We are now just over 40 days from the election, right in the middle of the most holy days in the Jewish calendar (the 10 “Days of Awe”) and on the brink of a move of God such as we have never known in our lifetime. As tensions mount and circumstances change and evolve (including the most recent death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg), I can only see two directions this nation can go. Status-quo, passivity as a norm, apathy, and ignorance – those qualities have no place in our present day and culture. In fact, I believe we are either pressing in towards HIM as the HEAD or we are aligning with a movement that seeks to set up the government as the HEAD. I believe in many ways it is a spiritual battle for the moral compass of our nation.
In the Jewish calendar, the holy days between Rosh Hashanah (9/18) and Yom Kippur (9/27-9/28) are days set apart to reflect on one’s life, pray, and repent. Rosh Hashanah (The Feast of Trumpets) marks the beginning of a new year – 5781. It marks a time to pause, get things right with God, and focus on His kingship. Many Jews will take part in a Tashlich ceremony, where bread is symbolically thrown into a moving body water to signify the “casting off” of sins.
He shall again have compassion on us; He will subdue and tread underfoot our wickedness [destroying sin’s power]. Yes, You will cast all our sins Into the depths of the sea. (Micah 7:19 AMP)
How powerful that our Messiah fulfills this prophesy! This prophetic picture carries further when we consider that one of the readings on the 2nd day of Rosh Hashanah is from Genesis 22 – where the Lord provides a substitutionary sacrifice for Abraham to offer up in place of Isaac.
While we were still yet sinners (Rom 5:8) the Lord extended His mercy, offering up His Son as a substitute on our behalf (Gal 1:4) and removed our sins as far as the east is from the west (Ps 103:10:14) when we confessed and turned our lives over to Him (1 Jn 1:9). He offers that up to ANYONE who believes (John 1:12)! And to top that off, He steps in as our high priest (Heb 4:14-16) and sends us His advocate (Jn 14:26).
The Rosh Hashanah service ends with the blowing of the shofar – a signal/reminder to “wake-up”! In the days of the Old Testament, the blowing of the shofar signaled imminent danger and sounded the alarm.
This is a time of calling people to turn away from sin and turn toward God. While we might be in a crucible of political tensions, we are also, more than ever, at a crossroads between the Kingdom and this world. No one knows the number of their days.
I think of the Elijah and the dry bones. Today there is an army that needs to be reawakened. Let’s speak to the dead bones, to those who have veered off course, to those who have forgotten their first love, to those who are lukewarm. Let’s be a voice for the Kingdom, a light for His Glory and a witness proclaiming the truth and hope of the only one who can save!
Then he said to me, “Prophesy to the breath; prophesy, son of man, and say to it, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Come, breath, from the four winds and breathe into these slain, that they may live.’” So I prophesied as he commanded me, and breath entered them; they came to life and stood up on their feet—a vast army. (Ez 37:9-10).
These Days of Awe end with Yom Kippur, which is also known as the Day of Atonement. This is considered the holiest day in the Jewish calendar. Typically, it is marked by 24-26 hours of prayer and fasting, with a focus on making amends and seeking forgiveness of one’s sins. It culminates with the necessary blood sacrifice (Today this is not considered necessary in many congregations. Instead, atonement is focused on good works).
…for it is on this day that atonement shall be made for you, to cleanse you; you will be clean from all your sins before the Lord. (Lev 16:30 AMP)
As stated in Leviticus, “it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul” (Lev 17:11).
Yom Kippur was the only fast mandated by Scripture. Those who failed to commit to it were considered “cut off from his people” (Lev 23:30). It was also the only day the high priest was allowed access into the Holy of Holies, behind the curtain, and into the presence of God’s glory. This was the time when the annual sacrifices were made for atonement on behalf of the Jewish people, atonement that would cover the preceding year.
In present day synagogues, not only do the services draw record attendance, but also the synagogue (and people) often are clothed in white to signify purity and cleansing. This is another powerful prophetic picture of what happens when we are “cleansed” by the blood of Jesus and made white as snow (Ps 51:7).
This weekend highlights a prayer event called “The Return”. “The Return is a movement, an appointed time, and a specific day set apart for one purpose – the return to God by coming before His presence in humility, in sincerity in prayer, and repentance.”
When I first read about this event, I was overwhelmed at the detailing of all the dates and times converging for such a time as this. As believers in Christ, I believe these feasts are powerful and point to Jesus. Today, I am heightened in my urgency to pause and consider the prophetic nature of these feasts and how they highlight our need as a Body.
Whether you attend this particular event or not, I believe we, the Church, the ekklesia, His Bride, must step in and intercede; we must repent on behalf of our nation. We cannot divide our political mindset from our prayer life. Even if you don’t pray regularly, I urge you to step in and join one of the many groups (or ask a friend) that are praying and fasting in these remaining days before the election.
“Has a nation ever changed its gods? (Yet they are not gods at all.) But my people have exchanged their glorious God for worthless idols… My people have committed two sins: They have forsaken me, the spring of living water, and have dug their own cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold water.” (Jer 2:11, 13 NIV)
Let’s pray for our Jewish brothers and sisters, especially during this sacred time. Pray that our Messiah would reveal Himself to them. Pray for the multitudes to be ushered into the Kingdom as their eyes are opened! Pray for Israel.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: “May those who love you be secure. May there be peace within your walls and security within your citadels.” For the sake of my family and friends, I will say, “Peace be within you.” For the sake of the house of the Lord our God, I will seek your prosperity. (Ps 122:6-9 NIV)
Please consider fasting for this nation!
