I don’t usually talk much in public about my past life, although every now and then I share with my husband stories and past experiences of when I was still a single woman living in a foreign land. However, recent episodes of injustice, deceit, fraud, etc. have brought back some old memories. It shocked me when I heard that the President and other conservatives were banned from certain social media platforms! When Parler (in which I have an account) was shut down in mid-January, old feelings resurfaced – feelings of fear, anxiety, and frustration. I never imagined such things could happen in this country. It concerns me, too, when I hear of churches in some parts of the country facing challenges and restrictions on church services by officials in the name of “the pandemic.”
For those who are not familiar with me, I was born and grew up in a small country in southeast Asia. The government and educational system are similar to those in this country because of America’s influence for almost 50 years. Religion and Christian heritage were greatly influenced by 400 years of Spanish rule. Basically, my birth country has been blessed with political and religious freedom. Perhaps it is one of the few countries in Asia with this kind of freedom. I’m thankful to God for the influence of America and Spain on my birth country. If it were not for their influence, my birth country would most likely be like other countries in Asia under communist or Islamic rule. I would much rather be under a democratic and Christian administration.
Then when I was in my mid-20s, God called me to be a missionary to a big country in East Asia. Actually, missionaries are not welcomed in that country. So, I had to be undercover using a student or work visa. In that country in East Asia, the government mostly controls and regulates the lives of the people – media, education, religion, and even family planning. They used to have a one-child policy. I heard 5 years ago, they changed the rule to 2 children per family. Christians who gather in homes for Bible studies and fellowship are charged with illegal activities. Some church leaders are put in jail when caught doing illegal assemblies. Only registered churches that are approved by the government are recognized as legal and are constantly monitored and controlled. Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and other foreign social media are not easily accessed by the public.
During my last 2 years in the country (2011-2013), to open my Facebook account, I had to use a VPN connection. For many years, my email accounts were constantly broken and were not easily accessed. I often had to change my email address. Then I discovered a secure U.S. email server, for which I just had to pay a monthly fee. Once that secure email account was established, I was able to communicate and send my newsletter/updates to my ministry partners and supporters. I was told phones were tracked and monitored, so I was always careful what I said. Every apartment complex had a watcher. To travel to some areas of the country, special permits were needed. I lived in constant fear – not just fear for my life but for my local friends. With the grace of the Lord, I managed to share the Good News of Salvation discreetly.
When I came to this country (the United States) some years ago, I felt relieved and free! I did not have to worry about being tracked as a foreigner, having my phone bugged, or having my email watched. I am very thankful this nation has been blessed with so many Christian resources – church buildings everywhere, Christian radio and TV programs, online podcasts, etc. And I can freely access and buy Christian books and materials.
In March 2019, after about a 5-year process, I participated in a momentous ceremony as I became an official U.S. citizen! It was a bittersweet moment as I cherished becoming a U.S. citizen but gave up citizenship in my birth country. During the ceremony, I was given a “Welcome to America” letter from the President. I was touched with these words, “Our history is now your history.” Part of the citizenship application process involved studying civics and history. Thank the Lord, I passed the test! With that, I was challenged and led to know more about the history of the country.
I learned about the Pilgrims, the Mayflower Compact, the founding fathers/patriots, and the Constitution. It was fascinating to learn that this country was founded on the Christian faith. I also learned that, prior to the Mayflower, several other groups from Europe came to establish colonies. But the colony established by those on the Mayflower was particularly successful. The reason for their success was because of their covenant with God for the advancement of faith, “…having undertaken, for the Glory of God, and advancements of the Christian faith…” More groups came from different parts of the world from 1800-1900s for economic and religious reasons.
I also heard about the First Great Awakening in the 1700s. After one hundred years the colonies were firmly established, but many people forgot God and faith. So, the Lord sent preachers like Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield to remind the people that success, wealth, and religious freedom were due to the grace of God. The same thing happened in the early 19th century with the Second Great Awakening. Different revival groups sparked spiritual reformation including the Circuit Riders and Azusa Street. Now in this era of the 2020s, I have been hearing from different Christian leaders that we may be entering the period of the Third Great Awakening.
My husband and I are involved with a Christian ministry spreading the Gospel to people in other nations. We have noticed that in most countries in which we work, such as Africa, Central Asia, East Asia, and southeast Asia, people do not have political and religious freedom.
This brings me back to my concern for this country. I do not want to see this country, the United States of America known as “the last bastion of freedom” and “a place of “religious refuge for people of other nations,” to go in the same direction as the big country in East Asia. I hope and pray that the desire for social justice in this country is not mixed up and confused with socialism and communism.
It is not too late to pray for this country: for political freedom, religious freedom, and freedom of speech as stated in the Constitution to be protected; for restoration of Christian values; for the children of the founding fathers/Pilgrims to remember the covenant they made with God for the advancement of the Christian faith.
