I Prayed have prayed
Father, You are the only true God! We pray that we would not enable the Jezebel spirit--it's with Your Holy Spirit and power that we can break this stronghold!
Reading Time: 3 minutes

10 Characteristics of the Jezebel Spirit

“But I have a few things against you: You permit that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, to teach and seduce My servants to commit sexual immorality and eat food sacrificed to idols” (Rev. 2:20).

  1. Jezebel’s ultimate goal is always control.
    The Jezebel spirit is always motivated by its own agenda, which it relentlessly pursues.
  2. The Jezebel spirit attacks, dominates or manipulates, especially male authority.
    Queen Jezebel usurped political authority of the kingdom. This spirit’s ultimate goal is to conquer or neutralize the prophet because a discerning leader is its greatest enemy.
  3. Jezebel causes fear, flight and discouragement.
    This spirit often causes a spiritual leader to flee from his appointed place by character assassination and ruining his reputation.
  4. People under Jezebel’s influence are natural leaders, although often covertly.
    The Jezebel spirit attempt to seek out people of influence to win their ear, gain credibility and win endorsement for their toxic cause.
  5. People under Jezebel’s influence are often insecure and wounded, with pronounced egocentric needs.
    They are often trying to fill a love deficit. People under Jezebel’s control always have deep, unhealed wounds from sources such as rejection, resistance, fear, insecurity, self-preservation and bitterness, which in turn, spreads its defilement to many.
  6. The Jezebel spirit functions subtlety and deceptively.
    People controlled by Jezebel use flattery to win you over to their domination. Jezebel spirits are masters of manipulation by guilt and undermining or discrediting another’s influence. Those under Jezebel’s control use flirtation and are extremely jealous of anyone they perceive to be a threat.
  7. Ultimately, people under Jezebel’s influence are proud, independent and rebellious.
    Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft (1 Sam. 15:23) and will attempt to control others through any means other than the Holy Spirit.
  8. It takes an Ahab to let a Jezebel spirit operate unchallenged.
    Those under Jezebel’s influence do not operate without someone under an Ahab spirit’s influence enabling them to function.
  9. A Jezebel spirit is always in alignment with a religious spirit.
    Both Jezebel in the Old Testament and Revelation in the New Testament operated under the cover of religion. Its religious deeds are done for all to see. True and pure spiritual gifts attract people to Jesus, not to the people who exercise the gifts.
  10. The families of people under Jezebel’s influence are often out of order.
    Those under Jezebel’s influence control their partners and cause their children to take sides, grow up insecure, disrespect their fathers, feel manipulated and become distrustful toward true authority.

Why Deal With This Spirit?

  • For the kingdom’s sake.
    This spirit destroys God’s true image in the family and defies His loving order in the church. According to Revelation 2:26-28. there is a great prize for winning this war.
  • For the church’s sake.
    When we overthrow the demonic stronghold of Jezebel, we secure lineage and legacy within the body of Christ. As Elijah did, we will be able to call down the rain of revival and breathe life into barren places.
  • For love’s sake.
    Those operating under Jezebel’s snare need to be healed. God loves all people and wants to see every man and woman set free in Jesus’ great name! For love’s sake, God deals redemptively with those under Jezebel’s influence.
  • For the children’s sake.
    The generational curse of Jezebel can be broken when confronted with the truth of God’s Word and the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. Order can be restored, and the Spirit of Elijah can be poured out turning the hearts of the fathers to the children.
  • For our soul’s sake.
    The revelation of the “morning star” is granted to the overcomers. He promises more revelation of Himself!
  • For our health’s sake.
    Tolerating Jezebel can cause sickness; therefore, overcoming its influence will bring the restoration of health and life.
  • For obedience’s sake.
    God loves obedience. Obedience is better in God’s eyes than sacrifice. The church at Thyatira left Jezebel alone. God will richly reward the church in a city that will not tolerate its evil in their midst.

We Must Break the Power of this Stronghold

Praying with Authority in Jesus’ Name

Father, I come to You in the great name of Jesus. I confess and renounce as sin my actions and attitudes of manipulation, domination and controlling other people. I repent for operating in the ways of Jezebel. Forgive me. I receive Your love and obediently submit to You.

I resist the devil and stand against this demonic stronghold in Jesus’ mighty name. By the power of the Holy Spirit, I receive by faith my freedom. By the grace of God, I will honor delegated authority in my life and not displace them. Thank You for a new beginning of purity, humility and holiness based in the truth of God’s Word. You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free!

(From Charisma News, written by James Goll.)

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March 15, 2025

As a man having dealt with the Jezebel spiritā€¦. Now that the physical person is gone, how do I get rid of the Spirit or soul tie she left behind?

February 3, 2025


Thea Reust
February 2, 2025

This is amazingly helpful for me to know how to pray! For a dear family member that has obviously been operating under this spirit for years and doesn’t know it. Though she has admitted to tendency toward pride. She is a believer and comes from a matriarchal culture.

December 16, 2024

The harlot church system is ā€œJezebelā€. (Sodom/Gomorrah/Babylon/Rome/Vatican/England/USA/China, etcā€¦.pretty much the whole world can likely fall under that category now.) Is anyone unscathed from the paganism surrounding us at every turn? If so, where do you live? Iā€™m coming there, lol.

