I Prayed have prayed
Lord God, help us. Give us Your wisdom about abortion and vaccines. Thank you for answering our prayers to reveal what is in the dark.
Reading Time: < 1 minute

On Tuesday, March 5, 2019, the United States Senate Health, Education, Labor & Pension committee will host a hearing beginning at 10:00am in the Dirksen Building in Room 430 titled Vaccines Save Lives: What Is Driving Preventable Disease Outbreaks?

***Ā  IFA Just received this from those at the hearing:Ā  “They are refusing to let any family that does not want to vaccinate to come into the hearing. They are sitting in the hallway.Ā  Please help pray for peace for our families. We are so hurt and our children are so sick…and I know God is moving in this but it breaks my heart into a million pieces.”Ā  ***

13 of the Senators on the committee identified themselves as proponents of life during the Born Alive Act vote on Monday, February 25th but may not be aware that many vaccines on the market today contain the remains of two children that were aborted in the 1960s.Ā  The hearing will address concerns on social media regarding vaccines and whether outbreaks are due in part to exempting families for religious objections. See this article.

There is more to the story about vaccines. New evidence is emerging regarding aborted fetal tissue used to manufacture vaccinations that billions around the world have been inoculated with for decades. When we found out about this, we researched the issue thoroughly and published a new prayer guide: Immunized Against Effective Prayer.

Please read through our prayer guideĀ  on this important new information carefully and prayerfully. Pray for the hearing today as well.


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Felicia Penner
March 14, 2019

Lord God, we know that there in Euthanasia in Obama Care. We also know that we should be able to say no to any Healthcare procedure…but not under Obamacare. Lord, we ask that you would not let this more severe attack on our choice of Health care and on our Constitutional freedoms to work. We ask that you would protect us and our children, Lord. We pray that you our Champion would release those who are held hostage on the Hill; whether it be by bullying or blackmail. We pray that you would continue to champion our President and Vice President. Thank you Lord, in you do we trust. In Jesus name, Amen

    April 19, 2019

    Thank you for your prayers. They are sorely needed. I join with you at this grave time of troubling actions and decisions by our government and medical and legal establishments regarding mandatory vaccination. My son was terrible injured at age one. The ramifications for the vaccines he received as an infant have been so devastating and far reaching. Yes. It has broken my heart into a million pieces, and I know my experience is replicated in so many hundreds of thousands. The situation is so divisive. There is so much corruption and misinformation. It is difficult to watch the news and read the news, due to the tenor of the mainstream reports. I turn to sites like this one with positive relief. So thank you for your faith and prayers and your defense of fundamental rights. I join with you. In Jesus name. Amen.

March 5, 2019

Thank you Intercessors for America for taking the time to address this side of the abortion debate. God doesn’t leave any baby behind…and we have all participated in this. In order to make a difference, we need to prayerfully consider what you have provided today. We are grateful that you have put this information out. Our community is so incredibly thankful for all that you do…and our country (and other countries around the world should be as well.)

    Arthur Hunt
    March 5, 2019

    Great work in advancing background and vision to inform and elicit action.

    Iā€™m praying from greater results in overpowering the resistance.

March 5, 2019

Leviticus 17:11 – “For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul.” There is power in the blood of Jesus to avail for us. No other blood saves and it is heinous to use blood in other ways. v. 14 “for it is the life of all flesh. Its blood sustains its life. Therefore I said to the children of Israel, ‘You shall not eat the blood of any flesh for the life of all flesh is its blood.” I say this because I have been searching the history of vaccines for about 3 years after witnessing a vaccine related injury in my family. It will be hard to keep this short for all that I have learned. In summary, after studying the history of getting cow pus and using that for small pox vaccines and soon becoming a money – making operation I questioned the narrative of safe and effective vaccines. There are many charts available showing the decline of all disease with running water and cleaned up sanitation and food availability. God has given us all we need without vaccines which add no health benefit whatsoever. The natural way a healthy person gets a disease would be through external sources by inhalation or touch, and not by a sharp needle penetrating the layer of our God given protective skin. The ingredients not only contain aborted babies, (MRC-5 is baby boy, WI-38 is baby girl with more coming)(what about baby boys injected into baby girls and vc.vs?), and brain swelling aluminum (mental breakdowns), polysorbate 80 (infertility causing), formaldehyde, borax, acetone, aborted baby calf serum (blood), cocker spaniel cells, insect cells, mercury (if it’s in trace amounts it doesn’t have to be listed-though not safe amounts). After the 1986 Vaccine Injury Act which President Reagan signed under much pressure, the vaccine makers were let of the hook from being sued for damages or death. The government was now responsible. Of course we finance this through our taxes and the govt vaccine court is not fair and rarely can a disable person on one that died receive any compensation for this. Vaccine related death is called SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome). The further I search this out and read the scripture this whole operation is nothing but the devil’s work. His fingerprints are all over this. The seed of the serpent is ramping up his works to take and diminish life with the ramping up of these over 130 vaccine bills across the nation and there is no chance for opposition dialogue so that all the pHARMa -govt-congress people can stay in their lucrative business and keep their secrets in the dark. There has never been a true placebo vaccine study, where an innocuous substance was used, but instead the placebo is a prior year’s vaccine or aluminum so if the same amount of adverse events occur or deaths, they can say “See there is no difference, so it is safe and effective.” Independent studies have found that human vaccines are full of unidentified nano-particles, metals, glass, and debris. And yet the pet vaccines were clean.We need to preserve our own human DNA and not allow whatever they force inject into us damage us because we need strong bodies and sharp minds to fight and build the Kingdom of God. Preserve the sanctity of your own human blood. This effort for the bureaucrats to make decisions that God gave to the parents is an organized effort at dehumanization, and humiliation and we would do well to not present ourselves as lab rats, because there are more vaccines they are anxious to get mandated such as HPV and anthrax and as many as they can just because they can. Never forget. And follow the money. pHARMa and Planned and Unparenthood are hand in glove.

