Pray for pastors to preach as the Lord leads, without fear, especially about the critical issues at stake in our elections. Be encouraged by the sound biblical teaching of this article about the freedom and responsibility pastors have to exhort their congregations.
Your job is to speak out on the things that make for solid doctrine. (Ti 2:1 MSG)
As a pastor for over 25 years, I have found that most people do not like politics spewed from the pulpit. As believers, we live in and from another Kingdom and seek to live above the kingdoms of this world. The government we aspire to is eternal and ever increasing (Is 9:6-7). At the same time, we live under a civil government as stewards and citizens here on the earth.
Romans 13:1-7 and 1 Peter 2:13-17 teach us that earthly governments are sanctioned by God and have authority to protect citizens, punish evildoers, and provide an environment where people can flourish. In our form of government we vote representatives into legislative offices. Laws are enacted and changed through the legislative process. If Christians desire to have a voice in the shaping of our laws and ordinances, we must vote for the candidates that most closely reflect a biblical worldview. In this form of government, our voice is our vote.
As a pastor, I feel a responsibility to teach people about what the Word of God says about the various issues to insure they are thinking from a biblical worldview and not a secular one (Ti 2:1). Without calling attention to specific candidates or parties, I teach what Scripture says about the core issues of our faith and encourage them to compare these truths with the candidates and their parties.
Some of the positions that I believe are critical for believers to embrace are the sanctity of life, marriage between a man and woman, religious freedom, and sound financial stewardship. If we can get the basic dogmas of our faith in place, other issues will come into alignment. As the election season approaches I encourage people to prayerfully consider candidates in the following ways:
ā¢ Candidates that support life and biblical marriage are critical in upholding biblical values and a Christian worldview. Even if a candidate is not a believer, they can be God-fearing and honoring of biblical values.
ā¢ Determine which platforms are the most biblically aligned. When we vote for a candidate, we are also standing in agreement with their party. We must be sure we are not unequally yoked as believers.
ā¢ Look beyond the personality to their message. Some leaders have magnetic personalities and some do not. Good fruit always follows good leaders, regardless of their style or persona.
Most importantly, I urge the people to pray. We are instructed to pray for all who serve in office and, as believers, we must be bipartisan in our prayers. My call is to preach the Word of God and remind the people of our ongoing opportunity to impact our civil government through our voice AND our vote.
- Pray for pastors to have the courage and boldness to teach biblical values with clarity and purpose.
- Pray for church leaders to have a firm conviction of Kingdom principles that uphold the sanctity of live, biblical marriage, and other core doctrines of the Christian faith.
- Pray for leaders to have the wisdom and discernment to equip their congregations to be effective change agents in our culture for the sake of the Kingdom.
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For these upcoming elections, I asked the Lord what I can do, as an individual, to help the right people get into office. He said to write to the churches and urge pastors to coach their congregants to get out and vote and how to vote. So now I am writing to every church in my state. If I complete that before election day, I will move on to another state’s churches.
I’m really tired of Christians leaving out the pro-life message. Millions of innocent babies are being slaughtered in the womb as pastors and Christians remain silent. God will hold us accountable for the sin of Silence on this serious issue.
I liked Ted Cruz also, being from Texas, he is my senator. I told the Lord I would vote for whomever the RNC put forth as voting for a Democrat is out of the question, their platform is ungodly. I could list many examples, but why waste space and time? Over and over again they have shown the darkness in their hearts. Granted some Republicans need replacing and we are working on it. We must vote as our future and lives depend on it. FEMA camps and/or slavery are not an option for me. Advise pastors to leace 501c3 and unincorporate if you want to see God move in your church in miraculous ways. Time is short.
… great article…….and in addition ……
As Americans, We bless the Jews
and we
pray for the peace of Jerusalem!
Amen!! I, too, in the election for President was supporting Ted Cruz until he was out. I, too, prayed for God to give me His heart and desire for the leader that would be most effective to bring our country back to Biblical principles, and He did. I still didnāt like Trumpās personality, but wow!! I found myself loving this guy in a Supernatural way. I found myself seeing with eyes of supernatural wisdom that he couldnāt and wouldnāt be bought by politicians and lobbyists. I saw that his heart was right in its focus and purpose. Hallelujah! Now, I get to pray every day for Ted to continue being a voice for Conservatives in the Senate!! We need him there!! Prayers for the Conservative issues to be represented in our House and Senate and on the local level. For the Bible to be the blueprint in foundation and in practice in the government of the USA. God, I pray for those who stand for morality and Bible principles to get out and vote in the greatest measure ever before and on Nov 6th. Thank you, Jesus!!! Thank you for covering your children and those serving for your cause in your blood and with your power.
the Lord spoke to me, as an intercessor, that if we, the Christians do not take a stand we will lose our country!! In the last election He had me pray for candidates….I prayed for Cruz until he was out, then the Lord said…NOW, I want you to pray for Trump. I was like many, only knew what I had read in the past about him, but I prayed. As the Lord does, I soon really loved the guy and began to see all the things about him that we as a nation needed, at this time. It’s important get God’s heart, not our opinion.