Afghanistan remains the elephant in the room as we approach the 20th anniversary of September 11th.
America is gone, and the world has taken note of how we left and who we left behind. As Americans, we watched in horror while the government, whose only real job is to protect us, left our fellow citizens, our allies, and innocent people behind in the most brutal and traitorous way.
How do we as a nation take that righteous anger that we are feeling and do something that will make a difference?
First, by praying.
While modern culture is quick to dismiss prayer as weak and ineffective, it is a powerful tool. Prayer moves God’s hand.
It offers encouragement, changes circumstances, brings peace, delivers those in need, builds hope, cements courage, and draws us to God.
Prayer has also played a huge part in our nation’s history.
Prayer was the key to breaking a 5-week-long stalemate in the writing of our founding documents and the creation of our nation’s framework.
In response to the floundering efforts and disagreement, Benjamin Franklin challenged his fellow founders in the Continental Convention of 1787, declaring, “And have we now forgotten that powerful Friend? Or do we imagine we no longer need His assistance? I have lived, sir, a long time and the longer I live, the more convincing proof I see of this truth—that God governs in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, it is probable that an empire can rise without His aid?”
After the period of prayer and fasting, our Constitution was authored—an inspired document that is the longest ongoing Constitution in the history of the world.
The impact of prayer is woven into the fabric of the American people, and that continues to this day. Millions of Americans have been praying for Afghanistan as they’ve watched the events spiral out-of-control, and we’ve seen the power of prayer at work. Stories are emerging on social media of people passing a Taliban checkpoint unchallenged or hiding unnoticed in a building crawling with Taliban. These stories are a testament to God at work.
But in addition to prayer, we need to seek ways to take direct, physical action.
The Bible gives us examples of combining prayer and direct action. A very applicable example is found in the book of Esther. When the Jews were in danger of slaughter from the evil plans and deceit of Haman, Esther employed prayer and fasting, then took action to appeal to the King, ultimately saving the Jewish people.
Prayer often tills the soil for direct action to take root. So, let’s pray, but let’s also take action that the world can see.
That means holding those responsible who jeopardized the safety of Americans and our allies by speaking up to our elected officials. Their response is not our responsibility—our responsibility is to speak truth to power, to be looking for ways to make a difference and speak up for what is right.
It also means directly helping those groups that are still working to rescue Americans and our allies in Afghanistan. Just because our government has acquiesced its moral authority to our fellow Americans and allies, it doesn’t mean the American people need to do the same. There are opportunities to play a part in bringing people to safety and help them start their lives over.
It’s also crucial that we help support our veterans. These heroes are struggling as they see the country that they fought, bled and watched friends die in, return to chaos and darkness. Now more than ever we need to be there for them—coming alongside them both spiritually and physically.
This is our time to rise and be the people of prayer and action that America needs. The darkness we see now isn’t something we haven’t seen before, so let us meet that darkness with the same fervent prayer and the same selfless action that we have seen in defining moments of our nation’s history.
Prayer and action is a dangerous combination against the enemy of truth and freedom.
Have you been praying over this situation? Are you inspired to put feet to your prayer? Share in the comments below!
(Reprinted with permission from Christian Post. Article by Dave Kubal. Dave Kubal is the President/CEO of Intercessors for America, and leads—the coalition calling Americans to pray and take action for Afghanistan. Photo Credit: Paula Bronstein /Getty Images).
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How you can pray for this issue:
Lord, help us to pray and act where You are calling us to. Thank You that You hear prayer, and that our actions make a difference.