Itā€™s the same story over and over in scriptures.

Follow Yahweh, stray from Yahweh, get punished by Yahweh and then hopefully repent and never do it again but the scriptures are the same story on repeat. Short term memory loss or what? They never stop straying. History is full of this cyclical behavior, will we ever learn?ā€œEcclesiastes talks about how thereā€™s ā€œNothing New Under The Sun!ā€

They (the Jezebel/Harlot Churches, ALL OF THEM) are leading everyone astray on false idol worship (think Catholic Icons/Idols, Christmas/Halloween/Holidays (worldly/pagan traditions) not following or keeping Yahwehā€™s Sabbaths or Festivals dedicated to HIM instead of our own fleshy and worldly desires. False doctrine sprinkled with just enough truth to deceive.

99.9% (see what I did there?!) of the population has fallen under an evil ā€œspellā€.

Iā€™ve just come out from mine about two years ago. I feel like Iā€™ve been in a coma my whole life. Iā€™ve had to relearn everything, retrain my brain. Iā€™ve been reprogramming my thinking by prayer, scriptures and non stop research for THE TRUTH wherever that leads (not MY truth).

When you start using HIS sacred name YHWH (Yahweh) and HIS sons name (that came in HIS name, our Fatherā€™s name) Yahu Yahweh (earthly name Yahushua) the VAIL over your eyes will lift. You can see clearly for the first time. Keeping the 10 Commandments including the Sabbath (which is on Saturday not Sun-day) is crucial to your salvation. Calling on Jesusā€™ name will do nothing but bring demons on your house. This is one of the many lies WE have been brainwashed to believe.

ā€œThen I heard another voice from heaven say: ā€œā€™Come out of her, my people,ā€™ so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues;ā€ Revalations 18:4. I pray this message finds you well. If it doesnā€™t, I will pray for you that you can receive it with thanksgiving. Amein brothers and sisters in YHWH.

    December 24, 2024

    I agreed with some of what you said but not the part about the name of Jesus. Many years ago, as a babe in Christ I was seduced by a cult into believing a lie about Jesus… but the Holy Spirit was grieved and because I was a babe I immediately felt God’s absence and quickly prayed and asked God where have you gone? I had believed a lie and stopped praying through Jesus name. However, the truth is that we as God’s created beings are so very dependant on God for everything and have absolutely no authority or ability to connect with God on our own ever except through Jesus. In Matthew 28 Jesus gave his followers authority but it is like the authority a policeman recieves, not his own but borrowed on trust from the authorities he represents. We need Jesus every day to be our Lord and Saviour, there is no other name under heaven by which we might be saved. I heard the Lord reprimand me directly when I obeyed the leading of the cult to pray directly to “Jehovah.” Every lie has truth in it and then a twist. We cant do that.. Jesus said to my heart” You may deny me but I will not deny myself” in Scripture it says that if we deny him he will also deny us before the Father..no one wants that to happen. Stay on the road to salvation by hearing and obeying God’s Word not what a man tells you. Put not your trust in princes the Psalms tells us in Psalm 118.. men are only that flesh and blood, made in God’s image but still sinful because of the “fall when Adam and Eve rebelled by listening to and believing the Devil’s lie about God. However, if we will put our full weight on what God says we will find he is faithful to lead us into all truth but we must test everything we hear and if it does not line up with God’s Word eject it. God’s Word is living and powerful and cuts between the flesh and spirit and discerns the thoughts and intents of the heart. Please pray about this and don’t let an angel of light ( satan masquarades in this fashion and seeks to seduce believers away from the path of holiness. just as he first seduced Eve and then use you to lead anyone else into believing his subtle lies as he did in the Garden of Eden. As Christ followers we must be careful to be both hearers and doers of God’s Word.
    Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:Ā 
    That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;Ā 
    And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.Ā  Phillipians 2:9-11

November 24, 2024

I have 2 Daughters-in-law who clearly have this spirit, affecting all our families. One has died but the effect still reigns over her children. Thank you for this direction in intercession! Will someone join me in binding this spirit in both families?

    December 24, 2024

    Will you join me also as I have known and been affected by this evil in my family also and it is a hideous and potentially harmful thing to encounter..especially when it is a family member who knows the buttons to push.

November 12, 2024

This is excellent! I have personally met two wonderful Christian ladies with the powerful spirit. When I first met them, I had no idea. They were sweet, friendly, kind, and generous ladies. After a period of time, deception, lying and control reared its ugly head. You definitely need to call in a qualified deliverance minister to handle this. Donā€™t try to do this yourself, you will find yourself in the biggest battle of your life. The Bible has lots to say about this.

Michael Williams
November 12, 2024

My wife is not acting or behaving at all like herself! She has surrounded herself with very unsavory characters. She suddenly says she “can do anything with anybody at any time. PERIOD. And I cannot control her!” As a professing Christian women, I suggested a spirit of Jezebelle operating… she recoils and scoffs at the suggestion! She is prideful and arrogant… prayers please! God bless!

    November 12, 2024

    Seek a seasoned deliverance minister. This is not something you can do by yourself. You are up against something must bigger than your wife. (Satan himself). This is a very strong spirit and once attached to someone, it just digs in deeper. Your wife will balk at any suggestion that she has a spirit. This will only drive a wedge in your marriage. Pray without ceasing. Youā€™re gonna need help!

