In today’s culture of increasing identity confusion, there is a need for believers to understand and model a healthy identity and purpose that is Christ-centered and Kingdom-focused. When we know who we are, why we’re here, and where we’re going, we will offer to the world a picture of what a true son and daughter of the Kingdom looks like. Here are seven keys that may help start the process in learning how to know your true identity in the Kingdom of God in order to fulfill your call and assignment.
1-Determine to love Jesus more than anyone or anything. Simple? Yes. Easy? No. We become what we focus on – who we focus on. As we fix our eyes on Jesus and determine to please Him above all else, our hearts and affections will be rightly placed. In order to make wise choices and determine God’s will, loving Jesus first and foremost is foundational to everything else. We will never know who we really are apart from learning who Jesus really is. We are to be a reflection of Him.
2-Walk in the fear of the Lord, not the fear of Man. Once we have settled to love Jesus most, we can expect to be tested in it. The fear of the Lord keeps us faithful to His purposes even when others may misunderstand us, mock us, or challenge us. Though I can walk with sensitivity towards people’s needs and perspectives, I don’t have to bow to them or change my beliefs for validation. Especially in the current atmosphere of hostility towards those who seek godly truth, we must guard ourselves from compromise at the altar of “acceptance.” Walking in a healthy fear of the Lord provides wisdom, protection, and confidence in all things eternal and right.
3-Seek a reputation in heaven more than on the earth. In today’s social media, the more friends you have, the more tweets you post and the more “likes” you get, the more likely you are to draw a crowd. But getting attention is a lot different than having influence. Standing out in the crowd isn’t hard to do in our shock-driven, entertainment-saturated culture. What’s a lot more challenging is saying or doing something that will cause heaven to move on your behalf to change entire cities and even nations. Sometimes those in the secret place are changing history a lot more than those in the public eye. Seek to move heaven first and then watch the earth respond.
4-Know your spiritual gifts. You have been given a measure of spiritual gifts that have marked you from creation. The seven gifts listed in Romans 12:3-8 point to the motivations and passions your Heavenly Father put within you from birth: Prophesying, Serving, Teaching, Exhorting, Giving, Leading, and Showing Mercy. When you can identify your primary “motivational gift,” you can better know your strengths and weaknesses and where you best fit in the body of Christ. Though these gifts do not necessarily define who you are, they do point to what you’re good at and what will bear the most fruit in your life.
5-Know your call. Where your spiritual gifts explain your primary motivation, your calling is what you were born for, or better yet, who you were born to reach. God’s priority is always people and our calling will be a reflection of His heart to reach someone. This may take a lifetime to fulfill, but you will know it is His call because it continues to burn in your heart, keep you up at night, and never quite goes away regardless of challenges or set-backs. It will require faith and is bigger than you are, but your call is what draws your heart and inspires your journey.
6-Know your present assignment. If your life story was written as a book, your calling would be the title. Your spiritual gifts would shine in the unique writing style and illustrations. The individual chapters would highlight the various assignments throughout your journey. Specific assignments will come and go and serve to advance the Kingdom, increasing the measure of grace on your life to ultimately fulfill your call. Some may seem like side roads to your destination, but all will lead to His purposes as you trust His heart in knowing how to prepare and equip you.
7-Measure your success by the fruit. Regardless of our call, gifts, and assignments, the true measure of success will be in the fruit that follows us. If we are walking in the fullness of our identity, the people around us will recognize it, grow from it, and encounter Christ through it. God’s grace will flow out of us and will exponentially increase in those around us. Look for disciples, not just followers. Look for reproduction, not just reputation. Look for transformation that lasts, not just a fascination that quickly fades.
Ultimately, knowing who you are is not about “finding yourself”, but losing yourself in order to find Christ. Seek to know His heart above your own and trust His plans in molding and shaping your life to be a perfect representation of Him. There won’t be any identity confusion. In the end, the world won’t see you anyways – just Him.
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Thank you so much mom (Apostle Carrie )for the article. Indeed it has made me understand more and more. May almighty God bless you mom.
Brother Keith, may the LORD bless you and keep you…
What I know is that at times in my life when I’ve been at my lowest, I sought after the LORD more than ever. Immersed myself in His word and prayer, fellowship with other believers. And he answered me and rescued me. Sometimes I also sought out Christian counseling, when I felt it may be needed.