I have been praying and very grieved over the current disturbing behaviors of this administration. I’ve been praying 2Kings 6:8-23. This when the armies of the King of Syria came to Elisha’s city. Upon rising his servant saw this great army with horses and chariots was around the city. Elisha said don’t be afraid, and prayed for his servant to see in the Spiritual realm, and then also for the eyes of the enemy to be blinded until they were delivered to the King of Israel. This is possible today for those who would destroy Americans, our Allies and friends, and those families who are caught in the cross-fire of these events. I also pray continuously for our GOD to confront the Taliban and the other terrorist associations to fall as dead men when confronted by His light. Pleading the Blood of
Jesus over and for the entire Nation, and for the safety and favor of those rescuing still. In spite of our own government working with the Taliban by blocking rescue operations let’s pray for the Angelic Host to facilitate rescue operations in miraculous ways. Keep praying!
For those of us who have been given a prayer language we can give our voice to God to use.
I don’t know how to specifically pray for people in Afghanistan to escape, be delivered, rescued, protected or provided for but God knows and sees each individual.
I set the timer on my phone for 5 minutes and asked God to pray through me for the Americans, Christians, and our allies who helped us in Afghanistan. Then I closed my eyes and prayed in my prayer language until the timer beeped. This can be done throughout the day or night whenever i have some free minutes.
This is a small thing for me to do but I know God gives us a prayer language for a reason, and think of the power of Holy Spirit praying through many of us✝️✝️✝️ throughout the day.
What miracles will He perform in Afghanistan?
Amen, may God almighty strengthen your prayers and all Christians to pray along with you for Gods will, not mine but to help and protect as only God and OUR Lord Jesus can. Thank YOU AND GOD BLESS ALL WHO PRAY IN THE NAME OF OUR GOD AND LORD JESUS,
So very thankful for those who pray and act. Let us continually remind ourselves and others that:
God delights in what is good infinitely more than we do,
God hates what is evil infinitely more than we do,
God wants people to be saved infinitely more than we do,
and therefore, based on his character and revealed will, we can pray with confidence that God hears and answers when we cry out to him.
Pray not only for prayer needs, but also for continued strength and encouragement for your fellow intercessors.
There are many who have sold out to demonic entities in our government. Power, greed, willing vessels. Forces above, below Biden, using him for their agenda. Our Father has given them every opportunity to repent. They have not. They have made, they will make their choice where they will spend eternity. God has said “enough,” He will no longer tarry for the murderous crimes committed and lives lost. I have prayed for their repentance, they’ve made their choice. Psalms 91 says we who are protected, rest under His wings will see the evil punished. God is moving in our nation, watch, listen and as we band together as His ecclesia our eyes will be opened to see His move. A cleansing is coming but as it does things will appear worse as He moves, but don’t give up, don’t doubt, stand firm in praise & worship… worship angers, defeats, drives satan from our presence, allowing our Father to move with His angel armies. Father we stand together in agreement of Your will to bring us back to You. Come, walk this earth in restoration in Jesus Name. Amen
Lord God, You are the One who hears all things! Build our confidence in You and strengthen our faith knowing that it’s not our prayers that change things but the power of the One who hears. Help us to focus on You and not the circumstances that entangle us. Remind us that You will bring about Your perfect will and that Your love for us is immeasurable! We thank You for Jesus. We thank You for this point in history where we get to participate in Your soon return. Grant us willing hearts and clear direction in the moments of our days that we may speak Truth, love You and love one another. Ps 27:33, “I am certain that I will see the Lord’s goodness in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and courageous. Wait for the Lord.” In Your Name, we pray
2 days from now our enemies celebrate victory after declaring war (WTC) and 20 years fighting America. We left them well armed. And with plenty of our citizens and allies to dismember and parade in their celebrations.
One thing even more disgraceful than what our government has done would be if the church in America doesn’t rise up in extraordinary prayer.
Oh Father, please.
The alarm is going off. It’s time, church, to arise and pray. Oh please. Please church. Arise and pray today and tomorrow. We need miracles on Saturday not beheadings!
Joe Biden is a friend of the taliban and hates America and Americans! Arm yourselves with prayer to protect your family and friends! FATHER GOD we bind the demons on Joe Biden and his friends the taliban and decree that they have no power or might against our GOD WHO is protecting America because of the cries of the saints who has been, and is crying out to our GOD day and night for HIS Protection and Help in the Name of JESUS CHRIST! Amen!
