A book for children under 13 which aims to normalize abortion as “another outcome of pregnancy” will appear in abortion clinics and public libraries around the country in the coming months.
Two abortion doulas, Carly Manes and Mar, launched an online campaign for What’s an Abortion, Anyway? on May 10 on Kickstarter. By early June, the pair raised more than $20,000 from 500-plus supporters to create their book in English and Spanish. They wrote the book because, to their knowledge, “there are no published books in the United States about abortion for children under the age of 13.”
“We believe in building a world for kids and adults where abortion is normalized as another outcome of pregnancy, just like miscarriage and birth. Having this book in the children’s section of libraries next to all of the books about pregnancy is one of the ways we hope to do that,” they said on their Kickstarter campaign page.
As abortion doulas, Manes and Mar walk women through the abortion process regularly and provide emotional support. Manes, who wrote the book, describes herself as “a white, queer, Jewish full-spectrum doula from New York” who has supported “more than 2,000 individuals during their in-clinic procedures,” over a period of six years. Mar, who identifies as they/them and is the book’s illustrator, describes herself as a “brown genderqueer cultural worker and full-spectrum doula.”
According to the book’s Facebook page, Manes and Mar are working with Planned Parenthood and Abortion Care Network to donate the book to clinics around the country for children to read. They are also donating 300 copies of the book to public libraries in the U.S.
“I think my dream is that when you go to your local library and bookstore, it’s just among the books about pregnancy and miscarriage, among the books about reproductive healthcare,” Manes told the Stranger. “And hopefully, there’ll be more.”
Reportedly, the women decided to self-publish on Kickstarter because they could not find any publishers to work with them. Some called their book “obscene and inappropriate.”
“Time and again, we were told that no one would dare print a children’s book on such a stigmatized topic,” they said.
Manes and Mar said they received backlash on social media when they first started “from folks who don’t believe in abortion access generally,” the Stranger reported.
Manes described the book as “gender inclusive” on the campaign page — meaning no he/she pronouns because supposedly “people of all genders have abortions.” She simultaneously said the book is “medically accurate.” . . .
In a video on their website, the women said the book is not an “advocacy tool for policy,” yet they seek to change what is considered appropriate to discuss with children.
Manes noticed many of her clients had children in the waiting room or at home. She said the women would often say they don’t know how to explain their abortions to their kids, the Stranger reported.
“I didn’t have anything to share with people,” Manes told the reporter. “So I started writing it.”
What’s an Abortion, Anyway? has already been pre-ordered in ten countries. They expect to begin shipping books by September 1, 2021.
We need our intercessors to pray! What are your thoughts on children books now writing about abortion? Write down your prayers in the comments below!
(Excerpt from Breitbart. Article written by Katherine Hamilton. Photo by Ben White/UnSplash)
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Thank you IFA for keeping us informed. Prayer is powerful because God hears and He answers. We will continue to pray for our country’s children born and unborn.
These children are precious in His sight and those who harm them are in grave danger of His
We also pray for those who advocate this harm; that their eyes would be opened to the evil they are doing; that they would repent and be saved from the judgment that is coming to all who reject the One Who loves them so much He suffered the Wrath of God in their place.
This is so infuriating!!! So evil and so stupid!
I ask that the Lord raise up talented people who will counteract
this evil with something that will disclose to children why it is evil.
These evil people aren’t the only ones who can write a book!
Malachi comes to mind and even though 3:16 is my default Scripture,
I backed it up to verse 13: Your words have been strong and hard
against Me, says the Lord. Yet you say, What have we spoken against You?
14) You have said, It is useless to serve God; and what profit is it if we
keep His ordinances and walk gloomily and as if in mourning apparel before
the Lord of hosts? 15) And now we consider the proud and arrogant happy
and favored; evil-doers are exalted and prosper; yes, and when they test
God they escape unpunished. 16)Then those who feared the Lord talked often
one to another; and the Lord listened and heard it, and a book of remembrance
was written before Him of those who reverenced and worshipfully feared the Lord,
and who thought on His name. 17)And they shall be Mine, says the Lord of hosts,
in that day when I publicly recognize and openly declare them to be My jewels —
My special possession, My peculiar treasure. And I will spare them, as a man
spares his own son who serves him. 18) Then shall you return, and discern
between the righteous and the wicked, between him who serves God and him who
does not serve Him. Amplified Bible. Amen, Lord, let us be privileged to serve You!
Strong verses in Malachi, I love them.
Remembering Jesus’s words about “causing one of these little ones who believes in Me to sin…would be better if they had a millstone tied around their neck and be cast into the sea.”
I pray for a release from heaven of those effective fervent prayers that avail much to cut off these heinous books from going any further and warping children’s mind.
I sense these two women have pushed through and against the stumbling blocks ( Jesus is a rock of offense), that God has put in their path. God says beware that the Rock doesn’t crush you.
God also says that at some point those who refuse to love the truth will be given over to the great deception.
I wouldn’t want to be in that company.
Thank you for your comments. I agree with you as regards
a release from heaven of our fervent prayers in the name
of our Lord Jesus to cut off the effect of these books.
