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I Prayed have prayed
Father, hear the prayers of the saints about this satanic gathering. You are greater! We praise you and lift you on high!
Reading Time: 5 minutes

Add your prayer here about the SatanCon satanic conference being held in Scottsdale, Arizona from February 11-13th. Read more about that conference here on HeadlinePrayer.

Below are some helpful scriptural prayer points you can use to pray about this. Additional resources for praying about witchcraft, dealing with demonic activity and other similar issues can be found on IFA’s resource page at IFApray.org/resources.

Let’s use this page as a place to gather the prayers of the intercessors about this evil gathering. Add your prayer in the comment section below.


Seven Steps to Reverse the Curse:

      with other believers, lift up a corporate voice of praise to God and victory over the darkness (Jude 1:25).
    2. COVER YOURSELF with the protection of the blood of Christ as you wade in these spiritual waters of
      countering curses (Eph 6:10-20).
    3. REPENT for any way you have personally spoken against family members, our leaders, or our nation (Jas 5:16).
    4. RENOUNCE THE CURSES and NULLIFY them through the blood of Christ (Gal 3:13, Deut 11:26, Jas 4:7). Pray
      for supernatural wisdom and revelation to know what curses need to be countered. (For instance, you might say,
      “I renounce the curse of harm against my family and I nullify any assignment of the enemy to bring them
    5. SPEAK THE OPPOSITE. Bless those who are being cursed as well as those who are blindly cursing them. (For
      instance you might say, “In the name of Jesus, I pray that instead of harm against the President, that there be
      supernatural protection over him, and that those who are cursing him would come to faith in Christ.”)
    6. RELEASE the true destiny for those being cursed by calling forth God’s purposes for them (Jer 29:11).
      (For instance you might say, “I call forth the destiny of God for this President, that all that God desires to
      accomplish through this man would come to be, and that God would be glorified.”)
    7. CONTINUE to repeat these actions to actively counteract the ongoing cursing of our families, our President, and
      our nation

Here are some scriptural declarations being prayed by IFA intercessors:

Isaiah 37:20 O LORD deliver us from the hands of our enemies that the kingdoms of the earth may know that YOU alone, LORD are GOD.

Isaiah 43:1-3 “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior.”

Psalm 27:2 When evildoers came upon me to devour my flesh, My adversaries and my enemies, they stumbled and fell.

Isaiah 49:25,26 Surely, thus says the LORD  even the captives of the mighty man will be taken away, and the pry of the tyrant will be rescued; for I will contend with the one who contends with you, I will save your sons. 26) “I will feed your oppressors with their own flesh, and they will become drunk with their own blood ass with sweet wine; and all flesh will know that I, the LORD am your Savior and your Redeemer, the Mighty ONE of Jacob.”

Deuteronomy 28:7 The Lord will cause your enemies who rise against you to be defeated before you. They shall come out against you one way and flee before you seven ways.

Psalm 44:7 But You have saved us from our adversaries, And You have put to shame those who hate us.

Psalm 27:2 When evildoers came upon me to devour my flesh, My adversaries and my enemies, they stumbled and fell.

Psalm 3:7 Arise, O LORD; save me, O my God: for thou hast smitten all mine enemies upon the cheek bone; thou hast broken the teeth of the ungodly.

Psalm 5:8 Lead me, O LORD, in thy righteousness because of mine enemies; make thy way straight before my face.

Psalm 6:7 Mine eye is consumed because of grief; it waxes old because of all mine enemies.

Psalm 6:10  Let all mine enemies be ashamed and sore vexed: let them return and be ashamed suddenly.

Psalm 7:6 Arise, O LORD, in thine anger, lift up thyself because of the rage of mine enemies: and awake for me to the judgment that thou hast commanded.

Psalm 9:3 When mine enemies are turned back, they shall fall and perish at thy presence.

Psalm 9:6: O thou enemy, destructions are come to a perpetual end: and thou hast destroyed cities; their memorial is perished with them.

Psalm 18:3 I will call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies.

Psalm 18:17 He delivered me from my strong enemy, and from them which hated me: for they were too strong for me.

Psalm 18:48 He deliverers me from mine enemies: yea, YOU lift me up above those that rise up against me: thou hast delivered me from the violent man.

