I Prayed have prayed
Lord, sex trafficking has become an epidemic. Please help us as Your people to fight this evil and protect these innocent children from such a heinous crime.
Reading Time: 12 minutes

Please join us in praying about sex trafficking. It is a national and global crisis.

Ilonka Deaton was trafficked into sex slavery at the age of 12. She suffered for six years before finally getting free. Now, her brother, Jaco Booyens, runs a film company that brings the darkness of sex trafficking into the light. Heā€™s out with a film called ā€œ8 Days.”. . .

Rachel del Guidice: We are joined today on The Daily Signal Podcast by Jaco Booyens. Heā€™s the president and CEO of the film company After Eden Pictures. He is also the founder of SHAREtogether, a nonprofit organization fighting against the global crisis of sex trafficking. Jaco, thank you so much for joining us today.

Jaco Booyens:Ā Thank you, Rachel. Itā€™s great to be here.

del Guidice: Well, itā€™s great to have you. Can you start off just by telling us about your film company, After Eden Pictures, as well as SHAREtogether?

Booyens:Ā Yeah. After Eden Pictures was born to transform culture through uplifting entertainment, so thatā€™s our mission statement. Weā€™re going to take social issues and then produce entertainment content, film, television, docuseries, books, media, broad spectrum media to speak to culture, to transform it positively through uplifting entertainment.

So itā€™s yes, family-friendly values, for sure. Yes, Iā€™m a Christian, so thatā€™s my root and my foundation. But weā€™re going to speak for big issues like sex trafficking, tackling heavy issues, because if a pictureā€™s a thousand words, then a video, a film, can be so much of the start of a conversation, and then we can do our real work after that. So thatā€™s the purpose of After Eden Pictures.

Thereā€™s an amazing team, great writers, producers. My wife is an amazing writer, by far more skilled than I am on every levelā€”because we marry way up, because women are amazing. But no, an amazing team. Iā€™m just humbled to have a voice in radio.

del Guidice: Thatā€™s incredible. So you directed a film called ā€œ8 Days,ā€ which raises awareness about sex trafficking. Itā€™s an incredible story. Can you go into that story behind the film?

Booyens:Ā We wanted to make a movie, not a documentary, about sex trafficking. We wanted to make a film that spoke from the victimā€™s perspective. So in this film, [the victimā€™s] name is Amber. All the cases in that film are actual rescue cases that we were involved with. So these are real-life events that we reenact but in a feature film style, not a docuseries style.

Itā€™s a gut punch when you start understanding what happens to a human being when theyā€™re mistreated. What happens to a woman or a guy when they are sexually violated. What are the thoughts? What does that process look like? How does a person get to a place where their self-worth is stripped, their value is gone, their self-image? And then the guilt comes, and the loathing, and the justification, and just that process. So we wanted to do that, show the audience this is the result of predatory behavior when people come in and steal peopleā€™s innocence.

Unfortunately, weā€™re at a place in America today where weā€™ve got to bring humanity back to the conversation. Weā€™ve got to remember when youā€™re talking about child sex trafficking, [itā€™s about] people, children, 12-year-old kids being raped and beat. When you talk about domestic violence and abuse, that is a woman with a beating heart, a real person with real feelings and emotions, right?

So we got to bring humanity back into it because so much of what weā€™re doing today is political. Itā€™s political. Itā€™s almost like itā€™s this ā€¦ alternate universe that weā€™re talking aboutā€”itā€™s politics. No, itā€™s real. It touches families, it touches people.

del Guidice:Ā In the film, is there a particular story about a particular young woman or girl that you highlight that youā€™d like to tell that particularly just draws the audience in? Is there any particular story that youā€™d like to highlight when talking about the film?

Booyens:Ā Yeah, itā€™s Amberā€™s story, because Amber is sex trafficked out of a stable home. Sheā€™s not a runaway, sheā€™s not a foster kid, sheā€™s not in CPS [Child Protective Services]. Sheā€™s living at home. That is the No. 1 rising trend in trafficking girls today is girls who work at home. Itā€™s not what you think it is and so thereā€™s a huge misconception. [People] think, ā€œOh, yeah, OK, itā€™s that part of town. Itā€™s the underprivileged community. Itā€™s the black community.ā€ No, itā€™s not.

It is today infiltrated suburbia, because now the softest target, the easiest victimā€”if you talk to any of these Secret Service guys that are here, theyā€™ll tell youā€”the easiest victim is the victim whose radar is way down, whoā€™s living at home with their mom and dad, not getting love, but money, and ā€œstuff solves problems,ā€ but her real emotions and her real feelings, she explores that avenue online and the real person comes out online.

