There is ongoing speculation and debate about the timetable of the “last days.” Many Christians believe there is a soon-coming Rapture and Great Tribulation at hand. At the same time, there is also a growing segment of the Church that isn’t looking for a Rapture, but a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit with our best days still ahead.
There are well-known and respected leaders on both sides of these issues. Best-selling authors and several key evangelical leaders have been prominent proponents of the Rapture interpretations. The Left Behind series (books and films) has had a huge impact on the Church in recent years. Yet, John Wesley, John Calvin, Jonathan Edwards, Charles Spurgeon, and many of the early Church Fathers and historians, including Josephus, believed the tribulation that Jesus spoke of in Matthew 24:21 already happened within the first century Church. Even today, many are confused about interpretations concerning the signs of the times and where everything is headed.
These differences of biblical interpretation have been around for centuries and they will probably continue in the months and years to come. The challenge we face as intercessors is finding that place of agreement where we can be “…like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind” (Phil 2:2). Agreement in prayer is essential to effective intercession. If we are not standing in faith for our future, we may nullify our own prayers in the present.
Perhaps the best approach is to look at those things that we CAN agree on and purpose to make those our goal in intercession. Given the increased turmoil in the world amid political and social unrest, let’s use the Word of God as an anchor for unified prayer. Here are some suggestions:
“…if indeed you continue in the faith, firmly established and steadfast, and not moved away from the hope of the gospel that you have heard” (Col 1:23 NKJV).
We have a spiritual adversary that will never relent. The spirit of fear is rampant around the world and we must keep our hearts and minds fixed on God’s goodness and His triumphant love. We must continually magnify Him and not the apparent darkness. Faith is what pleases God (see Heb 11:6). Let’s not allow fear to dictate our perspective and give more time and attention to what God is doing rather than on what the enemy is doing.
“. . . Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to Himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.” (Eph 5:25-27).
It is to the Father’s glory that the Bride of Christ is ready for the return of the Bridegroom. He is looking for a Bride that is held in honor (radiant), free of moral faults (without stain), not constrained by age or weariness (without wrinkle), blameless (holy), and free of any blemish (without moral blame or rebuke). Until we demonstrate THESE realities, we have work to do. Let us pray that we would become a Bride that is fitting for the King.
“. . . Jesus went into Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God. ‘The time has come,’ He said. ‘The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!’ ” (Mark 1:14-15)!
We must never forget what we were commissioned to do — preach the Kingdom of God so that the lost will be saved, the saints empowered, and our culture transformed. Every day until Jesus returns provides another opportunity for those in darkness to see the light. Let us use this time wisely as good stewards of the good news.
“The coming of the kingdom of God is not something that can be observed, nor will people say, ‘Here it is,’ or ‘There it is,’ because the kingdom of God is in your midst.” (Luke 17:20).
“And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, ‘Occupy till I come.’” (Luke 19:13 KJV).
Scripture is clear that no one knows when Jesus is returning (see Matt 24:36). What we do know is that we are here as ambassadors of another Kingdom. It has always been God’s intention for His sons and daughters to represent Him here and demonstrate the power of that Kingdom to those who don’t know Him. (see Rom 8:19).
Until He returns, let’s focus on those things that are core and essential to fulfilling our mandate in stewarding His Kingdom while here on the earth. Let’s embrace our call and walk together “…until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.” (Eph 4:13).
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Dear Lord God Almighty thank You for everything. Thank You for prayer. May Your will be done with end times. You Lord know what is best for people as individuals and collectively. May Your church continue to influence people in a positive way. May those who follow You become truly more righteous and be a good reflection of Your guiding light I pray in the powerful name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I agree with you.You have made it crystal clear and kept it simple.I can use this clear instruction in my life and help those whose lives I impact. I would add 1 Tim 2:1-4.” ……That we would first of all make supplications, prayers,intercessions, and thanksgiving for all men; for kings and for all that in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.Blessings and thanks.
http://www.itistime-com.com/ this is the address for which I searched! But only your South Africa address was shown! Which caused me some confusion!
Wanda, your postings are priceless. I say “Yes” to every one of your points!
1. We operate from FAITH, NOT FEAR. And do not forget “Perfect love casts out fear.”
I John 4:18 We have His love coming into us (“Herein is love: not that we loved Him but that He first loved us” I John 4:10 ), and also that same love will come out of us when we receive His Holy Spirit by faith, for “The fruit of the Spirit is love….” Gal.5:22
2. We are called to be the RADIANT, EXPECTANT BRIDE. We await that midnight call, “Behold, the Bridegroom comes!” Matt. 25:6 . We daily assure that our lamps are filled with oil by walking in obedience to His Holy Spirit, given to us as our indwelling Guide and Counselor. And we remember that the door shut behind the Virgins at the Wedding Feast (Matt. 25:10) was closed just as firmly, and by the same Hand, as that shut behind Noah in the Ark (Genesis 7:16).
