A Strong Delusion
A Strong Delusion
This is a compelling biblical analysis of the war in Israel, the days of rage, and the answer for delusion.
From FAI, Frontier Alliance International. In his second letter to the church in Thessalonica, the Apostle Paul reminds the saints of what he has already taught them regarding “the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered together to Him.” It was an apostolic priority for Paul that the nascent churches understand that the “appearance of His coming” would be preceded first by a short but powerful time called “the rebellion.” At that time, a “mystery of lawlessness” that is already at work in this age will be fully revealed when a “man of lawlessness…son of destruction” is himself revealed in the Temple of God.
By “the activity of Satan,” this lawless one will act “with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception.” Falsehood and lies will mark this time, bolstered by demonic power. Paul calls this phenomenon a “strong delusion.”
There are many elements of this “strong delusion” which will undoubtedly be peculiar to the days when the lawless one “opposes and exalts himself.” We are not yet living in those days, so we cannot yet presume to interpret the exact form the powerful deception will take. However, knowing that the “lawless one” will be given power specifically to “conquer the saints” and “seduce those who violate the covenant,” we have reason to believe that the delusion enables this end. That is, a major theme of the “strong delusion” will likely revolve around the demonization of God’s covenant people as a means of provoking violations against of the covenant itself, and therefore, against the Covenant-Keeper.
If the covenant in question is a promise of eternal blessing to all nations through a certain Seed of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob, and if the patriarchs and their descendants inherited the Land forever as a visible guarantor of that promise, then to violate the covenant would look like an attempt to disinherit their descendants from the Land and thereby nullify the blessing for all. Again, if the eternal covenant promises a Seed from David’s line to sit on his throne forever in Jerusalem, ruling over the nations, then a violation of that covenant would be for those same nations to “trample” the Holy City and to preempt the Messianic coronation. In other words, a “strong delusion” facilitates the events of Zechariah 14:2,
“For I will gather all the nations against Jerusalem to battle, and the city shall be taken and the houses plundered and the women raped. Half of the city shall go out into exile, but the rest of the people shall not be cut off from the city.”
Considering events in the Land of Israel and throughout the world over the past two weeks, I cannot help but wonder if we are beginning to witness the preliminary contours of such a delusion. On October 7, at least 2,500 men from the Gaza Strip stormed the security barrier along the border, overwhelmed nearby Israeli military bases, and began an hours-long rampage with near impunity across Southern Israel. They raped, they tortured, they murdered, they took 200 Israelis and other foreign citizens “into exile” in the Gaza Strip. They committed atrocities that are quite literally unspeakable. In other words, they committed a microcosm of Zechariah 14:2. Multiply the ferocity of October 7, expand it across the State of Israel, and you have what the Hebrew prophets call “a time of trouble for Jacob…such as never has been since there was a nation till that time.”[3]
Not only did the armies of Hamas and Islamic Jihad commit this barbarism, but they also flaunted it. Wearing GoPro’s and carrying smartphones, they documented their atrocities. They even streamed the executions of Israelis live on social media. Besides this, the communities around the Gaza border are monitored by hundreds of security cameras. Not only was the jihad of October 7 an act of attempted genocide, but it was the most well-documented attempt in world history. Within hours, even before it ended, dozens of images and videos flooded Israeli and Palestinian Telegram, spreading to other social media platforms, and then the mainstream media. . . .
Certainly, there has been staunch political support for the Jewish State from some Western nations, India, and elsewhere. There has been some words of outrage, comfort and clarity on the streets and in the sound bites. But another phenomenon has also crept out of the Abyss and into the daylight: denial, equivocation, and even gleeful, public celebration of barbaric acts against Jews. These things haven’t just come from the voices of Hamas, Hezbollah, and the ayatollahs in Iran. They have come from the streets of Istanbul, London, Paris, Berlin, Toronto, New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles. They have come from university campuses and city squares. Instead of a global outpouring of love and support, the global Jewish community is confronted with a renewed surge of antisemitic anger and violence that has targeted their shops, their homes, and their schools. Simply put, they have become the targets of a delusion.
The current state of delusion has manifested in a myriad of ways, but at the core, it seeks to demonize, delegitimize, and disinherit the covenant people. It uses lies, backwards logic, and malicious insinuation to achieve its objective of “blinding the minds of unbelievers.”[3] For instance,
If you accuse those who suffered the most at the hands of the Nazis of being Nazis themselves, you are delusional.