The Lord has shown me recently that our prayers have a
residual effect and are continuous in action and power,
just as the shed blood of Jesus is continually active;
not to mention the powerful Word of God! Thank you, “M”!
PLEASE …… let our children BE children. They grow up so fast anyway. Let it e age appropriate so that children in the K-4 grades are kept sheltered and innocent of knowing about abortion. They don’t need to know. They are too young to understand without becoming fearful. Their childhood is being stolen from them with Critical Race Theory as you know.
This is what happens when the Church stands idly by and allows the devil to run things.
What good is it, dear brothers and sisters, if you say you have faith but don’t show it by your actions? Can that kind of faith save anyone? James 2:14
Amen! Exactly right!
Dear God Almighty forgive these women and lead them to repentance and into a relationship with Jesus Christ. Also, please do not allow this book to be published. Dear God, forgive our nation of it’s turning away from you and for all our sins and. Intercept this Diabolical book, Dear Lord, and the total debase agenda of teaching small children things that they should not have to ponder. Thank you Jesus for all that you do for us. Please have mercy on this nation! In Jesus’s name I pray, Amen!
I hear God saying ,”enough.” When people crucify the Holy One over and over with no regard for what parenting is about and the spread the filth around and call it acceptable? Even secular Psychology would label these people disturbed in portraying sexual matters to children who aren’t even functional as critical thinkers?
May we abolish the paganism inherent in this idea and hold up life as sacred not a sacrifice to some alien concept that the devil promotes to fill Hellfire.
Lord, please stop this abortion book in its tracks. I pray that it would never get to the distribution phase. Please stop this attack of the enemy on our children. Please open the eyes and hearts of Carly Manes and Mar to the truth, along with all abortion workers everywhere. Please give them an encounter with You and Your love, please heal them. In Jesus’ Name, amen.
Judy McDonough and Nancy Rife prayed powerfully and beautifully over this article, and Nancy shared a profound and powerful testimony: https://youtu.be/8JD0jwpMzDw
This was on the program Pray with Others Live, which IFA offers every Tuesday at 12:15 Eastern.
Here’s the start of the prayer coverage for this article: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JD0jwpMzDw&t=2129s
This is an abomination. How can they call themselves “doulas”? Being unfamiliar, I googled the term – the definition- a woman, typically without formal obstetric training, who is employed to provide guidance and support to a pregnant woman during labor. or a woman employed to provide guidance and support to the mother of a newborn baby. Nowhere does it state we guide pregnant women to kill their babies.
It is frightening to know that anyone of any gender can have an abortion. These people are seriously damaged and what they are doing is inappropriate. It is sad to think of a small child thinking this is ok and wondering, gee, I’m sure lucky mommy didn’t kill me before I was born. I hope she doesn’t decide to kill me later.
These are seriously damaged people that need to find God. They are truly lost souls.
Oh Lord God, this is so hard to believe, these wicked ideas that are targeting our children. We denounce this book in Jesus’ name. Oh God please protect our children’s minds and hearts and spirits, and let the parents rise up against this book. As I and others rise up against it in our spirits and hearts and minds, and appeal to you to make a way that this book is abolished and done away with! And any other books like it!
We pray for Manes and Mar, that they would realize the error of their ways and turn to you for salvation in their hearts and repentance, for they are so misguided in writing this book.
Dear Lord, Have mercy on our children. Children are a blessing of the Lord. Children need to be cherished & protected. What they are talking about is corrupting the mind of the child. This is abuse meant to make them feel & perceive themselves as worthless. But children are a treasured possession, a valuable asset. They were formed & created with gifts & talents. You breathed Your very own life into each one of them! You made them into Your likeness! Every child has a kingdom purpose. So Father, I boldly come before Your throne of grace & ask that You to destroy the plans these women are concocting for this book & any others they may have plans for. Open their eyes to the harm & destruction they will cause by publishing & putting such a book into the hands of young children, In the Name of Jesus! Let only Your Word take root in the lives of every man, woman & child, & may only Your Word spring up, manifest, & come alive in every persons life in Jesus Mighty name! Amen!
Dear Heavenly Father, our Creator God, Please forgive the gross sins of our country in the killing of millions of babies, your gifts to us. I pray for the salvation of these two deceived individuals who are promoting this evil, promoting abortion, and promoting the lies and deception going out to our children. I pray this book would be stopped in its very conception, and that the eyes of these individuals would be open to their own gross sin and deception of satan in their lives. “We believe in building a world for kids and adults where abortion is normalized as another outcome of pregnancy, just like miscarriage and birth. Having this book in the children’s section of libraries next to all of the books about pregnancy is one of the ways we hope to do that,” ABORTION is NOT normal for anybody! Help us, Lord Jesus – and break off the deception and lies of the enemy. In Jesus Holy and Precious Name.
Dear Lord, I pray please that You would protect our children. Father God, how long must we endure our kids being exposed to wickedness and corruption? I pray that You would give parents wisdom, courage, and discernment in regards to education and what kids are seeing, hearing, and watching. This is something young kids should not even be exposed to and destroying their innocence. In Jesus holy and precious name I pray, amen.