Patricia Hill
August 3, 2024

PS. I meant to say a few of the signs not many.

Patricia Hill
August 3, 2024

I do not have all the signs of having the Jezabel Spirit but reading this I do have many which I never realized until now,
Didnā€™t even know about the Jezebel spirit or what it was. I have said the prayer and pray that God forgives me. I am very sorry Lord and repent for any trouble I may have caused. šŸ™

July 22, 2024

Please pray for my daughter Shana LaFore who is consumed by the spirit of Jezebel.


Cheryl Rickards
April 17, 2024

I bind that controlling, manipulating spirit operating from your husband in the mighty name of Jesus! Whatever I bind on earth is already bound in heaven, in the spirit dimension. Furthermore, Jesus has given me power of attorney to use His name when I pray. Therefore that controlling spirit is bound!
We pray for husband’s salvation in Jesus’ name. If he does not permanently repent, and if the emotional abuse continues, LORD, I pray You loose her from her marital vows.

Be not afraid Sister! The LORD your God is with You. He will not leave you nor forsake you! Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world!
May God bless you and give you peace that passes understanding!

April 17, 2024

I have a Husband who operates in Jezebel Spirit.. Very Manipulating and Controlling. He won’t acknowledge he has this Spirit.. Does NOT believe in Demons.. I’m being so Manipulated by this Demon. How as a Spirit Filled Christian respond to his Manipulations.. I’ve Resisted him.. When I do.. He goes into a RAGE.. This Demon is so Wicked. Who Stirs up Wicked Schemes all the time.. NO PEACE with this Demon.

April 16, 2024

I am here refreshing my understanding of this spirit!
I have fought diligently against it! Our Womb babies are sacrificeā€™ā€™.

March 9, 2024

My daughter is currently operating under the influence of the Jezebel spirit. She is engaged to be married to a man who does everything for her and their child. God showed me this morning that this is the problem that is holding them back and causing continual chaos in the home.

March 9, 2024

My daughter is currently operating under the influence of the Jezebel spirit. She is engaged to be married to a man who does everything for her and their child. God showed me this morning that this is the problem that is holding them back

Allison Judd
March 2, 2024

My Husband Operates in this Spirit. Been Married to it for over 20 yrs. My life is a total Mess now. Spiritually, Mentally, and above all ” Physically. I’m Skin and Bones, I have Multiple Afflictions because of this man. Then to top it off, he is Narrcisstic Psycopath. I’ve been Tormented for yrs. He stole my Identity in Christ, I can’t Sense the H/S .. I’m NUMB NOW. Basket Case. I have so Repented for Marrying this Man. I have paid a HIGH PRICE. I’m Spirit Filled, B/A for 24 Yrs. The Devil puts Snares in my pathway. Those I get Close or Places I’m Involved in REJECT ME. I don’t know what to do. Or how to Sense God again. I Praise, Read my Word.. I think I’ve lost my Salvation. I’ve been Angry for 20ys.. All this man knows is STRIFE and CONTENTION, ARGUEING.. . Please Pray for me. I can’t do this much longer. GB

    August 24, 2024

    Im praying for you. & thank you for your testimony. God is still using you and you are still a child of God. This has helped me. I was going back and forth about whether or not I wanted to contact my husband who is possessed by the Jezebel spirit. Weā€™ve been separated for seven months and havenā€™t spoken in two months. Ive been thinking about him and praying for him and wondering if I should reach out. I prayed to God asking for guidance and a sign and your testimony is a reminder of the pain I went through with him. We were pregnant and I loss my baby, I think due to the stress I was under with him. I gained 50lbs, developed a fibroid, also felt disconnected from God. Got on anxiety meds. Just felt terrible. and you reminded me of that pain. I pray you get free in Jesusā€™ name. If there is no healing happening for you or your husband, this is certainly not what God wants for you. Pray without ceasing and God will lift you up from out of hell. Donā€™t give up. Weā€™re praying for you.

    Kimberly Hughes
    October 28, 2024

    I’m here for you. Your salvation is guaranteed. The moment you accepted Christ as your savior, you’re adopted into His Kingdom.

    LORD, thank you for your kept promises. Forgive us when we put our Will above Yours. Holy Spirit, lead us and guide us. Change us. We give you full permission over our lives. We Cast out the spirit of fear in Jesus name. 2Timothy 2:7. Jeremiah 1:12 says “God is waiting to make good on His word”. We are praying Your scripture back to You Father God. Glorify Your name.

    His Word is His perfect Will. When you pray the Word, you are praying exactly how we are asked to pray.
    Father, give us the year of jubilee as promised in Leviticus 25. They blessings are ours through the blood of Christ. We are the bloodline of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and David. I speak life, abundance, restoration and unity over this family.

    Hold your head up high, sister. Do you know who you are???
    You are the daughter of the one true King, who defeated death. You are chosen – 1 Thessalonians 1:4,
    Victorious and Always loved Romans 8:37 & 39
    Strong – Phil 4:13., You, my Beloved…. YOU are the Head and not the tail. The same greatness and boldest of God lives in you. By the Holy Spirit. Yahweh speak to your daughter. Give her your wisdom and strength for long-suffering. In 1 Thessalonians 3:3. Your word tells us, “This is part of our calling.” The attacks of the enemy are cast out in the name of Jesus. Finish strong in this race. By His grace and Jesus name. Amen.