The prayer warriors are a mighty army!
The Holy Spirit moves on behalf of our prayers.
We ask God that you put words in our mouth and give us willing hearts! Open the eyes of our hearts so we can see what you want us to see and touch our ears so we can hear your voice. We align ourselves with you , then you will bring fruit to our prayers.
Forgive us God where we have been in apathy, fear or doubt. Help us to see you for who you are, you are able, you are, our deliverer!!!
God is calling more and more people to their knees,showing them a new way of consecration and commitment to Him.
Now is the time to repent of our selfishness, we were born for His purposes, to fulfill His commands.
Father, thank you that the weighted of the government is on your shoulders. And Lord, as a nation, that foundation is built on your word. Help us return to Your principles and precepts. Let Your glory arise in this horrible situation that is happening in Afghanistan. Speak to the hearts of those in leadership to do the right thing. And Father, every hidden agenda in our Nation uncover and exposed in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ who can redeem and turn this Nation around. Lord, help the church to vote for leadership That represents You. In Jesus Name
I have not been praying like I should for this country and for these situations. I pray that God will help me and many others that believe in prayer to God our all in all, to pray and believe and may we be guided in what we should do physically. I pray Lord Jesus your hand on this country and on our leaders in Jesus name, help us to be a country that is obedient to you amen
Intercessors for America is the trusted resource for millions of people across the United States committed to praying for our nation. If you have benefited from IFA's resources and community, please consider joining us as a monthly support partner. As a 501(c)3 organization, it's through your support that all this possible.
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Pray in the First 100 Days of the Trump Administration!
A President’s First 100 Days are critical. President Trump has come out like a rocket with tremendous actions, EOs, and position statements. For the next 100 Days, we will be undergirding the Trump administration in targeted unified prayer. Join in as we pray for 10 minutes EACH DAY at noon ET.
Click here to download our companion prayer guide with daily prayer points and the dial-in information for prayer.
I have been praying and very grieved over the current disturbing behaviors of this administration. I’ve been praying 2Kings 6:8-23. This when the armies of the King of Syria came to Elisha’s city. Upon rising his servant saw this great army with horses and chariots was around the city. Elisha said don’t be afraid, and prayed for his servant to see in the Spiritual realm, and then also for the eyes of the enemy to be blinded until they were delivered to the King of Israel. This is possible today for those who would destroy Americans, our Allies and friends, and those families who are caught in the cross-fire of these events. I also pray continuously for our GOD to confront the Taliban and the other terrorist associations to fall as dead men when confronted by His light. Pleading the Blood of
Jesus over and for the entire Nation, and for the safety and favor of those rescuing still. In spite of our own government working with the Taliban by blocking rescue operations let’s pray for the Angelic Host to facilitate rescue operations in miraculous ways. Keep praying!
For those of us who have been given a prayer language we can give our voice to God to use.
I don’t know how to specifically pray for people in Afghanistan to escape, be delivered, rescued, protected or provided for but God knows and sees each individual.
I set the timer on my phone for 5 minutes and asked God to pray through me for the Americans, Christians, and our allies who helped us in Afghanistan. Then I closed my eyes and prayed in my prayer language until the timer beeped. This can be done throughout the day or night whenever i have some free minutes.
This is a small thing for me to do but I know God gives us a prayer language for a reason, and think of the power of Holy Spirit praying through many of us✝️✝️✝️ throughout the day.
What miracles will He perform in Afghanistan?
Amen, may God almighty strengthen your prayers and all Christians to pray along with you for Gods will, not mine but to help and protect as only God and OUR Lord Jesus can. Thank YOU AND GOD BLESS ALL WHO PRAY IN THE NAME OF OUR GOD AND LORD JESUS,
So very thankful for those who pray and act. Let us continually remind ourselves and others that:
God delights in what is good infinitely more than we do,
God hates what is evil infinitely more than we do,
God wants people to be saved infinitely more than we do,
and therefore, based on his character and revealed will, we can pray with confidence that God hears and answers when we cry out to him.