It is not too late to pray for the defeat of Covid-19; that it will not be used as an excuse to prohibit Christians from gathering to worship God; for people to be set free from wearing “masks” and be free to sing and praise God.
It is not too late to pray for a spirit of unity in the Church, for the Third Great Awakening, for millions of souls to know the love of God and be saved “before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord.” (Acts 2:20)
“And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God,
That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh.” (Acts 2:17)
“I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word; that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You, that they also maybe one in Us.” (Jn 17:20-21)
“If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” (2 Chr 7:14)
It is not too late to pray for the people of this nation to be restored to the fear of God and Biblical values, not just for the people of our generation but for the people of future generations, for our children and grandchildren.
Would you consider praying with me to our Lord God for the following:
- To restore this nation to the fear of God, its Christian roots (Mayflower Pilgrims), and Biblical values of righteousness, truth, and justice
- For the defeat of the Covid-19 virus. (Ps 91)
- For a spirit of unity in the Church (2 Chr 7:14, Jn 17:21)
- For justice for the persecuted Church and for suffering Christians in various parts of the world
- For a Great Awakening and revival in the Church and for a harvest of souls before the return of Jesus (Acts 2:20)
Will you share your prayers about this in the comment below?
(Photo Credit: Unsplash.)
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I praise God for you, dear Lady. It’s exactly my concern and focus. Thank you for sharing your story. I ask God to bless you and your family.
God of majesty and mercy we cry out to You. You are the only hope in the world which is filled with chaos, hate and lies of Your enemy. We Your people, ask you to open our eyes to the deception around us that we will walk in Your Truth, and Your Love for all people. Give us wisdom to know when and what to say so that Your Name and Renown will be glorified in all the earth both far and near. Father, we pray that the fear of the Lord will replace the fear of man among your people and that we will pray and speak the truth in love so that the eyes of the blind will see and hearts that are now filled with fear of the future will be at peace because they know You the God of all peace.
Show us how to love our neighbors and to love our enemies. That we would take seriously Your instructions, most especially that we “love our enemies, do good to those who hate us and pray for those who despitefuly use us.” That we Your people would have Your heart for those who are walking in the darkness; who are suffering because they do not know the Father of Lights.
Help us to be as wise as serpents, innocent as lambs and gentle as doves so that the world will see Your Character.
Grant us wisdom to walk and talk in unity as Your Body so the world may see You. Give us wisdom walk carefully among the weak and to speak strongly to those who defy and speak against You. Help us to glorify Your Name in holiness, in compassion, and in wisdom. Give us Your heart as we walk through the world, seeing people as You do.
Forgive us if we have judged others harshly simply because they have not seen or heard the TRUTH that we know. Holy Spirit, Come and do what only You can do.
I pray to you, Father in heaven. Can you lesson the influence and protect us from the present administration that is in and may you move to maintain the freedoms we have in the USA. Father can you begin a major revival in the USA today. May your values be upheld in the USA and bless all that seek you. We want your ways today and always on Earth as it is in heaven. Father we want your goodness on the Land in USA and use her to spread your goodness to all.
Lord God, please help America wake up, and know that we are under siege by the evil one. Please help us to have a spiritual revival, and enlightenment. You are the only one who can save our country and preserve our freedoms. I pray you will in Jesus name. Amen
Dear Missionary, Sister in Christ, I am an Evangelist primarily involved in Designing and printing Christian Evangelism Literature (Gospel Tracts, etc.). I have been to the big country you talk about and worked with people from your native country in evangelizing and making disciples there. In a home gathering in the big country I was asked to speak and a national came to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. We have Gospel tracts in PDF format for some Asian countries. Right now I am looking for a clear and readable Japanese tract. I am disappointed that most of the big country tracts I wanted to convert to digital documents are not written in simplified characters. I want more simplified documents to post for free use on our website http://www.tracts4u.com. Larry Kent has his “Who is Jesus?” tract in 100 languages. You are such a blessing!
Thank you for your insightful and humble article. I come in total agreement with you, Sister. Yes, we desperately need revival in our nation! May it begin in our own hearts. The Lord God is our ONLY hope. May we continue to herald the Good News! We need Him more than ever. May we turn from our distractions and apathy, and turn FULLY to Him. God help us!
Oh, how I love to hear people pray for a renewal of hearts to change the course this Country is taking, but revert to God’s laws and order for hearts being renewed. I am planning on buyng a big page in our local paper and exhort people to return to their first love, God. Please pray for me to be inspired with God’s words for his people. Anna
Anna, I will be praying for you and those reading your ad.
I believe. God is using t his time to wake America up and bring the people to him
Praise the Lord! It is not too late for prayer. I join you in praying for our freedom to worship and for the defeat of Covid. May the Lord bless and keep safe all people who are serving him in other countries by sharing the truth that Jesus saves!
