What happens when a nation loses its conscience? When the light barely shines in the darkness? When truth is obscured by lies? We can answer those questions with another question: What does America look like in 2019?
We are a nation adrift. A nation confused. A nation in danger of completely losing our moral bearings. A nation where right is now wrong and wrong is now right. A nation where evil is celebrated and virtue is denigrated.
But I don’t primarily blame the society at large for these problems. I don’t primarily blame the people of the world (although, to be sure, each individual will give account to God for his or her actions).
I blame us, the believers, the followers of Jesus. We who claim to speak for God.
I blame us, the ones who are called to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world.
There is too much compromise in our midst. Too much carnality. Too much worldliness. Too much hypocrisy. Too little encounter with the living God. And that’s why so many churches are bleeding members.
As the brand new Gallup poll reports, “U.S. Church Membership Down Sharply in Past Two Decades.” Yes, “Half of Americans are church members, down from 70% in 1999.” And “Membership has fallen nine points among those who are religious.”
In my view, one of the biggest reasons people are leaving the church is because they are not truly encountering the Lord (or, are no longer interested in Him). And, quite naturally, decreased church membership quickly translates into decreased church influence.
Put another way, less light shining means more darkness. And the less brightly that light shines, the more the darkness prevails.
Really now, how can we change the world if we have become like the world? How can we point people to Jesus when we hardly resemble Him? How can we call for social transformation when we haven’t experienced (or, are not currently walking in) personal transformation?
I’m truly thankful for the millions of committed Jesus-followers in America today. They are swimming against the tide and going against the grain, no matter the cost. They are raising their children in godliness and keeping their marriages holy. And as singles, they are living with real integrity.
They are good witnesses on their jobs. They are making a difference in their communities. They are rich in good works. They are sharing their faith with friend and foe alike.
What great examples they are, even as the world scorns and mocks them.
But, for the most part, they are exception to the rule. And that’s because, for the most part, the American gospel is a watered-down gospel, a cheap substitute for the real thing. It bypasses the cross, promises happiness and prosperity, and neglects the call to consecration, to sacrifice, to service.
No wonder we can number in the multiplied tens of millions yet our spiritual impact is so minimal. No wonder we can have an almost endless number of outlets – from TV to radio and from our pulpits to the internet – with such meager results.
Gallup reports that, “U.S. church membership was 70% or higher from 1937 through 1976, falling modestly to an average of 68% in the 1970s through the 1990s. The past 20 years have seen an acceleration in the drop-off, with a 20-percentage-point decline since 1999 and more than half of that change occurring since the start of the current decade.”
Worse still, “Most millennials were too young to be polled in 1998-2000. Now that they have reached adulthood, their church membership rates are exceedingly low and appear to be a major factor in the drop in overall U.S. church membership. Just 42% of millennials are members of churches, on average.”
That is a cause for real concern.
That alone should get us crying out to God afresh.
That alone should cause to ask some deep and searching questions.
In his book The Signature of Jesus, Brennon Manning made this striking statement: “If indeed we lived a life in imitation of his, our witness would be irresistible. If we dared to live beyond our self-concern, if we refused to shrink from being vulnerable, if we took nothing but a compassionate attitude toward the world, if we were a counterculture to our nation’s lunatic lust for pride of place, power, and possessions, if we preferred to be faithful rather than successful, the walls of indifference to Jesus Christ would crumble. A handful of us could be ignored by society, but hundreds, thousands, millions of such servants would overwhelm the world. Christians filled with the authenticity, commitment, and generosity of Jesus would be the most spectacular sign in the history of the human race. The call of Jesus is revolutionary. If we implemented it, we would change the world in a few months.”
He was not exaggerating at all, and this is America’s most pressing need: to recapture the revolutionary nature of the gospel and to live it out for the world to see.
Organized religion is not the key. Another new strategy is not what we need. Improved methodology is not the issue.
What we need is a fresh encounter with Jesus. A return to our knees, to the Word, to holiness, to the power of the Spirit, to sharing our faith afresh, to boldness, to passion, to compassion.