Psalm 21:8 Thine hand shall find out all thine enemies: thy right hand shall find out those that hate thee.

Psalm 71:10 for mine enemies speak against me; and they that lay wait for my soul take counsel together

Psalm 78:66 and he smote his enemies in the hinder parts: he put them to a perpetual reproach.

Psalm 92:9 for, lo, thine enemies, O LORD, for, lo, thine enemies shall perish; all the workers of iniquity shall be scattered.

Psalm 97:3 A fire goes before him, and burns up his enemies round about.


HIS Promises to us over Arizona and America:

Psalm 105:24 and he increased his people greatly; and made them stronger than their enemies.

Psalm 106:10 and he saved them from the hand of him that hated them, and redeemed them from the hand of the enemy.

Psalm 106:11 and the waters covered their enemies: there was not one of them left.

Psalm 106:42 their enemies also oppressed them, and they were brought into subjection under their hand.

Psalm 107:2 let the redeemed of the LORD say so, whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy;

Psalm 108:13 Through God we shall do valiantly: for he it is that shall tread down our enemies.

Psalm 112:8 His heart is established, he shall not be afraid, until he see his desire upon his enemies.

Psalm 143:9 Deliver me, O LORD, from mine enemies: I flee unto thee to hide me.

Psalm 143:12  And of thy mercy cut off mine enemies, and destroy all them that afflict my soul: for I am thy servant.

Proverbs 15:29 But He hears the prayer of the righteous.

(Sent by Robert, AZ Intercessor)

Share how you are praying, intercessors!  Add your prayer to the comment section below!

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MaryEllen Tieman
February 13, 2022


Julie Wagoner
February 13, 2022

God, our Father, in heaven, Creator of life,Who gave Your only, Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins and the sins of the whole world, we seal our prayers to you, against all evil, against those who are trying to steal the souls of Your children, with the body, blood, soul and Divinity of Christ our Lord. We know, by Your Word, no weapons formed against us shall prosper. We know the darkness shall NOT overcome the LIGHT! We pray those who have turned to the darkness, evil and reject You, will have their souls saved from eternal damnation. We pray they run to You, receive You, love You and follow You. Amen.

February 13, 2022

I was born into the Satanic cult. Our Father in heaven rescued me. What they meant for evil, He has used for good. Eventually I was abandoned into the CA foster care system where I aged out. Today I am retired and I minister to women behind bars in a city that once had the highest per capita of satanists. God is not just “good”; He is omniibenevolent. There is no battle in your life that is too big for Him. Trust Him and pray.

February 13, 2022

Most High God, I decree and declare that You are God over Scottsdale and Arizona.
You established the United States of America for Your Name, Your fame and Your glory and we still believe that.
You, alone, are Sovereign over Scottsdale.
In Jesus’ name;
“For it is written: “As I live, says the Lord, Every knee shall bow to Me, And every tongue shall confess to God.””
‭‭Romans‬ ‭14:11‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

“that in honor of the name given Yeshua, every knee will bow — in heaven, on earth and under the earth — and every tongue will acknowledge that Yeshua the Messiah is Adonai — to the glory of God the Father.”
‭‭Philippians (Php)‬ ‭2:10-11‬ ‭CJB‬‬

Danny N.C.
February 13, 2022

Dear Heavenly Father, I pray for the good people of Scottsdale, the nation, and indeed the whole world for protection against whatever evil the organizers and participants of this heinous event in AZ have planned. Lord, let us remember Your word in Isaiah 5:20, “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” Lord, protect our children and the impressionable of any age from the lies these people weave and the spells they try to invoke. Lord, evil is in our face more than ever in these days, and making no attempt to hide. Lord, clearly these wicked people and the dark forces they serve believe they have the upper hand, but Lord, those of us whose eyes You have opened see the foolishness and futility of their actions. Lord, while I pray for protection of the innocent against their workings, I also wish to pray for the deceived themselves. While I believe many of the participants in this even know full well the evil they do, I also believe many of them are simply deluded fools who have no idea of the seriousness and wickedness of the activities they are engaging in. Many of them have been deceived into seeing all of this as some kind of “fun” and rebellious activity. Lord, I pray that many of these lost souls will have their eyes opened to YOUR truth and light, and I pray that this event may backfire in some way that demonstrates to these delusional people the folly of their ways. May this event fail in all the planners’ intents and instead turn the eyes and hearts of the lost to You. In Jesus precious name I pray, O’ Lord, Amen.