Pray not only for prayer needs, but also for continued strength and encouragement for your fellow intercessors.
There are many who have sold out to demonic entities in our government. Power, greed, willing vessels. Forces above, below Biden, using him for their agenda. Our Father has given them every opportunity to repent. They have not. They have made, they will make their choice where they will spend eternity. God has said “enough,” He will no longer tarry for the murderous crimes committed and lives lost. I have prayed for their repentance, they’ve made their choice. Psalms 91 says we who are protected, rest under His wings will see the evil punished. God is moving in our nation, watch, listen and as we band together as His ecclesia our eyes will be opened to see His move. A cleansing is coming but as it does things will appear worse as He moves, but don’t give up, don’t doubt, stand firm in praise & worship… worship angers, defeats, drives satan from our presence, allowing our Father to move with His angel armies. Father we stand together in agreement of Your will to bring us back to You. Come, walk this earth in restoration in Jesus Name. Amen
Lord God, You are the One who hears all things! Build our confidence in You and strengthen our faith knowing that it’s not our prayers that change things but the power of the One who hears. Help us to focus on You and not the circumstances that entangle us. Remind us that You will bring about Your perfect will and that Your love for us is immeasurable! We thank You for Jesus. We thank You for this point in history where we get to participate in Your soon return. Grant us willing hearts and clear direction in the moments of our days that we may speak Truth, love You and love one another. Ps 27:33, “I am certain that I will see the Lord’s goodness in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and courageous. Wait for the Lord.” In Your Name, we pray
2 days from now our enemies celebrate victory after declaring war (WTC) and 20 years fighting America. We left them well armed. And with plenty of our citizens and allies to dismember and parade in their celebrations.
One thing even more disgraceful than what our government has done would be if the church in America doesn’t rise up in extraordinary prayer.
Oh Father, please.
The alarm is going off. It’s time, church, to arise and pray. Oh please. Please church. Arise and pray today and tomorrow. We need miracles on Saturday not beheadings!
Joe Biden is a friend of the taliban and hates America and Americans! Arm yourselves with prayer to protect your family and friends! FATHER GOD we bind the demons on Joe Biden and his friends the taliban and decree that they have no power or might against our GOD WHO is protecting America because of the cries of the saints who has been, and is crying out to our GOD day and night for HIS Protection and Help in the Name of JESUS CHRIST! Amen!
The prayer warriors are a mighty army!
The Holy Spirit moves on behalf of our prayers.
We ask God that you put words in our mouth and give us willing hearts! Open the eyes of our hearts so we can see what you want us to see and touch our ears so we can hear your voice. We align ourselves with you , then you will bring fruit to our prayers.
Forgive us God where we have been in apathy, fear or doubt. Help us to see you for who you are, you are able, you are, our deliverer!!!
God is calling more and more people to their knees,showing them a new way of consecration and commitment to Him.
Now is the time to repent of our selfishness, we were born for His purposes, to fulfill His commands.
Father, thank you that the weighted of the government is on your shoulders. And Lord, as a nation, that foundation is built on your word. Help us return to Your principles and precepts. Let Your glory arise in this horrible situation that is happening in Afghanistan. Speak to the hearts of those in leadership to do the right thing. And Father, every hidden agenda in our Nation uncover and exposed in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ who can redeem and turn this Nation around. Lord, help the church to vote for leadership That represents You. In Jesus Name
I have not been praying like I should for this country and for these situations. I pray that God will help me and many others that believe in prayer to God our all in all, to pray and believe and may we be guided in what we should do physically. I pray Lord Jesus your hand on this country and on our leaders in Jesus name, help us to be a country that is obedient to you amen
Marie, Thank you for sharing your prayer. It speaks to my heart and surely many others.