If you claim that the State of Israel, as part of some global cabal, willingly orchestrated the savage murder of 1,400 of its own citizens in the interest of starting wars and making money, you are delusional.
If you rabidly post about dead Arab civilians in Gaza while ignoring 500,000 dead Arab civilians in Syria since 2012 (including 5,000 Palestinians at the hands of the Assad regime), you are delusional.
If you accuse the Israeli government of turning the Gaza Strip into an open-air prison after seeing the tragically obvious reason for such a security apparatus on October 7, you are delusional.
If you wring your hands because of Israeli “war crimes” in Gaza but not Turkish war crimes against millions of Kurds, or Chinese crimes against millions of Uhygurs, or Russian war crimes against millions of Ukrainians, you are delusional.
If you believe that the Israeli military is trapping and killing Palestinians in Gaza while ignoring the clear photographic evidence that Hamas is literally trapping people in Gaza with roadblocks, you are delusional.
If you are a Western social liberal, a woman, a gay person, even a trans person, and you’re on the street advocating for Hamas and Islamic Jihad as freedom fighters when those very men, if they got their hands on you, would not hesitate a half-second to rape and/or murder you like the Jews in the Gaza Envelope, you are delusional.
If you chant “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free” in the streets or in digital square, knowing that such a chant involves the horrors of October 7 on a national scale, you are delusional.
If you believe “Hitler was right” or “We are all Hamas” are acceptable forms of peaceful protest, you are delusional.
If you see images of the lifeless, bloody bodies of elderly people strewn across the streets of Sderot, Re’im, and Be’eri, and you excuse it as an “understandable” response to 75 years of “occupation,” you are delusional.
If you see videos of half-naked dead women piled in trucks and paraded through the streets, or handcuffed women with bloodstains between their legs dragged from car trunks in Gaza City, and you think they somehow deserve it, you are delusional.
If you see the nightmarish images of the charred remains of infant Jewish children and question their veracity because an Israeli reporter misspoke about all of them being beheaded instead of just some of them, you are delusional.
If you see the blood-curdling, vomit-inducing videos of the aftermath of Jewish women raped while watching their zip-tied husbands and children burned alive, and you dismiss it as fake, or even worse, somehow justified, you are (extremely) delusional.
If you believe that Israel is deceiving the churches to control them, or that Israel is the Harlot Babylon, or the Beast, or the [insert medieval Christian Jew-hating label here], you are delusional.
I don’t know exactly what shape the strong delusion will take at the end of the age. But I see a lot of delusional people in the world today, and I see how they’re speaking about and acting towards the people of the covenant, and that tells me all I need to know for now.
Most important is not “what” the strong delusion will be, but why. According to Paul it is,
“a wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”
Satan does not act on his own authority. He is given authority to perpetrate deception and delusion as the precursor to God’s judgment. Those who embrace and abide in the strong delusion are revealing their own eternal condemnation. That is a hard truth, but abundantly clear in Scripture. It ought to prick us to first soberly examine our own hearts, and then commit whatever time, gifts and resources we have from God to combatting the delusion with our strongest weapon in this age: the gospel of the Kingdom. If the deluded hate the truth, we love it, and we speak it in love.
Let us follow the example of Jesus. When His hour had come, he “set His face towards Jerusalem.” Towards death, towards destiny, towards “the joy set before Him.” Towards the eternal peace of a Holy City. Like Him, we will have a resurrection. We will ascend to meet Him in the air. We will receive eternal glory, and the covenant will be vindicated when the man of lawlessness and all of his worshippers are killed by the mouth of the One who comes to judge and make war.
How is the Lord leading you to pray?
From FAI, Frontier Alliance International. Photo by Nava Jamshidi/Getty Images.
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🙏🏻From Turning Point Ministries, Dr. David Jeremiah’s teaching on Israel Biblically, spiritually, supernaturally, and historically reveals the power of God over all humanity and His Justice versus that which is foolishly perceived by mankind. God the Creator knows every heart and reserves eternal judgment for Himself alone. God is clear, first to the Jew then to the Gentile (Rom. 1:16).
🛑God is in control of His Creation and His ways are not our ways. He demands obedience.
