Weeding out the Deep State players in the Department of Justice and FBI is not an easy job. As misconduct is unraveled through the investigations taking place, and participants in wrongdoing are discovered, bringing them to justice in an atmosphere still rife with those working against you can be a herculean task. We are praying for justice and truth in our nation! We felt called by the Lord to offer Attorney General Barr and his staff encouragement, gratitude and prayer. We can’t know everything that is happening behind the scenes, but surely targeted prayer for AG Barr and his staff is needed now more than ever. Will you take a moment to send AG Barr a note of encouragement and thanks and make a point to pray specifically for him and his staff?
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Thank you AG Barr for being a man of honor, strength and truth. We are standing in the gap for you in prayer and we come against all evil that would try to hinder the work you are doing. Let God be your strength and He will take evil and turn it around for good. We love all you are doing and what you stand for. Be blessed and God Bless you and your family. May God protect you all. I call his angels to encamp round about you that no harm shall befall you.
Luke 18:7
Will not God bring about justice for His elect who cry to Him day and night, and will He delay long over them? Pay attention to Me, My people, and listen to Me, My nation; for instruction will come from Me, and My justice for a light to the nations. I will bring it about quickly. Isaiah 51:45
Isaiah 41:10 Do no fear, for I am with you. Attorney Barr you are God’s vessel to stand for the Constitution, For God and for his people. We have faith that you will stand strong because in your weakness God is made strong. Psalm 141:10 Let the wicked fall into their own nets, while you pass by safely.
God bless you and keep you as you search for the truth in all of the stuff you are dealing with.
Dr. Sir, I am praying for you as you go through this hard time and scrutiny by others. I pray for you that God walks beside you and that the presence of the Holy Spirit keep you strong and sheds wisdom and knowledge to you as you go about the business you have to do. I pray that as you bring forth the corrupt in the deep state that you will be blessed. We will stand with you and hold up your hands when you are tired as they did for Moses. God bless him mightily as he does the work in a courageous and Godly manner. God Bless you.
We are so thankful for AG BARR. We are praying for you Sir. May God guide you protect you and give you wisdom and revelation knowledge and help you uncover the truth. May God bring Justice through all your efforts.
Thank you for all you are doing to bless America and our precious President Trump and his family and all of our godly leaders. May God provide all the help you need to uncover the evil that has been and is being done…and may He deliver America out of the hands and plans of evil men.
Attorney General Barr. I am so grateful for your leadership in the Justice Dept. Thank you! You take a stand and you remain unfluffed in a culture of drama and lies. I am praying 🙏 for you for great peace, wisdom, discernment, and an extra measure of Grace. You are definitely here for such a time as this. Thank you for answering the call. I’m sure it seems impossible at times, But, you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you! You are an incredible gift to this country. Thank you.
AG Barr you are on my prayer list and I pray God will give you strength and wisdom to do the job. I appreciate you.
We were “one-up” on this. My sister and I pray for a half hour, more or less, daily for America, our President and Cabinet; for the AG and IG and for justice in our nation; for those in our state governments; for our armed forces; for ICE; for all kinds of concerns;for the elections; for our brothers and sisters around the world enduring persecution; for Israel and her elections, and for the peace of Jerusalem. Aaaamen!~
I am praying for you Attorney General Barr and so very grateful for your pursuit of truth and justice. Not only for your own nation but also my nation Down under. I give thanks to our Father in heaven for you and your staff for your tireless job in standing against unrighteousness and to bring honour and justice back to our world again. I am grateful and praying for you.
Stand firm in His Word – and especially Psalm 91 which I am praying over you and your family and team. May He bless you mightily and give you strength and wisdom.
We are so blessed s as a nation to have an attorney general who is working for theAmerican people to restore honesty and integrity to our justice system. There are many praying for you and believing God has raised you up for such a time as this. As a nation we must stand for the godliness and the persuit of liberty and justice for all. God bless you and God bless America.
This country is so blessed to have you as the Attorney General. May God grant you strength, wisdom and victory in this pursuit from the Left to remove you from office. May God bless America by keeping you in the position of Attorney General and soundly defeating those who are against you.
