The enemies of God continue to rise up to threaten and subvert the godly purposes and destiny of our nation. Those who are hostile to kingdom values and righteous rule are increasing in their efforts to sabotage any godly reforms in our government. The onslaught of villainous attacks against the president and his administration continues unabated and it appears they will not stop. Any victory that is gained is quickly overshadowed by new accusations and threats.
As believers pray and contend for the president and those who serve in office, there is a command coming out of heaven. It is the same decree that King David prophesied in his own nation concerning the coming Messiah:
The Lord says to my Lord: “Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool.” The Lord sends forth from Zion your mighty scepter. Rule in the midst of your enemies! (Psalm 110:1b-2 ESV, emphasis added)
This is the righteous decree that must come forth in this hour and the posture of heart that must be taken by those who lead. Even as Christ demonstrated His kingdom authority within a rebellious system, so we are called as emissaries of a higher order. We cannot wait for our enemies to leave or dissipate. We cannot hold back in hoping for some greater opportunity in the future. Our Lord has issued His decree and we must come into agreement. It is while we are right in the middle of enemy territory that we are called to rule!
Notice the keys in the admonition:
SIT AT MY RIGHT HAND ā Because we are seated with Christ, we can have the eternal perspective needed to both pray accordingly and rule righteously (Ephesians 2:6). Understanding our intimate connection to the Father as sons and daughters enable us to see things from His vantage point and share in His administration. If we do not realize our true position, seated with Him in heavenly places, we may be prone to react to things out of fear instead of deliberately establishing His kingdom through prayerful response and appropriate action.
UNTIL I MAKE – It is not our job to make our enemies submit to us. It is Godās.Ā . . . [H]e sat down at the right hand of God, waiting from that time until His enemies should be made a footstool for His feet. (Hebrews 10:12b-13 ESV) God is the one who deals with His Adversaries and it is our job to agree with Him in prayer by speaking His Word and declaring His purposes throughout the process.
YOUR FOOTSTOOL ā He is not just making His enemies His footstool, but ours (Psalm 8:6; 18:38). This phrase means that the enemies of God must be subject to His rule. What He is establishing is a place of such kingdom authority, grace, and power, that no enemy will have the ability to overcome or overthrow it. Those who oppose His ways will have to submit because of the weight and influence of the Kingās presence.
To rule is not to lord over or dominate through force. It is a sovereign grace to administrate the purposes of God as representatives and ambassadors of His kingdom. This is what we are to pray for our president and all those in positions of leadership and authority:
- To be seated with Christ, administrating from a kingdom perspective (Proverbs 21:15).
- To maintain a pure heart and clean hands so that the laws and decrees they make will represent the integrity and authority of heaven (Psalm 24:3-6).
- To be strengthened with inner resolve and perseverance, even in the face of growing aggression and intimidation, so that kingdom authority is fully established (Psalm 125:2-3a).
- To be like Jesus who set His face as flint and did not waver on the promises of God (Isaiah 50:7; Luke 9:51).
The Psalmist prophesied that the Lord would send forth His scepter from Zion. Even now, as Jerusalem has been recognized and established as the capital of Israel, I believe this admonition has added weight and authority. As the U.S. embassy moves to Jerusalem on May 14, there is a convergence of time and place, and the administration of heaven is issuing this decree: Rule in the midst of your enemies! This alignment of Godās governing authorities is signaling an increased kingdom authority to rule and reign, even as the enemies of Zion vehemently oppose it. We must agree with heaven and declare this in our prayers and our praises (Psalm 2:1-6).Ā As believers in Christ and ambassadors of His kingdom, we agree together for President Trump, his administration, and all those who have been called to leadership in this hour:
RULE IN THE MIDST OF YOUR ENEMIES!Ā Do not waver or back down! Stand in the face of opposition, knowing that all of heaven is with you (Ephesians 6:13)! Do not fix your eyes on what is seen, but on what is unseen, for what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal (2 Corinthians 4:18). Walk in the fear of the Lord and the power of His might (Micah 3:8). Use your God-given authority to execute justice and establish righteous rule in the land (Genesis 49:10; Psalm 60:7). Rejoice in the Word of God which brings life and liberty to all who obey it (Proverbs 10:29-32). Your faithfulness to God will bring forth an inheritance and eternal reward that no one can match. As you represent the King and carry His heart for the nation, be anointed with the oil of gladness and joy beyond your companions so that all may see He alone is God. (Psalm 45:6-7)
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I pray for President Trump and the Nation.
