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Father, we pray that You would allow this bill to pass. Prevent our money from going to the ungodly schemes of the WEF, Lord.
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Republican representatives introduced a bill to keep taxpayer money away from the World Economic Forum. Let’s pray for this bill’s success.

From The National Pulse. House Republicans have introduced a bill to block any taxpayer funds from potentially supporting the activities of the World Economic Forum – the corporate dominated non-governmental organization promoting global governance and centralized, undemocratic authority.

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Sponsored by Representative Scott Perry, Representative Tom Tiffany, and Representative Lauren Boebert, the legislation follows controversy over the group’s exploitation of COVID-19 to advance its corporate-leftist social agenda….

The “Defund Davos Act” would ensure that U.S. taxpayer funds don’t support the WEF’s ambitions…

“No funds available to the Department of State, the United States Agency for International Development, or any other department or agency may be used to provide funding for the World Economic Forum,” reads the bill, H.R. 8748.

The bill has since been referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs.

The WEF is able to push its progressive social agenda through deep partnerships and personnel overlap with the world’s leading corporations. In addition to relying on the private sector to implement WEF-sanctioned policies including social credit score and digital banking, government officials are also crucial to the group’s mission….

Is this the kind of legislative action you support? Share your prayers for these congressmen and women below.

(Excerpt from The National Pulse. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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Peg Buscher
August 31, 2022

Heavenly Father, I thank you for the courage and steadfastness of these congress representatives to stand against the false leadership of the WEF. Just as Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego replied to the king Nebuchadnezzar “we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.” Neither will we the citizens of the United States of America worship these false gods of WEF nor worship the gold image they have set up. Continue to give wise counsel and insight to Your servants in our Congress and bless them. We pray that You LORD will be exalted and praised. In Jesus mighty name, amen.

Tammie McKenzie
August 31, 2022

We should not fund the global government. Why would we pay for our destruction. Glad some of congress are paying attention. I pray more eyes are opened.

Darlene Estlow
August 31, 2022

I pray it passes!

David Kelley
August 30, 2022

ABBA Father, Lord YESHUA HaMeshiach;
I thank you for Your instruction, prophecy, mercies and grace in this moment of extreme and dire testing of all who believe on You! I earnestly pray that You would allow, You’d stop the proliferation of all WEF materials, support, agendas, ideologies, programs within this nation which you’ve created as a respite from those who do not seek You, Your will.
Please Lord let us stave off the coming world leader, the spirit of AntiChrist, and be recommitted to Your Annointed, Your Word, Your coming Kingdom, in Spirit and in Your Truth, in the powerful name of YESHUA! Amen

David Kelley
August 30, 2022

I can’t possibly convey strongly enough, how important this is!
Every American who values our shared heritage, our freedoms, the life we have (had), which so many have died protecting, needs to be unified against the WEF and any funding or capitulation to the WEF. It bears repeating that the WEF is the seat of all AntiChrist doctrine occurring globally! The WEF is responsible for food scarcity, food shortages, for intensifying drought conditions, for mask mandates, for COVID Lockdown and mandates, for Climate Crisis agendas, for CRT agendas, for transgender and trans human agendas, for virtually all the anti American policies espoused by the Biden administration and Liberal politicians, agencies, ANTIFA, etc. If you truly are concerned about the future of America, then this is but one step towards fighting the ongoing, multi pronged onset of the totalitarian system destroying our faith, families, churches, lives, identity and nation. I plead with anyone who sees this post to please sign this petition and do whatever you can to stop the WEF and it’s agenda! Prayerfully!

    Jane Fain
    September 1, 2022

    AMEN, David, we as intercessors(the group I pray with) have been praying for the WEF to break up and JUST go away. Leave the world alone. Loose ALL their money. Praying for their salvation, as they believe they are a god who deserves to control ALL of humanity. Wow! What arrogance!
    Prayer was lifted up for the DAVOS meeting! Thank God. That one didn’t go well. Over one hundred countries boycotting because of the COVID regulations/restrictions!?!
    Lord send the Anti-Christ spirit and all his minions BACK to the pit where they belong. It’s not their time yet! Amen.

Ellen Hoffman
August 30, 2022

A thousand times, yes!

Barbara Bush
August 30, 2022

This single item bill is what is needed for all bills so the public can readily identify what is being proposed.
The content of this bill is excellent. WEF is transhumanism and eugenics which is all about committing mass murder to shrink the population and continue poisoning it with chemicals to increase the wealth of those who self-appoint as elitists who think they should live at the expense of other human life. These oligarchs do not seem to be accountable to any one and they do not believe in the God of The Bible.

Judith I. Powell
August 30, 2022

I am a monthly donor now. Plan to increase amount after 1st of the year. I so appreciate the faithfulness of this ministry. You are truly a blessing for me, my family, my fellow intercessors & prayer groups.

    IFA Staff
    August 30, 2022

    Thank you so much for your support and for your encouraging words. We are so grateful that you are a part of the IFA family. YOU are a blessing to us.
    In Christ,
    IFA Staff

Betty Spencer
August 30, 2022

Thanks for your hard work. Absolutely, defund these globalists for the sake of all humanity.

Lloyd King
August 30, 2022

Father God, America has become a nation where wisdom is suddenly lacking, I pray that the wisdom of Representatives Scott Perry, Tom Tiffany, and Lauren Boebert, will be seen for what it is, a common sense bill that should be received and acted on wisely by both Republican and Democract parties. Please grant the much needed wisdom to all those who have a role to play in this decision. In Jesus’s name, amen.


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