📖“Now go and attack Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and do not spare them. But kill both man and woman, infant and nursing child, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.’ ”
1 Samuel 15:3 NKJV 1028BC
Kirk, my characterization is merely the fact of the matter, not the wishful thinking that allows rationalization of ungodly, unethical and immoral actions. The wild assumption that one million people, mostly children, can just up and “move south”, particularly with no fuel, water nor electricity, is literally magical thinking. To shift blame for this impossible strategy to Hamas contradicts the facts of practicality and the facts from numerous sources on the ground within Gaza, ie. those getting mass slaughtered who are naming their oppressor, their true colonial overlord, Israel.
May the Lord Jesus Christ grant forgiveness for the pride it takes to characterize our brothers and sisters in Christ, the children, elderly, wounded, maimed, hospitalized, sick, destitute, impoverished victims of this ungodly blanket condemnation on all within Gaza…as suffering for lacking “wisdom.”
Sorry this response was accidentally posted twice.
What would you have Netanyahu do in response to the attacks?
You believe that Israel is a colonial overlord. I believe that the Arabs should be treated with the respect due humans made in the image and likeness of God but I believe that God gave the land of Canaan to the people of Israel as a perpetual inheritance. Read Genesis 35. If this is the end times, things will get a lot worse. Read Ezekiel 38 and 39. I believe that Jesus will return to Jerusalem to save the Jewish people. Read Zechariah 12. It is not my will or desire because what I think doesn’t really matter at all. God’s word and will are the only things that really matter.
We all have strong opinions on this subject. I apologize if you thought that I wanted any of this. I was happy 10/6 because I thought that I was wrong about something bad happening on the jubilee of the 1973 war. Our opinions can be based on our interpretation of God’s Will and Word. It can also be determined by our experiences and fears. I have been to Jordan, Egypt and the UAE and was treated very well. During my first time in Jerusalem, Hamas sent a suicide bomber that blew up a bus. I was in Askelon when Israel retaliated. I felt the ground shake and saw the rising smoke. I have been to Israel and the West Bank (Judea and Samaria) and was treated well. However, I remember the 1972 Olympics, the 1973 war, the Entebbe raid, 9/11 among others. I know that Moslem culture has a problem with honor killings. I was raised in a misogynist house and it is there but for the grace of God go I. I know that this is no reason for slaughtering them especially children. It is not about me and I have no say in what happens but it is hard for me to sympathize with those who tolerate honor killings. I know about how Christians are treated in such places like Turkey, Egypt, Pakistan and Nigeria and it does make me angry. I know that some Israelis treat Christians badly but not bad compared to the treatment of Christians under Sharia. When I hear Islamic supremacists such as Mahmoud al Zahar, an Hamas senior leader, utter threats against all non moslems to force them to live under Sharia, I feel threatened especially with all the unvetted people coming across the southern border. I know that we should live by faith not fear and walk by faith not sight but that is not easy. I realize that I can never be objective about this. Therefore, I stand with Israel because I believe God’s Word about the land (Genesis 35) and because Israel doesn’t threaten me with Sharia.
Susan, I appreciate your honesty that you have lost all objectivity due to fear and bias. I felt the same 20 years ago and fellow Christians tried to reason sense into me unsuccessfully. Praise God He opened my eyes and heart and I repented for my ungodly judgment and hatred of neighbor. The fear left. When we judge from a place of fear, we aren’t loving our neighbor, let alone our enemies. No one people group is our enemy. We are in the New Covenant age and the world is our mission field. We are to share the Gospel message of reconciliation with every last person. We are called to be ambassadors of Jesus Christ and share that He knows and loves each and every human being PERSONALLY so much that He suffered, was crucified and rose from the dead to reconcile humanity back to the Father because every single person is precious in the sight of God. The Devil wants to de-humanize image bearers of God so that we can rationalize destruction and death. Dehumanizing is also necessary to murder the child in the womb. We lose our humanity when we dehumanize and dehumanizing is the exact opposite of God’s will and love.
The facts are that more Muslims have been killed by Muslim extremists than any other group. Extremism of any belief is dangerous because it requires a loss of objectivity in order to create a faceless enemy. Apostle Paul tells us we battle NOT AGAINST flesh and blood but against the demonic spirit realm. We are told to put on the whole armor of God for our weapon of warfare. We are called to save not condemn. Believers in Christ of any ethnicity are to be UNIFIED. One afflicted or murdered Christian in Gaza is one too many. They deserve our protection and our voice. Every child deserves protection. There is no ethnic exclusion to this in Scripture so I’m appalled by the attitude by IFA and many here that one exists.
