I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray that You would put a stop to this maddening trans ideology. Keep predatory men out of women's bathrooms and away from children, Lord.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

After calling out a trans “woman” who seemed to be watching girls in a locker room, Julie Jaman was banned from her local pool.

From Fox News. An 80-year-old Washington state woman was permanently banned from her local YMCA pool after demanding that a transgender employee leave the women’s locker room, she told local media.

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“I saw a man in a woman’s bathing suit watching maybe four or five little girls pulling down their suits in order to use the toilet,” Port Townsend resident Julie Jaman recalled of the July incident to Seattle radio show host Dori Monson on Friday. “…I told that man to ‘get out right now….’”

Jaman said that she was alerted to the trans employee being in the women’s locker room while she was showering and “heard a man’s voice.”

She told Monson that she alerted a pool staffer to the incident and was stunned when the staff member told her she was “being discriminatory,” and “was banned from the pool forever.” The staffer also allegedly said the police would be called, according to Jaman’s radio interview.

“She didn’t ask me what the problem was, if I was okay, nothing about me,” Jaman told Monson. “It’s as if she was just waiting to pounce on me. It was just stunning….”

Jaman told Monson that she was suspended from the facility despite having “a great relationship with swimmers in the pool.”

Jaman told local media that she had been a member of the pool facility for 35 years and has lived in Port Townsend for about 40 years. She has voted for Democrats during her life, she told the local outlet, and considers herself an “XX woman,” referring to her chromosomes.

She added to the Port Townsend Free Press that she recoiled at being naked and showering in a room with a person born male. She added that the “momma bear in me” came out when she saw the individual near the young girls in the bathroom….

Jaman has since held a protest outside the pool facility and was joined by supporters, the Port Townsend Free Press reported. Trans activists also ran a counter-protest.

What do you this of this situation? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from Fox News. Photo Credit: Canva)

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August 10, 2022

Get the laws changed. Don’t vote for something you can’t live with just because of your party. Pray and speak out. Throw your net on the side of righteousness and see it filled. Believe God and not be double minded.

August 10, 2022

The Lord tells us in 2 Corinthian 4:4 The God of this age has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel or the glory of Christ. We pray that our God unbinds the minds of the unbelievers so they may see His Glory. We pray for strength as we fight for the protection of our children’s innocence. We pray for Ms Jaman’s protection and ask that you give her peace. We will keep our eyes on you, Oh Lord and trust in you always. Amen

    Sandy Garner
    August 10, 2022

    It’s not the transgender that we are complaining about ,where are the adult’s and other older people they’re fool’s for not protecting our children, if this is what the y permits shameon you, the transgender can be what they want but we should be able to say what we want , this is violating our children what is wrong with you people and parent’s

F Miller
August 10, 2022

Please save America from Bolshevik takeover.
Health and safety
End heat
Move out of

Nancy Bryda
August 10, 2022

I bind the perversion of God’s sexuality and loose the mama bear and papa bear anointing across the world for parents to protect their children from sexual predators. Animals have this protection in their DNA which is from God and so do we as his creation in His image. I loose the truth about sexuality across the world. There is a biblical sexuality movement rising up across the world that will change this perverted culture. Our creator created sex with boundaries and those boundaries are for our protection.

August 10, 2022

She should find out the names of the little girls and let their fathers know what she saw! I guarantee that man will never again spy on little girls when the dads get through with him! Am I advocating violence? No! Just parental protection of children! FATHER GOD please protect women and children every where from this demonic stupidity that is allowing pedophiles/trans access to our children! We decree a stop to this demonic manipulation in JESUS NAME! Amen!

Maria M Fillyaw
August 10, 2022

Dear Lord we pray Open the Eyes of those that are so blind that cannot see evil. Reveal it to them Lord in Jesus name. And we pray for the protection of the innocent in Jesus name amen


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