I Prayed have prayed
Lord Your word says, ā€œsearch me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting(Psalm 139:23-24)." Get us deeper in Your word so that we may walk in greater revelation, authority and power.
Reading Time: 6 minutes
I have had numerous encounters with the Lord in the last few months regarding the tidal wave of the fear of God that is beginning to crash into the body of Christ. I have never felt the fear of the Lord in a season like what I feel right now. It is not being scared of Him, itā€™s a reverent awe of who He is and His majesty, His holiness that leaves me undone. Out of love for Him and honour of Him and His Glory to give Him my life and my all with purity, integrity, humility and to walk in complete obedience to Him.
There is a call from the Lord right now to offer ourselves again as living sacrifices to Him.
ā€œBeloved friends, what should be our proper response to Godā€™s marvellous mercies? I encourage you to surrender yourselves to God to be his sacred, living sacrifices. And live in holiness, experiencing all that delights his heart. For this becomes your genuine expression of worship.ā€ ā€“ Romans 12:1 (TPT)
This mighty wave of the fear of God is beginning to crash in, over the body of Christ in many areas, but I felt God highlighting stewardship today of the things that He has placed in our hands to build. This wave is going to increase in such intensity because of the urgency of the hour.
I heard the Lord say:
And immediately I heard Psalm 139:23-24:
ā€œSearch me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!ā€ (ESV)
We really ARE in the era of the greatest move of God that we have ever seen before. I felt the Lord wanting me to release this prophetic word to encourage you to EMBRACE THE WAVE! I kept hearing the Lord saying ā€œEMBRACE THE WAVE AND I WILL SHOW YOU THE WAY!!!ā€
ā€œThe fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight.ā€ (Proverbs 9:10 ā€“ ESV)
The Lord spoke again:
ā€œThese are the days of the beginning of walking in divine wisdom, insight and revelation on a level that has never been seen beforeā€
The magnitude of what God is releasing right now is monumental. For the alignment and move of God and demonstration of His Glory that is going to be revealed there is a purity, integrity, humility and maturity God is requiring. God is cleaning house! There is no place for playing games anymore. There is a fresh wave of AWE that God is restoring to the Church of who He is and His holiness. He is ridding the church of impurity, He is raising the standard through the revelation He is releasing.
Itā€™s a deeper call to intimacy. Itā€™s a deeper call to be a friend of God. Itā€™s a deeper call to KNOW HIM and to KNOW HIS WAYS! The wave is coming. He is coming, ready or not. Those that have eyes to see and ears to hear will catch the wave that is crashing in. Itā€™s time to align! Itā€™s time to arrive! Itā€™s time to fly!
This is the time unlike any other to MAKE YOURSELF READY!!! This wave of the fear of God crashing in is AWAKENING THE RESPONSIBILITY upon the Church to make herself ready. (Revelation 19:7, Matthew 25:1-13)
The greatest move of the Spirit of God, abundance, harvest, acceleration is upon us. The greatest days of seeing the Glory and Majesty of God are upon us and unlike any other time, I feel the urgency and fear of God to steward well. Itā€™s not a striving, itā€™s not an unhealthy fear, itā€™s the place of living close to His heart and knowing His ways and stewarding well by complete and total, radical obedience to Him and following in His ways. Complacency, sitting on the fence, living in ā€˜grey areasā€™ and compromise are being dealt with right now.
This is the era of decision. Itā€™s the era to decide Godā€™s way or no way and to be all in. Those that steward with purity, obedience, humility and integrity will catch this wave. Embrace the wave of the fear of God.
I heard the Lord say ā€œA LOT is at stake. Put your stake of obedience in the ground.ā€
Seek Him like never before. Immerse yourself in His Word like never before. Ask for His strategy and donā€™t move till you hear it. Give Him your complete obedience and you will see the greatest fruitfulness, acceleration, increase and move of the Spirit of God in your life that you have ever seen.
Donā€™t run from the fear of God, embrace it. Let the revelation of the fear of God grow in you. Tremble in awe before Him, let the Spirit birth it in you. Donā€™t be afraid of it. For living in that place so close to His heart and knowing His ways, seeing His holiness and majesty, living in surrender to Him is the place where you will run and partner with Him like never before.Ā 