Sandy strohl
February 24, 2024

Thank you!

October 23, 2023

My youngest son is involved with a woman who has the Jezebel spirit. She is a wicked and manipulative person. She claims to be a Christian, but smokes weed and runs around with other men behind my son’s back. He refuses to see her for what she is. My husband saw something evil manifest in her when she did not get her way. Her eyes turned black and her whole face became ugly. My husband dreamed that we were standing next to my son’s open grave and that she was responsible for putting him there. I pray that God opens my son’s eyes before it is too late.

    Nikki Rodney
    July 19, 2024

    I pray that GOD removes your son from this relationship! Right NOW! GOD do your will for this young man and allow him to be removed without any harm done to him or his life. GOD, we pray right now that he will live and he will do great things with his life.

Denise Perkins-Stigen
September 25, 2023

I was able to teach on this subject in church. When I asked how many had ever heard of the Jezebel Spirit, or been taught or heard a message on it, no on had. I hadn’t either, I was raised in an SBC church, great people, great teaching but NEVER was anything like this brought up, among many other things. I left that denomination because my beliefs are not like theirs and have gone on to becoming an ordained minister. I plan on teaching more not only on this subject but others that are necessary in today’s world. Thank you for the article and the insight.

Robert Wilkinson
September 25, 2023

Iā€™ve felt the wickedness of the jezebel spirit she nearly killed me almost 9 years ago however god saved me from death it self having no memory of what truly happened for seven years I suffered under her terror and wickedness being lead bye her demonic direction until god delivered me from her evil grasp itā€™s been 13 years under her spell of deception it was in the 4th year that I tried to remove my self form her grasp thatā€™s when she tried to end my life but god had other plans Iā€™ve been away from her completely for two years or more only the damage she has done to not only me but my children my hole family has suffered my children are lost and I can not reach them because the lies and deception have completely blocked god out for most of them I know god is real I know him he has done so much in my life only I donā€™t know how to reach my children the churches here treat me if Iā€™m absolutely nuts the courts have ignored my pleas for truth I do not fear for my life at all but the sadness of so many lost being mislead bye government and the Baptist community in this area for many years Iā€™ve begged for help only to be told itā€™s all in my head when all statements against me are lies no family member dare take my side or even listen to the truth at all I canā€™t hold down a job for very long I do not understand how I am cast out from everyone Iā€™ve gone to programs for alcohol and drugs stayed in the sober living environment for over a year where new struggles began I gave it all to god things became clear to me but in there meetings so many would tell me how I would never be cured but I insisted that god had saved me that he had carried me through the storms that had been cast upon me he has kept me from all harm yet not one person will listen to the most powerful story of god in my life instead im surrounded bye so many that can not here the message of god that I have to tell I didnā€™t spend my life living for god but I always new he was with me I grew up all over the place never having a real home but still I new god was real he brought me through what no man could possibly understand the one truth of his amazing grace still no one listens I talk of his love for us all he has spared me for something I yet have come to understand he is with me always but I know little of how to reach out to others but the ones I reach are such a blessing I can meet a thousand people and only one of them might truly know him so Iā€™m always searching for anyone that could help guid me this is a difficult task that I can not fail forever in gods grace surrounded bye those blind to the very wickedness of this world

    November 10, 2024

    Your testimony really resonated with me. I tell my boys that Jesus pulled me out of the pit that I had dug for myself. Two times He saved me from overdosing on heroin. I remember waking up in the hospital and my mom was sitting there next to me crying. What she didnā€™t know is that it wasnā€™t the first time I had to be brought back from the brink of death with Narcan injection. Even after putting my parents through that it still took me years before I finally humbled myself and turned to God for healing.
    I had messed up bad for years and thought I would never gain my families trust back, but by the grace of God I have been able to do just that. All praise be to God through His Son, our lord, Jesus Christ.!

May 2, 2023

thank you so much for opening my eyes to this spirit it makes understanding my life so much easier

Brad Newport
April 10, 2023

Essentially, in modern words:
1. Jezebel = Female Feminist
2. Ahab = Male Feminist

barry towers
December 17, 2022

i prayed for my ex partner , to overcome the spirit off jezabell her name jenny gurton

December 9, 2022

What do you do if a teenager who is not yours, but are raising is a narcissist or as said, under the jezebel spirit? He fits all 10 characteristics, and it becomes very scary when looking into his dark black eyes. We go to church, and we are heavy in prayer. The only way we get through living with him is trusting that God will protect us. However, living with him is a struggle every day.

Dann Purvis
November 17, 2022

I agree with all that you say and it has been my experience the devil attacks the hardest the Men of God. I truly believe through personal experience that the vast majority of churches today are under the ahab/jezebel attack or dominion and all of them do not know it. Most of that is because delegated authority is fallen prey to this abomination. And it isn’t just the Joyce Myers type of false prophets/teachers but the ones we least suspect because of the insidious and deceptive dimming of our own spiritual vision that the culture of the last 70+ years has been poured out upon all of us. The spirit of passivity is one of the this demonic kingdoms top generals. In short, Men are largely the ones most responsible for not confronting this evil when it attacks. Men will be attacked that do stand against it by those you expect but sadly those you least expect. Get our house in order, confront evil and stop counting on our women to fight this fight. When women fight this fight we just handed the devil the keys. It is our responsibility. We must carry the truth with the Spirit of God, not just the truth.