We are very blessed as a nation to have such people as you to desire to be citizens.
I particularly appreciate the detailed descriptions of all that you have experienced.
Your experiences confirm the greatness of God and of America as a free, God-fearing nation.
I am amazed at the encouragement that I feel from just reading what you have experienced.
Interwoven in all of it is the irresolute power of God, and that is the power that no foe
can withstand. I was also impressed that the letter “from the President” means it was from
our real President and I hope that you will cherish it. Thank you for your life that is a
credit to our Lord and Savior.
My sisters and brothers a family of seven praying in agreement five days of the week for our nation our children and the Church of Jesus Christ
I joined with you in prayer.I have been a missionary to Cuba for yrs. I to become so sad as I’ve watched my country go in the way of communism. May our God save us from this evil and deliver all His people from evil.
In Jesus Name.✝️
Thank you Candy! Appreciate your prayers for this nation.
It’s not too late! I love these words; and I wholeheartedly offer my prayers of agreement. The stage has been set and our only hope is in our glorious King Jesus!
“Lift up your heads, O gates! And be lifted up, O ancient doors, that the King of Glory may come in.” Ps.24:7
I have been and will continue to pray for the lords people. I pray we put on the armor given to us and stand firm in the truth. Glory to our father.
A beatifully articulated story of your reaction to truth, justice and the American way. We are soooo blessed, but now are called to stand in the gap. Thanikful there are more who see the truth of your words and the need for intercesion. Thanks for sharing and will join in this great cause.
Thank you Helen!
Thank you LORD, Our Father God, for the encouraging words in this article. I hear such discouraging words and ungodly submission – that is willing surrendering our freedom of choice and ability to worship. I am grateful for the many congregations that chose to meet & worship. I thankful for the pastors in Canada, Pastor Coates, and a pastor in Ireland that have chosen to obey God’s commands to meet and worship than men’s restrictions. Over history of the Church many brave ministers & congregations ran toward the crisis, pandemics, and battles to help and even sacrifice their lives. I remember a memorial in Portsmouth, Virginia commemorating a priest who opened his perish and tended the sick. He lost his life on earth, but help many of his parishioners. WE have been told to close down our churches. We do need to be brave and press into God again. “BE OF GOOD COURAGE AND HE WILL STRENGTHEN YOUR HEART!” Psalms 31:24
Yes, I prayed for the all the things that you listed above. My wife and I have been praying for our country for several years. God is good. If enough of us bend our knee and ask God to forgive us and heal our country, He will do so.
I prayed for theses specific prayer points this morning. May many people be awakened to what is happening in our nation and may the church rise up instead of be subject to the fear of this world.
Yes I will pray with you on these requests. But GOD!!!
Thank you so much for your anointed words. You have caused me to be more motivated to pray for my Country and Christians around the world. God bless you!
My husband and I pray daily for our country and it’s leaders and it’s people. Please Lord God…heal this land and all that are in it. Please wipe out all evil and save us from this destruction…in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen
Prayers being lifted daily for our Nation, the world and the Church. Lord Jesus may we all repent from our evil ways and turn our hearts to Thee.
In the precious name of Jesus we humbly ask,
These have been my prayers for many months now! We are in a most dangerous time in the history of this wonderful country… if “The Great Awakening”doesn’t come soon, we will be doomed as a free country! New restrictive edicts are being enacted daily… scary times! But God! People, Get on your knees before the God of heaven, repent and seek His grace and forgiveness! This is the only road to the healing of this land!
Good morning,
I am praying in agreement with you for a great spiritual revival in this nation.
Praying for the virus to be eradicated in Jesus name and for God to bless America once again and help us return to the Biblical truths this country was founded on.
I join you in prayer.
God bless you for sharing this most touching personal story—thank you from the bottom of my family’s hearts, for all you write here from your own personal amazing life journey speaks to the truth of much of what is going awry in our most wonderful country! You are ‘spot-on’ in your worries and analysis of the plight we all face should we not pray the prayers you submitted at the end of your excellent article! TYSVM!
In Faith,
Chris Cook & kids
I pray every day. I started praying for my family and friends around the US, and for everyone else in the US, then for the world. I can now name around 200 nations, from teensy Nauru to huge China. The USA has become very corrupted and the blatant sin and stuff like pornography and lies are shocking. I hope and pray that the USA will turn to God.
Thank you Lord for Your amazing blessings. Stand up brothers and sisters…..it is time to lead, to share the wonderful news of Jesus! I pray that the Holy Spirit will embolden each one of you —remember Jesus is alive! Celebrate that our Savior lives! Do you know that He appeared to more than five hundred brothers at one time AFTER the Resurrection…..1 Corinthians 15:7. Embrace the Word. Heavenly Father, the world is broken by our sin. Please revive our yearning to know You better. Help us to renew our commitment to study Your Word daily.