I’m blessed to know many loving Muslims and share the Gospel of peace. Christians are commanded to practice righteousness not murder the mission field in Jesus’ name. Blasphemy.
Defense is Biblical. However, illegal occupation is not. Gaza is not a nation with borders. It’s a refugee camp within prison walls with apartheid rule. This is unBiblical and wicked oppression. It needs to end as does our own open borders.
As for doctrine, I subscribe to the Biblical and historical teachings of the Church for over 2000 years ie. The Israel of God is Jesus Christ. It’s not about a piece of dirt. It’s about a spiritual destination that requires becoming a new creature in Christ, having a circumcised HEART, for citizenship in Zion. Praying eyes will be opened and the Truth set us free to boldly be ambassadors for the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ the Righteous. 🙏
📖“The burden of the word of the Lord to Israel by Malachi. Israel❤️ Beloved of God “I have loved you,” says the Lord. “Yet you say, ‘In what way have You loved us?’ Was not Esau Jacob’s brother?” Says the Lord. “Yet Jacob❤️ I have loved; But Esau💀 I have hated, And laid waste his mountains and his heritage For the jackals of the wilderness.” Even though Edom💀 has said, “We have been impoverished, But we will return and build the desolate places,” Thus says the Lord of hosts: “They may build, but I will throw down; They shall be called the Territory of Wickedness, And the people against whom the Lord will have indignation forever. Your eyes shall see, And you shall say, ‘The Lord is magnified beyond the border of Israel.”
Malachi 1:1-5, NKJV, 430BC
❤️Jacob=Israel (Jews & Christians)
💀Esau=Edom (Arab Tribes & Islamists)
🙏🏻Abba, we thank You for Your Word of Truth and the warning of who Your enemies are throughout Your created human history. We thank You for the obedience of Your prophets to bring Your Truth and Your inspiration that it may be recorded. Thank You for revealing Your enemies Territory of Wickedness and Your choice of indignation forever. We honor You by trusting in Your Word. We glorify you because we love You. We praise You in thanksgiving for this Truth. We magnify you in America beyond the borders of Israel, Your Land. In the name of Jesus, Thy will be done. Amen🙏🏻
God I pray for Your will and plan to be done. Holy Spirit send us TRUTH. Help us across the world to understand the TRUTH AND TURN TO YOU! Only in returning to You Jesus can we be saved and healed!
I was sent this post today. I have never been on the site previously but had heard it’s a good one.
Today I am disappointed to read the strong accusations of delusions by the author who him/herself also seems to have some delusion… the delusion of self-righteous pride to think they know what is going on right now because of of the propaganda videos.
The fog of war over this issue is so great that none of us really know what’s going on. Propaganda is part of the war. The enemy deals hard in it. To have been watching videos one day, then seeing them debunked the next, should humble everyone of us before the feet of Jesus… because we too quickly get outraged the first day, only to find the outage was for false reasons. Then where does that leave us? ….sitting in a soupy stew of wrong emotions pushed around by the devil.
We need to be praying revelation from the Holy Spirit, not watching media and deciding who is right/wrong, which side killed more, which side was more brutal. Both have been/done heinous evil against another. God will decide who has been righteous and needs justifying. We DO NOT know.
We should instead pray His heart over the whole of the Middle East. Sauls to Pauls. God encounters everywhere. That Holy Spirit would move upon the hearts of people everywhere. That men (women too) would put their guns down and walk away. But, if we are caught up with watching the videos, our prayer will be from fear, wrong motivation, false-moralistic-outrage, and misinformation. This is the devil’s playground.
Intercessors beware! Maybe this is a good time to remind people, the crowds (in the church) followed the Pharisees. The crowds rejected and killed Jesus. Also, the crowds rejected prophets like Jeremiah et al.
God cares about every human ever born into the earth. Pray His heart for them. Not what the media and politicians, your favorite preacher, or prophet, or blog writer is telling you. Hear God’s voice. Get His heart. Pray that!! Only. Free of human bias.
I respectfully but strongly disagree with some of what you said. Yes, YHVH loves all mankind, but He distinguishes between the righteous and the evil throughout His Word. We are all sinners in need of a Savior, but not everyone will respond to His call in repentance – in fact “few” will according to Yeshua’s own testimony. Righteousness is by faith through grace, not by works. But we do have an enemy that works through those who are not redeemed and yield to his delusion.
