know that You can do all things, and that no purpose of Yours can be thwarted.” Job 42:1, 2
Father, we believe Your purpose is to get the United States back on the right track for protection of life and religious liberty both here and around the world. You have chosen President Trump to lead our nation and we trust You to provide the protection he and his family need. Thank You in the powerful name of Your Son Jesus. Amen.
I am committed to pray flor President Trump, his family, and administration loyal to him and will commit to fast and pray Nov. 2-5. Praying Psalm 91 this morning.
It is with joy that I commit to fast and prayer for our President and his family.
I will commit to fasting and prayer.
I sure will. Count me in
Count me in to Fast & Pray November 2nd-5th for POTUS & First
I commit to fast
Father, we thank you for this man of great courage, Donald Trump, who has placed himself in the midst of opposition on our behalf in order to bring truth and honor back to this great land in which we live…. A man who is not ashamed of the name Jesus Christ. We ask for protection over him, his family and loved ones. Send to him those who support him and speak words of encouragement to him and his family. We are not ashamed of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. We pray the blood of Jesus over this family.
A heartfelt “Thank you” to the Trump family.
I will join the fast and prayer.
I will fast and pray
Will join you in this fast! God arise and let Your enemies be scattered!
Amen & amen! I just prayed that this morning.
Thank you for organizing a fast for the president and his family. I will fast and pray for President Trump and his family. I can not do a n Ester fast for health reasons. I pray for him and his family every morning. Frequently on Saturday evening I pray they will enjoy their Sabbath-rest, Hebrews 4:9-11. I am already fasting on Friday, October 25th. Thank you to all who are fasting and praying for our president.
Also, pray for the President for October 25th. There is word that witch covens are gathering to put binding curses and spells on the President. I cancel these plans of the enemy in the name of Jesus and his shed blood. Lord shine your Truth on these witches and expose them. Let your love draw them to repentance. In Jesus Name
Amen and Amen, so be it. Agreeing in prayer with Mary. In Jesus Name. Amen
I am also standing in agreement with Mary. Amen.
Amen! Thank you Lord that greater are You that is within us (the body of Christ) than he who is in the world! We thank you that Your light shines into the darkness to dispel it. We stand together as ONE and speak truth over our President and his family that the angel of the Lord would encamp around them and bring deliverance from evil. We cut off these curses and render them powerless in the mighty name of Jesus!
We all will join to lift up our president to the most high. Writing from Mauritania.
I will fast and pray for our President
, his family and those the LORD God has chosen to be in President Trump’s administration.
PRAYER POINTS in Jesus’ name:
YHWH Tzva’ot, the LORD God of Hosts we
Let every mole in the White House, every personality, disembodied and non-disembodied with a Judas spirit around POTUS, FLOTUS or administration be exposed and removed; let them be arrested and taken to their appointed place – we decree justice to be served
Let every spiritual Human hang
Let any demonic or satanic womb filled with evil plots miscarry now! and give the enemy dried up breasts (Hosea 9:14)
Let every evil programming into the womb of time be reversed into a blessing for our President and our nation
We issue counter motions and counter attacks in the spiritual realm and deploy the sword of the LORD into the N, S, E and W, We call upon angelic reinforcement and enlist the assistance of all creation to make manifest the word of GOD;
We invoke Holy Ghost fire even into the waters of this world.
And we decree and declare they shall fall by the sword of the LORD – – for it is written:
Isaiah 54:15
Indeed they shall surely assemble, but not because of Me. Whoever assembles against you shall fall for your sake.
This we ask in the name of Jesus and override, overrule any objections, we wipe out any demonic ordinances by the superior blood of Jesus, as we demand the unconditional release of the victory in Jesus’ name and we revoke any legal right the adversary has gained as we stand in the gap and repent on behalf of our nation and President – in Jesus’ name. AMEN
God bless you, and all who join in this most important life and death battle.
Dear LORD God Almighty, we come praising You and giving You glory! We thank You for Your answers to prayer for Your righteousness to overcome the evil in this world we live in. Protect President Trump in his courageous fight for the unborn, we understand the hordes of satan have come against him. Forgive us for our slowness in joining this battle, as it started in 1973, and the church was silent. We are born for such a time as this, and we ask strength and power from the Holy Spirit as we fast and pray for Your Holy will be done. We are strengthened by the thought that we are not alone in our battle for ourselves and our children’s future, and for the saftey and freedom to worship You, oh LORD. By the precious blood that Jesus shed, and by the power of His name, we come boldly to ask these things. Amen.
