I Prayed have prayed
Father, You love us. Thank You for encouraging us.
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This is very different from what IFA normally publishes, but it is truly the essence of all that we are. Without God, any and all intercession means nothing. Intercessor, do you need refreshment? A reminder of the relationship at the center of it all? Read on …

A Psalm of Love
August 10, 2023

“Adonai, You have sought me and have called me Your own. The gift of life, love and trueness given on the Cross has become my song.  Oh Adonai, El Roi, Your vision of me is to be cherished. For in your sight I am a virgin bride, pure, chaste, awaiting her Bridegroom. Breathlessly pursuing, though not perfected, You keep and guard my ways. The magnitude of Your grace towards me is more than the Earth can hold, and yet each day You offer more. I love you LORD. Teach me to love You more.

To the bride, the Father of the Bridegroom says, “Come to Me, My daughter. The one whom I love. Your heart so tender, pure toward Me. Yet still so wounded that you are yet to see, to understand the magnitude of My love towards you. Perfect. Pure. Full and true are My thoughts, My plans and yet you recoil. Oh, that you would let Me love you. You would see the bounty that awaits. Seek Me. See Me. Trust Me. I AM the GOD who saves, sees, and sanctifies My daughters. Trust Me with you. For I change not.

This is My song to you, My daughter,” says Adonai.

Please share with someone who might need encouragement.

(Photo Credit: Canva)

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August 15, 2023

So, who wrote this psalm? I do not recognize it.

Janet Drawhorn
August 15, 2023

Oh how I weep. The Father loves us so much. We are never alone.

August 14, 2023

Needed to hear these reassuring, loving Words from my DADA today!

Lori Meed
August 14, 2023

Sigh…this was like a warm hug from Papa. Thank you for allowed ng this sister to share her personal word and refresh us all.

Darlene Estlow
August 14, 2023

How beautiful! Thank you!

August 14, 2023

So beautiful…thank you Lord❤️ And thank you “intercessor.”


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IFA President
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