Now, a predator trolls online and spots her, ā€œThatā€™s my girl. She needs attention. Sheā€™s got daddy issues. Sheā€™s void of purpose. She doesnā€™t feel like she fits in. She feels like nobody can understand her. Iā€™ll be the one that comes and says, ā€˜I understand you, I get you. I know, I have the answers.’ā€

And then theyā€™ll court her for a period, theyā€™re patient, but thereā€™s a Romeo effect [that] can win her heart. This is why so many of these women will tell you when theyā€™re abused that itā€™s love, ā€œHe loves me.ā€ Theyā€™re convinced.

Women that stand on the witness stand after the guyā€™s bounced their heads off the wall and defend the guy. ā€œHe loves me.ā€ Because theyā€™ve been conditioned, this is love. ā€œIā€™m giving you worth. Iā€™m the person in charge.ā€ Itā€™s so easy today. So that film shows clearly how a girl is literally sex trafficked from a stable home, both parents there, because itā€™s so easy today.

del Guidice: Wow. You mentioned the lack of self-worth and how that is one of the contributing factors to this problem. What would you say, looking at everything from a wide-angle lens, is the driving force of sex trafficking in the United States?

Booyens:Ā We have, in our country, for decades now, made an agreement that weā€™re going to decay our sexual morality. The sexual revolution hit in the ā€™60s, we wanted sexual freedom. Historically, three generations after you make a decision like that, a society implodes. When thereā€™s sexual immorality in society, they fall every single time. No society in history has ever survived a sexually immoral culture because, ultimately, itā€™s a drug. Itā€™s the most addictive [thing].

You know the two things that are in every family? Thereā€™s only two things. Faith is not in every family, right? The two things that are in every single family on the planet is money and sex. Now look at the two things that I believe the enemy attacks people with most: money and sex. So if youā€™re going to corrupt a society, where would you go? Money and sex.

So if you now can introduce sex to a child early, that is now a corrupted ā€œmisguided young person.ā€ Their vision of what sex is for, what love isā€”ā€How do I get love? Do I get love through sex?ā€ Because this is what they want the girls to believe.

So youā€™re taking a direction, changing direction for all society by making them sexually immoral. Well, how do we get people to accept that? Through gender neutrality? Gender fluidity? Same-sex marriage? You go with teaching sex to 10-year-olds in school. You show them how to perform sex, which is going on at the moment. You normalize anal sex. This is whatā€™s going on. So all of this is to create a culture that is immoral. And we have an immoral culture today.

So we can fight politically, sure. And for those who want to keep certain people in power in politics, thatā€™s amazing. But the next morning when you wake up after an election, that election doesnā€™t fix the country morally.

My cry to you today is, Rachel, through every way you can, keep yourself morally strong. Because no government can fix that. Because if youā€™re not morally strong, you will attract people that will harm you because theyā€™ll see it in you.

So how does Rachel keep Rachel safe? Have a moral compass. For Rachelā€™s sake, not even for our country, think of Rachel, for you. Because ultimately, if youā€™re corrupted there, itā€™s a difficult place to come back from. It takes a lot of rehabilitation, it takes a lot of therapy to come back from that.

Now we can go into the abortion argument. Itā€™s self-justifying pleasure. People go, ā€œI want to have sex as much possible. I donā€™t want any consequences. Itā€™s my body and I want sex.ā€ I go, ā€œWell, cool, great, go have sex. But if you donā€™t want to fall pregnant, then use a condom.ā€ Because once you fall pregnant, now all of a sudden weā€™ve elevated the conversation to a whole [different] level. Now itā€™s not just youā€”

del Guidice:Ā Thereā€™s another life there.

Booyens:Ā Now thereā€™s a life there. Now youā€™ve got a real issue. ā€¦ No. 1, I donā€™t think people should have sex with whoever they want to because that creates problems, but letā€™s just say thatā€™s the individualā€™s desire. ā€¦ Youā€™ve now gone outside of yourself, but itā€™s immorality.

So now, if youā€™re a predator, if youā€™re a pedophile in America today, this is like a playground because we are socially normalizing a sexually immoral culture. And the predators are saying, ā€œThank you for doing my grooming work for me because before I had to work really hard to convince a girl to give it up. Nowā€”ā€

del Guidice: Society encourages it.

Booyens: Yeah. . .

del Guidice: So you mentioned at the beginning, when we started talking, that you have a passion for media, thatā€™s what you do. How did you particularly get involved with sex trafficking? Was it a passion that youā€™ve always had or what was the story that led you to do the work that youā€™re doing right now?

Booyens:Ā I love how you ask questions, by the way. This is real for us, this is not something we just read a book [about]. My sisterā€”so weā€™re two brothers, Iā€™m the oldest, a younger brother and a sisterā€”my sister was sex-trafficked for six years, so this is real.

