I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we ask that you purify our schools of the many false ideas and lofty ways of thinking that have exalted themselves against your truth. Pull down those ideas and put your truth on display. Strengthen and embolden parents to continue this fight, and protect kids from the brainwashing of CRT.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

This father eloquently but passionately standing up for kids is exactly what we need to fight and win the battle for the schools in this nation. There are so many schools influenced by CRT that every parent will have to pray and speak up to make a difference.

From Fox News: A North Carolina father has gone viral for remarks he made at a school board meeting Monday evening, where he criticized critical race theory.

Brian Echevarria, a business owner running for North Carolina General Assembly, attended a Cabarrus County School Board hearing on Feb. 14, where he called the race-based teachings a “discrimination revolution,” and said parents are “the most powerful group in the country” who are “taking back the wheel” to drive policy changes across the country, a video of the hearing showed.

Echevarria, who described himself as “bi-racial, bilingual, [and] multicultural,” said no school administrators or curriculum had the right to call him or his children “oppressed” based on the color of their skin…

The school board voted last Monday to return to a face mask-optional policy in schools.

“What the masks showed us is the parents, the most powerful group in the country, [are] taking back the wheel,” the business owner said…

Echevarria also addressed how some schools have allowed transgender individuals to compete in sports leagues, which he said could impact his own daughter.

“I don’t want a man swimming against her in the pool,” he said in the video. “And I don’t want boys playing against her in soccer. I don’t let my sons rough her up, you think I’m going to let your sons rough her up?”

What do you think? Share in the comments!

(Excerpt from Fox News. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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February 21, 2022

Father God, fill parents with courage and righteous indignation to speak boldly against the lies and manipulation of those in the education community who think they have power over parents and their children. Break the stronghold of communism and any perverted ideology that seeks to pervert the minds of children, our teens, and their teachers. Bring just and righteous thinking back to our school systems in every state. Let God arise in the hearts of parents and band together against the the devil’s plan to “take the youngest”.

Roxanne Rice
February 21, 2022

God bless this man for standing up for his daughter! It warms my heart to see the passion he has for children, truth, and bringing righteousness to his state! We need many more fathers like him, and many more godly men and women who will run for office and bring sanity back to this nation.

Darlene Estlow
February 21, 2022

Father, we ask that you would draw the fathers’ hearts to their children as you have done for this father. I pray he would win his race for the North Caroline General Assembly. Protect him and his family as he speaks out. I pray many parents would be involved with the education of their children. Enable us to protect our children from much evil that is assailing our nation.

    Jessica Renshaw
    February 22, 2022

    >I pray he would win his race for the North Caroline General Assembly. Protect him and his family as he speaks out.< A special AMEN to that!

Mrs D
February 21, 2022

Father, thank You that this is a time spoken of in Malachi when fathers’ hearts are turned to their children and we are expecting similar turning of children’s hearts to their fathers. We specifically thank You so much for the ignited hearts and courage of fathers like Mr. Echevarria, who have turned their attention to mistreatment of their children and are taking their actions and voices to stand against policies and programs that are designed to harm future generations. We pray for sovereign restoration of the family unit, particularly drawing fathers back into their GOD-given responsibilities of being the heads of their wives in the same manner that JESUS, Your Anointed SON is head of the church —giving His life for her.

We call forth men to be MEN, making righteous, self-denying decisions, and sometimes tough decisions, that enhance healthy family life instead of escaping into diversions such as offered by addictive substances, including electronics, gambling and/or pornography. Or, simply giving up and being seduced by seemingly “greener grass.”

Father, we know that matters of reconciliation are of highest priority to You and You always provide solutions to conflict. Help us to actually hear and act on those solutions, even when it means that we may have been reluctant in the past to giving up attitudes, propensities, perspectives, habits and indulgences that seemed to be so critical to our living the “best” life as we have defined it. We want to live out the destinies that YOU have ordained for us and DIE to those things that run counter to Your will. Thank You, Holy Spirit, for empowering our obedience and surrender.

Help us also to seek and live in the TRUTH that first and foremost we are SPIRIT-beings and are designed to be led by Your Spirit rather than by fickle emotions or misinformed beliefs, customs, ambitions and expectations. We cherish Your Word and desire to have it manifested throughout all areas of our lives so that others will see our good works and glorify YOU.

Father, help others like Mr. Echevarria to hear Your call, to respond to Your instruction and to take leadership positions in our communities to promote righteousness throughout our land. We bless his campaign and the campaigns of others of similar integrity throughout their respective states for the benefit of our nation and for YOUR glory. It is in the Matchless Name of JESUS we pray. Amen

Charles Steen
February 21, 2022

Good for him! My children are well past school age and my grandchildren live a long ways away – and go to school where boys and BOYS and girls are GIRLS – and they act like it.

What a tragedy that COMMON SENSE has been slaughtered and thrown into our “public” schools! I went to a PUBLIC school where order was enforced, we studied real history of significance in our Republic and I faced my parents who held a switch when I got home if need be (it never was).


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