Share the joy and peace of our Lord and Savior, Jesus. Why wouldn’t you?
The Lord is the only one who can rescue this nation and return us to Him. Praying in agreement with you!
How precious to share in your prayers. The Lord has us believing in the same way. What a joy to hear and feel your heart’s love and concern. I am encouraged because you shared.
Thank you so much for this artictle. This is exactly what I have been praying for also! May the Lord our God do whatever is necessary to see our ancient foundations restored and this nation to turn back to Him!!
Amen and thank you for sharing this testimony of faith. Shalom!
I very much agree with this article and your prayer, but I believe the greater threat to our lives and freedoms is the government lockdowns and overreach than the virus itself. The true numbers and data are beginning to be revealed. News media who ran big stories last year are now retracting them. The CDC has reverted to counting the numbers the way they always did before this “plandemic”. Also, the truth about cheap available medicines (hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin), that have had excellent efficacy in treating the virus, were suppressed and actually withheld from doctors being able to prescribe them for their patients.
Father God, I cry out to You for Your mighty power to destroy completely the lies and deceit which has caused so much destruction in our nation and other nations around the world. Save America not for us alone, but so we will be fit for You to use us to bless the rest of the world. Completely destroy the demonic rituals, divination, and cover of evil being done. Tear down the spiritual strongholds which have been erected and help us walk in the freedom Christ bought for us. May Your people be awakened and rise up to do Your work with wisdom, discernment and shouts of praise.
I ask this in the mighty Name of Jesus and through the power of His Holy blood shed for us.
Amen! You are so right and very correct about those very effective and safe medications that are available. A number of people I know have taken them and had great results!
God’s people have got to stand up, without fear. This administration and medical hierarchy are pushing fear. Over and over God tells us “FEAR NOT.” May we listen to Him.
Amen, My prayers exactly Rochelle. I’m with A small group of seasoned ladies who get together every Thursday morning, for Bible Study and warfare prayers, just as you prayed… !! You are spot on with your analyses of the covert reason behind this supposed “plandemic!” We are in evil times! Of course when we talk about this, we are “conspiritists!” But so be it! I’ll never believe it to be any other.. I have felt it in my spirit from day one! God bless you for speaking up!
Shalom 🙏🏻
Rochelle, I agree 100% with your statements about the lies and deceptions surrounding this virus, of doctors and scientists being censored and even forbidden to provide tried and true, cheap, effective meds to cure Covid. Yes, there has been much government overreach. May the Lord reveal the truth, and help us. Our only hope is in the Lord God, King of kings. May He push back the evil, as we surrender fully to Him. May He give us WISDOM and DISCERNMENT. In Jesus name. 💜✝️
Thank you for sharing our story. I pray for our Lord to have mercy on ALL of us for we ALL our sinner. For his right hand to supernaturally extend to America and for His truth and justice to prevail. For all evil, wickedness, corruption be exposed and the Presidency given to the leader God chooses, not an administration that appoints themselves. I do not remember where in the Bible I have read about God doesn’t appoint because of righteousness or integrity (although I believe this helps), for His people to take possession of their land; but on account of the wickedness of these nations, the LORD your God will drive them out before you, to accomplish what he swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. In Jesus’ name, this is one of many miracles I pray for. Nothing is impossible for our God. Amen!
Yes i am praying w you sister.
God Bless you and your husband. Please keep up the good work, I will pray for you. Thank you and God Bless you always.
What a powerful testimony of faith and warning to America! Lord hear our prayer and get all the glory in what you’re doing!!
I pray daily for the people of this nation to turn toward God, repenting of our sins and believing in Jesus as the only way to restored relationship with God.
Thank you for your testimony, and to know that those who have lived in other countries can testify to the blessings the father has poured out on this country, not by who we are but by who he is. I agree with your testimony and your prayers. God Bless and Amen!
I pray with you that we may be one….as Our Jesus prayed, I pray, too, for a third awakening!
Yes Yes Yes Adored your wonderful story How you got set free from the oppression of that country in East Asia ,y Parents were missionaries to Japan in the 50s and I got raised in Christian Faith so I absolutely adore Religious freedom at the same time I will die to Live for Jesus and be his witness and will continue to intercede for our nation to return to The ways of God I am an intercessor at IHOP so am fervently praying for Revival and restoration to Gods ways for our country and if country gets worse will stand for Righteousness of God NO MATTER THE COST!!!
This is a wonderful article and I agreed with the prayer points as well!
Thank you for sharing your story. Yes, we must pray for religious freedom for as long as possible. The Bible predicts in Revelation that this country will persecute those who follow Jesus in spirit and truth. But God will triumph and He is coming soon! Praying for the Lord to hold back the winds of strife!