Crystal Kramer
February 12, 2022

Oh Mighty God, we come before your throne of grace, lifting our prayers for your miraculous hand to defeat the demonic forces at the Satanic conference. We pray for angels and your presence to saturate the atmosphere. Save these lost and deceived souls participating in this satanic ritual. In your mighty and glorious name we pray. Amen!

February 12, 2022

Father God, I pray for those attending the Satanists’ convention in Scottsdale, AZ. May this be the beginning (A) and the end (Z) of this movement. I pray You to show up and fill those people with the fear of the Lord. May they drop their false gods, shattering them into a million pieces. May all their attempts to dishonor and blaspheme You come back on their own heads. May You terrorize them with Your presence. May these three days be a major turning point in the lives of these Baal worshippers. Send Your warring angels to do battle against the forces of evil. May the gates of hell not prevail against Your forces. I pray the Holy Spirit to convict the attenders of sin, righteousness, and judgement. May one tell another who tells 10 more who’ll tell 100 more who will tell 10,000 of the Godly intervention of this weekend. May the fear of the Lord spread like a California wild fire. I pray a great outpouring of Your Holy Spirit like on the day of Pentecost. May all the enemy has planned end in utter failure–total defeat–complete disappointment. I pray Your blood on every intercessor lifting this unholy gathering, they and their families and all that concerns them. I renounce any and all curses sent out against us by the power and blood of Jesus. Glory to our God now and forevermore!

Shirley Hoskkns
February 12, 2022

Father God, we decree & declare The Name of Jesus Christ is intervening in this evil convention with the almighty power that Jesus’ completed work on The Cross procured.
May the mighty wind of ‘The Love of Jesus ‘encounter’ all who attend.’

Minister Steven R. Closs, DDiv, MSBS
February 12, 2022

Lord Jesus, we know that Satan and his fallen angels wouldn’t be fighting so hard against us if we weren’t making a difference for Your kingdom. He wouldn’t be trying so hard to stop us, if he didn’t think You had so much good still in store. Remind us today Lord Jesus, that the battle belongs to You, and whatever we’re up against can be taken down in one fell swoop by Your mighty hand. Please help us to trust You more, to stop wasting time just spinning our wheels or fighting in our strength. Forgive us for the times we’ve neglected to set our eyes and hearts on You, for the days we’ve forgotten to come to You first. Fill us with the power of Your Holy Spirit. Fill us with Your wisdom and discernment to make us aware of Satan’s traps, so we can stand strong against his schemes. Thank You for Your constant reminders that Your presence will go with us, in whatever we face, and You will give us rest. In Your Mighty and Holy Name, I pray. Amen.
Minister Steven Robert Closs, DDiv, MSBS

February 12, 2022

Lord, we ask for you to dismantle and evil plans of the enemy. Protect our children, our families our communities. We serve only the Almighty God! We take authority over the enemy that means to kill, steal, and destroy. We praise you, Lord! We pray for the church and that the masses will turn to you, Lord. We give you glory, honor, and praise, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