Thunderous Amen and Amen!
Amen to this powerful prayer! I agree wholeheartedly!
Shalom Nancy, glory to God and thank you for being in agreement, as we all stand in agreement on one accord. Blessings to you – in Jesus’ name. Amen
31OCT2019 correction, sorry for my typo
• let every spiritual *Haman hang in Jesus’ name. Amen
But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. For He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.
Matthew 5:44-45
Lord, scripture reminds us to pray for our enemies, yet in this battle for our govt, good vs evil, the enemy is often in stealth mode. Lord, we pray for protection of Pres Trump, his family, counsel of advisors & their families, the administration, their families as well as all elected officials and especially for the media. Father we pray for their souls, as we know many are hostile to You, Your Son, Your Holy Scripture and will cover themselves in any form of sin to keep from feeling the burden and conviction of the guilt and shame. Lord You will call whom You will, You are Sovereign over all of this, and You have known about it since the beginning of time. So we wont worry, for what can that add, but we will stand for You, for Your righteousness, Lord it is time we are silent no more. May we praise and proclaim Your glory, for all who have ears let them hear. And for the rest, well let us not say we were negligent in declaring your name. In Jesus name may we repent of our sins as a nation, and humbly bow before You. Give is the strength and remind us to encourage one another as we know the evil one will do all to come between us and You, and may that never be. For Your Glory oh God of Heaven and Earth. Amen
I intend to fast but because of Diabetes I can only skip one meal every day of the fast. More then that would be very dangerous.
Please fast carefully and with your doctor’s approval. You can also fast from something Else like television, or other creature comforts. Seek the Lord.
I will fast on those days for the President and his family.
Mary Alice
I will fast on those days for the President and his family.
I pray psalm 91 protection over president Trump and family and administration.
I will do the Esther fast!
Beloved Abba, You said “I will bless them that bless you and curse them that curse you” and “Whatsoever you do to the least of these… you do to me.” President Trump has been such a friend to Israel, and he seeks to stop the slaughter of Your innocent preborn children. Thank You for sending this president for these times. I pray that you will bless President Trump and his family, and protect them from the attacks against them. In the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus, Amen.
Note the fast of the Lord found in Isaiah 58: 6 – 12 with its glorious RESULTS!!
Yes! I will fast and pray for our President. There is amazing power in unity fasting.
Ernie says …
10/22/’19, 4:45pm
Dear Lord, God of peace and justice, protect President Trump, our nation and the world from the evil ones trying to destroy all the good and blessings you have given us.
May good triumph over evil; may right triumph over wrong! For as the President goes, so goes the nation and the world. Amen.
Lord, You raised Trump for such a time as this. I plead the blood of Jesus over President Trump, his family, his staff, and his supporters. I pray a hedge of protection over all. I pray that You continue to expose all those who come against him, I bind their mouths from speaking evil against him, I bind their thoughts from thinking evil ways against him, I bind their hands from doing any harm against him, I bind, blind, void, and nullify everyone who is coming against him and I call them all saved and on fire for You Lord. That every knee will bend and they WILL Call out on the Name of Jesus. And Lord, for those who refuse, we send them all to the foot of the cross, and allow You to place judgment upon them. In Jesus Name. Amen. Thank You Lord for answered prayers.
I marked it on my calendar!
I will fast on those days for the President and his family.
I will join and commit to pray and fast for the President and his family and cabinet members.
Lord God, we cry out to you, to contend with those who contend with our President, fight against those who fight against him. Lord, take up shield and buckler, arise and come to his aid; brandish spear and javelin and say to him that You are his salvation. Lord, please be a Shield around our president, bestow Your glory on him and be the Lifter of his head. Please do all of this for his family, as well. I pray that You, the God of all peace would crush satan under his and his family’s feet. In Jesus’ holy name I pray. Amen
Amen! God watches over His word to perform it.
If the Lord had not been on President Trump’s side, let him now say– If the Lord had not been on President Trump’s side when men and demons attacked him, then they would have swallowed him alive in their burning anger against him and his family. Then the waters would have engulfed them, the torrent would have swept over them, the raging waters would have swept over them. Praise the Lord, Who has not let President Trump be ripped apart by their teeth. He has escaped like a bird from the hunter’s net; the net is broken, and President Trump has escaped. His help is in the name of the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. Psalm 124
Amen and amen!
My church and my prayer group had prayed and will continue praying for you and your family President Trump!