Thank you, Lord, for planting us in the United States of America – a true miracle of a country. Lord, I pray that you would help us to see clearly during this time of changing values in our country. Help us to unashamedly focus on your Word, Lord. And thru your Word, keep us steadfast in the knowledge that man was meant for woman, that life is to be respected, that we have the right to congregate, that we have the right to freedom and the pursuit of happiness! These rights are God given, but we feel a change, Lord, in those who govern us. Keep us strong, Lord, in the knowledge that you want what is best for us. Keep us strong in the realization that what we are God driven creations – not man driven. Please, Lord, help us to remain steadfast in our love for You, for Your Word and your never ending love. In Jesus name we pray. Amen
Precious Heavenly Father, I come to you now, not because I am so faithful, but because you ARE. I agree with my sister in Christ concerns and requests, restore America to the fear of God, Christian roots and Biblical values, complete defeat & eradication of Covid-19 virus, justice for the persecuted church and Christians all over this world, and a GREAT awakening & revival in your church that many more souls might be saved before Christs return. I pray too for the pricking and softening of hearts of those in authority who are in opposition to you. May the spirit of wickedness be bound and cast from their lives, in Jesus mighty name these things I pray, amen.
Yes, I will keep praying thank you for the encouragement sometimes I feel so discouraged I feel like giving up. I know our Lord is our only hope.
Satan is a defeated foe he’s not going to win this battle. Amen
Thank you for that…I think maybe not even many native born American’s know the beautiful history of America that you have written so well about…God Bless you and Your Ministry.
As a side note, I have visited your country of origin and just loved the people who seemed to be so happy and joyful..It showed clearly that material goods such as we have in the US are not necessary for true happiness.
I pray in agreement for the Church and its influence on our nation to be restored. I ask Father God for Your Holy Spirit to set fire on the church in truth and for a great and mighty move of God which brings a mighty harvest in the USA and rolls out in waves to all the world. Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. In the powerful name of Jesus! Amen!
I stand in agreement with this prayer for America and I pray for God’s will to be done both in the US and world. We live in a time of peril and control by evil forces. I pray for more believers to wake up and see the truth. I pray for more believers and intercessors to be called to pray for the souls of the world. Let us lift up our voices to the Lord and praise Him and pray forth a season of godliness and freedom under God. I give my trust to God to save his church and for an amazing revival to turn things around and instigate a return to justice and true righteousness. There is much talk about human rights but there are also human duties that few talk about. So many christians dont want to dirty themselves with politics. So they stay passive. But it is our duty as christians to fight for God’s principles to rule our governments. Wake up brothers and sisters! America and the world need you. Amen
Your prayers in faith echo mine and many other children of God. I agree, it is not too late. Let us lift up our voices together with clean hands and a pure heart. God Almighty hears us and wills the same things. May our unity in Christ Jesus be restored! May God be glorified!
I resonate with this I am American who now is a missionary in Africa. I see oppression and China’s rising take over. I was appalled when after 14 months I set foot on this soil. I never expected to see the laws and behavior in my own land. I no longer find this a refuge and haven. I feel safer in the third world country I minister in
Father, throughout this year we have heard over and over the shout to return, to repent and to seek Your face. Yet I sense in my spirit we are far from You and it is sin that separates us from you. How far must You bring us before we realize that in brokenness , we find our salvation and rest. Yet Israel would have no part of this warning and is that were we Your people are now also. Restore us as a Nation reminding us “that fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding”, yet we do not walk with a humble heart before Our God. Do we forget who You are and not walk humbly before You? Cleanse us from our pride and raise us up with Your Grace, to go forth seeing You win the battles ahead. May we see the glory of the Lord with a great awakening and revival for our generation as we stand in faith, learn to wait upon You Lord and watch for the Glory of Our God to be revealed. May we do everything to maintain unity in the Spirit that the bond of peace be our strength and reward as we wait for the return of the King of Kings. Amen
Thank you so much. Just what I needed to read. I agree to pray with you the 5 points you provided. God bless you!
What an encouraging article and with what to pray, which many of us find ever so helpful when praying. (I want to pray, but don’t know what to pray. Well, pray #1-5 in the article!) Yes, evil is running rampant in America, like a bulldozer! It seems as if there is nothing to stop it. As the author writes, there is ALWAYS hope and IT IS NEVER TOO LATE. God is still on the throne, He is still answering prayer. BUT, I would encourage believers to not ask God to do what He expects us to do: we already have the same power inside us that raised Jesus from the dead, so no need to ask for power – we just need to exercise what we already have! God expects us to put on the full armor He has given us – He’s not going to dress us! He expects us to do more than pray: to engage in our community, to write letters, to share the Gospel, to teach a Sunday School class, to witness to our neighbors. We need to do everything we can do, and THEN He will do what only He can do (change hearts, orchestrate circumstances, open blind eyes, intervene in the affairs of man, etc). The kingdom of God suffers violence, and the violent take it by force! (Matthew 11:12) It is time to pray AND ACT!
