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I Prayed have prayed
Reading Time: 3 minutes

With all the outcry across the nation concerning the evil roots of abortion, I have been asking the Lord if there is ANYTHING holding back a just verdict on our behalf.  I have sensed a “brooding” of the Holy Spirit in recent days and felt the weight of heaven concerning this issue. This is what the Spirit impressed upon my heart. You must discern if and how this applies to you personally and pray that we would respond rightly and with sober judgment:

“You cry out for My mercy on behalf of the unborn. You ask for justice to be served and evil to be overturned. I long to answer speedily and to rid this land of the scourge of death. My heart aches for the helpless and the righteous seed yet to be born.

And yet… the Accuser stands before My court bringing evidence against you to nullify your petition. As much as I want to render a just verdict and cancel this death sentence once and for all over my offspring, there has been cause for a delay.

Though your petition is right and your convictions are just, the evidence brought against you prevents Me from acting. For I have made an everlasting covenant with My people that cannot be revoked. My covenant is life and peace (Neh 1:5), but it is only through righteousness and walking in holy fear of My Name and My throne that this promise can stand.

Based on the evidence brought before Me, this is the charge against My people in this nation – You have made the FEAR OF MAN GREATER THAN THE FEAR OF GOD. You have corrupted my covenant by widening the narrow path to Me. You have turned aside from the way. You have caused many to stumble by showing partiality and compromise in order to appease the flesh (Mal 2:1-10). Until this evidence is acknowledged and My people repent of their double-minded ways, I cannot act (James 1:7-8).

You make your plea, but I make Mine – turn away from appealing to those who have no conscience towards My holiness or awareness of My passion. Turn away from the counterfeit gospel which says there are no consequences to sin or judgment in My courts. They mock you and they mock Me. It is only a fresh outpouring of the Fear of the Lord that will awaken dead hearts and bring alignment to your requests. I am the Only One to fear and the only One to dread (Is 8:12-13).

I call you now to PRESENT YOUR CASE before Me and acknowledge what the Accuser has brought against you (Matt 5:25). Repent of your duplicity and call on the blood of My Son to cleanse your hearts and renew your minds. Return to the narrow path of intimacy with Me and surrender to My covenant which alone brings life. It will cost you nothing but will require everything.

I tell you – these are the days of COURTROOM DECISIONS concerning this nation. Be prepared to answer for that which the prosecutor will bring before the courts. He is looking for any fault with which to nullify your prayers and neutralize your authority. Watchmen and intercessors be on your guard! Rid yourselves of any offense, independence, or negative criticism that may be used against you. Leaders be aware! You will be held accountable for that which you teach and that which you model. Don’t be robbed of your reward by caving in to man or fear of rejection. I look for My righteous remnant to come forth and for the pure in heart to take courage. These are the days of reckoning.

The work has already been done on the cross. Your Mediator stands with you, His blood speaks on your behalf, and the cloud of witnesses cheer you on. Come as one with compelling evidence in favor of My people and give me reason to overturn the death sentence over this nation. My judgment is at hand and the verdict about to be rendered. Present your case, corroborate your testimony, and I will answer.”

As we continue to stand in the gap, let us respond by:

  • Repenting of any attitude or mindset that has disqualified our petitions before the Lord.
  • Pray for those believers who are standing between two opinions, confused, or deceived. Pray that they would come to a knowledge of the truth.
  • Pray for leaders who are teaching compromise, apathy, and any gospel message that dilutes absolute surrender, obedience, and faithfulness to His Word.
  • Pray that the Fear of the Lord would fall upon this nation to clear our minds, cleanse our hearts, and bring many to salvation.
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Mary Ksiezarczyk
June 1, 2019

Father God I humbly come before You in Your courts . I ask for mercy and justice . I plead for forgiveness for trying to convince nonbelievers into seeing things in Godly manner . You alone by the power of the Holy Spirit can turn one from worldly thinking . I beg for forgiveness in this manner , and will abstain from trying to do the Holy Spirit’s work . I repent of my wrong doing and any strife that it may have caused , in Jesus’s name Amen

Fay Newman
March 8, 2019

Father God, I come before You and repent for the sins of my ancestors and any sin that would separate me from Your presence. I bow and thank You for Your holiness, faithfulness, mercy and grace. Thank You for the Blood Of Jesus and the power and authority in His name to rout the enemy and destroy strongholds. I go forth as a warrior and release mass destruction into their camps, north, south, east and west. Confuse their language so they cannot communicate with each other. Every evil thing they have devised against us, let it return and paralyze them. I ask for warring angles to chase them into slimy pits to await their time. Thank You, Your Word says; we tread upon serpents and scorpions and have power over all our enemies: nothing will hurt us! I dwell in the secret place of the Most High, and I abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I am bless with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places with Christ Jesus. My hand is upon the neck of my enemy and I will not turn back until they are destroyed, in Jesus Name

Kelly Rowe
March 8, 2019

Good word. I’m in agreement with everything that you listed for us to pray over.

