I Prayed have prayed
Thank you, Father, for all the Christians who are running for office. Encourage and strengthen them. May your will be done.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

For the last few years, IFA has included in prayer resources and articles the importance of praying for Christians to engage in the political process. We are seeing the answer to that prayer, as we are hearing about more and more Christians running for office, especially for Congress. We don’t endorse or oppose political candidates, but we do let you know about Christians who are running.

Terri Hasdorff is a personal friend and a candidate for the Republican ticket for Alabamaā€™s Second Congressional District. In a divine appointment, I was re-connected with Terri after more than 20 years, just last week. I am so excited to introduce her to IFA intercessors, and to ask you to pray for her.

Terriā€™s professional life has always been about the intersection of faith, government, and community. Her passion is making sure all three are strong and working in partnership. Her personal life has always been centered on Jesus (which I can attest to because we were in a small Bible study together years ago). You can hear more about both in her campaign video here.


When Representative Martha Roby announced that she would not seek reelection, Terri started praying about running for this seat. ā€œI prayed and prayed and fasted, and asked others to pray and fast,ā€ Terri told me. She had never run for office before and she wanted to be certain of the Lordā€™s leading.

Terri has a wealth of experience to draw on that seems to have prepared her perfectly to serve in Congress for this time in American history: ā€œI know how to get things done in Washington. My first job was working for Speaker Gingrich, under the very first Chief Administrative Officer of House. We brought business-minded reforms to the House of Representatives. In fact, we oversaw the first independent audit of the House since 1789. It was a challengeā€”we likened it to changing the tires on a bus going 80 miles an hour. The results of that audit have saved taxpayers over 148 million dollars per year since 1995, and a total of 4 billion dollars.

To critics who accuse her past experience in Congress as being part of the swamp, she laughs and says, ā€œNot only am I not part of the Swamp, I helped drain one.ā€ This tells you a lot as well about her positive approach to life and politics.

IFA readers know that we are passionate about letting you know the good work being done by the Trump Administration Centers for Faith and Opportunity. As a congressional staffer, Terri worked on the language that put the first faith-based initiative into law, and worked for it to get the funding it needed. Later she built the first office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives for Alabama, which became a model for President Trumpā€™s faith initiative. When Hurricane Katrina struck, this Alabama office was the main arm of the Alabama government for relief in Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana.

And Terri understood what was key about what they were doing: ā€œThey found that it was not the government that people turned to in crisis, it was the church.ā€ Terri also headed up the faith initiative at Ā U.S. AID during the George W. Bush Administration.

When asked how we can pray for her, Terri responded, ā€œPray that Godā€™s will would be done in the race. I just knew I was supposed to run and for me it was a question of obedience.ā€ This gives you a glimpse into her humble heart of surrender to the Lord.

Seven candidates are competing for the Republican nomination for Alabamaā€™s Second Congressional District on March 3, 2020. Letā€™s join Terri in praying for Godā€™s will to be done.

(Article by Judy McDonough, IFA Communications Director. For more information about Terri Hasdorff, check out TerriforCongress.com.)



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February 15, 2020

Yes dear LORD let it be so. Let an army of Christian warriors rise and be used by You to push back the darkness and defeat evil. And let armies of prayer warriors continue to pray consistently without growing discouraged or giving up. Let us continue to rejoice and praise You for Your Victory. In Jesus name

February 15, 2020

Praise God she gets it! She understands the battle for America between Christianity and the false religion of socialism. God has been training and preparing her from school age.I pray that all of God’s people in her district recognize this and support her greatly. I pray that Terri Hasdorff and all that is hers is protected under the shadow of the God Most High. And that this humble, obedient servant of God win this election by a godly landslide. In Jesus amazing name. Amen.

Barbara Hesch
February 15, 2020

Heavenly Father we know that this is a battle between good and evil and You are raising up an army of Christian warrior’s who are used by You, but they will need us prayer warriors who will help in the heavenly realm because this is not a battle of the flesh. We must expect the enemy to be very angry with our victory,but because You have already won the battle, we will press on and not be discouraged. In Jesus name we pray. Amen

    Delories Bell
    February 16, 2020

    Amen! yes the devil is mad,we will put our foot on his kingdom.

Barbara J Struble
February 15, 2020

Terri, I will pray. Up til now I am supporting Barry Moore. Voters in 2nd district must not elect the GOP trucker with all that money Thank you for running. Peace,

Brunilda O
February 15, 2020

PSM: 91:1 ā€œHe who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.ā€
I see your hand in choosing Terri Hasdorff to take a stand in obedience to you. She will represent the people of Alabama with integrity and will honor you in all her actions! Thank you Lord for preparing her for this time of chaos in the Congress! I pray for you, Lord, to guide her, give her your Heavenly Protection and to her family! Let her be Bold and truthful! Keep it up, Lord and open other hearts to DO YOUR WILL and Agenda! Godā€™s Blessings! I pray this in Jesus name! Amen!!

February 15, 2020

Father God,
Thank You for stirring the hearts of Christians to be involved in our government at all levelsā€”local, state and federal. We ask You to bless and protect our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Please give them Your divine guidance and strategies as they plan their campaigns. Grant them favor with the news media so that reporting on them is fair and honest.
Most of all, I ask You to help them stay close to You. Keep their eyes focused on Jesus and advancing Your Kingdom. Let the light of Your Truth and Love shine through them.
Nullify and destroy every scheme, plot, strategy, and attack of the enemy against them. Cause Your perfect will to be accomplished in each of these elections.
I pray that You provide a faithful group of intercessors for each Christian running for office. Help them not grow weary or discouraged but give them Your strength and endurance. Fill them with hope and good cheer as they trust and rest in You.

I ask all of this in the Name of Jesus. Amen.

    February 15, 2020

    LORD, this is a postscript to my prayer. I neglected to ask You to provide all the resources these Christians need to run successful campaigns. Please give them volunteers and manpower.
    LORD, give them the financial backing that is needed and give them wisdom how to use it most effectively.

    I also ask for Your blessing on the Leadership Institute directed by Morton Blackwell, who has trained and is training many conservative candidates on how to run effective campaigns.

    Father, please move the hearts of us who follow Jesus to be generous, and even sacrificial, in supporting what You want to accomplish in our nation.

    We know that what happens in the United States of America affects the rest of the world for good or evil. Oh, let us be faithful in doing Your will and leave a legacy of blessing in Your Name. Amen.

    February 15, 2020

    Godā€™s Will be done! We know when the Heavenly Father convicts and places a desire on our hearts šŸ’ž it is time to move and obey Him. He has promised us He will give us the desires of our hearts if we obey and follow Him for His Glory. He wants you to go to DC, to help President Trump run our Nation with Godly Leadership, we need Godly Leadership more than anything else in DC.

    The Jezebel spirit that has permeated DC needs to be confronted and moved from our Halls of Justice in the House of Representatives.

    May God place you there to fight for righteousness, in Jesus Holy Name. Amen šŸ™


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