Much thanks to Lane, your prayer group, and your church for CONTINUALLY lifting up our President, his family, and ALL who are working with him. It takes sacrifice and determination to hold a prayer group, and God sees your faithfulness. May many blessings be returned to you as you obey our Lord in meeting together. Love and prayers in Jesus
The fight we fight is not against humans it is against the powers and principalities of the spirit world! Our weapons are not if this world but through the power of prayer and fasting and calling on God to fight our battles! We must be diligent in putting on the full armor of God so that we can withstand the flaming darts of our enemy! We repent on behave of our country and all the atrocious sins we have and are committing! Father Forgive us for unless you forgive us there is no Hope! Father come against all the evil and demonic darts being thrown at our President, his family, the cabinet and advisors, against those who are advising him. Father we prayer that you put your hedge of protection around them and that as we, your children stand in the gap, seeking your face, you will hear our cries and heal our land! Jesus alone is the answer to all!! Thank you for sending Donald J Trump to be our President and remind this country of it’s roots! Thank you Father for hearing our prayers and may we be found faithful during not only the fast in Nov but Saturday as well when the forces of Satan try to cast their horrendous spells of evil on our President. May they fall short and be cast into the swine! We love you Jesus, we love you Father and we love you Holy Spirit! Come and move upon us mightily!
I will join the fast and prayer for our president and his family
I will also join the fast and pray for president Trump and his family.
My prayer group and I will be praying for our President…, my husband and I will pray too
It was on my heart he was in danger a few days ago so I am so grateful you have taken it upon yourselves to speak up and ask for a fast for this reason. Thank you! Lord we agree and pray that the weapons and plans of the enemy will be stripped from him and all plans come to naught by the power in our agreement faith and trust in the Lord of Angel Armies. In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ. Amen!
I will commit to pray and fast from November 2 – 5, 2019.
I claim the blood of Jesus poured out over Donald Trump, all his family and supporters. I thank God for their courage and pray they and we exhibit His grace and truth always. I will pray and fast. Thank you.
Amen, I agree. I will pray and fast.
I agree with the prayer for Psalm 91. I will fast and pray for the president and his family and for salvation for the perpetrators of murder and death.
May The LORD be glorified as HE reaches down from Heaven and saves us all from the wickedness that is at work in the government of the USA. This attack is not just against The President of the United States as serious as that is, it is against everybody who voted for him. LORD, we beseech You. Have mercy on your children and spare us all from the evil plans of those who are not only opposing the President, but who are opposing YOU, for he is Your choice to govern this country and we thank You for all that has been accomplished because of His courage. Father, put an end to this attempted coup, In Jesus Name, Amen.
The problem for the USA is unrepented sin and impeaching Trump has nothing to do with that. We need intercessors equally focused on safety for Trump and national revival and yeah personal revival too
“Search me O God and know my heart and see if there be any wicked way in me.”
As we begin to kneel in prayer for our President, we can ask the LORD to show us where we are at fault, so that our prayers will not be hindered, for God’s Word says, “If I regard iniquity in my heart He will not hear me.” Always best to keep short accounts with GOD.
Amen Mari! Fist we must banquish pride and every selfish way and ask for an infilling of the Father’s love and heart view. Since 2017, We have been praying for the protection of our President (his family and staff) in our Presidential Prayer Watch and (nightwatch) at The Gathering Church, Moravian Falls. I intend to join this fast!
Amen. Thank you Mari, I will be joining the fast, may the Lord be glorified by this remnant for our nation and the world
May we each seek the Lord, asking for the burden of our hearts to be stirred and any sin to be repented of BEFORE beginning to fast, that our prayers be like a sweet aroma to our God, may His Son Lord over our lives, and may we humble ourselves knowing our works are nothing as He knows our hearts. Oh Lord, we need You!
Yes i will set alarms on my phone to remind me of this Esther fast. Also have heard there may be an attack planned at the seattle football game that weekend, we pray with strikeforce of prayer too. In the Mighty name of Jesus, may evil be stopped, exposed and punished. Amen
These are perilous times where the Enemy is lashing out as changes are being made in our government and evil is being revealed. We as intercessors have been given the privilege of being on the front lines of prayer for God’s purposes to be fulfilled in our nation. What a humbling and blessed assignment!
Thank you for calling this corporate fast! I will gladly pray and fast for the President and his family on Nov 2-5.
President Trump, his family and our nation are in my Warroom prayers always. And I will join you on this fast!
Father God. I declare and decree Psalm 91 over President Trump and his family. Dispatch your warring angels to surround him and his family and no weapon formed against them will prosper. Thank you Lord for hearing my prayer In Jesus name I pray. Amen. Joining the fasting and prayer along with repentance.