Toxic Free TV on Youtube
October 23, 2022

Thank you so much for such a wonderful article! I am so appreciate of the good news of “The Morning Star”. A wonderfully written and educational article I am very appreciative to have had the honor of reading it šŸ™‚

Anita Cone
August 27, 2022

What is the significance of the Black widow spider… I have heard that this represents Jezebels children. We are coming into the Fall season and Halloween and of course, witch craft.
I am a concerned mother and grandmother. Thanks!

Miriam Tapari
August 12, 2022

i need prayer to understand why I feel that I am against this person all day like we fight spiritually all day . Please help me understand Blessings to you all .Shalom

Susan Hinson
June 25, 2022

Sadly, a man I know died this month as a result of this spirit. He was warned about marrying his wife, but did anyway. She actually told me a year ago that they had been “ministered to” about this spirit, but were obviously still operating in that spirit. They are a classic example of the operation of a Jezebel spirit. He lost his ministry as a result and then his life this month. One of their children has had mental problems as well. Perhaps there needs to be more training regarding maintaining a deliverance. This man leaves behind 4 children without a father now and a mother fully operating in the Jezebel spirit.

    July 6, 2022

    So blessed with this statement of Jezebel
    Powerful message indeed

    July 15, 2022

    I have to sadly admit that this was the case with (our) mother, as well as a woman who (was) once a part of our family life years ago.

    Dann Purvis
    November 17, 2022

    My wife and I have wittnessed the same. This spirit complex is very very powerful without standing on the word of and intent of God’s message. Sorry to hear this. Thanks for posting.

Sean Verch
June 18, 2022

Not amen that’s a pagan God name amein and the fathers name is Yahuwah FollowersofYah.com Considerthis.net Worldslastchance.com

Sean Verch
June 18, 2022

His name is and always was Yahuwshuwa not Jesuit Jesus that’s an impossible name no j in Hebrew nor Greek or in North America in to about 500 years ago

*Johnnie Johnson
June 10, 2022

We or experience this spirit in the church I pastor the jezebel spirit help me in Jesus name to cast it out and the Holy Spirit have it way

May 5, 2022

I experienced an attack in my home. After that, I have been experiencing strange events.
I need to speak with someone in safety. for support. I am a believer and always with God and the Light.

Thank you for responding to this email and confirming that this mean of conversation is safe.

Betty T
April 22, 2022

Cast the sirit out in Jesus name. If you are a Christian you have this authority. Or have your pastor do this.

March 21, 2022

Thanks,My marriage is experiencing this evil spirit. She has my husband but she will not stop hounding me.The evilness that this spirit shows is demonic. She shows up at my home,work and when I am out and about.She is negative .My point is how does one get rid of this spirit.

March 13, 2022

A person easily dominated or manipulated. Usually broken, rejected, wounded.

February 12, 2021

Awesome, this helped me, I am asking the Holy Spirit to continue and do the work in me…
praise God. Thank you.

February 12, 2021

Awesome, this helped me, I am asking the Holy Spirit to continue and do the work in me, to set me free.
praise God. Thank you.

December 11, 2020

This looks like excellent and timely teaching. I witness as an exorcist in this ministry for about 10 years.

September 4, 2020

thank you

August 21, 2020

I just read a puff piece on the Jezabel story. It talks about her has a foreigner just trying to do what she thinks is best, and is a strong willed warrior unafraid of the strict stuffy Israelites. It talked about her growing up serving Baal and dancing at the temple festivals. What they left out is Baal worship consisted of melting screaming children alive in the arms of a huge bull/man statue with a bon fire raging. You do that then take the ashes and put it into the foundation of your house. This way you will be granted with blessings to come for your family to come. This is actually just like modern abortion. Kill your first born so you can work at a cubicle for another 3 years to save up a bit more money and be in better financial shape for your family to come. We certainly are in the age of Jezabel and her Spirit. No wonder there is so much talk about the Spirit of Elijah in the end times. His mission is to bring down Baal and Jezabel. Just as today we are to bring down Abortion and this feminized anti paternal logos natural order of things that God had designed. The man leads under God his family. The problem is so many men are consumed with porn and the women loose confidence and start to lead from their natural emotional default position. Its not any one persons fault, we all have to take responsibility and consent no longer to the upside down.
Blessings in Jesus,

    October 1, 2020

    Godly truth to my ears at a time when the prison of two bad ideas is raising it’s ugly head again. Thanks and God bless!