To equate the massacre of civilians – including children, women, and the elderly – to a war, is not something I can overlook. The only fog that lies over the land of Israel is not the fog of war, but a fog of deep grieving and mourning for those lost to this hate-induced and savage attack. I don’t watch videos from worldly sources, because you cannot trust them. I suggest that you seek out information from those Messianic Jewish and Gentile believer’s ministries in the land – Tikkun Global, Maoz Israel, Ron Cantor, and others that are trustworthy. I believe that this article does indicate evidence that the author has received revelation of Holy Spirit, has heard His voice, and sought His heart. So in that regard, we don’t agree.
Very excellent advice and prayers and discernment!
Mature and profound discernment, Romey. I’m appalled at the ungodly bias and zeal for escalation of violence and revenge that has and will impact mostly children along with our Eastern Orthodox Christians in Gaza. The fact that the Body of Christ in Gaza has been condemned along with Hamas is an abomination. As Christians, we are to exemplify mercy and justice…for all! I’m dismayed that anyone could think that Jesus Christ the Righteous approves of the callous disregard shown to the EO Christians, the 400-600 American civilians, the UN refugee workers, the hostages, the children (50% of the 2M+ population) and all other innocent victims. “Defense” will not justify this grossly disproportional response of violence and genocide.
1.It is a tragic fact that innocents are killed in war. However, as Golda Meir said “we will only have peace when the Arabs love their children more than they hate us”. I feel for the Christians of Gaza (1000-1100). They are like the Christians of Nagasaki who suffered due to the atomic bomb.
2. Would the US have tolerated 22 years of rocket attacks from Mexico or Canada like the Israelis?
How would the US responded if the cartels slaughtered and took hostage people in Texas who were just at a concert or a high school football game?
How would the US reacted if the cartels did to communities along the border what hamas did to Israeli communities?
Susan, so as long as YOU get to deem who the acceptable human sacrifices will be and all of the ensuing collateral damage, including a potential WW3, then it’s all good. Only “1000-1100 Christians” to be sacrificed? Would you like more, Susan? Lord, have mercy!!
1.I am not deeming any acceptable human sacrifices just stating the fact that in war civilians as well as combatants die. I have no connection to the Israeli government. Netanyahu doesn’t call me before he makes decisions. However, he has tolerated far more than any US administration would have. Rocket attacks into Israel since 2001 that have killed or disabled Israelis and the attack on the towns and the concert.
2. Do you support Hamas and their actions? Do you agree with the words of Hamas leader al Zahar who wants to give non moslems the choice of convert to Islam and live under sharia or die?
Erin, I believe your characterization of the situation is skewed against Israel. At no time, have I heard / read / seen Israel condemn anyone or any group in Gaza except Hamas. Over and over, Israel has notified the people to move south, away from the areas of conflict, yet Hamas continues to hold them hostage – putting up road blocks, taking away car keys, basically imprisoning the Palestinian people in their own homes and communities. Those who did move south were stopped because Egypt did not want to accept them.
Yes, we as believers are to exemplify Yeshua’s mercy and love, but also His Justice – the same Justice which God calls for over and over throughout scripture. God’s Justice is not such that would allow the innocents of Israel to be slaughtered and kidnapped, while allowing the perpetrators to hide themselves among another innocent peoples, inside religious buildings, schools and hospitals.
Hamas committed a criminal act of TERRORISM – a sneak attack that specifically targeted innocent civilians to maim, kill and capture. Israel has declared WAR in order to destroy Hamas, not the innocents of Gaza, May the innocents have the wisdom to do whatever is necessary to leave the areas of conflict.
Kirk, my characterization is merely the fact of the matter, not the wishful thinking that allows rationalization of ungodly, unethical and immoral actions. The wild assumption that one million people, mostly children, can just up and “move south”, particularly with no fuel, water nor electricity, is literally magical thinking. To shift blame for this impossible strategy to Hamas contradicts the facts of practicality and the facts from numerous sources on the ground within Gaza, ie. those getting mass slaughtered who are naming their oppressor, their true colonial overlord, Israel.
May the Lord Jesus Christ grant forgiveness for the pride it takes to characterize our brothers and sisters in Christ, the children, elderly, wounded, maimed, hospitalized, sick, destitute, impoverished victims of this ungodly blanket condemnation on all, by default, within Gaza…..as suffering for lacking “wisdom.”