I am agree with you in prayer for America.
I rejoice in your citizenship and stand in agreement with your prayers.
You touched on the Christian History of our country. Much has been forgotten/ignored.
May I recommend a book that gives a good portrayal of the years in the 1740’s and tells a great deal that isn’t taught in history classes?
Please read The City in the Dawn by William Hervey Allen. It is a precursor to the 1st Great Revival in this country.
It tells the story of the struggles along the trail between Philadelphia and Fort Pittsburg including George Washington, the “Longknives”, and the Moravian missionaries who came to this country not only for their own religious freedom but to also spread Jesus to the Native Americans.
I have references to the 2nd awakening if you are interested. They involve the Natchez trace and the Lewis and Clark expedition…
Maynard Beck Sr.
In agreement and praying with you!
Thank you Lord for this witness and testimony to your goodness!
Father, it is true, we are wicked. We have turned away from you, gone our own way, and allowed wickedness to replace righteousness in this great nation you have blessed. But Lord God we know you are a merciful God, patient and slow to anger. We your people, called by your name cry out to you for mercy. We do not deserve mercy, we deserve all your wrath, but Lord your word tells us that you delight in those who hope in your unfailing love. Please help. Please let the fear of you come into people’s hearts. Start with us Lord. We have not revered you as we should, we have taken for granted your blessings and goodness and have even thought that these blessings would always be ours. Thank you that you are sovereign, that nothing can happen you dont allow, but Lord please dont let us lose the righteous laws that assure freedom to us your people. It is true we have squandered our freedoms. We have not made the best of every opportunity, we have been comfortable in our pews and have not shared you with those around s who are on their way to hell. Oh God, please send us out into the harvest. Give us opportunities that we cannot miss. Fill us with your Spirit and Power, draw hearts to you. Be with those suffering for their faith, encourage, strengthen them and fill them with love and compassion for their enemies. Lord help us to love one another. May we be one as You and Jesus are one so that the world will see and know that You Father sent your son to be the savior of the world. Lord use this pandemic and all trials to show people their dependence on you.Draw hearts to you, open their eyes to see, convict of sin and bring salvation. I ask in the mighty name of Jesus.
Very insightful comments by a legal immigrant who is now a citizen of the United States of America. Like all of life, we seem to learn our life lessons best when we have experienced the negative side of those experiences. Hence, communism, socialism and a distorted view of ‘social justice’ have given this missionary a very real look at what freedom actually is — and who gives it — the one, true God of the Bible. God’s free will choice for our lives is freely given by Him, not any government. It starts with Him and then is offered by some democratic (republic here) governments around the world. Not many countries extend our God given freedom to be as wide and specifically inclusive as the U.S. Constitution has provided.
Lord, may you hear the cry for our families, our states and nation as we intercede on our knees and petition our God for His leading and intervention. We rebuke in Jesus mighty name the onslaught of darkness, lies and downright evil which has overwhelmed our nation. Forgive us Lord for ever letting Satan win this many battles because of our failure to seek You in humility and intercession. The evil one has permeated our nation with fear and chaos — only faith in You Lord, and your Word, will defeat his counterfeit agenda.
Praise God that I saw your message & read it. You are an amazing & committed God fearing woman. I’m a prayer warrior called of God & love to pray. I am also praying for restoration of this beautiful country. What an awesome gift to be able to pray & share in freedom. I pray for God’s people to repent of their sins & be ready for the return of Jesus so that no one will be left behind.
I stand in complete agreement with all you shared in your story. I too pray that we would return to our original intent in this country to honor God above all and to glorify His name. I pray for the defeat of the Covid-19 virus and also a spirit of unity in God’s people from all different Churches to work together to glorify God. I pray for justice for the persecuted Church and suffering Christians where ever they are in our world. Oh LORD, I pray for a Great Awakening and revival in the Church and a harvest of souls before the return of Jesus, and I pray that is begins in my heart and the hearts of every believer every where. Amen.
Praying with you for each of these things. Thank you for sharing your story and stimulating us to good work!
Yesss & amen!💔🤍💙 I’m praying in agreement, Vicky
Father God, we come humbly & united before Your Throne of grace, mercy & Truth, this gift of another day, asking/pleading for a Third Awakening across our precious country!!! We also pray the “woke” leftists would truly have deceptive scales drop from their eyes, hardened hearts softened & have Your beautiful Truths revealed to them in such a supernatural way that only YOU would receive all praise, glory & honor! We adore You!!! We ask that You intervene & heal our sinful, sick & fractured land! We thank You deeply for all You endured & sacrificed on our behalf many holy weeks ago.
In the almighty Name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, Heavenly Father, I agree in prayer with the “prayer points” in this article. I trust Your will is being done “on Earth as it is in Heaven”. Your people do not need to fear.