I will be joining everyone in prayer and fasting for our President, his family, and patriots world-wide!
Claiming Jesus’ power!
Praying Psalm 27 over our President and family and inserting their names.
The Lord is my light and my salvation—
whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the stronghold of my life—
of whom shall I be afraid?
2 When the wicked advance against me
to devour[a] me,
it is my enemies and my foes
who will stumble and fall.
3 Though an army besiege me,
my heart will not fear;
though war break out against me,
even then I will be confident…
For in the day of trouble
he will keep me safe in his dwelling;
he will hide me in the shelter of his sacred tent
and set me high upon a rock.
6 Then my head will be exalted
above the enemies who surround me;
at his sacred tent I will sacrifice with shouts of joy;
I will sing and make music to the Lord…
Teach me your way, Lord;
lead me in a straight path
because of my oppressors.
12 Do not turn me over to the desire of my foes,
for false witnesses rise up against me,
spouting malicious accusations.
13 I remain confident of this:
I will see the goodness of the Lord
in the land of the living.
14 Wait for the Lord;
be strong and take heart
and wait for the Lord.
Amen & Amen
Amen! I will be fasting and praying for President Trump.
“No weapon formed against him will succeed, and he shall refute every tongue that rises against him in judgment. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and their vindication is from me, declares the LORD”. Isaiah 54:17
Yes, to fasting and praying!
I commit to pray and fast for President and his family. Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world.
I will fast and pray…
I pray Psalm 91 & Isiah 54:17 over the entire Trump administration and family and over all his followers for protection. I plead the blood of Jesus over every place and step our President takes along with his family. Amen
Amen & Amen!!psalm 91! YES!!
I agree! “No destruction shall come nigh their dwelling place.” Even their bodies which is the dwelling place of the Lord.
The Minority Coalition in Escambia County in Pensacola, FL will join in this prayer and fasting for our President and his family! We believe strongly that God will answer prayer and hear the cry of his people! Psalms 121, 91, and 23! Pray it over them everyday! The Word of God is powerful!
Will fast and pray as we’re able in Kenya.
I will fast and pray.
What an honor to fast and pray for our president and his family. I will fast and pray the Psalms for God’s word will not return to us void.
Re:Witches VS. President etc.
This Friday October 25th,2019.
Ro 8:9b “.,IF the Spirit of God lives in you.”
1 Cor 12:3b” one can say,”Jesus is Lord,” except by the Holy Spirit.”
RV 12:11″overcame..
.by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony;”
By faith – 1 Jn 5:4
– A Personal Relationship with Jesus Christ! –
It is not just our president Esther ordered a fast to protect an entire religious race. Christianity is marked for slaughter because we will not bow down and worship the lgbtq agenda. I am urging other family members also to fast and pray.
I will fast and pray for President Trump and his family.
I pray a prayer many times a week for our president. We are not fighting a war with flesh and blood, but principalities and powers of the unseen world. Satan is working hard to destroy this president. But God has him on a short leash. Me must pray for the safety and protection of the Trump family calling out angels with their swords to protect and guard the family during these hard times. Everyone ! Fasting is powerful. God hears the prayers of his people. Let’s all fast and pray!
Amen and amen!
I just saw a notice that the witches that have been praying for harm against our President every year on a special day are preparing to do that again. We need to pray for that as well. That day is: Friday November 25th! They are planning on casting some type of spell. We need to get as many people together as we can on that day and pray feverishly for President Trump and his family.
Praise God that He is greater and more powerful than all of hell! Jesus Christ took the keys of death and destruction from Satan himself, so we already have the victory! But, we must come together as Christians and Americans and bind the powers and principalities of hell that are still trying to come against us, our families, our nation and President Trump. United we can destroy the works vid the devil and all those that are working under the influence of Satan. It’s time to rise up, be bold and take our stand for such a time as this! Hallelujah!!!
I declare in the Mighty Name of JESUS CHRIST the Only Son of Almighty GOD that satan is a defeated foe and we must give him no room. Necessary to repent of all association with withcraft before we can pray effectively: Go through your home, vehicle, and ask Holy Spirit to identify any item, any book, or jewelry, or poster, or horoscope, or video game, or painting that is occultic and get rid of it! Then pray–We cannot serve two masters.
Yes Amen!
I love reading the responses of faithful Intercessors.
As God preserved King David, He will preserve
President Trump.
What a privilege to join with you.
Yes it is! God is faithful and will protect our President and His plan will be fulfilled.
Thank you for sharing that information. We will pray on Nov 25th as well.