Corrine Daniele
March 5, 2019

Although a post-abortive woman, healed since 1984, this article exposes a horrifying thing I didn’t know. Thank you for sharing it. My heart weeps for these little ones with bodies so defiled. Children made in God’s image, destroyed for the “betterment” of others’ lives. Praying Psalm 10: 12-18 in desperate heavenly plea…

Arise, LORD! Lift up your hand, O God. Do not forget the helpless. Why does the wicked man revile God? Why does he say to himself, ā€œHe wonā€™t call me to accountā€? But you, God, see the trouble of the afflicted; you consider their grief and take it in hand. The victims commit themselves to you; you are the helper of the fatherless. Break the arm of the wicked man; call the evil doer to account for his wickedness that would not otherwise be found out.
The LORD is King for ever and ever; the nations will perish from his land. You, LORD, hear the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them, and you listen to their cry, defending the fatherless and the oppressed, so that mere earthly mortals will never again strike terror.

HAVE MERCY ON US OH GOD, HAVE MERCY ON US…as we stand in the gap for the unborn and pray that abortion providers will turn from their killing ambitions to receive your love and forgiveness through Jesus’s loving sacrifice.

Deborah Stevens
March 5, 2019

Dear Lord
As we become more aware of this atrocity & how it affects us everyday in so many ways, give us wisdom on how to shake it off of ourselves so we’re not a part of it. We pray for those who are party to it, knowing what they are doing & we pray conviction over them. Turn our nation around & back to You. Oh God, how we need You! We ask for Your help, Your guidance, & the words to fight back against the things that have arisen & are still trying to come into our nation. Help us all to fight & to win. In the mighty name of Jesus! Amen!

Jensina Printz
March 5, 2019

Here are 2 resources on showing ingredients of vaccines that include aborted fetus cells:
The Nate Max Project

The National Vaccine Information Center:

Jensina Printz
March 5, 2019

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you so much for answering my prayers of bringing vaccines and aborted fetus cells more in to the light in the Christian Kingdom here on earth. Seeing this this morning gives me much hope that what you say is true! You are in the process of bringing to light all that is dark in man’s soul because you are in the process of destroying your enemies. “For the Lord knows the way of the righteous but the ways of the ungodly shall perish.” Psalm 1:6 Hallelujah!

    Betty B WI
    March 5, 2019

    Thank you for giving us the websites to learn more about this.
    I had no idea this was being done. It is very disturbing to me to know that I have had a shot that used aborted fetal cells.
    Father, forgive us for we are ignorant of what is being done with the aborted babies. Thank You for bringing this to light.
    I agree with Jensina’s prayer. Amen

Deborah Banyai
March 5, 2019

Which vaccines are they that had (have) the aborted babies in them? Can I find out whether myself or my children have had them?

    Jensina Printz
    March 5, 2019

    Good Morning Deborah, here is a link that can provide the answer to this question:
    Blessings, Jensina

    March 5, 2019

    MMR, chicken pox (varicella), Hep A and shingles and they are in some of the multi-dose vials.

    Kris Kubal
    March 5, 2019

    The Intercessory Intel Report has all that information that you need about which vaccines contain the aborted fetal cells–it will tell you what to look for, what website to check, and the common vaccinations that contain the human diploid aborted fetal cells in them. Click here to download it:https://www.ifapray.org/promo/vax/


March 5, 2019

Sweet Blessed Jesus:. Hear our prayers and heal our America;whose hearts have been blackened with social rhetoric that has caused our leaders to legalize the removal of babies in the womb when their timely births would otherwise cause inconvenience to the mother. Additionally, FATHER, deliver our nation from the acceptance of the barbaric use of these fetal remains. JESUS! WE PLEAD FOR YOUR INTERVENTION ON BEHALF OF THESE BUTCHERED WEE ONES STILL IN THE WOMB.REMOVE FROM OUR PEOPLE THEIR MINDLESS ACCEPTANCE OF THE ATOCITY OF HARVESTING THESE PRECIOUS LIFES FROM THE WOMB. WE PLEAD THE BLOOD OF OUR PRECIOUS SAVIOR JESUS, AS WE WEEP FOR THESE LOST LIFES.

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