From LifeVoteUS
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From LifeVoteUS
July 1, 2020
Father, help us to be obedient to participate in the steering of our nation by voting.
Reading Time: 2 minutes
Believe it or not, only 25% of all self-described Christians actually make it to the voting booth on Election Day. Why? Many may believe that their one vote doesn’t really matter. Others may be conflicted–believing that no candidate measures up to their standards of moral conduct or matches their beliefs on all the issues.Ā While others simply believe that politics is a dirty game and they don’t want to be a part. Katherine Winniford with LifeVoteUS.com shares ten reasons why Christians should be voting and backs them up with Scripture.
10 Reasons WHY Christians Should Vote
1. Each vote makes a difference in the cumulative numbers and that is how we as Christians are to influence our society for good, as salt and light in the darkness of godless deeds. (Prv 12:26)
2. Voting recognizes the equality of all citizens and their right to express their values through their votes. (Prv 29:2) (Ps 34:14)
3. Voting is a privilege of our free nation, and one not shared by many other countries of the world. It was won and protected by the shed blood of patriots and should not be taken for granted. Those who reap the benefits of living in a democratic Nation should play a part in upholding the constitutional republic that defines it. (Is 1:26)
4. Voting promotes the application of biblical standards in the selection of elected officials in our country, and to whose authority we are to submit, as is established by God. (Rom 13:1)
5. Not voting is a form of voting, as it affects the outcome. āAll that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing.ā Edmund Burke. (Jas 1:22-25)
6. Voting is one way to obey God’s command to seek good for those around us and to protect our nation. (Prv 11:3)
7. Voting shows that we care about who our leaders are, as we are told [in Scripture to offer prayer on their behalf. (I Tim 2:2)]
8. Voting is a simple, yet significant way to do something about public policy in our country. As people of faith, we will be held accountable for our actions, as well as our lack of action. (Luke 12: 48)
9. Voting has biblical precedence. For example, Acts 14:23 describes how the early Christians elected elders by voting.
10. Voting is a part of stewardship to use all the resources we have been given in ways that honor God. To waste a vote is to squander a gift. (Mat 5:13)
(Reprinted with permission from LifeVoteUS.com. Article by Katherine Winniford.)
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There is a false premise in Point#4. While we are to submit to government authorities, the act of voting is [not described] in Romans 13:1. Yes, we offer prayer for government officials; but that’s as far as it goes. Let God handle the selection of government officials, on His own terms. The other passages, they constitute false proof-texting. Think about it. We must apply more sound principles, when it comes to drawing conclusions from these and other passages. We are to be active in God’s service, and work for the good of His Kingdom
Let us as believers in Christ see the significance of this presidential election. It could be the most important one ever and the difference between unity and division.
Most christians must think its not spiritual to be involved with the daily practicalities of politics, it is a machiavellian game. I think handing over our responsibility to non christians doesnt deliver the desired results. If we covered the political system in prayer 24/7 that would even have been better than what we have done which is to bury our head in the sand, now its all coming home to roost. However as Trump pointed out to the evangelicals first meeting with him. How did you let the country get into this state there are 50 million or more of you. You should be occupying the various levels of politics, business and academia. In the moral vacuum that existed deep state has taken the place and they are willing to do the bidding of the global elite which now becomes a juggernaut of fascism coming our way…but for Trump the only hope for nationalist and christian laws etc, not globalism to prevail.
Father GOD,
Thank You so much for the gift You have given us in this nation with a Constitution that outlines orderly care of Your people and identifies a balanced government. Your Word tells us that we are to ENSURE stability and integrity by PRAYING for those who are in positions of leadership. Thank You for entrusting us with such great responsibility. Thank You for telling us to ask You for wisdom so that when we lack it, we may receive it liberally from You. So, Father, we ASK for WISDOM. Far too often there is little reliable, credible information about those running for office to enable us to make Godly choices and so in this and every election cycle, we ask for wisdom, discernment, insight and confidence to vote for those who are best suited to lead this nation in the ways of righteousness.
Father, You gave our particular state the motto: “The LIFE of the land is PERPETUATED in RIGHTEOUSNESS” and yet those in office have turned a deaf ear to Your people and have been led by lust for power, prestige, position, greed and other canal desires rather than having been led by Your Spirit. The same has been true throughout our nation on many different levels and we seek Your relief, release, restoration and REFORMATION. Father, we recognize that each of us is fallible and, yet, we choose to build our lives on Your Firm Foundation of Your incorruptible, perfect SON. Father, we choose LIFE and those leaders who will honor, respect, uphold LIFE — those who are unashamed to call upon and rely upon You. Help us all to vote with those values in mind.
May we give heed to future generations as we make decisions today and on election day. We thank You for all that You have brought us through and we thank You that You are celebrating the increase Your glorious Kingdom’s government, as prophesied. During these next four months, may we listen carefully to Holy Spirit so that we will be prompt in choosing to submit to the changes You desire to make in each of our lives as You continue to potter us into Your likeness so that we may model what responsible civil liberty looks like. May we forgo our selfish desires and ambitions and align our actions with what we claim to be our “Christian” beliefs. More than anything, Father, may we truly lay aside our jealousy, offendedness and offensiveness, superficial and temporal attitudes and interactions so that we truly are willing to lay down our pursuits — our SELF-inflated lives — for the betterment of the whole SPOTLESS Bride. We look to JESUS in us to bring Your Kingdom to this earth TODAY! We choose YOU, Father, as our KING and we ask You to lead us as we make our electoral choices. We receive these 10 guidelines in this article so that we vote according to Your principles. May You be forever glorified and magnified as we walk openly and confidently in Your Power and Presence. All for the sake of and in honor and appreciation for Your SON, our SAVIOR and LORD, JESUS, the ANOINTED. Amen
Dear Heavenly Father, move by your Holy Spirit in your people to stand for Good and thwart the evil agenda that seeks to destroy this nation. I pray that every person of faith will register to vote and do whatever is necessary to vote in this election. Especially voting so that those with evil intent will be removed from their positions and people after your own heart will be placed in office. We thank you for your faithfulness that you hear our prayers and move to accomplish what is in our hearts. Praise You O Lord! In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Father, convict your people that they have a civil responsibility to vote. Open our eyes to the need to not let evil run our nation, but it is our responsibility to let our voice be heard for righteousness. Change our apathy to fire burning in us to pray and vote.
Move Your people to vote Lord! Move those who believe or think they believe in You to know and vote Your values! Spirit of Truth shine the light on all confusion, awaken Your people, guide them to vote, in Jesus precious name! Turn the tide to the vote and move of the Lord!
Amen! I bind all passivity and sleepy spirit to allow the Body of Christ to not take action in this upcoming election, in Jesus’s name. Let your watchmen stand firm, courageous, and not shrink back, but remain united when prayer alerts are sent out. No weapon forged against God’s obedient servants will prosper, in Jesus’ name.