3. The LOST NEED TO BE SAVED. This is the Age of the Gentiles, and there is only one reason why God’s Judgment has not yet fallen: We have not completed our Commission. There is a milestone we will pass on the road to Jesus’ Return, and this is the Sign that is posted:”And this Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in the WHOLE WORLD as a TESTIMONY TO ALL NATIONS, and THEN THE END WILL COME.” Matt. 24:14 And “Lift up your eyes and look on the fields; they are already white to harvest.” John 4:35
4. We are to OCCUPY UNTIL HE RETURNS. Some of us have roles in society where we can exert a godly influence every day, at home or at work. Some of us are still wondering what we can do for Jesus. Do you remember what Jesus told Peter what his assignment was? “Feed my lambs.” “Feed my sheep.” “Feed my sheep.” John 21:15, 16, 17
That’s it. Now go to Song of Solomon 1:7 & 8. You will recognize the Voice, and the Instruction. If you can’t find anything else to do for Jesus, volunteer for Vacation Bible School and take on a class of four year olds! If you are available, your Lord will find you a ministry.
Thank you for your affirmation and exhortation, John. Yes – we have much work to do, yet! Many blessings (Wanda)
Scripture is clear that no one knows when Jesus is returning (see Matt 24:36). What we do know is that we are here as ambassadors of another Kingdom. It has always been God’s intention for His sons and daughters to represent Him here and demonstrate the power of that Kingdom to those who don’t know Him. (see Rom 8:19). Notice it calls us ambassadors! Meaning we are gods Representatives to do his will As He commands us to do! Which also means he will not do it no matter how much we cry and beg and fast and pray So we must ask for holy spirit Power to do 2nd Chronicles 7: 14 as more important then any sacrifice we need to make? I am the Tom on the IFA prayer map in West Palm Beach on Community Drive near Publix Market
Amen.simple agreement
wScripture is clear that no one knows when Jesus is returning (see Matt 24:36). What we do know is that we are here as ambassadors of another Kingdom. It has always been God’s intention for His sons and daughters to represent Him here and demonstrate the power of that Kingdom to those who don’t know Him. (see Rom 8:19). Notice it calls us ambassadors! Meaning we are gods Representatives to do his will As He commands us to do! Which also means he will not do it no matter how much we cry and beg and fast and pray So we must ask for holy spirit Power to do 2nd Chronicles 7: 14 as more important then any sacrifice we need to make? I am the Tom on the IFA prayer map in West Palm Beach on Community Drive near Publix Market
I so appreciate Abigail’s posting of her dream. It seems the Lord has been personally saying, “If you seek me with ALL of your heart, you will find me.” Just imagine what might happen to us personally if we make this effort. Just imagine what the might happen if the Body of Christ would undertake so great a call in these days and times we live in.
Beautifully spoken and True.
Words I agree with and stand on.
Rev 22:17 “And the Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let him who hears say, “Come!” And let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life.”
We have a website, http://www.itistime-com.com.
Was told in a dream the name and to set it up.
Had a dream that the water in the US dried up. Those that were like Jonathon Josephson, who is like John, the disciple, has a heart like David, and he islike his father Joseph…
went to Iowa and dug a well, and rivers flowed out into the US.
another dream last week.
People were eating right, taking herbs and things that made then healthy. Jesus had healed many physically.
They had jobs, and all they really needed and didn’t need Jesus anymore.
A dark cloud came over the earth and they felt like God was not there anymore. They became spiritually thirsty and had to cry out and seek Him and
desire Him because they knew that although they had the things in the world they couldn’t be alive without Him.
It was like the days of Amos and there was a famine of the Word of God. They would look everywhere for Jesus, the Word, but would have to repent for all the areas God rebuked them for in the book of Amos.
They would have to return to Him and obey His voice.
End of
second dream
I looked up the meanings of all the names of cities and people in Amos in Strong’s concordance and repented and prayed for deliverance while fasting and am now praying for others. I will post the study and prayers on the website.
http://www.itistime-com.com/ this is the address for which I searched! But only your South Africa address was shown! Which caused me some confusion!
I am so sorry. The website is http://www.itistime-come.com. I will take time to edit any more comments.