Sorry, it is this week on October 25th…
Praying, fasting as I can. It is written. No weapon formed against him shall prosper. Every tongue that accuses him he shall condemn this is the heritage of the servants of the Lord. Protect him I God and his family. Grant him wisdom and insight. Deliver him from evil. Your Kingdom come Your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Suzy, I went to write this on my calendar and Nov 25th is a MONDAY! Would you please check the date. Either the day or the date is wrong. I would like to ask my intercessory prayer group to pray and want to give them the right day. October 25 is a Friday & it is near Halloween the day the witches like to celebrate. Please let us know, THANK YOU.
So sorry, that date is this week: October 25th.. Thanks for replying with that!
Thank you for the update. God bless you.
Yes, thank you for the correction. I pray for him daily and will pray with fervor on the October 25th. I always ask that a Holy Spirit wall of fire encircle him and his family; a holy fire so strong that no enemy can penetrate!
YES, Suzy! We should also pray against this wickedness on Nov 25th AND also on Halloween! Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Love and prayers in Jesus
Sorry, I typed the wrong date. It is this FRIDAY OCTOBER 25TH, not November.. Thank you!!!!
Lord, thanks for this opportunity to join with a praying army of folks who will be humbling ourselves to pray & seek Your face & turn from our sin.
All praise be to You now and forever more.
Thanks for all You will do as we simply quiet ourselves and pray the things that You put on your heart, for the safety & Spiritual growth of our President and his family& staff.
And thank you Father,
that even though (because of my health)
I can’t stop eating,
I can certainly put aside any sugary and sweet things to allow Bland food to remind me what it means to humble myself and surrender to You for a mighty move of Your Spirit over our concern for Your favor, protection of President & his family & staff.
We bless You Father, w/ joyous Thanksgiving,
in Jesus name & AMEN!!!
I will fast and pray for our president.
Who said LOVE is unconditional? LOVE is a heart issue! Our Hearts! Arise from the wilderness. Every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God (daily bread), serve God only, don’t put God to the test. He showed us the way to win these battles in the narrow road!
“Cry loudly, do not hold back; Raise your voice like a trumpet, And declare to My people their transgression And to the house of Jacob their sins.
Yet they seek Me day by day and delight to know My ways, As a nation that has done righteousness And has not forsaken the ordinance of their God. They ask Me for just decisions, They delight in the nearness of God.
‘Why have we fasted and You do not see?
Why have we humbled ourselves and You do not notice?’
Behold, on the day of your fast you find your desire, And drive hard all your workers.
Behold, you fast for contention and strife and to strike with a wicked fist.
You do not fast like you do today to make your voice heard on high.
Is it a fast like this which I choose, a day for a man to humble himself?
Is it for bowing one’s head like a reed And for spreading out sackcloth and ashes as a bed? Will you call this a fast, even an acceptable day to the Lord ?
Is this not the fast which I choose,
1. To loosen the bonds of wickedness,
2. To undo the bands of the yoke, And to let the oppressed go free And break every yoke?
3.Is it not to divide your bread with the hungry
4. And bring the homeless poor into the house;
5. When you see the naked, to cover him; And not to hide yourself from your own flesh?
Then your light will break out like the dawn, And your recovery will speedily spring forth; And your righteousness will go before you; The glory of the Lord will be your rear guard. Then you will call, and the Lord will answer; You will cry, and He will say, ‘Here I am.’
1. you remove the yoke from your midst,
2. The pointing of the finger and speaking wickedness,
3. And if you give yourself to the hungry
4. And satisfy the desire of the afflicted,
THEN your light will rise in darkness And your gloom will become like midday.
AND the Lord will continually guide you,
AND satisfy your desire in scorched places,
AND give strength to your bones;
AND you will be like a watered garden,
AND like a spring of water whose waters do not fail.
THOSE from among you will rebuild the ancient ruins; You will raise up the age-old foundations;
AND you will be called the repairer of the breach, The restorer of the streets in which to dwell.
Isaiah 58:1-12
Yes, I’ll be praying and will fast according to God’s leading.
I will fast and pray.
From Psalm 2: The Kings of the earth and rulers take counsel together against the Lord…He that sits in the heavens shall laugh; the Lord shall have them in derision. The Lord says He has set His choice of the King upon His holy mountain.”
Perfect scripture!
Amen! Amen! Amen! Meantime, LORD, please bring comfort to the first family today. In Jesus Name, I pray. Amen.