      October 1, 2020

      Thatā€™s great to hear, thanks for the encouragement, I know what you mean. You may enjoy some of my work on YT under NarrowTruth Blessings in Jesus

    Dann Purvis
    November 17, 2022

    You are absolutely correct with the fact that women will step up to the plate if men don’t-truth. I would disagree, in love, that it is no body’s fault. Maybe I misunderstood, if so please explain and forgive me. I am totally convinced, partially because of the truth you so accurately explained about the women’s “default position”, that it is entirely a man’s position of responsibility. No one else. I speak with experience. I was ignorantly nose deep into the spirit ahab/jezebel complex in our home and was drawn to a very very deceptivily hidden church (cult) that was centered around that complex. The articles #8 point is profoundly true. You can’t have a jezebel with out first an ahab. God put us into this cult to save our marriage and more importantly our souls. God got us through the most painful baptisms of fire my wife and I have ever experienced and after 5 Ā½ years of soul vexation OUR LORD AND SAVIOR ONCE AGAIN DELIVERED US. He can use evil to teach his children. I love Jesus Christ now more than ever before because of that very very painful experience. My wife is a strong Christian woman. She has many gifts and loves the Lord but IF I DO NOT follow the Word and stand against the continual attacks of this spirit complex she would suffer. That – I will not let stand nor should I. And to all my brothers coming out of the confusion/pain/anguish of this complex prepare and arm yourself for new and heightened attacks. This complex and all it’s demons will target you and your wife usually to cause division first between you and your wife. It can get brutal but “for God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind”. Also, “many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivereth “HIM” (my emphasis) out of them all. God bless and take it to the evil one brothers for the victory is the Lord’s.

April 23, 2020

Thank you for the information. I find it funny that some of the comments are people lightly fighting because they see it a bit different from each other. The way I see it; if someone has a different opinion then you; who cares. No one agrees with everyone 100% of the time. Lightly fighting lol as long as we get right with Jesus; it’s all good man

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Sharon Nolasy
August 9, 2019

The spirit of jezebel is arrogant evil. Drunk on the blood of innocents, it entices with high minded ideas and flattery and then turns those same ideals on their head so they can be used to intimidate and destroy. This is done with a flair of self-righteousness and a false religious spirit. Violent intimidation along with in-group out-group dynamics entices many to stay in “her” good graces until it is too late.

August 8, 2019

There is no spirit of Jezebel. What there is is a real woman who lived and died. Her spirit went to await judgment. It does not roam the earth in the form of a demon.

    August 11, 2019

    That’s not what’s being said. What’s being said is that there is a category of demonic influence that, like what was operating through the person of Jezebel, operates in manipulation, domination, and control. It’s not a human spirit roaming the earth post-mortem. “Jezebel” is just a catch-all term, as is use of the name “Ahab” when referring to a weak-willed person who easily submits to manipulation, domination, and control. One thing that needs to be cleared up in this teaching is that the stronghold of a “Jezebel” spirit is not partial to human females. That belief causes us to overlook where an ungodly, autocratic leadership approach is affecting a congregation or organization.

    December 11, 2020

    John Ramirez, ex-Satanist and “son of Satan”, says clearly that “Jezebel” is a name indicating a high-level Satanic principality. Not a human person, though named after a human person that was its pawn. Do not water the reality of the Satanic and its principalities. Very dangerous.

August 7, 2019

The only source one should use is the Bible. Strategies on the Jezebel Spirit or as many characteristics you can name are not infallible or the Inspired word of God. Please re read that whole Chapter of 1 Peter 5 use a well known Commentary if you able to. That Chapter refers to being born again and avoiding temptation.

Judy McDonough
August 7, 2019

Thank you for all of these thoughtful comments. It may be helpful for you to read and meditate on Revelation 2:18-29. This passage clearly describes Jezebel in the Church. Here it is from the ESV translation:
18 ā€œAnd to the angel of the church in Thyatira write: ā€˜The words of the Son of God, who has eyes like a flame of fire, and whose feet are like burnished bronze.

19 ā€œā€˜I know your works, your love and faith and service and patient endurance, and that your latter works exceed the first. 20 But I have this against you, that you tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess and is teaching and seducing my servants to practice sexual immorality and to eat food sacrificed to idols. 21 I gave her time to repent, but she refuses to repent of her sexual immorality. 22 Behold, I will throw her onto a sickbed, and those who commit adultery with her I will throw into great tribulation, unless they repent of her works, 23 and I will strike her children dead. And all the churches will know that I am he who searches mind and heart, and I will give to each of you according to your works. 24 But to the rest of you in Thyatira, who do not hold this teaching, who have not learned what some call the deep things of Satan, to you I say, I do not lay on you any other burden. 25 Only hold fast what you have until I come. 26 The one who conquers and who keeps my works until the end, to him I will give authority over the nations, 27 and he will rule[c] them with a rod of iron, as when earthen pots are broken in pieces, even as I myself have received authority from my Father. 28 And I will give him the morning star. 29 He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.ā€™

