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Father, we thank you for Buffer Insurance and its president, Sean Turner. We pray in agreement with Turner, God, that more companies would be willing to support parents who choose life over parents who choose abortion.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

As more and more companies are offering to pay for employees’ abortions, one company is taking a stand for life. This is an answered prayer!

From CBN News. A Texas-based insurance company is responding to the reversal of Roe v. Wade by supporting its employees with adoption expenses and medical costs associated with giving birth.

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Buffer Insurance announced last week that it was taking a different approach than some companies that have pledged to pay employees’ travel costs for abortions.

Buffer President Sean Turner told CBN News that the decision to offer the new benefits was “100 percent” led by faith.

“We know that life happens at conception. Jesus actually speaks toward that. It’s more than a baby … it’s a purpose,” Turner said….

“If employees are having difficulty or having problems expanding their family, we are providing resources for that,” Turner noted….

“Secular companies are paying the travel costs for employees to abort babies out-of-state. Today we are announcing that Buffer will pay the costs for our employees who birth babies,” the company announced on its social media sites.

“Buffer will provide paid time off for all employees to have maternity and paternity leave with their newborns. Buffer will pay for the medical costs associated with adopting a baby,” the updated company policy explains.

Turner pointed out there’s also a stigma that children can be a hindrance to someone’s career, but he disagrees with that idea.

“We want to celebrate life and make it easy for families to expand. The culture says children are a burden but the Bible says children are a blessing,” he told CBN News….

Turner told CBN News that he is hopeful more corporations will take a more life-oriented approach and offer similar resources to their staff members….

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(Excerpt from CBN News. Photo Credit: freestocks on Unsplash)

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Susan CC
July 10, 2022

business model- a company’s core strategy for profitably doing business.

Dear Abba Father, I pray Sean’s love and faith are increased. Because Your Word is his business model, I pray You continue to guide his every decision. Please continue to bless him, his family, his associates, and I pray his business model is the one ALL others emulate…the support of life, beginning in the womb. I ask this for Your Glory Father and I am praying to You in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen

July 10, 2022

Jesus, I pray for Sean Turner and all the leadership at Buffer Insurance. May you Jesus be glorified through the position and actions of the people of this company. Protect them. Encourage them. And I thank them. Amen

July 10, 2022

May God richly bless the Buffer Co. and it’s people who have chosen to stand up and choose life over death.
Yes, children are a blessing from the Lord….


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