I sent something, but not sure if it got through. I hope the admins delete this one of the other finds it way through.
Firstly, let me assure you that I seek God daily. I have regular devotions and am pretty faithful in my church attendance. I’ve gotten Christian opinions and counsel from too many. I’m almost tired of talking about this I’ve “shared” it with so many, from my pastor all the way down. All I’ve learned is that no one can say for certain what’s going on (though a couple seem to think they know what’s going on, but they both cannot be right).
Secondly, I have fears about why this is happening to me.
1) Humility. God wants me to be a dishwasher (again, since I was one in my late teens) to teach me humility. I thought I paid my dues. I guess not.
2) Contentment. God wants me to be of such a mind that if obscurity and poverty comprised my destiny, so be it.
3) More Heavenly-minded. God may want to get me to the point that I stop worrying about how wonderful or glorious this life is, because, barring illness or accident, I’ll be out of here in 40 years anyway.
4) Rain falling on the justified. This is just life. And, God never promised us a good one. So, in short, “Tough luck. Fight your way out of it if you can…” and His wind may or may not be at my back.
I do know that if something doesn’t break soon, I’m probably going to retreat into a dark apathy. I’m widowed and alone, and seem to have only poverty and obscurity to look forward to. What’s the point?
I have soooo much to say about this. I’m not sure where to begin. And, I fear getting all sort of opinions from too many conflicting perspectives, so I’m reluctant to outline it all here. But, I am going to risk it.
My life is a mess, and as far as I can tell, it is not due to poor choices. It appears to merely be the rain falling on the justified.
1. My wife died in 2009. Two years later I felt ready to pursue a new wife, but not having found anyone to have a single, bonafide date with since that time indicates to me that God wants me single, sans the gift of celibacy.
2. I have been under- or unemployed since December 2016. I used to be a professional 3D animator in the visual effects field. Not anymore. Now, I am having to *VERY* reluctantly consider $13/hr jobs that pay all my bills except for rent, and jobs I would *HATE*, jobs I’d take when 20yo and still going through school. I am 54 now.
I am still pursuing CG jobs, but they’ve been as elusive as Tantalus’ fruit and water.
3. I lost my apartment in December 2017, and have been officially homeless since. If not for Christian brothers, I’d be living in my car today.
4. And, amidst all this, I have no purpose, no mission, no battle other than trying to not lose my mind.
What the HELL is going on? What sin did I commit? I keep asking God for ANY information He can give to help me right this, and I am greeted with a deafening silence (as usual).
Passions? I have many.
I love the United States and want to see a new great awakening sweep across it from one coast to the other. I want us to be the nation God judges least when He returns.
I enjoyed my career and, despite the stresses of deadlines, crashing machines and hard-core Lefties I’ve worked with, I still find myself seeking out CG work after all this time of repeated failure. I also thought of moving into a flying career, but I think I’m starting out too late to make that a practical choice.
I do not know what to do, where to go, what to think or how to pray. I am in a dark room with no visible exit, and I keep banging into furniture and walls. There is no Divine voice to guide me out of it and I’m trying to figure out why I’m evening in this damnable situation.
I continue to seek out work in the CG field and currently have five applications in process. This is the most I’ve had going on at one time since this garbage started, and yet I am waiting for each one to fail since so much has happened repeatedly. I’ve investigated flight schools, but like I said, it seems too impractical now at my age to pursue that.
What… do… I… do????
The only answers I got are try to find a job that won’t make me eat a bullet and that would at least pay for a room in someone’s house. Or… liquidate a mutual fund and go back to school. But, if CG is ended for me, do I update my skill set in that or pick something different? If so, what? I haven’t the foggiest, and in about 6 weeks (mid-June possibly), I will run out of money and the shack I’m currently sleeping in I will be asked to exit.
Brother Keith,
First off thank you for the courage it takes to express what is going on in your situation. I commend you and know that you are not the only one going through a similar situation. I’m so sorry to hear about those hardships. I will be praying for you. I want to let you know that if you could make it this saturday (not sure what city your from but just in case), at 1400 mission blvd in pomona, California. My husband is a pastor/teacher there, there will be food, and many other resources available. He would also want to talk with you about potential jobs where he currently works at. God bless you sir. May the Lord lead you and guide you with His mighty hand and outstretched arm as he has done for me.
