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Pray for Attorney General Jeff Sessions to build a Justice Department that is ethical, fair and just. CLICK HERE to download a free guide to praying about the shadow government.

Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin condemns any people. (Pr. 14:34)

“Attorney General Jeff Sessions has brought sweeping change to the Department of Justice.

In just two months as the nation’s top cop, Sessions has moved quickly to overhaul the policies and priorities set by the Obama administration.

He has rolled back protections for transgender students that allowed children to use the bathroom that corresponds with their gender identity and rescinded plans to phase out the federal government’s use of private prisons.

He called for a review of reform agreements, known as consent decrees, reached with local police departments to address allegations of misconduct. . . .

Federal prosecutors have also been alerted to a new national push to crack down on violent crime. “ (Excerpted from TheHill.com, reporting by Lydia Wheeler.)

“Conservative scholars have urged Attorney General Jeff Sessions to purge “ideological rot” that’s festered in the department’s Civil Rights Division under the Obama administration through internal reforms meant to reverse partisanship in the agency.

But liberal groups, seizing on a recommendation that political appointees rather than career bureaucrats play a role in the hiring process, argued this week that such a move would be a return to hiring practices already deemed improper and illegal under the George W. Bush administration. . . .” (Excerpted from The Washington Times, reporting by Andrea Noble.)

“During the Obama administration, the Division served purely ideological ends with rigidity unmatched in other federal offices. Entrenched federal bureaucrats jettisoned precepts like equal enforcement in favor of political and racialized dogmas with a zeal that risks litigation failure and invites court sanctions. Worst of all, the Division has placed itself in the passenger seat while political allies bring faulty actions against states working to protect their voters. We offer three general areas of concern demonstrating the need for internal reforms. . . .” These three areas are political activists in leadership of the Civil Rights Division, “ideological rot,” and unethical behavior. (Excerpted from Letter to AG Sessions.)

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Sally Daggy
April 20, 2017

Heavenly Father we praise your Holy Name. Guide AG Sessions with truth and honor to your Word. Give wisdom and power to bring into spiritual alignment to all that governs our nation! Forgive us for those principalities we have allowed to rule in our nation. We have sinned. Help us Lord we need your help! In Yeshua’s name.

Cindy Miller
April 20, 2017

Heavenly Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, we pray for the successful outcome of Attorney Jeff Sessions, plan to reform the Justice Department! Grant him wisdom and discernment in all his decisions. Bring the enemies of this nation and the enemies of all Christians to their knees in repentance and salvation! Help them to see the error of their ways and convert; for Your glory and honor and the salvation of souls! Amen.

April 19, 2017

We are praying for you every day. For God’s wisdom, safety. clarity of thought, good health and God’s peace. My husband I holding hands pray by name for His purposes to be accomplished through you. God bless you! Thanks so much!

Penny Donley
April 19, 2017

Marion, I am in total agreement with your prayer!

Marion Neill
April 19, 2017

Father, we praise You for Atty Gen Jeff Sessions and his courageous reform of the Justice Dept. Let him be strengthened with might in his inner man by Your Spirit. Let him have the mind of Christ and the wisdom of God as he moves forward. Guide him with Your eye in every decision. Let justice roll down like waters in America and righteousness like a mighty river! We Appeal to Heaven!! In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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