    August 7, 2019

    Hi Judy,
    The purpose of our comments was to point out that the majority of believers today donā€™t know the word and are taking scripture out of context. My Commentary expands on the woman Jezebel as a figurative person, in Rev 2; namely it is referring to Spiritual Idolatry in the Churches today. Just look at how we have deviated, like Leviticus points out our Priesthood is even defiled with corrupt practices. Sensuality, Immorality and Idolatory. You cannot twist scripture to support your argument; you have to summarize the Chapter and keep to its context Hence chapters 2&3 of Revelations is a Progressive Revelation of which I am certain that the Apostasy that abounds in the American Churches, refers to us today. ā€œ If the Jezebel of Revelation 2:20 is not a real person, she may represent the spiritual idolatry practiced by Church members influenced by the worldly customs of Thyatira. Whatever the case, the intent of Christā€™s message is that she is not to be tolerated. He tells the church, ā€œI will kill her children with deathā€ (Revelation 2:23). This Jezebel meets a violent end like the Old Testament Jezebel, a lesson for the Christian not to allow her seductive influence in the Church.ā€ Easier said than done when so many so called ā€œExperts ā€œ, are drawing us away from His Holy Word by their experiential knowledge of spirits and the occult.I conclude by saying become a Berean stop following mans books, opinions and devotions on Spiritual Warfare and read what the Inerrant Word of God says about resisting the Devil. Sadly I personally believe those who advocate Deliverance Techniques and anything extra or additional like teaching about Generational Curses, binding Satan, praying a hedge of protection, etc are adding to the Gospel it is not of God. When someone is born Again they are in Christ and no person or Demon or Spirit or circumstance can remove them from His omnipotent right hand. We are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus.Best Wishes Stirling

Mary Jo
August 7, 2019

Please will someone explain what the Ahab spirit is. The article states Jezebel cannot operate without an Ahabd spirit to influence or rule over it. How would we recognize this Ahab one? Thank you. Mary

    August 7, 2019

    In other words, help me understand 8. In the article please. Will the Holy Spirit show me.

Lauren Harper
August 6, 2019

I was married to a minister and he was ruthless. I was terrified to stand up to him for 21 years. I finally did and he told our 4 teens viscious lies about me. The oldest three didnā€™t believe them because they lived through his manipulations and abuses. But he managed to turn the youngest (15) against me and she didnā€™t talk to me for 3 years- not till her sister (our second) committed suicide.
Of course I blame myself for not standing up to him. Maybe I could have saved my child. But if I had left him earlier, then he would have had 50/50 custody and he would have caused way more damage to the children. Sometimes I wish I had waited till they were all out of the house. But I donā€™t think I could have stood to wait. He was so abusive and made life absolutely miserable. Another family always tells me that he almost destroyed them too.

And of course he is still a minister. And yes all of the ā€œeldersā€ and board members know how he destroyed our family and that our daughter killed herself. But since he raises so much money and he lied about everything, the board members covered it all up and now I hear he is just as popular as ever as a minister.

    susan millinor
    August 7, 2019

    Leslie Vernick has a ministry for abused women if you hadn’t already check out her website.

    Cynthia McCaskill
    February 22, 2021

    Sounds like you were married to a true Narcissist!!! Deceptively wicked!!! So sorry for you; your children and especially the daughter who committed suicide

August 6, 2019

Dear IFA, do you have any resources to pray and bring down the Jezebel spirit? Having read we have a major Jezebel stronghold over America, it’s been said not to take on this higher principality alone.

Thank you.

    Red pilled MGTOW
    September 10, 2020

    The Red Pill is fighting the Jezebel spirit. Red Pill is all the knowledge men have acquired on women throughout the years. As more men become Red Pill Aware, the Ahab Spirit will die, and thus, so will the Jezebel Spirit. The church has failed modern man by not warning that feminism is the ideological personification of the Jezebel Spirit and that it should be rejected at all costs.

Felicia Penner
August 6, 2019

Hello Sterling,
i understand your confusion. a scripture came to mind, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path”. The Lord will show you your work for His kingdom and give you understanding where it is needed. No worries. In Christ.

Caroline Hohenrath
August 6, 2019

The Elijah List posted a very good article by James Goll on the Jezebel spirit a few months ago. We need our armor on all the time.

Lucy C.
August 6, 2019

Thank you for this article, many years ago I once worked with someone who had a Jezebel spirit (she was a Pastor’s wife). I confronted her about it and she was soooo very mean to me from that point on, she gave me the “silent treatment” at work, & tried to turn our boss against me (it didn’t work). I left the department because of the stress that she created. It was amazing to read this and have what you said confirm what The Lord showed me about my work situation all those years ago. I used to pray & pray for her, she was asked to leave a few years after I left & her family suffered a tremendous tragedy. It was very sad and horrific, I think about her sometimes and I honestly hope that she’s walking in obedience to The Lord Jesus Christ. ā™„

Mark Kaplan
August 6, 2019

Unfortunately, my brother has fallen to a woman who has a Jezebel spirit. And in turn he has adopted an Ahab spirit destroying anyone who calls out his corruption. I can only hope God intervenes before it’s too late because now my family and I are estranged from him because of his wife.

    Gayle Higdon
    August 6, 2019

    Mark, I will tell you there is hope. Hope in Jesus. If your brother is a Believer, God promises us from Phil. 1:6 days, ā€œI will complete the work I began in you (brother) until the day of redemption.ā€ It will be a work
    Jesus does in your brother, and Jesus is faithful to His Word. He is not a liar that He should lie. All His promises are ā€œYes and Amenā€.
    Satan wants you to think there is no hope and why pray. Well, I am here to tell you, my son came out of a 20 year marriage with his wife having a Jezebel Spirit. So there is hope. Continue praying for your brother, and remember God is BIGGER than this Jezebel and Ahab spirit. Declare and decree your brother will see the truth about his wife and himself, and repent. In Jesus Name.