The magnitude of what God is releasing right now is monumental. For the alignment and move of God and demonstration of His Glory that is going to be revealed there is a purity, integrity, humility and maturity God is requiring. God is cleaning house! There is no place for playing games anymore. There is a fresh wave of AWE that God is restoring to the Church of who He is and His holiness. He is ridding the church of impurity, He is raising the standard through the revelation He is releasing.
Itā€™s a deeper call to intimacy. Itā€™s a deeper call to be a friend of God. Itā€™s a deeper call to KNOW HIM and to KNOW HIS WAYS! The wave is coming. He is coming, ready or not. Those that have eyes to see and ears to hear will catch the wave that is crashing in. Itā€™s time to align! Itā€™s time to arrive! Itā€™s time to fly!
This is the time unlike any other to MAKE YOURSELF READY!!! This wave of the fear of God crashing in is AWAKENING THE RESPONSIBILITY upon the Church to make herself ready. (Revelation 19:7, Matthew 25:1-13)
The greatest move of the Spirit of God, abundance, harvest, acceleration is upon us. The greatest days of seeing the Glory and Majesty of God are upon us and unlike any other time, I feel the urgency and fear of God to steward well. Itā€™s not a striving, itā€™s not an unhealthy fear, itā€™s the place of living close to His heart and knowing His ways and stewarding well by complete and total, radical obedience to Him and following in His ways. Complacency, sitting on the fence, living in ā€˜grey areasā€™ and compromise are being dealt with right now.
This is the era of decision. Itā€™s the era to decide Godā€™s way or no way and to be all in. Those that steward with purity, obedience, humility and integrity will catch this wave. Embrace the wave of the fear of God.
I heard the Lord say ā€œA LOT is at stake. Put your stake of obedience in the ground.ā€
Seek Him like never before. Immerse yourself in His Word like never before. Ask for His strategy and donā€™t move till you hear it. Give Him your complete obedience and you will see the greatest fruitfulness, acceleration, increase and move of the Spirit of God in your life that you have ever seen.
Donā€™t run from the fear of God, embrace it. Let the revelation of the fear of God grow in you. Tremble in awe before Him, let the Spirit birth it in you. Donā€™t be afraid of it. For living in that place so close to His heart and knowing His ways, seeing His holiness and majesty, living in surrender to Him is the place where you will run and partner with Him like never before.
I heard the Lord say:
ā€œI am coming to weigh My people and test hearts to see how deeply My Word is within My peopleā€
There is going to be an exposing of the heart that is going to take place in this new era and as the fear of God increases. This is not the Lord coming to condemn, it is the Spirit of God moving out of His love to weigh the hearts and lives of His people to see the depth of the Word taking root in lives and hearts. Those who are living deep in the Word of God and cultivating the soil of their hearts and lives to receive the Word of God in their hearts. Those who are allowing the Word to marinate, correct, align, and mature. The Lord will bring an exposing of complacency towards the Word of God to bring repentance and turnaround and lead His people DEEPLY into the Word of God, deeper than ever before and strengthen their FOUNDATIONS because it is what is needed to carry and walk in this new era.
It is out of His love that He will expose complacency to the Word. God is drawing people deeper into the Word and the fear of God is going to break complacency to the Word in the time spent in it and half hearted obedience to it.
Do not be found wanting in the weighing. (Daniel 5:27) Itā€™s time to get deeper in the Word than ever before. To repent for any ways the Lord has spoken through the Word and the response has been anything but complete obedience.
God is raising up a people who know the Word, love the Word, obey the Word and are mature in the Word. He is bringing correction in this area so that His people can walk in greater revelation of His Word and the authority and power that it carries. Living and walking in the Word is foundational in carrying this next move of God and stewarding the increase upon you.
ā€œThis Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.ā€ ā€“ Joshua 1:8 (ESV)
(Used with permission from Lana Vawser Ministries.)
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Marty Robinson
February 5, 2020