We are in a time and season like no other. Let’s press in and pray for His Glory to be made manifest and cascade over this entire nation. Pray that the people would not be hard-hearted as we pray for signs, wonders and miracles pointing to the ONE who is mighty to save!
Author Suni Piper is a prophetic intercessor who blogs at A Surrendered Life. Acknowledgement to Kevin Howard & Marvin Rosenthal who wrote The Feasts of the Lord: This book was invaluable in understanding the historical, cultural and prophetic nature of the Jewish feasts. Photo by Jon Flobrant on Unsplash.
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Thank you for the article. I will be fasting on Yom Kippur along with my Messianic Jewish congregation. The reason the Jews no longer make offerings is because there is no longer a Temple in Jerusalem. Those of us that are believers know why.
Heavenly Father, Your Word says if we ask anything according to Your will You hear us, and we pray now for the peace of Jerusalem, and that many more Jewish people will be able to return to their homeland to bring new strength and energy to their brethren.
I pray Father to bring an end to anti-semitism and help us LORD to be quick to recognize it and speak out against it whenever we see it.
In Jesus Name, Amen.
Back in March of 2020 God alerted me that I should be confessing the sins of America (as Daniel did for Judah), so I made a list and began confessing them to God asking for forgiveness and cleansing. As events progressed, in July I realized He wanted me to be confessing the sins of the Body of Christ, so I made a list. The two lists were too similar. I started fasting through the mornings and have continued that to date and will continue through the election. I was thrilled to read above the encouragement for the Body of Christ to repent, confess our sins and ask God to forgive and cleanse us (I John 1:9). If we judge ourselves and repent before God, He will not have to judge us.
In the Name of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, Your Son, Heavenly Father, I thank You the Holy Spirit stirs in the hearts of Believers the need to examine their hearts, see their sin, and repent “in sackcloth and ashes” because they are so sad they have offended a perfectly righteous God. Father, thank You for Jesus who is the final sacrifice for the sins of all people regardless of race, color, creed. You love everyone, Lord, and desire that all know Jesus as Savior.
Because You are always faithful, thank You for honoring the prayers of all Your people during these tumultuous times. Thank You for delivering us from evil. Thank You that Your will is being done. You are greater than any threat spoken, or acted out by people. Thank You for forgiving our sins. Thank You for the many Believers in Churches across America who are confessing their sins, repenting, and then, rejoice that they are washed clean, forgiven, and renewed daily to serve Your Kingdom and others. Also, that many Christians are repenting at a personal level, daily.
Thank You that the Holy Spirit and Jesus came to dwell within each person who knows Christ as Lord and Savior of their life. Lord, You have promised if we repent, “You will heal our land”.
Glory, praise, honor to Your Name forever and ever. Thank You for all who are fasting and praying across
America, and bless all activity connected to the “Return”. Protect from any danger, or harm all who are
traveling, participating in any way over this time of repentance and revival. May Your glory shine down
on Washington, D.C. on the 28th, and many souls be saved. In Jesus Name. Amen
What a wonderful call to prayer and fasting to our Only Wise God, the one who is able to deliver us in our time of trouble. According to 2 Chronicles if we will do 4 small things, He will do 3 great things!
Lord God, impart in us the urgency of the moment! Please help us to yield our lives for this specific time and focus on You! Use Your Holy Spirit to grant us wisdom and endurance to stand firm and hold fast to Jesus Christ! Help Your body, the Church to humbly obey and seek Your face! Lord, work in our hearts, work in our nation. Grant wisdom and protection over our leaders that follow You and seek Your Righteousness! Please be with all those traveling to DC for the return and prayer walk. May it be filled with Your presence and power. May You be magnified and glorified! May hearts be touched, lives surrendered and transformed by the love of Christ! We pray in Jesus Name
Amen and Amen
Rosh Hashana was a term that I associated with the Jewish faith, but there my knowledge stopped. I didn’t know when it was, what is was…it came and went without my knowledge. This year, it has shown up on my FB feed from several people as well as advertisements. Over and over. I have never felt led to fast before, but during this season I was, and so I am fasting. I have found out that there is to be a “The Return” gathering at my State Capitol Saturday which I am excited to attend. Beside all of these other prayers, I am praying that God will do something big to make Himself known during this time.
Hello Kim,
I would say that I have learned more about Rosh Hashana (Head of the Year) this year than previously. The Jewish calendar year is 5781. Last year was 5780 which referred to the year of the mouth. It is prophetic, because the enemy wants to cover up or silence the voice of the Church especially during this time! So now we have the duty to tell others about Jesus, and pray without ceasing! We also have to be careful what we speak-death and life is in the power of the tongue (Prov 18). As believers, we have Judeo-Christian roots. The Jewish feasts are very signiificant and prophetic. Check out Discovering The Jewish Jesus and Patricia King. May God bless you richly!
Dear Heavenly Father,
Your timing is amazing. Help us to fast and pray during this special season and to know we are in unity with others who are here for such a time as this.
Protect the body of Christ from worry and fear and bring us into bold confidence in our God and his son Jesus thought the Holy Spirit
We owe our gratitude to you for opening the eyes of these intercessors who share with us and bring a mandate of prayer.
Lead on, Oh King Eternal!
Because of Jesus and His blood. Amen
Thank you for writing this.