Dorothy Ter Horst
August 6, 2019

Lord, please confuse the strategy of the demonic realm fueling the Jezebel spirit. Make one lie prove another wrong until they kill each other and fall to the ground, in Jesus Name, Amen.

Johnny R Rodriguez
August 6, 2019

Very excellent article.

We all need to know more about The Spirit of Jezebel that is ruining many our lives many churches and many families.
We as christians must all unite together as one and pray that The Spirit of Jezebel be bind in Jesus Holy Name.
Thank you and God bless.

    Brother in Christ
    September 23, 2020

    With all respect, I disagree. If you have received the Holy Spirit and walk in Jesus’ footsteps your heart will not linger to know more of satan but of God instead. That is why Jesus sent us the Holy Spirit. Our worldly spirit is barely able to control our fleshly bodies let alone evil spirits.

Belinda Whiddon
August 6, 2019

Thank God you are bringing this to the light.My prayer group is teaching about this very thing , so as warriors we have our spiritual eyes and ears in readiness to pray effectively . Amen

August 6, 2019

When I read my Bible. I understand that Jesus by His ultimate Sacrifice on the Cross, His Death, Suffering and Resurrection. Defeated Satan, Sin and Death. Why are we focusing on Spirits and what Satan does?We should have our eyes on Jesus, things above not below. This is another Gospel you writing about!

    Missionary/Evangelist Queen E. Williams
    August 6, 2019

    We must be mindful and discerning of these Evel Spirits! We live in a Spirit World and au fortunately the “Church” has fallen asleep and allowed such spirits to reach Havoc in the House of God (Pastors are Guilty) the Demonic power is stronger and more damaging to the people! We must exposed these evil controlling Spirits, so we can deal with them, by rebuking and casting them out! The Pastor’s and The “CHURCHES” Has fail to see, that HaSatan had poured out His Demonic spirits also and we must, tear down these strongholds and principalities! Wake up before it’s too late. Don’t be like the 5 Virgins that ran out of their oil (lost their anointing)…

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      Evangelist Valerie Daniel-Peacock
      August 6, 2019

      Amen Thank you for enlighten us of the Spirit, and reminding us to repent of it .

      August 6, 2019

      Hi, thank you for your response. Your response is not Biblical and smacks of experiential occultism and not from the Word. If Jesus said it id Finished, we are blasphemous in telling Him we have to educate the Church of Demons and Spirits. What we saying is His Sacrifice to the Lord our God for us was not sufficient. We are adding to His Gospel. Remember it is His Gospel and not ours.

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    August 6, 2019

    The church needs to recognize the strategies and deception of the enemy otherwise we will be deceived. At the cross Jesus defeated the enemy and gave all that would believe and follow him authority over him. He is under our feet but we are still told to put on our armor and be watchful.

      August 6, 2019

      Hi Pat, no where in the Bible are we told to learn about Spirits or Satanā€™s Strategies. James 4:7 we are to submit therefore to God, resists the Devil and he will flee from you. The biggest deception is that we as Christians are listening to so called Experts in Spiritual Prayer and Warfare,who have no understanding of the Bible. The Word of God is our Sword and it should be our first and only resource. So many people now call themselves experts because they have experiential knowledge of the occult. Our job as believers is to preach the Word of God and resist the Devil. This command is given 3 x times in the New Testament. 1Peter 5:9, James 4:7 and Ephesians 6:13 Resist in the Greek means to stand against or oppose. You can rebuke and bind Satan all you want it will be to no effect. We are sheep and we have a Shepherd who leads and guides us with His rod and staff and He fights our battles. The battle is the Lords. Ex 14:14 He goes before us to fight our battles. Any believer can deliver another person from Demons by leading him to the Lord Jesus Christ. The Scriptures do not require a second step of deliverance for a ā€œ Believerā€ that he may be free from Demonic Powers. Christ sweeps the house clean at the moment of Salvation and the Holy Spirit fills it. Best wishes Stirling

        August 7, 2019

        I respectfully beg to differ. The church in the West is being deceived daily because it is not awake and aware to the lies and deception of the enemy. Scripture says…ā€œBe alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.ā€
        ā€­ā€­1 Peterā€¬ ā€­5:8ā€¬ ā€­NIVā€¬ā€¬. It is time to wake up.

          August 9, 2019

          I agree with Stirling. The minute we are born again God’s Spirit dwells in us. To entertain these strategies can be dangerous. God’s word spoken and us resisting (fleeing the devil) is all we need. God’s people need to be in the word using commentaries that help seal our hearts with His power and conviction. Satan should be an afterthought with no high regard.

    August 6, 2019

    My closest encounters with Jezebel have been within the church! This is a malicious and subtle spirit that will sneak up on ministries and destroy them if not identified and addressed. We need to know how it works so that we can protect ourselves, ministries, and families. We are called to use both a shield AND a sword. What good is a sword if you don’t know who you are fighting against and what their tactics are?

      Robert W Knapp
      August 7, 2019

      That is why each and every day you must clothe yourselves with the armor of God. We cannot walk alone.

Alan K. Veasey
August 5, 2019

Excellent article. Thanks be to God for the clarity.

Teresa Farrell
August 5, 2019

Fabulous article God Bless AMEN HALLELUJAH


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