February 12, 2022

Dear Heavenly Father, We thank You that You don’t leave us ignorant of satan’s devices, but alert us to them! As satanic gatherings attempt to bring attention to their agenda for our nation, we INTERCESSORS are making a PROCLAMATION THAT the gates of hell shall NOT PREVAIL HERE! MAY YOU ALMIGHTY GOD DEMONSTRATE YOUR MIGHTY POWER OVER every demonic activity showing them to be ineffective and useless in carrying out their agenda of evil! May every plot fall to the ground and confusion abounds in every place. COLOSSIANS 2:15 IN JESUS NAME, MAY GOD DISARM the principalities and powers of darkness raged against us and MAKE A BOLD DISPLY AND PUBLIC EXAMPLE OF THEM, TRIUMPHING OVER ALL OF THEM INCHRIST AND IN THE CROSS! WE STAND TOGETHER UNITED IN FAITH THAT these meetings will be fleeting, flee and scatter dividing their momentum to nought! MAY THERE BE A MIGHTY REVIVAL IN THE SAGUARO HOTEL AREA ! We DECLARE RIGHTEOUSNESS OVER EVIL ! DEAR LORD, WE ESPECIALLY PRAY FOR ITS FOUNDER, DOUGLAS MISICKA( Lucien Greaves). WHILE IN HIS MOTHRR’S WOMB YOU LORD HAD A PURPOSE FOR HIS LIFE! DON’T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO CHANGE HIM, BUT LORD WE PRAY FOR HIS SOUL THAT HE WOULD HAVE A DAMASCUS ROAD EXPERIENCE AND HIS EYES AND HEART WOULD SEE THE MAGNIFICENT LOVE YOU HAVE FOR HIM! DEAR LORD MAY OUR PRAYERS BE SENT OUT LIKE MISSILES HITTING EVERY TARGET OF THE enemies plots of destruction! WE THANK YOU THAT YOUR WARRING ANGELS ARE BEING SENT TO DISPEL THESE works of darkness! FOR GOD IS LIGHT!!! MAY THERE BE AN ELIJAH VERSUS THE prophets of Baal at MT CARMEL ENCOUNTER AMONG the satanic temple gathering!!!!! WE AWAIT GOOD NEWS OF YOUR VICTORY ALMIGHTY GOD OVER THESE EVENTS IN JESUS MIGJTY NAME!!!!!

Helen P
February 12, 2022

Everlasting Father, King and Creator of the universe and all that is therein. I give You honor and praise. Your ways and thoughts are so much higher than ours and You alone are infallible.
I pray that all attending this anti christ conference will come to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. That the eyes of their understanding be opened with repentance in their heart

Mary Haight
February 12, 2022

Lord God, I just praise and lift you high, and glorify Your holy Name. You are far greater than the enemy and there are more for us than there are against us. I thank You that You have given us the power to become kings and priests and given us power to trample on serpents and scorpions. Put the enemy to confusion, for they are powerless against the mighty Blood of Jesus. I ask for the Blood to cover Scottsdale, Phoenix, Tucson and all of Arizona. Every curse broken. Blessed be the Name of the Lord!!!

February 12, 2022

Dear children,
You are from God and you have conquered them, for the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. 1 John 4:4

February 11, 2022

Father, we come into Your presence with faith and Thanksgiving. Your name is more powerful than any other name. We bind the spirit of satanism. We render anyone and everyone that is attending this gathering powerless. We plead the blood of your Son, Jesus, over this event. We thank you that we have been given authority over all evil spirits. I pray when people hear the name Scottsdale, they will remember that this is a godly city and that You reign over there. I lift up my city, Fort Worth, as a godly city where You reign. I curse any assignment from the enemy to cause harm and destruction. Lord, may Your glory cover this whole earth. We love You, in Jesus’ name I pray. Amen

Maria Morais
February 11, 2022

Father and Lord we ask that you dismantled the plans of the enemy for Satan or his dominions cannot do one thing without your permission. We ask that you bind and demolish their plans. We ask that no children or any innocent lives are sacrificed or tortured! Protect the children Lord. We come before Your throne and ask for divine intervention! By the breath of your nostrils you can extinguish the plans of our enemies and send them into mass confusion and scatter them Lord!!! Lord please Bind the spirits of witchcraft, sorcery , kundalini, python, leviathan. Jezebelle and all seducing mind control spirits by the power of Your name Yeshua Hamushiach and by the power of Your precious blood! I pray psalms 91 over Arizona and Scottsdale….

“He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust.” Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler And from the perilous pestilence. He shall cover you with His feathers, And under His wings you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler. You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, Nor of the arrow that flies by day, Nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, Nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday. A thousand may fall at your side, And ten thousand at your right hand; But it shall not come near you. Only with your eyes shall you look, And see the reward of the wicked. Because you have made the Lord, who is my refuge, Even the Most High, your dwelling place, No evil shall befall you, Nor shall any plague come near your dwelling; For He shall give His angels charge over you, To keep you in all your ways. In their hands they shall bear you up, Lest you dash your foot against a stone. You shall tread upon the lion and the cobra, The young lion and the serpent you shall trample underfoot. “Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him; I will set him on high, because he has known My name. He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him, And show him My salvation.””
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭91:1-16‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

lou and Kay Woltering
February 11, 2022

Lord we lift up the city, the small communities, families, and individual children that are exposed to this terrible darkness. We pray the people exposed to this darkness will submit themselves to God and resist the devil, and he will flee from them. (James 4:7)

Lord open the eyes of those that are promoting this evil and darkness as well as the eyes of those that are exposed to this darkness so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in Jesus. (Acts 26:18 ESV)
And Lord let those believers that are under attack through this travesty stand on the words of Jesus in Mark 4:8 when He said “Get the behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and
him only shalt thou serve.”