I will gladly pray,but must do a modified fast,as many can do. I had a God dream about the president right after Franklin Graham’s call to prayer earlier this year and I know we are needed and called to do our part to defend our nation.
I will join my brothers and sisters in this time of prayer and fasting for President Trump and his entire family. Just as the enemy was exposed and hung on his own gallows, so will those who have plotted and schemed will be exposed and brought to kustice as well in Jesus’ mighty name!
Would to GOD that they would come to their senses and publicly repent of their wickedness, so that the gallows won’t be needed! GOD is so long-suffering, but HE won’t wait forever!
Dear Channah< I come from Holland and I live here now 9 years,I am so glad to see that people from The Netherlands live with us to pray for Trump, I believe God is doing an great work and Trump is the next President in name Of Yeshua, I will also pray and fast for the president and his family.
God Bless you All, greetings Ellen.
I John 3:8 declares “for this purpose the son of God was made manifest that he might destroy the works of the devil”. And Ps. 31:18 “Let the lying lips be put to silence; which speak Grevious things proudly and contemptuously against the righteous”. Hosea 5:10 “Those who remove the landmark (barrier between right and wrong) I will pour out my wrath upon them like water”. I am asking God to expose the unjust actions and fizzle out false hoods and break powers of witchcraft against President Trump and our leaders, binding the devil and works of darkness, and demolish structures that mock God and pervert the truth. May God surround the entire Trump family with a hedge of heavenly protection.
I will fast and pray for our president, his family and those who stand with him.
Yes I will fast and pray I pray everyday but yes this corporate fast is key to move ahead in the Kingdom of our God!
Thank you Jesus for our president! Thank you that you chose him to come forth for such a time as this! And we come together and agree together for his safety and protection, his family and all who are knit together with him.
I want to share with you with the Lord showed me about our president several months ago so you can agree along these lines as well and then I went out with some scriptures that we can pray over him to add to the other side of the mentioned. Jesus said that when President Trump comes out of office, he will not be old looking and wore out and used up, but he will be full of the Zoe life of God and be younger even in body, because the zeal of the Lord of host is performing all that he is doing. And I asked the Lord for a scripture to pray over him regarding this and immediately Psalms 91:14-17 came to me, Because he has set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he has known My name. He shall call up on Me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honor him. With long life will I satisfy him, and show him My salvation.
Amen and amen!
Isaiah 14:24-27
Isaiah 62:1, 6-11
Psalms 33:8-12
Isaiah 46:10-11
Isaiah 9:6-7
Isaiah 44:27-45:3
Daniel 4:34-35
Jeremiah 1:9-10
Joshua 1:5-6a, 9
Psalm 27:1-3, 5-6, 11-13
Zechariah 9:13-16
Isaiah 34:8
Psalm 20:1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9
Jeremiah 33:20-24
Psalm 31:4, 14-20
Isaiah 54:13-17 He is taught of The LORD
Yes and Amen!
In the name of Jesus I will join you in fasting and praying for our President protection and that of his family.
Yes, I will fast and pray for the President. Praying Psalm 89: “with my holy oil have I anointed him:
21 With whom my hand shall be established: mine arm also shall strengthen him.
22 His enemies shall not outwit him; nor the son of wickedness afflict him.
23 And I will beat down his foes before his face, and plague them that hate him.
24 But my faithfulness and my mercy shall be with him: and in my name shall his horn (authority) be exalted.
25 I will set his hand also in the sea, and his right hand in the rivers.
26 He shall cry unto me, Thou art my father, my God, and the rock of my salvation.” in Jesus Name.
I was join this fast and send this to others also.
Yes and Amen!
Joining in prayer, I too pray for our President and his family. May our Lord God, Creator of the Universe, surround President Trump and his family with His Power and Protection. May He give them discernment and wisdom beyond our human understanding. And may the Holy Spirit guide them and deliver them from all lies and vindictive behavior. May our First Family turn to You, oh Lord, for comfort, strength, and courage. In You alone we trust. Help us to be strong and courage supporters as well.
In Jesus Name, Amen
I by The Grace of God , will join in this time of prayer and fasting for our President , his family and every leader that stands with him . Also will lift up Benjamin Netanyahu and Israel .A three strand cord not easily broken is God,Israel and America .America can not stand without God or Israel .
Yes! And amen!
Amen and Amen!!
I will fast and pray the Word if the Lord over the President and family and our nation.
I will pray how many meals a day the Lord will give me grace for.
Will continue to pray and send word to my friends to especially pray for Trump. From Carol in Brisbane, Australia.