We wake up one morning and our sisterā€™s gone, my brother and I and my mom. How did we learn what sex trafficking is? On the streets, talking to people, trying to find my sister. And everybody said, ā€œOh, sheā€™s a runaway.ā€ No, this is very real.

And then that harsh reality hit me when she came back. The person that left is not the person that came back. It took 10 years, it took a decade to get Ilonka healthy. Three suicide attempts.

I mean, it is a disaster. The suicide rates with these victims are through the roof because they come back to people who think they should be normal. But when you abuse a woman sexually, you strip her of everything, everythingā€”personality, identity, self-worth, purpose. Itā€™s a shell. The life expectancy of people that are trafficked is seven years. They donā€™t live because they commit suicide.

So if you look at [the] teen suicide rate today, and then draw the correlation with the sex abuse, it is staggering. Because they feel like they canā€™t talk, they canā€™t tell anybody, nobody will understand. So for us itā€™s very real.

So then, I started witnessing sex trafficking in the USA. And we just made a decision. My wife is a writer, an incredible writer. ā€¦ And we said, ā€œListen, weā€™re going to fight this fight because no child, no childā€”ā€ ā€¦ And again, yes, Iā€™m a Christian. Iā€™ll fight for the Muslim kid, the Buddhist kid, the Hindu kid, any American child. Weā€™re focusing on American children. We fight in other countries, too. But itā€™s such an epidemic in the USA, we said, ā€œListen, weā€™re going to focus on the USA. No child should be sexually exploited. Zero.ā€ And unfortunately today, the rising trend, as I told you, is in suburbia but itā€™s also parents trafficking their own children.

del Guidice: That is just unreal.

Booyens: Itā€™s the No. 1 rising trend. . . I just gave you a stat, 97% of child sex trafficking victimsā€”the average age is 12 in the United States, by the way, lowest average in the worldā€”are girls. Weā€™re not even talking about the girl in the womb, weā€™re talking about the walking around, 12-year-old woman.

And feminist groups wonā€™t defend them because if they do, they know the second they acknowledge that child sex trafficking is real, they have to investigate their own. All of a sudden, they have to look at, where are the kids coming from? All of a sudden it leads into a border conversation. All of a sudden they go, ā€œWell, wait a minute, if weā€™re going to fight child sex trafficking, itā€™s going to go against our political views.ā€ And I go, ā€œYeah. But remember, itā€™s people.ā€ And they go, ā€œEhhā€”ā€

del Guidice:Ā Hands off.

Booyens:Ā ā€ ā€¦ weā€™ll sit on the sidelines on this one.ā€ And I go, ā€œYou hypocrites. Youā€™re not feminist. You created a movement to justify yourself and the things that are important for you, but youā€™re not really for every woman. And then Iā€™ll go and say, ā€œIf youā€™re for every woman, why are over 60% of the babies aborted, black babies, girls? Fight for that girl.ā€

del Guidice:Ā You just mentioned the border crisis and something else along with pornography and sex trafficking, another link thatā€™s rarely talked about is the situation we have at the border and how sex trafficking feeds into that as well. What is the situation there? What are you seeing in regards to people that are brought over illegally and how they can be trafficked into slavery?

Booyens:Ā ā€¦ I sat with the head of CBP [Customs and Border Protection] recently in D.C. ā€¦ and I said, ā€œCome on ā€¦ talk to me.ā€ ā€¦ He said, ā€œJaco, hereā€™s the deal. Our guys drink from a firehose. This is the process, that family comes across, as you know, Jaco, it is almost impossible to know, is it her dad, is it not? You need time, we donā€™t have the time. Weā€™re getting incredible pressure for not interrogating ā€¦

Thirty percent of the children that [are] coming across that border today will be in the sex trafficking rings. Thirty percent. Thatā€™s not even fearmongering, that is a fact.

Sixty percent of the children who come across the border have at some point, or will be at some point in their lives, at least be sexually violated once. It means rape, whatever. ā€¦ But 30% of them coming over will go into sex trafficking.

But hereā€™s the most shocking stat that I learned: When CBP hands that child over, that child goes to HHS, Health and Human Services, that has zero training, zero experience on even identifying a child sex traffic victim. All they care about is their disease, is the child nourished or malnourished, and food.

Now Health and Human Services holds that child, and releases them into the system. And then we find children all throughout America [who] canā€™t speak English being rescued from sex trafficking, [and they] donā€™t know who they are because the childā€™s a ghost. [Thereā€™s no] birth certificates, nothing on that child. Whereā€™s the child come from? Whoā€™s that child?