My God, my Lord and my Savior, I give You praise! Thank You for the grace and mercy You have flooded this Nation, Israel and other places with in recent days! I see Your work everywhere Lord! Hallelujah!
Thank You for our President, Donald J. Trump, I pray that You will give him and his staff abundant Knowledge, Fortitude, Strength, Wisdom and Love to continue to follow Your Will Father. That they would show the strength of Jesus Christ and bear witness to Your truth to all Nations Lord.
I pray You keep us close to You so we donāt tremble and fear as our enemies come against us. Protect the President and all of your servants. I pray for boldness to stand against the enemy for his days are numbered.
Thank You Lord, for You are the Great I Am forever and ever.
Amen. And AMEN
RULE IN THE MIDST OF YOUR ENEMIES! Do not waver or back down! Stand in the face of opposition, knowing that all of heaven is with you (Ephesians 6:13)! Do not fix your eyes on what is seen, but on what is unseen, for what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal (2 Corinthians 4:18). Walk in the fear of the Lord and the power of His might (Micah 3:8). Use your God-given authority to execute justice and establish righteous rule in the land (Genesis 49:10; Psalm 60:7). Rejoice in the Word of God which brings life and liberty to all who obey it (Proverbs 10:29-32). Your faithfulness to God will bring forth an inheritance and eternal reward that no one can match. As you represent the King and carry His heart for the nation, be anointed with the oil of gladness and joy beyond your companions so that all may see He alone is God. (Psalm 45:6-7)
Oh my Father God who sits on the throne, who is in absolute sovereign control of what is unfolding before our eyes in our nation and Israel, reveal thy power and glory to those who oppose thy will. Bring all to their knees in repentance. Release Your Holy Spirit as never before upon your creation and show āthat defeated foeā that ā You are God and there is no other!ā In the name of Jesus your Son, we must pray, AMEN !!
Dear fellow Christians
While still standing firm by praying for Israel and President Trump, I wish to humbly seek support & sponsorship to attend a 2-day Christians United for Israel (CUFI) Summit to be held between July 8-9, 2019 to stand with Israel and the Jewish people
This summit, which is held each July, provides an opportunity for thousands of pro-Israel Christians to gather in Washington, D.C. and make their voices heard in support of Israel and the Jewish people.
My motivation to attend stems from the fact that the Washington Summit will feature a variety of distinguished speakers such as Pastor John Hagee and CUFI Executive Director David Brog, among others.
This meeting is being organised by Christians United for Israel, which is the largest pro-Israel organization in the United States and one of the leading Christian grassroots movements in the world.
For more information, please visit their website-http://support.cufi.org/site/PageServer?pagename=2019Summit_Register#speakers
I pray to our heavenly father that he will give our leaders the strength and wisdom they need to govern andto take from government anything that is not of God. Keep our President and vice president and their families safe from all harm.Amen
I too heard about this prayer chain that happens at 8pm CST. A large group of us currently participate thru another site just like England did for Churchill. Please continue to be strong believers, worshippers and keep it going.
And I’ll continue to pray for ALL around the world being persecuted too.
Thank you
Once again, send you Christian greetings from Kenya
I want to assure that I join you in praying for President Donald Trump. I love his unwavering support for Israel
At the same time, I wish to seek support to attend the Christians United for Israel’s Washington Summit to be held between July 8-9, 2019 in support of Israel and the Jewish people. The details are found in the following weblink-https://www.cufi.org/event/washington-dc-summit-2019.
I will be glad to join the rest of Christians in America and the rest of the world who speak and act with one voice in support of Israel in matters related to Biblical issues.
I am a bible believing christian and believe that the Jewish people have a right to live in their ancient land of Israel, and that the modern State of Israel is the fulfillment of this historic right.
I maintain that there is no excuse for acts of terrorism against Israel and that Israel has the same right as every other nation to defend her citizens from such violent attacks.
I pledge to stand with our brothers and sisters in Israel and to speak out on their behalf whenever and wherever necessary until the attacks stop and they are finally living in peace and security with their neighbors
Therefore I have no doubt that CUFI was created for such a time as this!
