ASHLAND — This past weekend Bible believers were in hot pursuit of GOD’s presence with clergy, ministry leaders, and elected officials leading a corporate call to prayer and repentance.
In the midst of a pandemic and national social unrest, a collaboration of twenty-five churches associated with the local Ashland County Ministerial Association (ACMA) braved August heat asking forgiveness from GOD during a sacred assembly. Consequently, one clergyman believes the community is getting a glimpse of the Almighty’s storehouse of blessings.
“There is a sense that GOD is doing many great things,” says Pastor David McNeely of New Life Community Church. “GOD is re-writing the history of Ashland. I believe with all my heart there will be a great harvest by what has been prayed for here tonight. We are beginning to see the activity and orchestration of GOD.”
State Rep. Darrell Kick, one of the assembly speakers, shared about a group of state lawmakers who hold Bible study before casting their vote at the Statehouse. He also admitted the district he represents has a unique reputation among the circle of legislators.
“There is the perception Ashland is a GOD-fearing county. As an elected official, I have noticed over the past couple of years there has been spiritual renewal in this area. After what I saw today, I am not aware of another district where the Mayor commits the city to Jesus Christ and a County Commissioner asks forgiveness for the sins of the county.”
(Photo courtesy of Ashland Pictures)
(Photo courtesy of Ashland Pictures)
During the assembly, Mayor Matt Miller stated he believed GOD’s mercy has shielded the community from COVID-19. Ashland County has posted minimal cases in the course of the pandemic.
“The heart of this city (Ashland) is seeking GOD …. I believe with all my heart that is why GOD has protected and blessed the City of Ashland during one of the most tumultuous times in my lifetime and the city’s history,” the Mayor said. . . .
Dr. Carlos Campos, President of Ashland University and Theological Seminary asked the crowd to pray for college campuses. “Join me to repent where universities across this country have failed to follow their mission to pursue truth to its final end which can lead to only one thing: the embodiment of truth, and that is Jesus Christ.”
“The heart of this city (Ashland) is seeking GOD …. I believe with all my heart that is why GOD has protected and blessed the City of Ashland during one of the most tumultuous times in my lifetime and the city’s history.”
Ashland Mayor Matt Miller
Joel Penton, the Executive Director of Lifewise Academy prayed for the public schools during the gathering. Penton is partnering with ACMA to bring Bible education to all five public schools districts in Ashland County.
“For over two generations the Bible has been removed from the nation’s education system and now the country is reaping the harvest,” Penton said. “However, an Ohio law passed in 2014 allows high school students to receive school credits for Bible classes. In fact, Van Wert, Ohio has ninety-five percent of their elementary public school students taught from the Bible every week. It is tranforming the next generation.”
Amanda Nichols, Executive Director of Project One shared a vivd testimony of the tranformational power of prayer delivering her husband from drug addiction. “It is only by the grace of GOD and His Word that my husband has been clean for eleven years.”
“GOD is doing a new thing that will affect the generations yet to come,” says Pastor McNeely. “GOD is making a way in the wilderness where there seems to be no way. He is raising up a faithful remnant in our community.”
We lived in Ashland County from 1967 to 1988. In the 1970’s, our church welcomed Lou Engle as youth pastor. (See The Lou Engle Story on YouTube)! Praise God that Ashland County STILL worships His NAME!
Been praying for years for revival! These hard times show that God is listening and it is happening as his people listen!! PTL for meetings like this
Great news! My husband attended Ashland Seminary years ago and pastored there for the first time. It’s wonderful to see the hard work and prayers and faithfulness of that community being answered and fruitful. Thank you Jesus!
I am so moved by your obedience,dedication and love for our Lord Jesus Christ and I pray that the Awesome awakening and revival happening in your community will spread throughout this great nation of ours. We are one nation under God!
May God truly continue to bless you all!
I started the daywith a negative,” how do I provide ‘proof’ of what I believe is happening around the world.” The Holy Spirit met me and reminded me if I stop and shift my focus back on Him, the rocky roadsmooths out and becomes a superhighway that gets me to my destination superfast compared to that ox driven cary I was driving.🤔 So join me and those Godly people in Ohio singing, “Jesus loves me, this I know…..SING..LOUDER
Thank you for this encouraging word about Ashland. Lord continue to do a great work in their community. Continue to bless this people who have the fear of you. Protect this people and bless this people. Keep a shield of protection around the mayor and county commissioner. Help this revival to spread through surrounding communities and our nation. Thank you Lord for your work continues. Help us all to be a light and salt for you. In the holy name of Jesus I pray.
Thank you Father for what you are doing in this community. Protect them and give them your strength when they receive persecution. May this continue to spread across our nation to your glory.
Thank you for this community and their example of repentance and commitment to you. I pray that your church would rise across the nation to declare their submission to Jesus as Lord of Heaven and earth and that a spirit of obedience and renewal and awakening would be lit in our communities. We need your Spirit to restore truth into our culture. We need you to raise up people to protect the citizens of this nation from the anarchists. We need you to restore truth about gender and marriage and family. There are battles on every hand but you are the living God- maker of Heaven and earth. Nothing is too hard for you. Lord- may we be prayer warriors together as we stand against the tide of evil and may we look to you our hope, our defender. our way-maker, our promise keeper, our light, our peace, our wall of fire that surrounds us, our rock, our salvation. Not by might nor by power but by my Spirit says that Lord of Hosts. In the name of Jesus our Lord and King.
A perfect example of living life as a Christian community (thank you for sharing this story of hope). Lord I pray that what the people of Ashland are doing by putting You first be shared across this nation. Please continue to bless the people of Ashland for their commitment to You, and bless all other communities that follow this wonderful example. Let the revival continue to spread across our great United States.
Father all the glory and honor is Yours in Jesus name.