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IFA has produced a voter guide for the 2018 midterm elections. Access the digital download HERE or call to order multiple copies, printed on glossy paper and folded as a brochure. Orders of any amount are free, although we ask you to consider a donation to defray our costs. Call 1-800-USA-PRAY (872-7729).

With mid-term elections approaching and many candidates entering the race, Christians are faced with numerous choices, not only in who to vote for, but what to vote for. The platforms and laws concerning gun control, immigration, abortion, same-sex marriage, and others, each have long-term ramifications that will affect our faith and our freedom for years to come. To help Christians consider these issues from the viewpoint of what the Bible says, what the Constitution permits, what freedom requires, and what justice demands,Ā American Pastors NetworkĀ offers these four principles in considering how to vote:

  1. What does the Bible say?Ā If God explicitly says it, we obey (Deut. 30:15-19). If God is not explicit, we apply biblical principles. Example: God made mankind in His image and, therefore, all life is sacred. He mandates: Thou shalt not murder. This is explicit. Human life is sacred; therefore, abortion, euthanasia and other forms of murder violate God’s law. Self-defense and protection of life is a logical extension into the issue of weapons and defense of innocent life.
  1. What does the Constitution permit?Ā The Constitution complements the Bible, not vice versa. Established laws must conform to the Constitution that recognizes God created rights. Example: Self-defense is biblical and a natural right; therefore, the Second Amendment recognizes and guarantees this right.
  1. What does freedom require?Ā The end result of accepting biblical truth is freedom. Freedom is the result but also the goal. The Declaration of Independence recognizes this right and the Constitution guarantees it: our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Government’s duty is to preserve these rights. Example: The Second Amendment, and protection of innocent lives of citizens and their property, is inherent with the immigration reform debate.
  1. What does justice demand?Ā The primary purpose of government is to enact justiceā€”to punish the evil doer and reward those who do good. The administration of justice must conform to biblical principles and constitutional law. Example: Undermining the Second Amendment or other rights by legislative action or by judicial activism, violates the very concept of enacting justice and fulfilling the primary purpose of government and constitutional law.Ā 

APN President and radio host, Sam Rohrer, shares why these principles are so important:

“Nearly any issue of freedom can be considered from the basic principles upon which our representative republic sits. If these considerations are not made, we will begin to lose our civil freedom, and it will not return. Decisions regarding freedom and liberty must be linked to eternal moral principles, linked to history and linked to reality.” The principles APN puts forth can serve as a starting point for believers in considering the choices to be made in the election. “I believe this framework and road map will permit any person, whether in office or a private citizen, to come to the right solution regarding a variety of challenging issues,” Rohrer added,Ā “providing that they, in fact, want to come to a conclusion that protects our Constitution and our freedomā€”that is the hinge pin.”

*Shared from Charisma online, “4 Ways to Determine Where You Should Stand on the Issues”

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Mesele Bogale
September 12, 2018

Thank you Father, multiply the righteous men and women open their eyes to have congress and politics for American to stand & conifirm with your commands . Give them the Grace of govering ,power of Unity.Please Almighty God of America, give the right paths as we vote them . Thank you Lord Jesus Christ.lead us as we vote. we pray unto you.

Felicia Penner
September 8, 2018

Holly, i just went to the article itself and this representation of it here is better for handing out as an aide.

Lord i pray that many would benefit from this article guide to voting, in Jesus name, Amen

    Judy McDonough
    September 10, 2018


    IFA has produced a voter guide for the 2018 midterm elections. Access the digital download at https://www.ifapray.org/promo/glorifying-god-through-elections/ or call to order multiple copies, printed on glossy paper and folded as a brochure. Orders of any amount are free, although we ask you to consider a donation to defray our costs. Call 1-800-USA-PRAY (872-7729).

Donna Artzer
September 8, 2018

Father, we pray for those You are calling forth in this hour to lead our governmental positions. We pray that You would confirm the calling and election on their lives and that this assurance would keep them from stumbling. We pray that they would fight a good fight of faith and take hold of Your Word as their standard for truth. We pray that their calling would evidence a holy life that exhibits Your rightness in all they do and say, for Your glory, alone. (2 Peter 1:10; Timothy 6:12; 2 Timothy 1:9; Phil 3:13-14)

Holly harrington
September 8, 2018

Is this the quide we are supposed tp print out and pass out at
Churches or is it somewhere else on this site?

    Judy McDonough
    September 10, 2018


    IFA has produced a 2018 midterm elections voter guide brochure that is designed for sharing. You can access a digital version here: https://www.ifapray.org/promo/glorifying-god-through-elections/.

    You can also call our office to order multiple copies that are printed and folded as a brochure. They are free, although we do ask that you consider a donation to defray our costs. Call 1-800-USA-PRAY (872-7729).

Felicia Penner
September 7, 2018

Praise you Lord, thank you for this wisdom. I bind the spirit of confusion and deception from the people here in America,and especially from those who call you by name, and i loose them to be able to use biblical principals to vote with. Lord, you gave us common sense and a conscience, please help all to use these. I also bind apathy from the voters, and that there would be a good turn out of voters. Thank you Lord that we have an opportunity to vote. Thank you for our liberty, Lord. In Jesus name, Amen

April 8, 2018

Merciful Father, raise up righteous men and women in congress and politics to stand by your will. Please Almighty One, lead us as we vote. In your name Yahusha we pray.

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