I believe that during the two days that I will be attending, I will receive a more indepth information of the state of affairs in Israel and the Middle East from some of the most compelling experts in the field.
We bless and praise you Abba Father for you are good and your Mercy e dures forever!
We pray for your inctercessors and prayer warriors. Give them strength and wisdom as we (they) pray for our government as. Pray for our nation.
Praying for our president Donald Trump! He needs our prayers day and night,he is under witchcraft attack. We must stand our ground and pray fervently
I agree and pray for our president Donald Trump,Our Vice President Mike Pence and most of The once in the cabinet. God Bless America and mike it great again.We need the Love and Peace from God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
Greetings from Kenya. I join bible believing Christians in praying for President Donald Trump. May God bless him and shine his face upon him and may He be gracious to him. Amen
Wesley, thank you for praying for president Trump. A healthy United States of America will shine its light to all Nations!
Wesley, greetings from the USA. I’m a bible believing, born-again Christian. It’s encouraging to hear from people in other nations that also support Israel. I’m sure you agree no single nation has been treated SO unfairly. Its because it’s in a spiritual battle. And I’m proud of President Trump for standing by Israel.God bless you and your family!
I pray for the protection of President Trump and his family, vice president Mike Pence and his family. I pray for the protection of the presidents advisers and staff, his cabinet members, and all those stand in agreement with his values for our country. Above all, I pray for wisdom from above for this administration and for our military,for the generals and commanders and their families and our nation, in Jesus name…….Amen!
My God, my Lord and my Savior, I give You praise! Thank You for the grace and mercy You have flooded this Nation and Israel with in recent days! I see You everywhere Lord! Hallelujah! Thank You for our President, Donald J. Trump, I pray that You will give him and his staff abundant wisdom to follow Your Will Father. That they would show the strength of Jesus Christ and bear witness to Your truth to all Nations Lord. I pray You keep us close to You so we don’t tremble and fear as our enemies come against us. I pray for boldness to stand against the enemy for his days are numbered. Thank You Lord, for You are the Great I Am forever and ever, Amen
as we pray for Isreal, I pray for Palestinian Christians also and any other people over there in need of our prayers
In prayer for our Nation blessings and divine pulpose for wisdom from above in all his doing. I thank Abba Father for the great
move of intercession for the spirit of prayer in USA and every nation. Thank you IFA for staying strong.
Note: for me to able log in you have to include PR as a state because is not included in the list. Thank you, Juan
My Lord my God I see you working more and more in this world I pray that I and others will stand with you without fear and bring others to your saving Grace in the days to come. I pray for President Trump and his Staff to follow your will . I pray that we as a Nation will be a witness of Truth and Love for others of God as we were founded on. Protect and keep safe our military and their families and those who stand with us. In Your Son Jesus Christ Amen.
Im amazed at trumps strength,theough these relentless attacks.may we all keep praying,not only for our president,but for isreal as well.praise god for a president that finalky acknowledes isreal.bless god!!!!
The Lord says to my Lord: āSit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool.ā The Lord sends forth from Zion your mighty scepter. Rule in the midst of your enemies! (Psalm 110:1
Father God
I pray and ask for you Jesus to speak to our president Trump and vice present pence in a vision or dream to pursue as leader’s for our nation in a way of strength, truth, justice, give them both the wisdom of solomen and the strength of David to set forth a blessed Godly Nation, I also pray as we move into a new awaking with Jerusalem let it stand firm with a foundation of Jesus Christ first. let this new beginnings be of Good fruit for many nation’s, and families and of every generations to come as we see the hand of God carry us into a land of prosperity. For if God is with us who can be against us, I decree and declare these things and seal this prayer with the blood of JESUS Christ name Amen and Amen š
AMAZING!!! I am in constant prayer for our Leaders, their families and our Nation!!
Great article!
May the Lord bless and keep our nation and its leaders. Lord, give President Trump the knowledge to know how to lead our country back to God and the wisdom to know how to guide the people back to God, so that we may once again a Nation Under God.
May our President and his family be blessed and protected, despite (and because of) the relentless attacks of the enemy. May he be given the wisdom to make right decisions, the foresight to work toward righteous goals, the courage to not back down, the protection of angels about him. In Jesus name, Amen