I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we appeal to you, in the name of Jesus, to help us save the unborn. We pray for grace, favor and protection for the Supreme Court and the stopping of any nefarious efforts to alter its makeup that would prevent justice for the unborn.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

The legalizing of the merciless murdering of the unborn is a catastrophic injustice; a crime against humanity. The Moral Outcry is an aggressive project of The Justice Foundation which establishes that abortion is a crime against humanity: “A crime against humanity occurs when the government withdraws legal protection from a class of human beings; in this case, children in the womb, resulting in severe deprivation (including death).”

Psalm 82:1-5 says: “God has taken his place in the divine council; in the midst of the gods, he holds judgment; “How long will you judge unjustly and show partiality to the wicked? (Selah) Give Justice to the weak and the fatherless; maintain the right of the afflicted and destitute. Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked. They have neither knowledge nor understanding, they walk about in darkness; all the foundations of the earth are shaken.”(ESV)

The time to act is NOW. Never before has the urgency been more critical and time-sensitive. We must do everything we can to fight for the unborn and defend them from those who would perpetrate even greater crimes against humanity by codifying abortion as a Federal Law!

The Justice Foundation needs Ambassadors who are willing to help actively recruit pro-life individuals, churches and organizations to spread the word and sign the petition to overturn Roe V Wade. Please help us get the word out about The Moral Outcry to pastors and churches, friends, family, and pro-life organizations who want to help.

According to The Law of Judicial Precedent, Roe V. Wade can be overturned if there is a noteworthy moral outcry. This petition movement is unique because it correctly identifies abortion as a crime against humanity. The Justice Foundation already has 365,000 signatures from people who want to end abortion and over 4,500 legally admissible testimonials by women who have been harmed by abortion. Every signature and every testimonial add weight to The Moral Outcry!

This petition was born of intercessory prayer, and its purpose was revealed by the Holy Spirit as a husband and wife were being led by God to intercede on behalf of the unborn.

Although the times appear to be bleak, and the future of the Supreme Court is shadowed by terrible rumors, we believe that God is calling us to take a bold stance and head directly into the storm.

Through intercession, The Justice Foundation has set aggressive goals in faith to secure 3 million signatures within a year. This cannot be done without activating a large network of intercessors and pro-life advocates all over this great nation. Together, and with God’s blessing, we can do this! We can stand in the gap and take bold steps to provide Justice for the Unborn!

In Mark 10:14, Jesus said: “…Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the Kingdom of God.” Jesus also said: “From the days of John the Baptist until now the Kingdom of heaven has suffered violence, and the violent take it by force.” Matthew 11:12

Please watch this video and pray about what the Lord would have you do: The Moral Outcry

Michael Walton -For the Cause of the Kingdom, Michael Walton, MDiv. Senior Policy Advisor to the Moral Outcry Petition Movement. Senior Policy Consultant on School Choice. Photo Credit: Unsplash.)

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Barbara Hesch
February 9, 2021

As the wicked continue in their quest to kill more and more of the unborn here in America, where is the logic in letting in more and more people from other countries. And when they are allowed to bring with them, their children, their diseases, their poverty, not to mention their foreign God’s in the name of social justice, what happens to the citizens here? Does anyone ever ask this question? I guess it’s not politically correct or polite to ask.

karen gibson
February 8, 2021

Oh dear God forgive us! Lord help us to be on our knees crying out to you lamenting over the dark sin of abortion that’s in land!
father forgive us for the injustice in our land. Forgive us for not putting you first in everything! Here cry oh Lord in Jesus name amen

Barbara Tantaros
February 7, 2021

The shedding of innocent
blood brings judgement
We are experiencing that judgement right now. We must repent and ask forgiveness of our sins and those of our nation.
This is also spiritual warfare. We need to rebuke Satan in Jesus’ Name.
Pray fervently to God in intimate, humble prayer and ask God to take down the satanic strongholds that have taken over our government in Jesus’ Name

Susan CC
February 7, 2021

I signed and forwarded this petition and pray it gets countless more signatures than 3 million. I pray Jesus would do with this petition as He did with the loaves and fishes, hold it up to Our Father and ask for blessing. Blessing in the number of responses and in action from God Almighty. Amen

    Laura K
    February 8, 2021

    I forwarded it too and am in complete agreement with what you have said.

    Lord let the voice of your people be heard and bring down this abominable evil. Amen

February 7, 2021

Powerful video.

🙏 🙏 🙏

The sixth Commandment – Thou shall NOT kill.

Now what part of NOT do you baby killers/murderers not understand?

The Bible is quite clear on the issue of murder which is the killing of any innocent human being. Abortion of a human baby in the womb cannot be described in any other term but murder. Killing is taking a life. Murder is taking a life with no moral justification.

As a baby grows in the womb it is a tiny human person who is developing in God’s image. They are human and every child deserves a chance at life. These tiny innocent babies are murdered just so their fetal tissues can be used in various experiments, tissue transplantation and basic research using baby body parts, cells used in vaccine production, even as far as selling baby body parts for research. If all this is happening with abortions there are probably more wickedness involved in all this. God’s judgment and punishment Is coming.

Father have mercy on our Nation for legalizing abortions, murdering innocent lives.
Forgive us Father, as a Nation we have been silent while this wickedness continues, the destructions of your beautiful creations, these babies are precious in Your sight. You had already named each one of them when they were yet in their mother’s wombs. You had already called them to be prophets to the nations.

” ….. The LORD has called Me from the womb; From the matrix of My mother He has made mention of My name.” Isaiah 49:1

“I knew you before I formed you in you mother’swomb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5

Father You know the hearts of all involved in the killing and the murdering of innocent babies. Let Your justice fall hard and swiftly like a hammer and bring an end to this evil within our nation.

Let it be so, in Jesus’s name. Amen.

Nelda Oakley
February 7, 2021

Oh Father hear our cry for your unborn creation! Turn the hearts of those on Supreme Court to reverse Roe vs Wade. Let this video move hearts and change minds. May we get the 3 million signatures quickly and it change the course to end abortion in your Mighty name Jesus.

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Kathleen Porter
February 7, 2021

Very powerful and provoking film. I am more convinced that TODAY is the time to END abortion’s legality in America. we will see God’s blessing if we do.

Betsy West
February 7, 2021

The video is very compelling. Cry out!

February 7, 2021

We need also to pray and cry out to GOD daily to deliver us from this evil and wicked administration in JESUS Name!


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