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Father, we pray for justice in this situation.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

With the many accusations of the Democrats against him now proven to be false, Trump has decided to file a lawsuit against the people who slandered him. 

From The Center Square. Former President Donald Trump filed a lawsuit Thursday against Hillary Clinton, her campaign and the Democratic party over their claims that the Trump campaign colluded with Russian operatives to win the 2016 presidential election.

The lawsuit was filed in a Florida court and levels a range of allegations against the defendants, including hacking, deceiving law enforcement, and creating fake evidence….

In the lawsuit, Trump asks for punitive damages and compensation for his legal fees, which he says surpassed $24 million.

“The scheme was conceived, coordinated and carried out by top-level officials at the Clinton Campaign and the DNC – including ‘the candidate’ herself – who attempted to shield her involvement behind a wall of third parties,” the lawsuit alleges. “To start, the Clinton Campaign and the DNC enlisted the assistance of their shared counsel, Perkins Coie, a law firm with deep Democrat ties, in the hopes of obscuring their actions under the veil of attorney-client privilege. Perkins Coie was tasked with spearheading the scheme to find – or fabricate – proof of a sinister link between Donald J. Trump and Russia.

“To do so, Perkins Coie launched parallel operations: on one front, Perkins Coie partner Marc Elias led an effort to produce spurious ‘opposition research’ claiming to reveal illicit ties between the Trump Campaign and Russian operatives; on a separate front, Perkins Coie partner Michael Sussmann headed a campaign to develop misleading evidence of a bogus ‘back channel’ connection between e-mail servers at Trump Tower and a Russian-owned bank,” the lawsuit adds….

Michael Sussmann, one of the Clinton campaign’s lawyers, was indicted by a grand jury last year for allegedly lying to the FBI. He has pleaded not guilty.

The FBI said Sussmann lied when he gave them “data files allegedly containing evidence” of a back-channel communication link between Russia and the Trump campaign….

How are you praying for justice? Share your thoughts and prayer in the comments.

(Excerpt from The Center Square. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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March 28, 2022

Proverbs 6:16-19 ‘These six things the Lord hates, Yes, seven are an abomination to Him: a proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift in running to evil, a false witness who speaks lies, and one who sows discord among the brethren.’
I am praying that this democratic regime is fully exposed, every last one of them, and they are rightly prosecuted to the full extend of the law.


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