When that happens in the Church, the world will be affected — dramatically. It is America’s only hope. It is revival or we die!
(Used with permission. Article by Dr. Michael Brown first appeared at AskDrBrown.com.)
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Wow this is a sadness that has a step by step agenda written all over it! The decline of Christianity! I believe we got lazy, allowing others to speak for us rather than God speak through us! We allowed Government to assume control of the church through tax exemption! When the Bible was taken out of schools, we all set back and allowed it! When each stage happened taken our freedoms came we were either too busy with raising children or working to take a stand for God and what’s right! We were taught to be so humble and hospitable that we lost our integrity of standing up, we gave it away! We compromised because we believe we were being nice and accommodating! We gave it all away for our children, our future, and our Country! The enemy knew the steps to take and we like Adam and Eve were tricked! Racist, homophobic, etc was hurled at us we were subdued! It’s time to stand up for Jesus Christ and the Bible and our families and our Country! Through prayer and doing our part so God can do His part! God told me at one point to Wake Up My Children!!! Think it’s time! Nows the time🙏🏻🇺🇸 Bow down to our Lord🙏🏻
“What we need is a fresh encounter with Jesus. A return to our knees, to the Word, to holiness, to the power of the Spirit, to sharing our faith afresh, to boldness, to passion, to compassion.
When that happens in the Church, the world will be affected — dramatically. It is America’s only hope. It is revival or we die!“
These words of Dr. Michael Brown are so true, can’t agree more.
Our Lord Almighty God, please help Your people to learn what it really means to fear the LORD and shun evil. Cleanse us with Your truth through and through so we may be called a holy nation of the LORD Almighty. In Jesus’ victorious Name I pray, amen.
GOD has allowed me to teach in Sunday School for many, many years,and my main precept has always been for us (we born again) to stand strong for CHRIST in our every day lives. This coupled with much Bible study and righteous praying is our directive from our SAVIOR. Praise GOD for the above correct statement.
I brought you into a fertile land to eat its fruit and bounty, but you came and defiled My land, and made My inheritance detestable.
We have neglected and corrupted your Word and went after another gospel, we have sacrificed to other gods, we shed innocent blood–the blood of our sons and daughters, from the womb and in war, we are plunged into great sexual immorality, even abusing children, changing the truth of god into a lie, worshipping the creature instead of our creator, doing what is unnatural, we have sacrificed to the idols of Canaan, and the land is polluted with blood. Our rebellion is as the sin of divination, and presumption is as iniquity and idolatry.
“O Lord, the great and awesome God, who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments, we have sinned and done wrong and acted wickedly and rebelled, turning aside from your commandments and rules. To you, O Lord, belongs righteousness, but to us open shame, as at this day, because of the treachery that we have committed against you. To us, O Lord, belongs open shame, because we have sinned against you. To the Lord our God belong mercy and forgiveness, for we have rebelled against him and have not obeyed the voice of the Lord our God by walking in his laws, which he set before us by his servants the prophets, all this calamity has come upon us; yet we have not entreated the favor of the Lord our God, turning from our iniquities and gaining insight by your truth for the Lord our God is righteous in all the works that he has done, and we have not obeyed his voice, we have sinned, we have done wickedly.
“O Lord, according to all your righteous acts, let your anger and your wrath turn away from this land and this people. Now therefore, O our God, listen to the prayer of your servant and to our pleas for mercy, and for your own sake, O Lord, make your face to shine upon this nation which is desolate. O my God, incline your ear and hear. Open your eyes and see our desolations For we do not present our pleas before you because of our righteousness, but because of your great mercy. O Lord, hear; O Lord, forgive. O Lord, pay attention and act. Delay not, for your own sake, O my God, may we be called a godly nation.
Revive, reconcile, restore us to You and your truth. Deliver us from all evil. May every knee bow to the Name of Jesus!
Amen! Amen!
May the prophets speak once again,and may the church give him or her the pulpit, let the church take her rightful place,have Godly sorrow,that will produce repentance.Amen.