May the Lord reveal to Bill Barr his truth, righteousness, and justice and you will stand with courage and boldness declaring His truth, His righteousness and His justice to the American people. You were born for such a time as this and may the Lord anoint yours words and actions. May He place a hedge of protection around you, your family, and your staff so that the darts, arrows and bullets will not penetrate your armor; but fall to the ground without touching all of you. May the Spirit of the Lord and His Glory be with you every moment of the day. May you all be a blessings to everyone you come into contact with and be a light on the Hill so everyone can see how brightly you shine.
So blessed to know that a man of integrity is at the helm of the DOJ, I pray that God’s wisdom, discernment, and protection be upon you, Mr. Barr, as you try to bring order in the DOJ. I pray God’s presence be with you every single day and I pray that all you do will prosper and bring good results. Stay strong and do not fear those that work against you. God’s word says “no evil shall befall you, neither shall any plague come near your dwelling, for God has given his angels charge over you to keep you in all of your ways, in your pathway is life and there’s no death” God bless you!! Always upholding you in prayer
Dear AG. Barr . As I wrote on your Facebook page I am
praying for you. I said in the post Thy “it’s hard to do the right thing.” I will pray that you do Gods will. No it’s up to you to find out what Gods will looks like. Justice equal justice
AG Barr, we praise the Lord God Almighty that He has raised you up for such a time as this! During 2016 many of God’s people were praying that Truth, & Justice would reign and that the Lord Jesus Christ would be glorified. We believe that through the election of President Trump that our prayers are being answered & were delighted when we heard that the President appointed you as Attorney General. We pray the protection Psalm 91 over you and all of the Cabinet…verses 9 – 16 says ‘If or since you, AG, make the Most High your dwelling even the Lord who is your refuge then no harm will be fall you, no disaster will come near your tent. For He (God) will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways …..vs 15& 16 You, AG, will call upon Him & He will answer you; God will be with you in trouble, He will deliver you & honor you. With long life you will be satisfied & He will show you His salvation.’
I want to encourage AG Barr and lift you in prayer asking for strength, wisdom and the Spirit of God to be imparted to you in these days of testing and trial. I join with thousands across the land in praying for you in the name of The Lord God Almighty, Amen!
We should always pray and not give up. I pray for strength and clarity for you and thank God for all the ways He has made you able to do this job. May many help you day by day. Thanks and blessings.
I too am praying for you AG Barr that God’s Holy angels will uphold you and surround you and give you God’s peace as you unravel all that is evil in our nation. Thank you for what you are doing. God bless you!
Mr. Barr: Please! Please! Do not retire or stop what you are doing. You are very much needed by those as me, that do not have a voice in our government to come against evil as you are doing. Our voice is at the poll and I definitely will be supporting you there. You represent God and His people. The devil and the deep state is not going to give you any peace; your peace lies within your Lord. I pray for you daily and God will not fail you. REMEMBER: God Himself says that we will be tested. “YOU CAN NOT PASS UNTIL YOU ARE TESTED'” God is with you my brother!!
Honorable to US Attorney General. Mr. William Barr, you have hold and pronounced justice to citizens. Under your law enforcement, Americans have began enjoying life and our nation is on the right track. Wonder why leftists hate the truth ( justices ) and impeach those who do the right jobs and unsecured because the truth. But, we pray that God will leads Trump Pence Administration and you will be secured. God blessed. Thank you. Proverbs 28:5. Isaiah 1:17.
Please do not resign from your position. You are the only true, honest man that stands for the law. We are tired of the lawlessness in our nation that the previous administration and the Democratic Party displayed and condoned. The call of God to bring respect for the law rests on your shoulders and I believe He has chosen you because of your honesty and respect to restoring God’s law and our constitutional law. I am praying for you.
Mr Barr,
I am continuing to pray for you!!! I AM Praying for the LORD to cover you and protect you and your heart from the EVIL that is trying to KILL, STEAL and DESTROY you and this NATION! The enemies powers are BROKEN IN JESUS NAME!!! I encourage you to CRY OUT TO THE LORD and get on your face before our LORD and he will raise you up in HIS STRENGTH!! You can NOT do this alone but you need GOD help with this…he will show up when you ask him!!! I see great humility in you and know that you pray but now is a time to increase your prayer time and YOU ARE going to DO GREAT EXPLOITS FOR your LORD!!! He has chosen you for such a time as THIS!!! WE send our love to you and look forward to hearing about the wonders of our LORD showing up for you!!! IT is happening and he will uncover and reveal what give you the words to speak it forth in Jesus name!!!