*Forgive me for not listing his name, his name is Freddie Luevano and will be there at 9am to noon.
Thank you. I did not get to this soon enough. Fortunately, I do have a temp / freelance job (for a week or so). By no means an ending to my desert, but positive cash flow is positive cash flow.
What does your husband do in terms of secular work?
Pest control industry, there are usually technicians, operations , sales, but not sure what city and state are you in?
I’m in Sierra Madre right now. Let me put this on the backburner in my mind. I may need to contact him in the not-too-distant future. Thank you. But…
…right now, I have five job applications cooking, all within my industry (CG animation), and all with the potential to end my unemployment / homelessness desert. I’m not optimistic, but I must see this through. In fact, if the folks here would be willing to pray that God’s will be done with these five applications, please do (as hard as that is for me since I so desperately want a conclusion of this nonsense). Also, pray that God gives me direction regarding Gabriela’s post.
(Regarding that, that line of work is not at all where my heart is, but this is why I question whether or not dreams or passions really mean anything to God. I may have to talk with this pastor if these other job opportunities fall through — and call me cynical, but I sort of expect them to.)
Regarding those other potential jobs, only two are here in the Los Angeles area. One is with Gulfstream Aerospace (3D visualization, and I’m thinking this would be a permanent and high-paying job), and one is with a production co. needing some visual effects (how long the job would be I do not know). I’m losing hope on that latter one.
The other three are out of state. One is outside of Phoenix (Innovelore), needing visual effects artists and 3D visualizers. This would be a permanent position, and they’re flying me and other applicants out for face-to-face interviews on June 11th. Another is in Oklahoma City (Boiling Point Media), and is for a long-term (not permanent) VFX position. The third is in Cincinnati, and is for 3D artists. How long the job is for I do not know, but if it exceeds, say, 6 months, I’m taking it, logistical difficulties be damned.
I’d appreciate prayers for my wisdom and direction in this crappy desert I’m in. I need to know how God wants me to respond and how He wants me to pray. Once my current and very short freelance gig ends, I’m back to where I was, which was pretty much having nothing too look forward to in this life.
Thank you all, and thank you Gabriela.
This is very helpful. Thank you!!
Thank you Wanda for this article. It makes me wonder what our churches would look like if the words in this article were heeded by all of us. We are torn in so many different directions, yet our only purpose is to glorify God, enjoy Him, and to tell others about Him.
Heavenly Father, You are worthy of all praise and glory. Thank You for giving Wanda Your wisdom and the ability to articulate.
I unite in agreement with the saints who have responded to her article.
Lord God, fill us with Your Holy Spirit that we might boldly proclaim and display the unending love of Jesus Christ.
This is one of the best articles I have read on this subject which I agree is absolutely key to living effectively for Jesus and critical in tis present culture. This would be a great tool for sharing with all sunday School classes/teachers. First for the teacher themselves as their personal goals and secondly for forming their personal goals for each lesson. Of course it is for every believer but I happen to teach so this came to mind–whether it is teaching children, youth or adults.
I discipled 5 fifth grade girls this year and as a parting gift I gave them a mirror with the verse II Corinthians 3:18 about reflecting as mirrors the glory of God. I hope I can share this with others and not be misusing copywright . I would like to give credit to the author. Thank you.
Sandra, Yes, please feel free to use this material! Our resources are precisely for others to share so that all can be blessed. Thank you for your words of affirmation. (Wanda A.)
Coming in agreement with this very important points of reminder. Walk with Christ centeredness. Committed to live and show others our love for Him and they can receive this gift as well. Let nothing separate us from the love of God. Thank you IFA God Bless you all!
Making these points a prayer a well for our church body to awaken. Amen and Amen! God Bless you Tina🙋🏻🙏❤️
Thanks be to God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ that our destiny is to be conformed to the image of Jesus. This is our identity. Do not find yourself, find Jesus. Let God remake you,
then you will be found indeed.
AMEN! Thank you for sharing this TRUTH.
This is such a wonderful post. Thank you!