If youā€™re a trafficker, think about how amazing that is to traffickers. You mean, youā€™re just going to bring children in here that nobodyā€™s going to look for? And when they find them thereā€™s nowhere to send them? And oh, by the way, we donā€™t have enough facilities to house the kids when theyā€™re rescued so the trafficker picks them up from juvie, picks them up from the shelter.

Itā€™s a disastrous system, and the longer the left placates and is not willing to publicly recognize that even their own people, both sides of the aisle are perpetrators, itā€™s being aided and abetted.

del Guidice:Ā We have our work cut out for us.

So, final question for you: Itā€™s no secret that the work you do, itā€™s draining emotionally. I mean, just reading about it a little bit, itā€™s tough stuff. You mentioned your faith in Christ. I know that must be a huge part of what keeps you going, but how do you stay strong and committed to the fight when it can be so hard, especially given you do not everyoneā€™s job, every day-to-day 9-5, I donā€™t know what hours you work, but they donā€™t always have to face the kind of things that you face. So how do you stay grounded?

Booyens:Ā It really is my faith. Itā€™s a core belief system for me that every life matters. As we talk in here, you know what goes through my mind as weā€™re sitting here? I see my sisterā€™s face.

Every day I remember and will never forget the moment when that girl sat in front of us as a familyā€”just me, my mom, and my brotherā€”and the truth came out. And I had to hear what men did to her. And not onceā€”although one rape is horrificā€”but six years. And I had to listen to explicit details because it was part of her healing process. Thereā€™s no words for the emotions.

So I see that face in that conversation every day. So I wake up and I go, ā€œStop it. Get up. Save the kids. Get the bad guys.ā€

And yes, Christ brings the power. And then weā€™ve got an amazing team, and my wife does it with me and my team does it with me. ā€¦ So thereā€™s an amazing team and itā€™s people who really love people, they really care about people.

And I can tell you, 90-plus percent of the people who end up being involved in rescue or whateverā€”itā€™s not like weā€™re going to rescue the Christians. This is not you going for your kind. No, itā€™s every child. But also, now, every pedophile. Iā€™m putting my sights squarely on the men, those who are paying for sex with children, Iā€™m coming for those guys.

Fortune 500 company CEOs, congressmen, senators, I donā€™t care who you are, what your name is, who your father is, what may happen to society if it gets out. Run, hide, or repent, change your ways, because we will get you.

[Jeffrey] Epstein was tip of the iceberg. Epstein was a minion. Wait until you see what comes out this yearā€”the people above him, the people he answered to, the people who pulled his strings.

Itā€™s going to rock society ā€¦ and itā€™s going to scare people because itā€™s among us. Itā€™s here. I mean, itā€™s here at this conference. Thatā€™s the reality. Itā€™s in the church. Every church. Deal with it, pastor. Start getting your people safe or youā€™re not doing your job. Itā€™s in every corporation. Because, why? Itā€™s sex. Itā€™s in every family, right?

So fathers, do your job as a dad. Get involved with your daughters. Know their hearts, build them up as young women, tell them who they are, give them real identity. Make sure that the first time they really believe that theyā€™re loved is not from some creep online. Make sure it was you, dad, and mom, and brother.

Teach your sons how to respect women, teach your sons how to protect women. Not that Iā€™m saying women are weak and canā€™t protect themselves. But manā€™s job is to be a watchman, to go out there and hunt and look for the bad guys. But dads are not doing that. So, ultimately, it comes down to the father.

Now look at whatā€™s happening to the African American community. Fatherless nation. We got to bring those dads backā€”got to get them back, got to get them involved so those young girls do not go trust some weird guy to tell them what love is, what their purpose is in life, what their worth is in life, because theyā€™ll do it.

del Guidice: Jaco, thank you so much for joining us today on The Daily Signal Podcast, we are honored to have you and thank you for sharing everything youā€™ve shared.

Booyens:Ā Thank you, Rachel. You guys are amazing. Thank you for your work. Itā€™s an honor.

del Guidice:Ā Thanks for being with us.

(Excerpt from the Daily Signal. Article by Rachel del Guidice.)


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Darlene Estlow
February 10, 2020

Father heal our families. Show father’s how to be fathers and love their daughters in action and words. Give our border patrol agents wisdom and protect the children that cross the border. Heal our nation and protect our children. Teach us to minister to young people who have been trafficked. Touch the hearts of those who use these young people for their evil pleasure. Draw their hearts to you in repentance. Give our churches and ministers boldness in dealing with this problem. Help us, Father, to come to you as a nation and end this problem.

Doris Saltis
February 10, 2020

This must be shared as much as each of us are able.
I find it very frustrating that I cannot share this through your sharing facilities that are offered. Only email seems to work. If there is another way I can get this to Facebook I would certainly appreciate finding out how to do this. Thank you anyone who can help me.

    Tenney Singer
    February 10, 2020

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