As intercessors, we stand in agreement with every part of your prayers.
Yes Father in Heaven, please answer the prayer of Your Holy Son Jesus for each member of our families to be one in You! How we need for you to save our husbands, wives, children, grandchildren, grandparents, nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles, cousins, in-laws, neighbors and friends with a great outpouring of Your Holy Spirit! Open the eyes of the blind, Lord, in our beloved country and in our hurting world! Save billions of souls and teach us again how to walk in Your ways before You return as You promised!
We cry out to You in the mighty Name of Jesus! Clothe us with Your full armour, Father, and fight against this evil that is trying to take over our government and our land! We thank You, Holy Father, for Your unfathomable grace and mercy in Christ our King! Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven!
Dear Heavenly Father, please forgive our sins and hear our prayers. Holy Spirit please pour out Your power on us, Your Church. Help us to humbly bow before You and repent of our sins. Please heal our land and restore this nation back to You. We desperately need a revival soon. In Jesus name, amen.
Such hope filled words. I agree with you in prayer for all the outlined petitions. Our God is able and wants to deliver from the wrath to come. In Jesus name!Amen !
Well said and I am In agreement whole heartily a d pray i. Jesus name that you o lord grant the 3rd great awakening g a s the greatest hard est of souls ever .may our God be glorified as we the ecclesia do our part. Ever interceding and moving in the direction he shows but mostly showing forth the fruit of the spirit and His great anointing to be his hands and feet…I am persuaded He has a. Army rising up here and his heavenly host is with us as we fight the good fight of faith.. thank you lord for the fervent prayers of the righteous and the edification of the body…they avail much love u brothers and sisters and k owners win!
If we humble ourselves, if we pray, if we seek Your face and turn from our sin — You will heal our land and forgive our sins. May You forgive our sins and draw the lost to You. May we work for Your kingdom and Your people. May we spend ourselves for the lost. Thank You Jesus!
Thank you so much for your words. I have prayed for an awakening for some time now. I continue to pray for Christians to remain strong.
What an awesome and uplifting personal history and testimony for the power of our God and His precious Son, Jesus…May God continue to Bless you and your family, and your work for Him.
This is a great article, Vicky. It is never too late, where Jesus is concerned. Only Jesus can fix the mess that this world is in today. We cry out to You, Lord, to intervene in the affairs of men, as it is NEVER too late with You on the throne for things to change for the better. You are ultimately in control. You are the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. In You we have the victory over sin and death. We so desperately need to stand on ALL of Your promises, Lord. Thank You, Jesus.
Father, we as a nation are in desperate need of revival. I ask that you would invade the lives of our leaders, reveal yourself to them, open their minds and hearts to the Truth that will set them free, even when they believe they are already free. I pray you would raise up strong spiritual leaders, that you would humble and bring conviction and repentance to complacent believers. Defeat the power of evil and bring glory to your name. Give us courage and strength to face whatever the future holds. We entrust our lives to the inky Savior!
In Jesus mighty name I agree with your prayers!
America is repenting for killing babies, for apathy, being passive, greed, selfishness and immorality. Forgive us!
God we need your grace, to repent with out self hatred, painful shame and unhealthy guilt.
We accept your unconditional love.Thank you for dying on the cross!
A mighty army of God is rising up in America, their prayers are filling the bowls in heaven and they overful with a sweet aroma that is being released over America, A sweet song in the night! There will be supernatural signs miracles and wonders, He has promised He will reveal himself to the nation.
Rise up , body of Christ and take you position, reach out and get involved in government and you local communities. Pray for heavenly strategy! Don’t lose hope, the strong mighty angels will fight with you!
This is a person that knows her God! Praise God for the faithful. Let this ones life be long on the earth.
I heard the word MOVING last week. I pray that the Holy Spirit is moving mightily in this nation and around the world to open their eyes and ears and to soften their hearts to the truth that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life! I join you in your prayers
Dear Lord, Please answer these prayers. Give us more of your Holy Spirit right here in our land. We greatly need You in our country and around the world. Fill your church with hungry people. You are the only answer. Make us ready for the 3rd great awakening.
My house shall be a house of prayer. Thanking all who love our LORD GOD. Who serve Him with all their heart, mind and strength. I truly am humbled by such dedicated and precious warriors. May God’s riches blessings be with you always. We need to be encouaged sometimes.
I prayed along with you and your petitions. I, along with many others in my church family are of the same heart and mindset. I recently heard these words “do not underestimate the gravity of what I am doing in the earth.” He is still in the throne, and holds His own in the palm of His hand. May our Lord richly bless you and your message.
Lord God, I stand in agreement w/ this sister in Christ & come w/ a heart of Thanksgiving for what you are doing on this great country! I Thank you that no weapon formed against us shall prosper! As we stand together declaring & decreeing the promises in your word Lord God, we are grateful for the revival that he’s coming that will heal this land and bring many more to know you! In Jesus precious name, Amen!
