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Pray that there will be a greater increase in our voting machine security and voter registration processes throughout the U.S. IFA has amazing new resources to help you specifically pray for your precinct. CLICK HERE to discover the free tools.

For we are taking pains to do what is right, not only in the eyes of the Lord, but also in the
eyes of man.
(2 Cor 8:21)

An 11-year-old boy was able to hack into a replica of the Florida state election website and change voting results found there in under 10 minutes during the worldā€™s largest yearly hacking convention, DEFCON 26, organizers of the event said.

Thousands of adult hackers attend the convention annually, while this year a group of children attempted to hack 13 imitation websites linked to voting in presidential battleground states.

The boy, who was identified by DEFCON officials as Emmett Brewer, accessed a replica of the Florida secretary of stateā€™s website. He was one of about 50 children between the ages of 8 and 16 who were taking part in the so-called ā€œDEFCON Voting Machine Hacking Village,ā€ a portion of which allowed kids the chance to manipulate party names, candidate names and vote count totals.

Ā Ā Ā  Hereā€™s the DefCon Voting Machine Hacking Village roundup of discoveries for the day! Day 1 / Part 1 pic.twitter.com/ovQs7uX7jKĀ Ā Ā  ā€” DEFCON VotingVillage (@VotingVillageDC)
August 11, 2018

Nico Sell, the co-founder of the the non-profit r00tz Asylum, which teaches children how to become hackers and helped organize the event, said an 11-year-old girl also managed to make changes to the same Florida replica website in about 15 minutes, tripling the number of votes found there.

Sell said more than 30 children hacked a variety of other similar state replica websites in under a half hour.

ā€œThese are very accurate replicas of all of the sites,ā€ Sell told the PBS NewsHour on Sunday. ā€œThese things should not be easy enough for an 8-year-old kid to hack within 30 minutes, itā€™s negligent for us as a society.ā€

Sell said the idea for the event began last year, after adult hackers were able to access similar voting sites in less than five minutes.

ā€œSo this year we decided to bring the voting village to the kids as well,ā€ she said.

About 50 children participated in the DEFCON hacking event for children on Friday and Saturday. More than 30 of them were able to hack into replicas of secretaries of states, where vote tallies are postedā€¦.

ā€œTo me that statement says that the secretaries of states are not taking this seriously. Although itā€™s not the real voting results itā€™s the results that get released to the public. And that could cause complete chaos,ā€ she said. ā€œThe site may be a replica but the vulnerabilities that these kids were exploiting were not replicas, theyā€™re the real thing.ā€

ā€œI think the general public does not understand how large a threat this is, and how serious a situation that weā€™re in right now with our democracy,ā€ she said.

Matt Blaze, a professor of computer and information science at the University of Pennsylvania who helped organize the ā€œhacking village,ā€ said that thousands of adults including voting security experts also tried to access voting machines and other voting software currently being used in U.S. elections today to become ā€œmore knowledgeable about voter technology.ā€ā€¦ (Excerpts from Michael D. Regan article – Michael D. Regan is an Associate Multimedia Producer for PBS NewsHour Weekend.)

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August 20, 2018

Father we ask you to make it illegal for machine voting, please allow ballot votes to come back so they can be verified that they are truthful. All polling counting should have several people of both parties on site when ballots are handled. We ask you in Jesus name to send your warrior angels and heavenly hosts to scramble the enemies radar so all ballot voting will be able to be verified and legitimate. Thank-you Dear Father for sending your son- Jesus Blood to Protect and Cover this election for a RED WAVE. Amen.

Beverley Estes
August 19, 2018

Father I bind the principalities, powers, and evil in high places and bind cheating, lying, stealing, killing, distorting the TRUTH. Your TRUTH which is the only TRUTH on the Earth. I bind all this evil and pull it down and put it under the Churches feet and Yeshua’s feet and it will all all all bow the knee to Yeshua and confess HIM LORD of LORD’s for HIS glory and our good. I decree HIM to earth to rule in HIS Authority for a 1,000 years. Be39

Betty B.
August 17, 2018

Heavenly Father, Give wisdom to the people creating the voting machines and programs. We do not want our elections hacked by anyone in our own country or from other countries. The information in this article is very concerning, and I turn to You Father for help to protect voting in the USA. We need secure ways to vote so the vote truly reflects the voice of the citizens of the USA. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

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