A message for you from Franklin Graham:
Our country is in trouble like we haven’t seen in our lifetime. We have no hope, outside of God. We will not make it unless God’s people call on His Name for help.
I would like to invite you to join me, my family, and thousands of other believers in just a few short weeks for Prayer March 2020 in Washington D.C. On Saturday, Sept. 26, we will meet at noon at the Lincoln Memorial and make our way to the U.S. Capitol, praying as we go. We will stop at key locations to ask God to heal the divisions in our nation, guide our leaders, protect our religious freedoms, and pour out His Spirit on America.
Let’s come together to take a stand for Jesus Christ and show all of Washington—and the nation—that we believe in the power of prayer and need more of God in America, not less. Will you join me on Sept. 26?
“… The Lord was moved by prayer for the land …” (2 Samuel 24:25, NASB).
This is such a critical time for our nation—so much is at stake. Let’s gather in Washington, D.C., and ask the Lord to intervene.
Will you tell your friends and family about Prayer March 2020 and encourage your pastor to bring a busload to Washington, D.C., on Sept. 26?
(Used with the permission of the Billy Graham Evangelical Association.)
Will you be joining the Prayer March 2020 in Washington D.C.?
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Bro Graham has a heart for the soul of America. May God be glorified in the USA! It was dedicated to Him when the first settlers arrived and has its law and structure derived from His laws. Just now, foolish people think they can do better than to be based on His principles. They have tried to remove Him from their lives but they will face death and they have no recourse but to Face Him eventually! How very pitiful! How sad to face Him without Jesus to intercede. He is our only hope, turn while they are still alive. It is appointed unto man, once to die and after that the judgement..
The Return starts on Sep 18th with the Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah) and ends Sep 28th with The Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur). The 10 days of Repentance. May God bless these days and use it to ignite a revival across this nation and around the world. I pray for a mighty move of the Holy Spirit that rivals the 1906 Azusa Street Revival in Jesus’ name!
I would pray for a humbling spirit and a spirit to seek the Lord. 11 chronicles 7:14 . Can you send out prayer guide lines on this rioting and killing and tearing up?
Dear God, In the Name of Jesus, protect all who will be in Washington to march. Cover Washington with a mantle of peace. I rebuke in Jesus’ the influence of any powers of darkness to interfere or cause disruption. “Create in us a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within all” in attendance at the march, and all Your people who will be praying from their respective locations across America. Please heal our land, Lord for Your glory. Amen.
GOD BLESS, we Pray every day for America to once again turn to IN GOD WE TRUST, he has all the answers, his son shed all of his blood for those that will call on his name, favorite verse, I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE JOHN 14:6, thank you Franklin Graham for the work you are doing, and may GOD continue to bless America
Wish we could be there, but hoping many of you will be able to attend.
Maybe we’ll be able to make it for National Day of Prayer in May 2020
If you cannot attend in
person, go to for simulcast to your church or home.
Praise God you are holding this prayer March
How wonderful to have this prayer march on September 26th when many other Evangelists, Pastors, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, Ann Graham Lotz, and thousands of believers will be holding a solemn assembly on the Mall in Washington DC. The event is called The Return in honor of God’s word in II Chronicles 7:14. I’m not able to go but have been and will continue to pray that God is moved by our prayers for our Nation and for President Trump. I also will be praying as I watch the live simulcast.
I won’t be in DC in person, but I will be praying and fasting the 26th from home.
I cannot make the March in DC
But I am holding a 24hr prayer vigil at my home in paradise valley, AZ that day for this event 🙏💕
This is where God’s Power will be accessed; this is where we humble ourselves and pray and seek His face.
When Obama was elected, my heart and soul reached a fever pitch; I was so afraid for our country, and I didn’t even know much about him. The Lord took me to Ezekiel 9:
“Then he cried in my ears with a loud voice, saying, “Bring near the executioners of the city, each with his destroying weapon in his hand.” And behold, six men came from the direction of the upper gate, which faces north, each with his weapon for slaughter in his hand, and with them was a man clothed in linen, with a writing case at his waist. And they went in and stood beside the bronze altar.
Now the glory of the God of Israel had gone up from the cherub on which it rested to the threshold of the house. And he called to the man clothed in linen, who had the writing case at his waist. And the LORD said to him, “Pass through the city, through Jerusalem, and put a mark on the foreheads of the men who sigh and groan over all the abominations that are committed in it.” And to the others he said in my hearing, “Pass through the city after him, and strike. Your eye shall not spare, and you shall show no pity. Kill old men outright, young men and maidens, little children and women, but touch no one on whom is the mark. And begin at my sanctuary.”
God revealed to me at that time that those who interceded for Israel and were broken over its sinfulness, would be delivered from the judgment to come.
In Austin, Texas on the 26th, a group of us will be interceding for our state as well. We are in agreement.
The information can be found here:
Please join in the intercession from wherever you are, or join in person.
Precious Lord Jesus, please join our hearts with yours during this time. Letthere be no resistance. Help us yield to your heart in every way possible, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
I will be there in spirit, praying & listening. Safe travels for all that make this historical trip. Please Lord put a hedge of protection around them & set the angels about them that no harm would come to them spiritually or physically. Let you light shine on them so others will know & see who you are. Great opportunity for a Great Awaking 🙏😇❣️
I see this is the same day 400 years ago that the Mayfair set sail, with the Pilgrim Fathers, bound for the now USA. How appropriate to have this prayer march on the very anniversary
One correction, David; the Mayflower left Plymouth, England on September 6th after 2 false starts from Southampton on Aug 5th and Dartmouth on Aug 21st. The 2nd ship, the Speedwell, leaked and they had to turn around.
They carried the 1599 Geneva Bible with them. It was printed in Geneva because people who printed English language Bibles in England were burned at the stake.
Abba, Father God, bless this event and protect each and every participant and leader. Place a special hedge of protection around Franklin Graham, his family, and his ministries and workers. Pour out your spirit and change the atmosphere of America as we humble ourselves and pray and turn from our wicked ways. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Standing with Franklin Graham for our country and our great President.
We will be at the RETURN on the Mall. Someone asked if I knew if these Are these combined events?
I think they need to be some how some way unified!
There will also be the Occupy DC group of radicals there. God showed me that we, His bride, ” occupy” until HE comes! Hallelujah praise JESUS!