Father; please send a few laborers who are Messianic Jews to surround this very confused Jewish woman. I was once like her and you had Your peeps pray for me & look what happened! Once she meets You, Lord, it’ll turn her head right around & she’ll never stop writing about You, her Messiah. Let her life glorify You please, Father. Prepare her heart to receive The Truth, not just another truth, and deliver her from satan’s trap. Be her doula. In Yeshua’s name I pray.
I write this from experience. I had an abortion when I was 18 years old because I was too afraid to tell my parents about being pregnant. I am now 54. My child would be 36 years old now. There is not a day goes by that I don’t regret having an abortion. I killed my child by getting an abortion because of fear and selfishness. It wasn’t my child’s fault that I got pregnant.
Believing that an abortion is just part of life is not true. It is evil. That is the devil talking. He is making it seem like it is okay, but it is not. Ripping a child’s body apart is not okay, no matter how old he or she is in the womb.
A child is a new life to be celebrated. A child is our future. If we keep thinking that abortion is okay, we won’t have a future.
It took several years for me to ask for God’s forgiveness for killing (abortion) my child. It is by his grace that I am forgiven.
I pray that any woman who is thinking about an abortion changes her mind. If you go through with an abortion (killing) the baby may not be there anymore, but the memory will stay with you forever. You will always wonder what he or she would have been like or what he or she would have looked like or what name you would have given him or her.
God gave me grace. I have three beautiful children and two beautiful grandchildren now. My third child came along at 40. I believe God gave me a second chance.
Thank you for your testimony. I had several abortions because I was raised with the attitude that that’s just what you do if you get pregnant. But my heart knew it was a lie. And I still chose to trust my parents & listen to them & not what my heart told me. When Yeshua saved me a few years ago, that i’d murdered my own children was the most difficult repentance that I went through. Even though I know I’m forgiven I truly never feel free of it & probably won’t til I meet them in heaven, where they’ve probably been praying for me since they got there.
Thank you for your story too. I don’t think you can blame yourself for what your parents taught you. God came into your heart and showed you the truth.
I don’t think abortion is about politics as it is about someone’s heart.
What made the situation worse for me is that my mom was a huge supporter of Right To Life. I knew what the right thing to do was, but fear had more of a power over me. At the time I felt that I would break her heart if she knew what I did. Im sure she knows now. She passed away in 2015 and is in heaven now. Hopefully she can forgive me too.
Am en, Patty. If your mom knows Jesus then you have her forgiveness!
I praise God for your courage to share your story. He has redeemed You and given you a platform to display His incredible love. “May The Lord bless you and keep you. May He make His face to shine upon you. May He be gracious to you and give you peace,” Numbers 6:24-26. Thank you, dear sister.
I’ve thought about that….a platform to display his love. Thank you for reminding me.
Completely evil. The basis for this is evil. Dearest LORD, we ask of YOU to move, by YOUR HOLY SPIRIT, to pierce the hearts of (those) that are being lead by the evil. To open (their) eyes to see and repent of that wicked evil. LORD, we ask of YOU for protection of our children. I also ask of YOU LORD, that all that read this column and posts, would start to pray for forgiveness for our laziness and to start praying to stand-up and take a (stand) for Truth, in JESUS NAME amen.
Father God,
We are so very sorry. Our selfishness has reached such a level that we celebrate and attempt to normalize what is clearly evil and a violation of Your Truth! We seem to be running quickly to our own destruction collapsing under the weight our sin. Please forgive us dear Lord. Give Your remanent courage and boldness as we stand for Your Truth. Give us hearts of love and compassion as we hold fast to Your precepts. Help us to represent You with grace and conviction not compromising but respecting the free will of others. Let us not accept those things that will further the kingdom of darkness but stand firm for the Kingdom of Light! Oh Lord, let us not grow weary of well doing. Victory is promised and the One who promises is faithful. We love You, Lord Jesus! Come quickly, In Your Name we pray!
Our children and grandchildren need wisdom and discernment now more than ever. Lord have mercy on our precious grandchildren. I pray this book doesn’t end up in the elementary schools libraries.
“What is a Doula – DONA Internationalhttps://www.dona.org › what-is-a-doula
Doula · a trained professional who provides continuous physical, emotional and informational support to a mother before, during and shortly after childbirth to help …”
These ladies are doing the same as SO MANY of this “woke” leftist minority are busy doing – twisting the words & common language of the common people. A Doula, by definition, is someone who helps a MOTHER before, during and AFTER child birth.
I pray that as Christians, as citizens of this Nation, that we firmly stand up to these despairates, not allowing them to change our language, our culture.
Father God Dr. Suess is bad but a book about abortion is good ? Lord I cry out to see your glory. Restore the moral compass in people to view death as death, murder as murder. Make blind eyes see. Take the scales off. In Jesus name Amen
Anyone who talks about abortion as normal is sadist. It takes away that babies right to life. If anything they should right a book on safe sex and how to prevent unwanted pregnancies. I pray against these books in Jesus name!