Lord we pray these things in Jesus Holy Name. Amen

Donette Dallas
February 11, 2022

I pray no weapon formed against us will prosper. GOD judgeth the righteous and God is angry with wicked every day, For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds we are covered by the blood of Jesus Christ Amen

Sean Ray
February 11, 2022

Lord, I have to come to you once more to ask for the children’s protection that might be at that convention. I pleed the shed blood of Jesus Christ over those children that no harm would come to any of those innocent children. Lord, please protect their minds, their spirits, their souls, and keep them from any physical, spiritual, mental or emotional harm. In spite of what their family believes, Lord I pray they turn to you and come to you as their Lord and Savior. I pray that they daily and hourly calling your name holy God. Lord, I pray that Satan this would turn from their beliefs and come to know you as Lord and Savior. That they would be even more dedicated to you than they ever were to the enemy in Jesus name thank you Lord. Thank you God for this time to pray. Lord I just pray that you turn this convention in every convention like it upside down in Jesus Christ name In Jesus name, amen.

Sean Ray
February 11, 2022

Do you have only father, I agree with what all has been prayed here. I am a beginner in this type of intercession, but I played the shed blood of Jesus Christ over myself and over my family. I give praise to holy God and declare you holy God as one having all authority here on this earth. I declare Satan is having no authority here on this earth in Jesus Christ name and your assignment over Scottsdale Arizona is canceled in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I pray for no harm to come to the residence of Scottsdale Arizona holy Lord. I pray for protection of believers all over this world holy God. I pray holy Lord for your will to be done in Jesus Christ holy name, amen.

February 11, 2022

Heavenly Father, assign Your holy host to fight victoriously with their swords drawn that the enemy cannot claim a single soul.

In Jesus’ name


February 11, 2022

Mighty God, we come to You with thanksgiving, appreciation and gratitude for all of What and Who You are.
Father, please intervene on behalf of the people. They don’t know what they’re doing. Scatter the group, cause no one to be able to communicate with anyone else. Blast the demonic presence into oblivion and cover all of Arizona with Your Light.
Assign Your heavenly armies to corral the demons. Assign Your Ángels to we who are praying.
And, cause a revival to break out!
We decree and declare that the United States of America is Yours. We declare and decree that You established us for Your great purpose. We declare, decree and bind every wicked thought, action and word associated with what is left of this even.
You are YHVH. You are sovereign over our nation. Daddy! Rebuke the adversary!
Save multitudes of people and let Your love drive out evil because You are love.

In Jesus’ name we pray!


February 11, 2022

Father God, I come before You and pray that Your will be done here on earth as it is in heaven. I pray for the lost souls that are at this conference that something happens to make them turn away from the evil one. Father, you are still in control and have authority and I ask that you place protection over the city from these evil forces. I pray for the lost that they may find You. I thank you that You are worthy of all our praises and that You will do only what You can do and that Your light will shine around the city for evil ones to see. It is in Your precious Name I pray. Amen!

February 11, 2022

I plead the Blood of Jesus over America and the World . I pray according to 2 Chronicles 7:14 and Psalms 19:7.. Let Psalms 91 and Psalms 51 saturate our earth., knowing with confidence this day according to Psalms 37 shall come to pass. In Jesus name amen 🙏🏽

Mary Letner
February 11, 2022

I come against anything or anyone who would try to exalt themselves above the knowledge of God I bind their witch prayers back on them in the name of Jesus I render their prayers ineffective and unproductive in the Name above All Names JESUS

AMERICA is covered by the Blood of Jesus
So be it.

