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I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we pray for healing. Judge Jackson is clearly a woman who has been hurt by racism, so we pray that you would heal her of any emotional or mental anguish. Move in the hearts of her and the Biden administration so that they can promote true healing and unity in our country instead of damaging movements like CRT.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

As Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s confirmation hearing draws closer, many are attempting to determine what exactly drives her and what exactly she will fight for in the future. Based on her quote and lectures, her opinions and passions may be more divisive than anyone originally thought.

From Breitbart. Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, who is President Joe Biden’s nominee for the Supreme Court seat being vacated by retiring Justice Stephen Breyer, cited Critical Race Theory founder Derrick Bell and the controversial “1619 Project” as inspirations in 2020.

During a lecture to the University of Michigan Law School in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, unearthed by the Daily Wire, Judge Jackson, who would be confirmed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit the following year, cited Bell’s book, Faces at the Bottom of the Well, and said her parents had it on their coffee table as she was growing up…

The book argues that other Americans define their identity in relation to black Americans, who are forced to stay at the bottom of society. In one chapter, “The Space Traders,” Bell created a fictional allegory in which the U.S. would agree to sell its black citizens to space aliens in exchange for gold that would help settle the national debt….

Judge Jackson also cited the fraudulent “1619 Project” of Nikole Hannah-Jones and the New York Times, which won the Pulitzer Prize despite falsely claiming that the United States fought the American Revolution to defend slavery in the South.

Though she cited Hannah-Jones to make the observation that black Americans have fought hardest to give life to America’s founding ideals, at no point did Judge Jackson disagree with the author’s thesis that America was founded on slavery.

Judge Jackson closed her lecture by citing what she called “favorite civil rights photograph of modern times” — an image of a 2016 protest over the police shooting of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile….

Judge Jackson did not comment on the shootings, but said she was inspired by the woman, who was arrested at the protest.

Jackson’s confirmation hearing is scheduled to begin Monday, March 21, at the Senate Judiciary Committee.

How are you praying for our leaders, for Judge Jackson, and for healing of the racial divide?

(Excerpt from Breitbart. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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Carroll Dannettell
March 22, 2022

We pray for wisdom in our Senate as they go through the hearings on this woman. If she does get confirmed, then we pray for her heart to be changed. Just as your met Paul on the road to Damascus, we pray for her to have a revelation of who You are if she is appointed to the Supreme Court. We pray for our Supreme Court to come to the realization that they need YOU to carry out their jobs. Lord, we also pray for people to realize she was chosen because she was a “black woman”, not necessarily for her qualifications. We pray that as the hearings continue, that our Senate not cave to the pressures of the left, but rather look at the qualifications, and if she is not qualified, we pray they don’t confirm her, but that another, more worthy candidate take her place. God, we need You in this country like never before. We have spent years ignoring the evil that has been infiltrating, we repent for our apathy over the years, and we pray You give more and more people the courage to start standing up to the evil. Your will be done on earth, as it is in Heaven. Thank you, Jesus, for the revival that is going to break out in this land, Thank you, Jesus for the souls that are going to wake up, and realize they have a need for You, and that you are a loving God.

Ellen Hearne
March 21, 2022

I wish she were PRO LIFE

Dr. Alma
March 21, 2022

Your will be done. Do not allow her to become a Supreme Court Justice if her record on rulings has been unjust, being lenient on sexual offenders, who favors reverse racial discrimination known as CRT, and disregards the Constitution. If she was nominated because she’s black and to further a left-leaning communist agenda, forbid her from getting majority votes. Expose her and grant all of Congress, especially Republican members the discernment and courage to not vote for her. Do Lord whatever it takes to establish Your will, Your choice for a righteous, god-fearing Christian, and Constitution honoring Supreme Court Justice. We ask for Your intervention in Jesus’ name. Amen!

March 21, 2022

Lord, the Supreme Court of the United States of America exists to uphold the constitution. We decree that righteousness, Godliness, truth , love for America founded on God, and the constitution is the basis for which any Supreme Court justice is nominated. Lord, we pray that truth reigns in the hearings and we pray for wisdom and hearts turned towards God for the committee members.

March 21, 2022

Father in Your great mercy, turn her heart to You. May she declare before the vote that she has met Jesus on her own road to Emmaus. Father may it be so or may You reject her in this world and in Your Kingdom as a judge, In Jesus’ name amen

March 21, 2022

She does not belong in the Supreme Court because of her support for left wing judges and criminals, CRT snd abortion.

Allena Jordan
March 21, 2022

Father, We ask You to save Judge Jackson’s soul. She is only acting out what she believes to be true. However, it is not a Biblical viewpoint. Deliver her from deception, hate, anger and disillusionment.
I also ask, Father, that You would open the eyes of those on the Senate Judiciary Committee to understand what she stands for and how this would impact the Court. I ask, Father, that through this committee, You would protect this Republic. I lift up each member to You. Speak to their hearts, their minds. Reveal the Truth about Judge Jackson’s point of view. Keep the Supreme Court filled with people who love this Republic and uphold her Constitution. Thank You, Father. Amen.

Maria Fillyaw
March 21, 2022

Dear Lord Open the Eyes of the blind that are not promoting truth but only lies. Heal any hurt and soften all our hearts to love each other in the name of Jesus


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