Thank you Carol from Australia! GOD has the whole world in His hands! While we’ll be praying during our day here in the U.S.A., You, dear friend, will be praying during your day in Australia! Worldwide prayer! How wonderful! Halleluia!
Agreeing in prayer with you all for Jesus’ Glory in USA & God’s Mercy & Wisdom for President Trump for such a Time as THIS !
Praying A hedge of protection around our president and his family and all those who are standing in the gap for him. That any attempt at harming our president and his family would fail in Jesus Name. A fire wall of protection surrounds our President and his family. Those protecting the president will have supernatural awareness of what is going on and they will have eyes to see and ears to hear and will stop any attempts at harming our president and his family in Jesus name, thereby sending utter confusion into the enemues camp.
I stand in agreement with you completely.
I will fast and pray for our president and family.
I shall fast and declare the word of the Lord. Isaiah 55:11 so shall My word that goeth out of: it shall not return unto Me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing where to I send it.
There are many references in the scriptures to declare over our President, America, Israel. All experiencing tremendous onslaughts of spiritual warfare. Leadership is being attacked falsely, viciously and continually – but our God is mighty to the pulling down of strongholds.
It is time for believers to declare the powerful, everlasting Word of God.
I will fast and pray for our president and his family.
Yes I will fast and pray for our president and his family!
I am humbled to pray and fast as Esther did for such a time as this. Psalm 35:1 ‘Psalm 35: 1 “Contend, O Lord, with those who contend with me;
fight against those who fight against me!”
Glory to God in the Highest and all power in His Son, Jesus Christ! Bless the President and the first family. We deeply pray for wisdom, discernment and protection for the President. Let the President be advised by believers who truly know your Word, Bible prophecy and heed the Holy Spirit not their own agendas. In Jesus name, Amen.
I fully agree with these faithful prayer warriors, and pray for a hedge of protection around all of our Godly leaders and their families. And I also ask that the Lord strengthen and encourage ALL of His people, and that they bond together in such unity that the evil of this age be thwarted and cast out, in Jesus’ name! Amen!
Pat Roberts: I will commit to fast and pray for our President and his family!
Standing with all in prayer and fasting for our President, his family and all those working righteousness in our government. Praying for the eyes of those who have been blinded by the god of this world to be opened to see the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ. May God arise and His enemies be scattered.
What an honor to fast and pray for our President and First Lady. Jesus said “when you fast,” not if you fast. Power and fasting with the right motives can release change in individuals, familes, cities and nations. May ours be changed and turned backed to God as we come together and humble ourselves before God. Derek Prince was a wonderful teacher of God’s word and his books and sermons are more precious than gold in this dark world we live in.
I will pray and fast for President Trump and his family.
I’m happy to join others in prayer and fasting for our President.
I will pray and do my best to fast since I am recovering from surgery.
GOD Bless you Norma! I wish you a speedy recovery and a lovely encounter with The LORD JESUS in your time of prayer and fasting.
I will join in this fast.
I will join & agree in prayer for our president, his family & those who are working righteousness in our nation. Lord, grant President Trump & those working towards righteousness the wisdom of Solomon. Grant them favor & discernment among men & the nations. I plead the blood of Jesus over him & his family, body, soul & spirit. Thank you for this man who cares for your people, Lord. Grant him success in all he puts his hand to. Let no harm come to him as you deliver him from all evil. Be a wall of fire around him in Jesus’ precious name. Amen
I will join in this time of prayer and fasting for President Trump and his family.
I will join you in this fast for our president and his family
Yes I will commit to a fast.
I will pray and fast for our president and his family!
I will join in and fast and pray for our President and his wife and family, for our Vice President, his wife and family. I pray regularly for our nation and all nations. I am so grateful for IFA. What a blessing and what a difference you and all the prayer warriors who commit to prayer because of IFA are.
DECREE……..Ps.75:10 – “I will cut off the strength of evil men,says the Lord, & increase the power of gooodmen in their place.”
Father, I cry out on behalf of our Pres. his fam., administration, secret service, campaign people – volunteers, USA supporters, police- judges law enforcement…..
Supernatural Devine protection!
Yes! Yes! Yes! All authority is under attack. We must agree daily for their protection.
I am joining in this time of fasting and praying against this “spirit of Haman’s” that is coming against our Nation via our President and his family. I pray for a hedge of protection to be placed around them, and around all of those who are following our Lord working in any platform at all levels of Gov’t in the powerful Name of our Lord and Saviour, Amen!