A great awakening has started at the msogglobalchurch.net
Manifested Sons Of God are on the wall and evangelizing!
The church I attend in Columbus, Ohio Potter’s House is seeing a revival. We are seeing a move of God in our young people.
Lord, I thank you and I pray for every prodigal today. I pray you ignite this fire of souls being saved and that it spread to every son and daughter. I declare a great Awakening across our country. May this Holy Week of Easter bring glory to your great name.
Avinu Adonai Rapha ignite your people that we may fulfill the great commission set forth through Yeshua according to Mark 16:15-18. Thank you Yeshua for blessing the United States of America.
Father God, revive us! Make our paths straight to worship You in Spirit and in Truth, in the mighty Name of Jesus, the Name above all names!
Amen: let the revival in all areas of this nation be pored out like rain on a parched land. That the train of GOD’S GLORY be seen and felt in all areas of this nation: from the white house to the tent of a homeless: that the manifestations of the HOLY SPIRIT KADOSH fall upon this nation: calling the ECLESIA be pure and ready to go as triumphant warrior’s and bringing the biggest revival in all areas of this nation to the global leadership: that every knee will bow their knees in prayer to GOD THE FATHER our CREATOR: and let their people be free to glorify HIS SON JESUS YESHUA was crucified for us to be free from tyranny and oppression.
I’m very happy that America has claimed you as its own now. We need help here in America to go back to it’s beginning love and fear of God where the church is the place to congregate and share and forge lifetime friendships. But many evils have been at work for a long time and taken root. Nobody halted their progress and we need to pray. Fortunately I believe this is the fig tree generation that will see the Rapture and I’ve been encouraged by that and all my energy has been in getting prepared for that. But I’m grateful for your missionary work being done here and will pray with you for your concerns.
Thank you for your prayer guide! It gives good organization to effectively pray for our nation daily. Thank you for your message of encouragement to continue the spiritual warfare in our country for not just forgiveness, but for a renewed revival.
Thank you for your prayer guide! It gives good organization to effectively pray for our nation daily. Thank you for your message of encouragement to continue the spiritual warfare in our country for not just forgiveness, but for a renewed revival.
Stop pollution of the sabbath. The Church body has polluted the sabbath and changed the sabbath from the 7th of the week to the 1st day of the week.bringing disobedience to and from the Church God himself wrote the 10 commandments with his own finger and man has changed the fifth commandment God never hollowed the 1st day of the week to Sunday. Wake you Church and let ready to go home.
“The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath!”
To enter into ‘His REST’ is to sit at Lord’s Table Perpetually afterall Jesus is our Passover, our sacrificial Lamb! Our heavenly priest according to the order of Melchizedek!John the Baptist was the last of the Levitical Priesthood, the greatest man born to women! When John Baptized Jesus it was a transfer of Priesthood, Christ in me the Hope of Glory. Today, if you hear my voice….putting to death the deeds of the flesh….you will live. A whole new system of righteousness…living stones being built into a Holy temple!
Pick a day for church, it’s a matter of truth & Grace. Where two or more are gathered in My name! Small congregation, but Jesus shows up! Voila! Church!
….just as it is written, “Things which eye has not seen and ear has not heard , And which have not entered the heart of man, All that God has prepared for those who love Him. For to us God revealed them through the Spirit; for the Spirit searches all things, even the depths of God. For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so the thoughts of God no one knows except the Spirit of God.”
1 Cor. 2:9-11
Amen Adelina.
As part of these prayers christians need to put our feet to our faith. Hold our faith leaders accountable (call or email those who go against biblical values).
We should be calling our local, state, national politicians to vote biblically. We should attend school board meetings (whether we have children or not). We should attend city council or county meetings.
When a bill is before congress we must call or email our congressional reps and tell them we expect them to vote biblically. We must sign petitions.
We must boycott stores and companies that go against our biblical values.
We must get out of our comfort zones,out of our pews and go into our community.
Silence on issues of biblical important is not golden, it is the sin of omission.
We must truly live biblical values.
And yes, pray, then act. I asked the pastor of a mega church with 1000’s of attendees when partial birth abortion was being proposed by many states what we as a church was going to do, his comment “we’ll pray”, my comment “and”. That was all. Prayer changes everything but what if Jesus had prayed in the garden and did not walk to the cross for us?
Thank you for this wonderful wake-up call. Dear Lord, hear our cry!
Halvor Ronning, Jerusalem, Israel
I believe God is at work in the youth and young adults in this country. The churches are reaching out to those in need and the good news is shared. I pray God’s will is done. I pray that hearts are softened and turn to God. Thank you for sharing.
Amen! Yes, Lord, we agree! With thee it is never too late…