Irene Portokalis
February 11, 2022

Thank God for freedom to quote scripture and refute every evil threat against the Satanic Temple. If God before us who can be gains to us? Praise God Almighty. Amen

Katy Tompkins
February 11, 2022

Lord I pray that you cover us up from this satanic awful conference 🙌🏻I pray in Jesus name Amen

February 11, 2022

May the Lord help the poor confused souls see his light. May they see Jesus is the only Lord, he’s the way, the truth and I pray for protection against all curses made by Satanist. Please Lord God break these curses and turn them back on themselves. Let these peoples eyes be opened to you Lord, you’ve already defeated Satan, but help the people who are gullible to hear these evil things and believe them. I pray for our youth let any evil spoken to these young souls be turned to good for them. Let these people walk away believing in you Jesus. Thats our calling to bring ppl to you, let us turn the eyes of the unbelievers to you God. You have always been our savior, redeemer and I believe something good can come out of this very evil conference. I PRAY THE BLOOD OF JESUS OVER EVERY ATTENDEE OF THIS CONFERENCE. I PRAY THE BLOOD OF JESUS OVER THE WHOLE STATE OF ARIZONA. May your love surround everyone and show them your lamp stand. In Jesus mighty name, Amen

Barbara Sholar
February 11, 2022

To the Lord God alone belongs all the glory and honor and power and praise for You have conquered hell and death through the blood of Jesus the Christ our Lord. I loose my city from the curses of anyone or anything. I loose my church from any curses of anyone or anything. I loose my family from the curses of anyone or anything that is unholy, unrighteous and lying. By the name of Jesus Christ the only true Lord God. Amen

ming Miley
February 11, 2022

Dear Lord, Thank You for giving us Your words. We pray that You will break all the schedules and activities of this satan convention, put confusion in between them, let the people who come to feel it’s not worthy to come after all. Save the people there and the young curiosity seekers, turn them back from the wrong path and turn them back to You. And we pray for all the schools that have the satan clubs, Lord, Please save our children, protect our children, raise up the parents to be against this.Let the schools have the right to stand up to refuse these things. Let the legislators do something about this. Raise up Your men and women to be elected into the legislature. We pray is in Jesus Name, Amen.

Debra Songer
February 11, 2022

Oh LORD Please help these brothers and sisters that have been misled by evil. Please LORD shine your light on them show them LORD that chose the wring way. Forgive them please bring them to the light. Please LORD if their is any good in them please redeem them in all your glory LORD. Praise you LORD JESUS CHRIST Thank you LORD JESUS CHRIST Amen

Susan CC
February 11, 2022

Exodus 40:35 Moses was unable to enter the Tent of Meeting because the cloud had settled on it, and the Glory of the LORD filled the tabernacle.
Proverbs 6:15-16Their perverted hearts plot evil and they constantly stir up trouble. Therefore calamity will come upon them suddenly; in an instant they will be shattered beyond recovery.

Dear Heavenly Father, may the atmosphere in and around Scottsdale be full of Your Glory. I pray Your presence fills every molecule. Your are the Creator of All, nothing and no one is outside of Your reach. For those in Scottsdale who love You, I pray empowerment. For those who are defiling the air they breathe, terror and calamity. I pray it pleases You to deny the worship of any but YOURSELF. Hear O’ Israel, Hear O’ World and everyone in it, the Lord is our God, the Lord is One. I pray in the Victorious Name of Jesus Christ. Amen

Minister Steven R. Closs, DDiv, MSBS
February 11, 2022

Lord Jesus, we thank You that You have already won the victory. Because of Your death on the Cross, Satan’s fate has been sealed. Thank You for equipping and enabling us to resist the devil’s attacks. Thank You for Your Word that can expose our own sinful desires and refute the lies of the Devil. Help us to stand firm, rooted in the faith, shielded by Your armor, and dependent on Your grace. Help us to resist the devil today. In Your mighty and holy name, I pray. Amen.
Minister Steven Robert Closs, DDiv, MSBS

Mitch Miller
February 11, 2022


We pray that this conference will be a big bust, and that it will not accomplish the purposes for which it was formed. We ask that you would sow ‘divine confusion’ amongst the forces of darkness and all participants in this conference, and that there would be such a division among themselves that it will fall apart. We ask for a peeling back of the spiritual calluses and cataracts for all participants, so that your Spirit would convict them of sin, righteousness and judgment. Rout these divine enemies with Your holy presence and power, Lord Jesus. In your name we pray, Amen.