Any admonishment to memorize God’s Word is cause for me to rejoice. As to admonishment, it is wise for the righteous to be alert to how the devil can and will (if allowed) integrate himself into even the study of God’s Word. Pride in our ability to quote Scripture is one of the traps of the devil; but a quiet task of study and memorizing in order that the Word of God can work in us, is altogether a different matter. Recent awareness of Matthew 1:21 which ends with the statement that God is the true end and scope of life has been a beacon of truth and guidance for me; as well as Psalm 25 (yes all of it). The power of it is astounding. Then 2 Timothy 3:16 and Hebrews 4:12,13!!!!! These will surely keep you busy but not to prove our worth, only His! Shalom!

Mariesa Davis
February 4, 2020

As I was reading the word about the wave coming crashing down a picture came into my mind of a surfer. A surfer does not fear the wave but waits for the “perfect wave and gets into position to ride the wave to completion. While riding the wave he may go into the curl of the wave where he can barely be seen, and sometimes it may appear the surfer has completely disappeared. But wait for it, the experienced, well prepared, discerning surfer will come out at the end of the ride with more strength, experience and wisdom than before. Get yourself into position, wait for the right timing, and listen to the Ruach Ha’Kodesh as to when and where to move and to speak on Yah’s behalf.

February 4, 2020

Thank you for sharing and helping us sleepy and wavering to be awake and strong in the Lord. May this wave start in my heart, in my family and in the church so that our communities are transformed. Thank you. jb

Donna Nelson
February 4, 2020

Donna (Canada)
Agree with all these wonderful Intercessors. Awesome Lana, thanks for sharing that! Amen and Amen

February 4, 2020

Goes hand in hand with a local prayer initiative called ā€œ TURN THE TIDEā€. Participants set their phone alarm to ring at 8:00pm Central Time to pray for our country, In Particular, for 1-2 minutes. Supposedly the same type of prayer and time Churchill asked for in WWII. Join us.

February 4, 2020


February 4, 2020

This really caught my attention because I know there is a campaign this spring in Scotland and England called ā€œtry prayingā€ and a 40 day booklet called ā€œcatch the waveā€!
I believe this is a global revival.

In Jesus name, LORD, we ask You help us be ready to ride the wave of Holy Spiritā€™s movement that You are sending. Amen.

Pam Shreve
February 4, 2020

Thank you for your words of encouragement from the Lord. I can sense the power of the Holy Spirit moving in our church and in my heart.
Hallelujah and Praise the Lord.

February 4, 2020

Amen thank the Lord his timing is perfect this is truly what we need . It’s has beginning in my own life. Thank you Father have your way in our hearts and lives help us to trust you at a deeper level. Open our hearts to receive what you are doing. May the eyes of our hearts be opened to have a deeper understanding of who you are and your love for us. May we fully surrender more of our lives to you at any cost continue to submit lovingly to your perfect will and purpose.

Gloria Hall
February 4, 2020

Thank you, thanking the Lord, Every evidence of not to turn back from the huge wave, be still, enter HIs Rest, Abide in the shelter of His Wings with greater urgency of prayer, don’t look around, but to press deeper being crushed as the black cumin seed in Isaiah 28:27,28. Continuously read and fulfill Romans 12:1-2, must take effect and be absolute in our lives.Romans 11 tells us of God’s greater purpose for His people. Romans 11: will fulfill its greater purpose. And we must be yielded, ready, cleansed from sin, a living sacrifice holy and acceptable to God. Romans 11:33 Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgements and His ways past finding out! v34- ” For who has known the mind of he LORD? Or who had become HIs counselor?” v35- ” Or who had first given to Him And it shall be prepaid to him? v36- For of Him and through Him are all things, to whom be glory forever. Amen. 12:1 I beseech you therefore brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, and acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. 2- And no not be comforted to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our mind that you may prove what is that good a acceptable and perfect will of God. Humbly asking,God to understand, to change, and fulfill His greater purpose, for I fear and grieve in my spirit His presence of Holiness more than every before.

Angela Cook
February 4, 2020

Please donā€™t use TPT. It is not a translation. It is not Godā€™s Word. There is no scholarship. The one author of this translation claims to have another book of the Bible coming that God has given him. We have to be so careful and discerning in these last days.

    Joan G Van
    February 4, 2020

    Angela, in answer to your question. I have been a follower of Christ for 68 years and found man prefers to follow man not God the father, Jesus the Son and especially the Holy Spirit. Only when the Holy Spirit leads the church are we following God the Father.

    I can see a change in the Church but I do not know where it is going only God can see the direction.

    I enjoy very much Intercessors for America and those who participate by comments.

Helene Stephenson-Kern
February 4, 2020

YES AND AMEN. Well written. Thank you for writing this article. I have been praying this increasingly in my life daily. Thank you!

February 4, 2020

Yes, let us lay down all to receive His way, truth and will. Preparing for a surge of His power and glory healing, restoring, -pruning and burning chaff to produce fruitful life by His breath for His kingdom.

Michael Bethel
February 4, 2020

Thank you for your obedience in sending out these words of encouragement. I know they are not your own but the Holy Spirit through you.
We need to be keeping our lamps full and the wicks trimmed while there is time.

Psalm 90:11-12
“Who can understand the power of Your anger and wrath that we may give you the fear that is Your due.
So teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”

Cynthia Weatherwax
February 4, 2020

Praise God! Thank you for sharing. The Lord impressed upon me a few months ago to add Hebrews 12:28 to my prayer which says, “Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear. Amen! I speak this out loud everyday now. To the body of Christ we must have a reverent fear of our Holy God, in the right perspective!!! Praise You Lord You are moving in our midst.

    Kathy Berres
    February 7, 2020

    I love it!! He has impressed that verse so strongly upon my heart also. I have been praying and meditating on it for perhaps one month. He has also been calling me to press in, fully absolutely surrender, to love him as my First Love, ….. just seeing the veracity of the prophetic word in my own life.

Alicia mitchell
February 4, 2020



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