Mr. Barr, we are grateful for you and your staff! Willing to do the hard thing and stand for truth. May the LORD GOD bless you and your family and staff superabundantly especially in these days ahead. We bless and pray for you. Psalm 23.
Dear AG Barr, I am praying for you and I am grateful that God is using you to clean up this country that I so love. God bless you and keep you and give you wisdom. May God protect you and go before you in Jesus name amen./
A.G. Barr, I was so glad when President Trump was elected in 2016 and then when you were chosen by our President, I knew we had just the right man for the job. You are being prayed for daily (both you and Durham) for protection to be able to do your job to its completion, your family, possessions, food and drink, and that you and Durham will be able to bring justice to all the “deep state” players whoever they are. Thank you for your service to our great nation. God Bless you and God continue to bless the U.S.A.
A G Barr, please continue to do all in your power to bring integrity and “justice for all” into the DOJ; don’t give up, don’t leave. Millions have their hope in you to do the right thing.
“With malice towards none,with charity for all; with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right”… President Lincoln.
You are in our hearts and prayers.
Dear AG Barr,
I am so thankful for your strong stand for truth and righteousness. Please keep fighting for our country. May God give you the wisdom and strength you need for each day. I know the battle of fighting for the right thing takes a lot of courage and persistence. Thank you for hanging in there. It is so encouraging when we know someone is fighting for us. God bless you!
Stay strong, Brother. I am praying for you and declaring the spiritual enemy behind these attacks to be bound and silenced in Jesus Name. Our group prays corporately for you every week.
AG Barr.
James 1:12 says: Blessed is the man who persisted under trial because when he has stood the test, he will receive the Crown of Life that God has promised to those who love Him. Stand Tall Sir!!
Thank you AG Barr for being such an encouragement to all of us sitting on the sidelines watching all the rediiciculous garbage being thrown at you and you’re.stll standing…you are truly a man of integrity standing for truth….so please, please keep standing….If God be for you who can be against you….you are continually in my prayers.
Love praying for our righteous leaders like Barr. He and the others who’s attitude is the same as heavens are bringing the kingdom of heaven here to this realm.. God bless those who are working with the President and humbly respect and serve the people of America stand against the arrogance of hell’s liberal agenda,, Thank God. Awesome .
So far, AG Barr you have been unwilling to bring criminal charges against the easiest of cases to convict. Such as James Comey and Christopher Wray. I agree with Tom Fitton of Judical Watch, if you are unwilling to bring charges in the easiest cases why should we believe you are going to give the people justice in the more difficult to prove cases?
My prayer is that you will be convicted in your heart to give the American people justice. That you will not simply say, “changes need to be made so this never happens again” and then allow a deep state person such as Chris to be in charge of such changes.
I pray that God disturbs your sleep until you are willing to bring justice to God’s people. You have been placed in this position to do so.
The enemy is fighting hard against you. I pray you will be strong and fight back on our behalf. If you are not willing to truly clean house in the DOJ, I pray God will put someone in your place who will. Amen
I agree with Penny T she has said it all . I Pray for you AG Barr with all my heart
He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above any way that we think to Him be the Glory Forever in Christ Jesus. Keep The Faith
I THANK GOD for you, Attorney General Barr, and for all those working with you, seeking to bring TRUTH and JUSTICE into the morass of deception, lies and manipulation we are seeing in high places in our country. May the POWER OF THE LORD protect, direct and provide supernatural wisdom, so that all that must be revealed will be revealed to the American people, shedding light on the evil and bringing about what is right and good for the betterment of our great nation going forward. HIS blessings on you, your family, and all those that are working to present and affirm truth in America today.
Facing giants is never easy and I know what you deal with daily has many more facets than we see. I pray God undergirds you for the tasks at hand & that you will be a beacon of truth & justice. May His vision for our nation be communicated through you & your staff!
Dear Father in Heaven, we pray for Attorney General Barr as he leads the administration of justice. Grant him wisdom, honour, strength and peace in this endeavour. We thank You for the great abilities You have bestowed upon him, and we ask Your divine guidance and favour in his work. May the Will of God be performed and righteousness restored in America. We ask these things, with praise and thanksgiving,in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Habakkuk 1:1-4 English Standard Version (ESV) Habakkuk’s Complaint
1 The oracle that Habakkuk the prophet saw. 2 O LORD, how long shall I cry for help, and you will not hear? Or cry to you “Violence!” and you will not save? 3 Why do you make me see iniquity, and why do you idly look at wrong? Destruction and violence are before me; strife and contention arise. 4 So the law is paralyzed, and justice never goes forth. For the wicked surround the righteous; so justice goes forth perverted.