Maynard Beck
February 11, 2022

I have put on the Armor of God and stand in the gap (like Nehemiah) alongside those in Arizona and around the World who intercede against this evil gathering.
I pray the Blood of Jesus against all of the Powers within the Principality of Arizona.
May the Blood of Jesus break every fang.
Let the demons be blinded and struck deaf. Bind them and cast them into the pit.
Set the captives free (by repentance) and pour the liquid love of Jesus through them so they return home with a passion for the Lord. Lead them to congregations that will shepherd them as Barnabus did Paul so they become spiritual warriors in these end times.
In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazereth

Minister Steven R. Closs, DDiv, MSBS
February 11, 2022

Heavenly Father, evil is such a harsh word, and yet Your Word uses it frequently to describe the opposite of good. While we are all capable of sin, I ask Your protection against those who call good evil, and evil good. Guard us from those who scheme against righteousness and from those who twist truth into lies to accomplish their evil intents. May Your holy angels hover ever near to eradicate fear and fight against dark, spiritual forces we cannot see. Help us cast down every imagination and thought that our enemy tries to use to exalt itself against You; especially during this time of concern with the upcoming SatanCon in Scottsdale, AZ. In Christ Jesus, I pray! In Christ Jesus, I pray for America!
Minister Steven Robert Closs, DDiv, MSBS

Suzanne Nazario
February 11, 2022

Let us unite our prayers against these forces of evil that seek the ruin of souls! “Holy Trinity, Father, Son Jesus, Holy Spirit, You are an Almighty, Eternal, and Sovereign God! Defeat and restrain the advances of the enemy. You are All-Powerful ever living God and are sovereign over all creatures in heaven and on earth!!! You reign Supreme over all creation! We praise You, adore You, exult You for You alone are worthy!!! We claim Your Victory, O Lord, in the mighty Name of Jesus!!! Hallelujah!!! Mama Mary, on your blessed feast day, we call on you, Our Lady of Lourdes, shield and cover us with your mantle of protection and crush the head of the enemy!!! Let us call on St. Joseph, Terror of Demons and St. Michael the Archangel to intercede for the world and fight this battle with us and for us!!!
“No weapon that is formed against you will prosper; And every tongue that accuses you in judgment you will condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, And their vindication is from Me,” declares the LORD.
(Isaiah 54:17)

Cynthia Mandelkorn
February 11, 2022

Lord God
I know someone says that they should get even but Jesus says to forgive and also that he dined with sinners, because He was able to convert them of their evil ways! Lord don’t hate them, just hate satan and hate the sins that people do. Some people say eye for an eye and you don’t say that. You say to repay good for evil. Lord help us to forgive these satanists, if they have put any spells or hexes on us and make any satanic powers null and void. Turn these satanists over to you and help them to accept Jesus Christ as their savior. Help eliminate all satanic worship in Scottsdale and other areas in USA as well

Eileen Haberstroh
February 11, 2022

We stand in the presence of Almighty God and come against satan and his minions. Satan you are already a defeated foe and we bring the Victory of Jesus Christ over you and all you may try. We apply the blood of Jesus Christ over Scottsdale, Arizona, and the United States of America. We are citizens and therefore we hold power in our soveriegn rights as such. We prepare for the battle as Jehosaphat did in 2 Chronicles 20. We put our entire trust if the Lord God Almighty to win this battle. We sing Praise to the Lord most high because we know that He will protect our city, state and nation.
Father God, Your Word tells us that for the sake of the righteous you will save a nation. We are your chosen righteous warriors and we stand in the battle to watch you defeat our foes. Let the light shine over our city this weekend. Send your Warrior Angels to defeat all who come to glorify evil. Let the tables turn and what satan meant for our harm to be turned for our good. Anyone who goes out of curiosity, Father put your guard over so that they are protected from evil and see it in all its ungliness. Let the horror of the evil turn them in the opposite direction so that they seek you and your Light instead.
We stand on your Holy promises and commit this battle to you, Father. In the Glorious, Victorious Name of Jesus Christ we take our stand! Amen!