Amen Amen and Amen🙏🏽.
For years, I sat and watched Cowboy and Indian movies believing that the Indians were the culprit. Later I learned that they were fighting settlers because they did not want to be ran off from their land, culture and everything they were born into and knew. YES, if we are true Bible Believing Christians, let’s pray for world peace, peace in the Middle East and for ALL Wars to Cease. No group of human beings deserve to be violated. Let’s trust God!
Father we know strong delusions are prophecised as coming in the endtime. Not only lies and delusions regarding current events, but lies and delusions about You, about creation, about satan, about religion versus relationship with You, father Israel and the church experienced delusion for generations confusing and accepting religion and legalism above intimate ongoing relationship with you. Forgive us and heal us of this! Father expose all spiritual and natural delusion and free us from it, delusions about you, ourselves, and your word that render us powerless, Father deliver us. Raise up your church to be the overcomers and conquerors you say we are. In Jesus name we ask, believing you hear us and will give us what we ask.
This is an excellent article, and a breath of fresh air.
LORD, thank you for the insight You have provided through a correct interpretation of Your Holy Word, and for it’s forewarning. This spirit of delusion has always been present in the world since the fall, actually before it in the enemy’s temptation of Eve. But Your Word warns us of it’s increase – a strong delusion – in the end of the age. Lawlessness, actually should be translated Torah-lessness. In much of the church, the covenant Scriptures (OT) are virtually ignored, and the renewed covenant Scriptures (NT) are focused on. Both are the inspired Word of God, and necessary for full understanding. The understanding of the covenant violation this author is talking about is greatly limited if the Torah is not read and revealed by Holy Spirit. LORD, I repent on the church’s behalf of any ignorance willingly accepted by choosing to be Torah-less. May we embrace the whole counsel of Scripture, and in so doing embrace You in Your fullness – all of who You are – all of Your attributes – not just those we are comfortable with or that are easy to understand. It is arrogant to think we are able to fully understand an infinite God. I am just humbly grateful for the revelation I have received of You – YHVH, Yeshua, and Holy Spirit – through Your Holy Word. Thank you! May many in Israel and in the nations have the strong delusion broken over them, the veil removed, that they might “see”, “hear”, “repent of their sins”, and receive salvation in Yeshua.
AMEN!!! There are a lot of brain seared people out there. They need the light of Christ shown to them. Because they have bought the lie of evil and are on their way to hell. The devil is as a roaring lion seeking whom he may destroy, through lies, hatred, and deception. We all have free will even the angles of heaven have free will, that’s why some are locked in drakness awaiting their judgement, but that same free will is going to cost you if you do not make the right choices.
Romans 1
Delusion has 3 strikes…
YeHoVaH gave them over to
1. shameful desires of heart, 24
2. shameful passions, 26
3. depraved minds 28
Too often we generalize our prayers; don’t make them specific because they haven’t ‘hit home’; they haven’t touched ‘me’…We make our prayers almost “impersonal”! But this IS personal! To each and every believer witnessing the atrocities being committed!,Our Spirits are one with Holy Spirit! Let HIM be the ‘personal’ part that cries out in Truth and “Speaks” to the unbeliever. Bring it home to your own family and see these horrid actions as if done to them! Can you remain indifferent? BIND the satanic; Condemn the spiritual evil and cast it OUT! IT IS PERSONAL! Cry out to our Jesus and use HIS word; PRAY!
The Lord warned us what it would be like as the end times drew near but even with forewarning, it’s still hard to see such delusion and rampant evil. Come quickly, Lord Jesus.
When God blessed Abraham and his descendants,He gave them the entire middle east except Egypt. This land is very fertile and produced more than the desert. It was the land of Judea. The hittites, zebusites,ammonites and even the parasites wanted a part of this land. they came and took pieces of the land and now it is reduced to where it is. In the year 1250, the king Adrian changed the name Judea to Palestine. . This did not change Abraham’s inheritance. Palestinians were Nomads. They never had any land of their own. Today the entire world sympathises at the cost of the Jewish people.
Roman Empire, HADRIAN in 135AD, named Palistine (after the Bar Kochba Revolt in 132), after Jews (who praises YeHoVaH) Enemy the Philistines!