March 7, 2019

It makes me cry SO much about the MILLIONS of TORTURED AND KILLED babies, RIPPED APART, PIECE BY PIECE, WHILE ALIVE AND FEELING, from the Mother’s womb with sharp instruments, or boiled in acid in the womb and there’s nothing I can do about it because God himself wants the people to turn from their wicked ways before He will do anything, but THEY WON’T!! I am a Christian artist, wanting to paint many pictures of Christ and anti-abortion, and other Christian topics, but all of my teachers are aetheists and try to discourage me and laugh at me, or put it down, or oppose it, or worse, sabotage me like they did last term, when I did beautiful paintings of Christ and they told me to varnish it before it was dry, and at the time, I did not know not to, but they did, and they knew what they told me would ruin it. Would you pray with me that God does a miracle for HIS work, that HE created, to give to the people, and miraculously remove the harmful varnish completely from the 2 pieces? I’ve been praying ever since I found out that they would be ruined by this, and only a miracle would restore them. They are not for sale, but only for edification for people to show and convict for God. Thank-you for helping with this.

    March 8, 2019

    I pray that the varnish would supernaturally disappear and the true painting would shine forth to glorify our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ…be blessed…

Richard Craig
March 7, 2019

I’m convicted by this and praying accordingly.

    March 11, 2019

    Prayer to End Abortion
    Lord God, I thank you today for the gift of my life,
    And for the lives of all my brothers and sisters.
    I know there is nothing that destroys more life than abortion,
    Yet I rejoice that you have conquered death
    by the Resurrection of Your Son
    Lord we come to your throne today, lifting up the unborn and newly born. Father God, we know you hate the shedding of innocent blood. Forgive us as Americans that this has gone on for so long. — Change the hearts and minds of those who applaud abortion. We know nothing is too difficult for You, and All things are possible with You.
    In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.

March 7, 2019

Ezekiel 13:5
You did not go up to the gaps or restore the wall around the house of Israel so that it would stand in the battle on the Day of the LORD.

An intercessor is a “go-between.” An intercessor mediates, occupying a middle position. You become a middleman for God! The most familiar phrase is “standing in the gap,” which comes from Ezekiel 22:30 (God speaking), “I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none”

Isaiah 61:4
They will rebuild the ancient ruins; they will restore the places long devastated; they will renew the ruined cities, the desolations of many generations.

    March 11, 2019

    Prayer to End Abortion
    Lord God, I thank you today for the gift of my life,
    And for the lives of all my brothers and sisters.
    I know there is nothing that destroys more life than abortion,
    Yet I rejoice that you have conquered death
    by the Resurrection of Your Son
    Lord we come to your throne today, lifting up the unborn and newly born. Father God, we know you hate the shedding of innocent blood. Forgive us as Americans that this has gone on for so long. — Change the hearts and minds of those who applaud abortion. We know nothing is too difficult for You, and All things are possible with You.
    In Jesus Name Amen.

Ellen Buck
March 7, 2019

July 23, 2017 the L-RD spoke to me that America’s leaders were like Judah’s leaders who moved boundary stones, Hos 5:10. As I read Hosea, I was taken back to Num 10, how Israel was instructed to sound the trumpet, various ways for various purposes, v 9 stood out. “When you go to battle in your OWN LAND against an enemy who is oppressing you, sound a blast on the trumpets. Then you will be remembered by the L-RD your G-d and rescued from your enemies.” Hos 5:8 & 8:1 both instructs to blow the trumpet. Just as Daniel prayed repentance for Israel, we pray repentance for America and blow the trumpet for G-d to hear, and turn, and rescue.

Earl Pettibone
March 6, 2019

It is time for the people of God to repent and to take a stand for God and his Word. I am calling on all Believers to intercede for a Spiritual Awaking in America.

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