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Lord, we pray against discrimination in all its forms, in Jesus' name.
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New York University recently promoted discrimination in the form of an “antiracism” workshop for white people only.

From The Daily Wire. Public school parents in the Big Apple could pay $360 for a five-month “antiracism” workshop hosted by New York University, but only if they were white.

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NYU hosted six, two-hour workshops from February through June and barred minorities from attending in what legal experts called a brazen violation of civil rights, the Washington Free Beacon reported.

“It’s quintessentially illegal,” said Ilya Shapiro, the director of constitutional studies at the Manhattan Institute, according to the Free Beacon. …

The workshop series, called “From Integration To Anti-Racist (FIAR),” was “designed specifically for white public school parents in New York City committed to becoming anti-racist,” according to a page on the university’s website that has since been removed. The workshop organizers also handed out a three-page flier on why they thought it was appropriate to segregate whites from minorities for the “antiracist” sessions.

“It’s helpful to have a space where other white people engaged in this process can support and challenge us, without having to always subject people of color to further undue trauma or pain as we stumble and make mistakes,” the flier states. …

Some participants were thankful that minorities were barred from attending, fearing that they would cause them “harm” by confessing their internalized racism. …

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(Excerpt from The Daily Wire. Photo Credit: Ivan Aleksic on Unsplash)

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A t
July 19, 2023

Seemed like a good idea after such a long history of slavery, segregation, lynching, discrimination and all.

July 18, 2023

Many years ago, a person asked me why I treated everyone the same as much as is warranted in any situation. I mean by that you treat your family somewhat differently than a stranger at the grocery store – situational … But that I treated everyone like people. And I just told them about the Red and Yellow Black and White song in Sunday School and the discipline I’d get from my folks if I didn’t treat everyone with respect. And then I topped it off with: I am a blood donor. I have been for many years. As a 0- donor I knew where some of the blood went, but mostly not. Well,,, the way I see it there are a lot of people out there that have my blood and DNA in their bodies which of course makes them family. As I don’t know who those people are I had better treat them all as family, along with their families. That might be my brother or sister. And that came home to roost when one of my children received five pints of blood after being hit by a car. My child has five relatives out there somewhere. Those relatives have relatives, etc. I have prayed for them and their families as they are now part of the family. If people have issues with who is my neighbor/who is my family maybe more people should give blood. It makes you want to send a prayer for someone you don’t know but that God knows. He / I want each one saved and living a decent joyful life. I want to meet my families one day. Makes you look at people different. Actually, I know we shouldn’t need a reason to treat people with respect but many times the nature of man is that way. God gives us a heart to see people in His Image and we need to apply His ways to our lives. But it IS interesting and fun to see people start thinking in a different pattern. Blessings

Ernie Hatmaker
July 18, 2023

While I understand that this is in response to critical race theory (CRT) in schools, it is having the same effect– division.

Carolyn Cornette
July 17, 2023

Father you created is all would you you help us All to Love like you Love and would you defeat these false things going around..open ears to hear you and eyes to see you..

Susan S.
July 17, 2023

The only real way to get rid of racism is for people to see everyone else as a person made in the image and likeness of God. This way the 2 greatest commandments, love of God and love of neighbor, are linked. If you remind yourself when you see someone else that they are made in the image and likeness of God, it changes everything.

July 17, 2023

In our home we have a ministry name given to us by the LORD called Joseph’s coat of many colors: a legacy of: Hope our love,lives and never dies. Our biblical scripture is John 3: 16: if someone comes we feed them: we’re working hard to get our vegetables and fish to grow organically to feed physically and the word of LORD for the spirit.

    Darlene Estlow
    July 17, 2023

    What a good name for your ministry. God bless you and use you for his glory.


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