Cynthia Mandelkorn
February 11, 2022

Dear Lord, we need to stand together in prayer for anyone that is going to this satanic convention. Lord they know not what they do. They may not know that Satan will destroy their lives. Maybe satan can make fake promises, but with a promise that’s destructive and promises that come with a heavy price. Help these people to become interested in Jesus & his love & forgiveness right at this moment. Help them to be surrounded by your grace & protection & know they can be forgiven by someone that REALLY loves them, though it may be a difficult Lord, it’s well worth it! Continue to love & work on these people who are interested in satan! Help them to be interested in you Lord %100! In the name of Jesus amen

Dana Boboth
February 11, 2022

Almighty God, All Sovereign, Creator of all things, You and You alone are worthy of our praise!! We ask that You show the enemy and his follows Your mighty power, as in the days of Moses, Abraham and Elijah! Whatever they try to put forth with curses, rituals, etc., turn it back upon them 100 fold. We pray that these actions would turn their followers to You, the One and Only King. We thank You and praise You in Jesus name, Amen

    ming Miley
    February 11, 2022

    Thank You Lord, Please protect Scottsdale and Arizona, lift up the people there so they can stand against this conference. The Blood of Christ cover Scotsdale Arizona, What devil meant to harm, Lord You will turn it for good. Thank You, In precious Name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

Rose Rocha
February 11, 2022

Thank for this article listing, how to counter curses on ourselves, our families, our nations and our president and our leaders.

Melissa Pepper
February 11, 2022

God, please make your sovereignty known in Scottsdale. Please save the people who are going to attend this .with your mighty power. You are above the demons and evil forces; make it abundantly clear to all who attend that conference and the entire city of Scottsdale. Do a mighty work.

Mary Beth Phillips
February 11, 2022

I pray every place satanists place their feet in Scottsdale, going to and leaving Scottsdale, will be protected from their undeserved curses. Scottsdale will be protected because they declined a satanic invocation before the Scottsdale City Council meeting. The satanic curses WILL boomerang. I declare and decree that God will save some satanists in his mercy to show His power to their leaders. May they have dreams and visions that scare them and others the show them how much God sacrificed on Calvary for their very souls as well.
Lev 24:15 ‘Say to the Israelites: ‘Anyone who curses their God will be held responsible”, Proverbs 26:2 Like a fluttering sparrow or a darting swallow, an undeserved curse does not come to rest.” Prov 3:33 “The Lord’s curse is on the house of the wicked, but he blesses the home of the righteous. “Mal 2:2″ If you do not listen, and if you do not resolve to honor my name,” says the Lord Almighty, “I will send a curse on you, and I will curse your blessings. Yes, I have already cursed them, because you have not resolved to honor me.”
Lord God, what you said to Israel we declare for Scottsdale, Arizona, USA today. Amen

    ming Miley
    February 11, 2022

    Lord, Help me to resolve to honor you ALL the time, not just when I feel alright, not just when I feel joyful, but even in my not so clear-minded time, in my down time. Thank You for granting this prayer. In Jesus Name, I ask, Amen.

Marolynne Hammond
February 11, 2022

Father you have given us power over all the power of the enemy and our weapons are not carnal but mighty for the pulling down of strongholds. Warring heavenly hosts are at our commands and I sent 1 million to Scottsdale Arizona from Thursday to Monday to pull down all strongholds, to protect and stop all violence and prevent as many as possible from attending and have a concrete and brass heavenly realm where they won’t be able to operate. In jesus mighty precious name we cover all in His blood.

    Mitch Miller
    February 11, 2022

    Where in Scripture do we have the authority to command angels? They are at the command of the Lord Jesus, not us.

      ming Miley
      February 11, 2022

      Daniel fasted and prayed, and then a heavenly being came to him though He was detained by the prince of the Persian kingdom for 21 days…….But Michael, the chief prince came to assist Him and released Him.

Barbara Ann Miller
February 11, 2022

Thank God you are all here. We pray in the name of Jesus that these evil forces be confused and debunked. Amen

Donna Hall
February 11, 2022

We stand, armored, in the strength, authority, and power of our King, Jesus! We command the PURITY and LIGHT and TRUTH of our King to BRING DOWN THE STRONGHOLDS OF THE ENEMY! We are united as the army of our God!

Christi Jackson
February 11, 2022

Praying 🙏 just now – Dear Father God may the Holy Spirit of our Living God visit cities throughout our land and overcome all evil movements. We thank you for opening our eyes to what is going on and ask you to guide our steps as we move against this evil with the Full Armor of God! In Jesus’s powerful name, Amen


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