I live in Holland, but I so love your president (wish he was our president!!) and I truly believe that God handpicked him for such a time as this! He needs much, much prayer!! Over here the press only speaks negatively about him, he is ridiculed every day in our papers and on television. It’s horrible. Fortunately there’s the internet and I can keep myself updated on all the good and hopefull reports of what’s going on in the USA. You guys are forerunners!! WWG1WGA…. So I’ll be glad to stand together with you in prayer and fasting, November 2-5!
Be encouraged, stay strong in the Lord and keep warring in the spirit!!!
Much love <3
Thank you dear Channah. You are loved. Agree.
Thank you Dear Hananja !
Thank you for standing with us. Blessings upon you and your nation.
God bless you, dear sister! Thank you!
Yes praying that many will rise up and stand in the gap. Heavenly Father please give your angels charge over our President and his family. Just as the enemies plans to harm the Jews was turned around please turn around this attack on our President and his family. May you use it for your glory show yourself Father to our nation and to the world . Cause your people to humble ourselves under your mighty hand. Forgive us and cause us to turn from our idols of complacency and selfishness. Forgive us for looking to man and government to supply our needs. You are God alone there is no other. We thank you for your long suffering and mercy toward us. Help us to set aside a spirit of strife and walk in unity among the Believers most importantly. Help us to be a light in the darkness. To stand faithful to love and forgive our enemies without compromising the gospel show us teach us what is right and good. Put your Spirit in us that we may please you in all things.
Bless all those who are faithful and of Godly character that are supporting and aiding our President. Deliver us from evil.May you be glorified amen
Thank you Channah and may God bless you! Thinking of Corrie TenBoom and how she must have prayed for Holland. May GOD send a great revival to your country, Channah. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Dear Channah over there in Holland, I will pray for you in my prayers and thank you for standing and praying for our President Donald J. Trump, God’s anointed one who He gave the Holy Spirit to guide him. I pray daily for our President and for the corrupt Democratic party to be removed and the corrupt news media we have broadcasting lies daily. The enemy is also using a demonic sound frequency 440hz, same one Hitler used. There is so much to pray over. Trump, when he spoke at the UN he proposed that religious persecution be stopped in all countries around the world. God has placed Trump in office to stop the one world order [satanic plan] and place us back on Gods time line and plan. The billionaire George Soros is behind funding the insidious plans to disrupt and topple governments around the world with invading caravans of migrants from other nations. I know your country has and still is experiencing these invasions that disrupts, brings disease and crime that destabilizes the country. I will pray for your government and country also. We are experiencing an invasion of migrants at our southern borders of Texas, California, Arizona and New Mexico, with drug trafficking, human trafficking, disease and more and the Democrat speaker of the house hates our president so much she blocks him and plans to keep our country safe. If ever you want to correspond and pray together you can reach me at I’ll be here. Be blessed in Yeshua-Jesus precious and powerful name. Anita Tanita
I will be traveling to the US on the 4th. I live in France where I have been church planting by God’s grace for several decades. I will join in this also by His grace and strength. He is my strength and song… Let’s believe and pray Psalm 33 over our President and Nation! The Lord is Worthy of praise, worship and our unwavering confidence. May His will be done!
Martha, Psalm 33 I declare over President Trump, his family, his cabinet and I will worship the LORD for He is worthy. I trust in the Lord, King of the Universe which gave us Yeshua, I shall speak God’s Holy Word in trust that it will be just as verse 9 “For He spoke, and it came to be, He commanded, and it stood firm”.
Shalom, Helen
I pray every day for the president and I just heard Pastor Brunson’s prayer for President Trump and it was fantastic. I will bring it up and pray in agreement with him frequently. The president needs all the prayers and fasting he can get to conquer the constant attacks against him. Lord keep him safe and healthy and fill him with the wisdom of Solomon. In Jesus’ name I pray.
Lord we pray in Jesus Name for the protection of Our Precious First Family! Thank you Father for sending them for us to keep us free to preach the gospel in this late hour! We plead the precious Blood of Jesus over them and we speak the Word of God that they dwell in the secret place of the Most High and dwell under the shadow of the Almighty! We all agree in Jesus Name! Amen!
Amen! I agree with this prayer.
Additionally, I will pray and fast from 2-5 Nov for our dear President Trump and his family. I will also pray for protection for him and his family, his cabinet members and their families on Friday, 25 October. This is what I will be proclaiming over them in the name of Jesus: But in that coming day no weapon turned against you will succeed. You will silence every voice raised up to accuse you. These benefits are enjoyed by the servants of the Lord; their vindication will come from me. I, the Lord, have spoken! Isaiah 57:14