Oh Lord thank you for loving us even when we fail. Give us courage Lord to rise up and preach the Gospel of Christ wherever we are and wherever we go.
2 Tim 4:1-2
Thank You Lord for hearing these prayers as we come in agreement seeking Your will and Your way for our country. Let Thy kingdom come and let Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
I repent for my sins & the sins of this nation. Father, forgive us for seeking our own selfish sinful pride filled ways. We have sinned against You in so many ways. May the precious blood of Jesus cleanse us from all of our sin and unrighteousness. Amen
Lord forgive us for not drawing closer to you in prayer. Without your guidance we stand alone. We want to obey you Lord so that you can lead us by your spirit in everything you instruct us to do. Revive us Lord as we draw closer to you in prayer. Help us to be good listeners and to guard our hearts against the attacks of the enemy. Help us to pray and to know when to enter into warfare prayers. As we seek your face it is then that you will instruct, equip, and train us to fight. I ask all of this and more in Jesus name Amen
Awaken the Church Lord, to walk in truth, peace and love as we claim your promises. Help us to remember your sacrifice for our sins. Allow your spirit to fall fresh on us, may we never walk apart from you. Heal our ravaged land and cultivate in each of us a new heart, allow us to shape history with our prayers, forgiving us for our sins. We ask for your wisdom, not as the world thinks…but wisdom that is only imparted from your spirit, hear our prayers Oh merciful God for the Church. Not only in this land but around the world, in this sun scorched land. Amen
Dear Lord, YOUR PEOPLE PERISH FOR LACK OF TRUE KNOWLEDGE. When The true gospel is called old fashion. When the blood of Christ is no longer preached. When Hell is called old fashion. I cry out forgive us for our apathy. We have failed the youth of this nation. Help us to find our way back to the full counsel of your word. I pray for purification to began in your church. I pray for You precious Holy spirit to pour out upon us and bring us clarity of mind. Come Lord Jesus to a nation that stands on the brink of disaster. All that I write I know is truth. May we gather in one accord today and ask Jesus to lead us back to the old path where God’s word was considered the way, the truth, and the life.
Selah. Work in our hearts. Lord prevail in us and in churches. I pull down from heaven to earth the righteousness of God most High. I enthrone You Lord Jesus as King of Righteousness and bow before You. Change me. Change us. Let us put church politics down and let Your government be our government. Plow up the hardness of our hearts and turn over the truth to replace the lies. Let hope deferred be replaced by hope in You and the tree of life we find in You and Your Word. Word of God be lifted up and cover this nation as the waters cover the seas. This world. This nation all belong to you and all that is within it is Yours. We ask for this United States of America and all its outlying lands to be ours. The church the blood bought. The redeemed. Psalm 2. We thank You for gathering together a mighty worshipping army of lovers os souls. We receive enlarged hearts of love to work the fields for Your glory. Amen.
Father, our only hope for revival is in you. In your mercy, attend to the cries of your people. May a spirit of humility and repentance fall afresh on this nation, and let it begin in and through your church!
Oh Spirit of the Living God fall afresh on us Your body here on earth.Help us to individually fall on our faces before You with repentance seeking only Your face n Your will.In the mighty name of Yeshua.
“A lunatic lust for pride of place, power, and possessions”… That statement is spot on and heavily convicting for me. Lord, please help me to be an irresistible witness for You, so that I may infect the world around me leading them straight to You. Let my face glow like Moses’ because of the time spent face to face with You. May your be glorified in everything I do! Help your people, including myself, to turn from our wicked ways, our spiritual apathy. Let us return to our first love! Praise the Lord for His mercy endures forever!
Lord, Revive is today. In Jesus Name.
Revive us God to a greater awakening and awareness of you. That we are a holy people just as you are holy.
Lord take the little I have left and use it for your glory, pull me out from all places into your Kingdom a Holy Place.. bring me and the Church to a deep fresh walk with You.. Please Lord we need you ..