From time to time we get feedback or information from our intercessors we think is worth sharing for the wider network of IFA. Gloria R. sent us this email–we think it was very on-point:
“This picture came across my Instagram feed from the Women’s March movement [before the election]. I support women, but I do not support this type of false feminism. I felt a righteous anger. They are openly promoting spells as a part of their fight. I resolved that I’m going to pray harder for godly women to rise up and be heard in this hour. There is a need for mothers to be raised up and raise the next generation promoting godly values. So with this, I told God this will be a part of my prayers. ‘Father, raise up godly women leaders, a real women’s movement. Raise up Esthers (godly young women), the Deborahs (mothers and female judges), the Marys (women of worship) Annas (women of fasting and prayer) Lydias (women in the marketplace). Father let your light shine and expose this false female movement that seeks to divide us as a people. Give us a true women’s movement. One that knows how to honor people, one that knows being tough as a female doesn’t mean masculine, and knows our feminity is a gift from God.'”
Well said, Gloria! We see the distortion of our identity as women all around us, with identity politics, a Jezebel spirit, and anger that taps into the powers of darkness. Let “women like us,” those who walk with the Lord, be the light in our day–a true reflection of our identity in Christ.
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Amen! Yes, we agree with our sister! As the enemy has come in like a flood is this area, we call forth the standard of righteousness and truth in our God given identity as women! Come forth Sarah, Deborah, Esther, Lydia, Anna and Mary! Come for Martha! Come forth Priscilla! Amen! So be it!
Through a woman You took on our humanity and bruised the serpent’s head. Let all women rise up and be counted!
Your Word says that women should clothe themselves with the beauty that comes from within,the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to You. Your Word also states that you want all believers to be clothed in tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience… and we are to let the peace of God rule in our hearts.
In this day of aggression and angry spirits and actions please raise up an army of women who will live as children of light and be clothed in love. Help us in all that we do and say to do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus. Help us to live wisely and make the most of every opportunity. Please help us to have gracious speech and may it be seasoned with salt. May we live in a spirit of thankfulness to You. In the power of the Holy Spirit through the finished work of your Son- Jesus Christ.
Yes and Amen !
Amen! Yes! Alleluia!
LORD God Almighty the ONE TRUE Living, Loving, Mighty LORD! We bow before You. In Your majesty touch us with Your Mighty Bold Power to love big in this time of overwhelming hate and rebellion. LORD, You have already prepared us to be released into this culture for such a time as this! LORD, give us words that will sustain the weary, prayers that will shake the kingdom of darkness, and a truth that shines light into dark vision and casts a light for the deceived one to walk out into YOUR light!! Here I am a grandma of 3, send me LORD, send me!!
Yes, LORD!!! Raise up women whose strength comes from You, in all the areas of our society. Grant them favor and honor. Thanks be to You in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Yes Lord rise up mighty women of God to proclaimed the truth and the righteous laws of our Lord.
Amen! Alleluia!
Name spelled wrong. Oops
Amen. Women of Christ, Zion Girls!!! Rise up!!!