Do not give up! As the old saying goes, “when the going gets tough, the tough get going”! And you are tough, AG Barr. The battle is the Lord’s. He goes before you. Stand tall and soldier on!
Greater are those who are with you than those who are against you Attorney General Barr. We stand with you in your endeavor to return our country to righteousness and justice. And the angel armies of heaven are backing you and assisting you. In your weakness, God is made strong. Continue to lean on Him and watch what He will do. Our prayers are with you.
Attorney Barr,
Keep up the good work and not be deterred by the forces working against you. Evil must be rooted out of our government and its agencies. We pray for the Lord’s protection and guidance for you and your staff.
Lord Jesus we agree together to lift up AG Barr! Give him strength and boldness like never before. Let him have the spirit of Daniel when he was in the lions den or the spirit of shadrach, meshach and abednigo when they were thrown in the fire and not a hair on them was burned or smelt like burn! He is going thru a fire right now but You are greater, let him see Your power in his life. Expose the evil doers and let their plans crumble. Give him strong, loyal workers to surround him and help him. Also, Lord speak to President Trump to help him do what helps AG Barr get his job done! In Jesus name, Amen.
Thank you Lord God for giving AG Barr a spirit of a warrior and we declare he is an Overcomer through Jesus Christ. Your faithfulness is a shield about him. Praise the Lord!
Thank you A.G. Barr for trying to expose the corruption in Washington. When the President picked you , I knew we had a winner that would stay the course to clean up America’s corruption. Please do not leave. We need you, the country needs you , We are all praying for you. Thank you for your honesty.
God did not give us a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind. This is my prayer for our AG and all of his staff amen
Thank you, Attorney. General. Barr. What you and your staff are doing. You are God appointed Man to bring the truth in our Judiciary system. We are seeing the hard work you doing. Please don’t give up, Many are praying for you and your staff. You are a very fresh encourager that keep us hold hope for America. For that we are grateful to out God. I ask God to give you every moment of the day strength for each obstacles. Amen
Attorney General William Barr,
Every time I read that Lord loves justice (Ps 37:28) I think about the need to have someone like you ridding the system of recent government-related injustice. There have been two standards – and that is injustice. God bless you and your work. No justice – no peace.
Dear Mr. Barr,
I have been praying for you more intensely that God would use you as Daniel in His Hands for’ such as a time as this ” in our nation . Thank you for your courage Brother ! May God be your Rock and His love is your anchor
May God protect you and your family to do His will .Amen Lord !
Thank you for all you are doing to reveal TRUTH! Let everything hidden be REVEALED. I pray for supernatural strength for you and your staff, don’t give up. Truth always reigns!!
Know many prayers are ascending from Massachusetts for you Attorney General.
Yes, another prayer from Massachusetts Our God reigns!
We can only imagine what the people trying to clean up Washington have to endure The most we can do is pray for them “Bring the wickedness of the wicked to an end and secure the righteous” Ps 7:9
Thank you for your courageous efforts Attorney General Barr.
My husband and I are praying for you and your staff. Remember the battle belongs to the Lord and He will fight for you!
Don’t quit!!!! America needs you!!! An honest man of principle!!! Please stay!
Thank you Mr Barr for the incredible job you and your staff are doing in initiating the turnaround of our country. I cannot imagine the challenges you are facing as you battle the evil that is seen and unseen. Know that there are multitudes that appreciate what you all are doing and are praying for you constantly. Remember
Psalm 60:12 With God we will gain the victory, and he will trample down our enemies. Thank you all for your perseverance in the face of ongoing battle. You can do all things through Christ who gives you strength!
May the favor of the LORD our God rest upon Attorney General Barr and all his staff, establish the work of their hands for them, yes establish the work of their hands. Thank You LORD.
Thank you, Attorney. General. Barr
For bringing Justice and truth to our Nation. May our Lord take favorite on you and give you blessing that only you can describe the moment. Amen
May truth and justice prevail as a result of AG Barr’s pursuit of the truth!
Love this man for doing his job and standing his ground. He brings hope.