When looking for ways to bring revival and open up the heavens over our nation, we usually champion more prayer, passion, or spiritual pursuit. Though all of these are factors in preparing the way for breakthough, they are but tools for a greater purpose. I believe in the power of faith-filled prayer. I believe in the force of our passion to stir hearts and shift minds. I believe in the power of our hunger to deepen our relationship with the Lord. But, if we are wondering what will draw the armies of heaven to our aid and compel God’s supernatural intervention into our personal and corporate crises, it is the power of our AGREEMENT that will guarantee a breakthrough.
And the Lord said, “Behold, they are ONE people, and they have all ONE language, and this is only the beginning of what they will do. And NOTHING that they propose to do WILL NOW BE IMPOSSIBLE FOR THEM. (Gen 11:6 ESV)
When the people began to build the tower of Babel, they had one thing in mind – to make a name for themselves. Their agreement was so powerful, it attracted the attention of heaven and God came down to investigate. Perhaps we can learn from their example. If we want to see the kind of national breakthrough many are praying for, we need to consider the impact of our collective thought and action. What do we talk about and how is heaven hearing us?
I would suggest that instead of looking for things to argue and debate about in the public square and on social media, believers would do well to find the things we have in common for Kingdom purposes, rather than talking about what separates us. Heresies, half-truths, and false teachings will continue to rise, but the best way to displace the counterfeits and nullify their power is for the Church to rise up with one unified voice and witness. It is when we start walking and talking in agreement concerning the non-negotiables of our faith that things will truly shift and the seemingly impossible will happen!
We can start in our prayer closets and agree with God’s (sometimes painful) sanctifying process in our lives (see Gal 2:20). We can join with our spouse and stand in agreement concerning our family’s destiny (see Prov 1:8-9). We can come into unity with other believers in our cities to see Kingdom ideas come to fruition (see Jer 29:7). And we can find a collective voice in our nation to overturn the confusion and chaos the enemy loves to stir up (Deut 28:1).
I believe the biggest move of Holy Spirit that is yet to come will be the result of our corporate alignment in being “one man” and of one mind. They did it at the Tower of Babel and God came down. Though their mission was misplaced, their unity had such great power, it attracted heaven’s intervention.
Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of you that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving side by side for the faith of the gospel . . .(Phil 1:27 ESV)
In the end, our prayers, passion, and spiritual pursuit are only a means to a greater end. When we start walking as one in perfect agreement with the Father’s heart and purpose, heaven will not only be attracted, but God Himself will command His blessing to fall.
Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity! … It is like the dew of Hermon, which falls on the mountains of Zion! For there the LORD has commanded the blessing, life forevermore. (Ps 133:1,3 ESV)
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Amen. Lord Jesus, Your will be done, make us one, as You are.
Thank You for ever living to make intercession for us, and continuing the good work You began, when You first prayed, “…that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us”
I agree with an Amen!
Lord God Our Savior, show us what is exactly lacking in our personal and corporate lives as the Body of Christ. Help us to get rid of those “things” that hinder us from moving forward in the Holy Spirits power. Prove each and everyone of us Lord, if we totally Love You, and surrender those things that interfere with our love and prayers to you…Amen and Amen
Father, awaken Your True Church to be the Church You have always intended for it to be. A Church who has their eyes fixed on Your Son, Jesus Christ a lone and no one or anything else. A Church that only seeks Your will and not any man’s. A Church that is guided and directed by Your Holy Spirit to do Your will and not a church that is man led and man directed. Let Thy kingdom come Thy will be done on earth in Your Church as it is in heaven.
Help Your people who are called by Your Name be willing to die to self wants and the thought that I should always have everything good going for me. If You allowed Your Son Jesus Christ to suffer and die, and many of Your followers to suffer and be persecuted, why do we think, because we are Your followers are not going to go through hard times. Strengthen Your people, and give us courage to stand strong for You when opposition is in our face and have to make a choice one way or the other. LORD, help us to make the choice to follow You no matter what comes our way.
Let us seek Your Son and Your Son only for guidance and direction. I pray that none will be deceived and follow after the false prophets, or teachers but when they have come into the church that the people will search out the Scriptures to verify if what they are saying is true or false.
Father, strengthen Your people for this very last days. Give us courage, wisdom, peace, boldness and strength to stand against the wiles of the devil.
In Jesus’ Name I Pray. Amen.
That is a good description of what God wants to do through us! However 2nd Chronicles 7:14 says we in the his body have Wicked Ways! And until we are humble enough to have enough faith in our praying to start obeying what we know we are to do; because we have faith that we will have so much of God’s joy in the doing of it; that it won’t matter how hard it is to do!!
When we die to our self interest and seek to be full of the Fruit of the Spirit which to me is the character of Christ and humble ourselves to the mighty hand of God and allow Him to sift us and move as He sees fit in us then and only then will we no longer care what happens to us. And we will know without a shadow of a doubt of Who we are in Christ Jesus that we will know that what we pray will be done as we pray according to His will. We will have joy unspeakable and will stand for Jesus Christ no matter what is to happen to us. Just as the ones before us and the ones who are being persecuted and killed for their faith today have suffered for the LORD Jesus Christ. We will be willing too.
Carol, thank you for your comment to me! I praise God you agree that we have reason to have faith to believe the Joy we have in our forgiveness of sin is the Joy will have doing His will! So we will be like Jesus, in that it is by the Joy that is set before us that we are able to sacrifice with JOY, whatever is needed, to do what we can be sure is God’s will for us to do!
Dear Lord, teach your church to inter relate well remembering Christ’s beautiful covenant relationship with us. Thank you for the good & loving example found in the God head; the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit.
I stand in AGREEMENT with this prayer.
Father God,allow our people of faith to.leave the “comforting walls” of the buildings and go to the very places where your hand is NEEDED. LEet us ( Your people, beseech you to “come down” as we lift you up. In the NAME POWER AND AUTHORITY OF JESUS CHRIST our LORD MASTER PROTECTOR AND DELIVERER. Holy Spirit, we welcome you…
It was our Lord’s Prayer we become one in our love for Him and with one another. Also, judgment begins with the household of God. We must repent of our own sins and compromises, then our prayers will reach the ears of our Heavenly Father. Let revival begin with God’s people today.
Lord thank you for Your Word and commands. Thank you for Your grace and mercy that is new every morning and GREAT is Thy faithfulness. Lord I pray for a spirit of unity in our Church’s, in our Government and in the people of America. Lord let us not respond with evil for evil but to share Your Word and do so in love and respect. Lord let us reflect Your attributes when responding on Facebook or speaking to others. Remove from us a critical and judgemental spirit. May the Words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts be pleasing to you. In Jesus name. Amen
Amen @
That is a good description of what God wants to do through us! However 2nd Chronicles 7:14 says we in the his body have Wicked Ways! And until we are humble enough to have enough faith in our praying to start obeying what we know we are to do; because we have faith that we will have so much of God’s joy in the doing of it; that it won’t matter how hard it is to do!!
Amen…Lord, I also stand in agreement with this prayer for UNITY!!!
Amen, Father, unity in our nation and especially among us who are called by Your Name. May we come back to You and seek You with our whole hearts as a nation and as a church, in Jesus Name, amen. I agree with my Christian family above in the comments.