Pray pray pray for peace…
We stand with the people of Israel…
We are the people of the one true God… Jesus Christ is Lord…
Viva Cristo Rey
I have been hearing that Netanyahu knew this was coming and he’s part of the deep state. He also told the Israeli military to stand down for 7 hours in the beginning of this war? I have a real hard time believing that. Do you have any true evidence about this? I am a Christian and am praying for Israel and PM Netanyahu. I hope you’ll address this.
Sharon,this is a lie from the pit of hell. Nobody knew this was coming.The best of the intelligence system in Israel failed. If only BIBI knew what was coming he would have stopped the violence.We will not have the hostages. The whole world has been deceived to sympathise with the evil Palestinians and hate the jews,
Netanyahu is no saint! You really believe the most advanced intelligence and military in the world didn’t know this was coming? They knew when a mere cockroach had crossed the border! And wouldn’t the military have had a trigger response to react to an invasion??? Bibi is a globalist—he already sold out his entire nation to the covid vax experiment by forcing the entire population to take it. He knew it wasn’t tested. He does not care about the people.
They hit them on a Holy day 50 yearss after the Yom Kipper war. They always attach the jewish people when they are in their Holy day fasting and praying. The music festival in the desert that was hit because the kids were celebreting the High Holy Day. This was planned out to hit them when the lest expect it. Just like the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus when you lest expect it.
I for one would love to see a worldwide poll of Catholics on a vote of confidence for that pope and his college of cardinals
We all know, in most of the years we have been aware of Truth, and the world stage around us, when we began paying attention to the” news” things have not been right for a long time. I am old enough to remember seeing JFK, Martin Luther King, Robert Kennedy, shot! Then, Vietnam war ( photos as never seen before) all on TV! Then,the reporting around all of these things were contradictory, and books came out later with The truth of it all.
These strong delusions began, long before that era, also. The thing is, that demonic influence never left the world, this is why the quest for Truth is a constant also, in every generation! Not only are we wanting truth about the world around us, We Need The Truth of God’s Word first! Once we find that, we find we can understand what our role is in navigating the rest of the information, news, and gossip/ rumors around us.
We must train ourselves to measure everything by His Standard, and guide our lives, live to be like Jesus Christ, and learn the ways of Truth, Love, Grace, Mercy, and Forgiveness. Our role as Christians is to live according to God’s Word, it never changes! What changes is too many authors writing their own version of God’s Word, deluding and diluting it every generation! These are the false teachers, also, just like the fake world news! Be on guard, on watch, for when He Returns, “it will be like a thief in the night!” We can’t predict His Hour of return, and we are not to be looking at everything as a sign; we are to be watching our personal growth, and our churches are to be shepherding us in that, biblical obedience and teaching, living and learning as God’s children, The Bride of Jesus Christ.
Praying with all, for clear inderstanding of all things, and for our Lord to be helping, guiding us in all Truth and understanding.
Praying for our brothers and sistets everywhere, and for strength in all that is coming upon us, and The church. Help us to remain steady and strong, Looking for His return.
in Jesus Christ’s Name,
Tonya,this was predicted. Whatever happened to Noah,is happening to the followers of Christ. The conservatives are marginalised and censured. Same thing happens to the TRUTH. The liberal lawmakers have a Palestinian flag spewing hatred of the Jewish people.Where are the conservatives? We must march around the gang of 4 and protest them till they replace the Palestinian flag with the sacred American flag. My local newspaper will not publish any of my letters on Abortion,gun control,economy,transgenderism borders, and national security. The liberals have the microphone and they are loud. We have no voice. This was predicted 5000 years ago.
While in agreement with most I still have a time supporting the evil agenda in Ukraine.
Enough blackmail money has been paid at the expense of the US citizens
We need out of there now.🖖
You are right on about our involvement in Ukraine. This is a way our President keeps them quiet about his son’s illegal dealings with them. This is absolutely an abomination of the waste of America’s money which we pay into the coffers that are be used for various things. Certainly not to be used as our President’s coverup.
All our tax dollars sent to Ukraine has not been accounted for. Biden was too naive in offering money before the hostages are released.He should have used the hostages as a leverage for any aid. He should have said, we are not going to give any aid,in the form of money,food till the last hostage is released without any condition. Trump would have done this as he is a successful businessman. Trump needs to elected.
This article has nothing to do with Ukraine.
This is a time to fast and pray. To speak and embrace God truth.
We shall know the truth and the truth will set us free