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Lord, thank you for freedom in Japan! We pray that the people would continue to fight for our right to choose!
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Japan’s Ministry of Health publicly rejected mandatory vaccination and any discrimination based on vaccination status.

In recently updated ethical guidelines regarding the experimental COVID-19 vaccines, the Ministry of Health condemned forced, coerced, and mandatory injections, while emphasizing the need for informed consent and medical freedom.

“Although we encourage all citizens to receive the COVID-19 vaccination, it is not compulsory or mandatory. Vaccination will be given only with the consent of the person to be vaccinated after the information provided,” states Japan’s official COVID-19 vaccination policy.

“Please get vaccinated of your own decision, understanding both the effectiveness in preventing infectious diseases and the risk of side effects. No vaccination will be given without consent. Please do not force anyone in your workplace or those who around you to be vaccinated, and do not discriminate against those who have not been vaccinated,” added the ministry.

After Japan’s announcement, the World Council for Health (WCH) commended Japan for its humane decision, particularly highlighting the importance of the country admitting the potential dangers of the vaccine, and the need to respect one’s decision to remain unvaccinated in light of these risks.

“Japan’s government has spoken out against mandatory vaccination and discrimination against those choosing to not participate in the injections. While the government continues to encourage the citizens of Japan to take the Covid-19 injections, it has also acknowledged the risk of myocarditis and has stressed the importance of informed consent,” wrote the council.

“While the World Council for Health stands in opposition to the continued use of the experimental injections and has called for the immediate end of their use, Japan’s acknowledgment of side effects and the need for informed consent along with their opposition to mandatory injections and discrimination based on injection status is notable and significant and should be recognized as such,” continued the WCH.

The push to vaccinate the majority of the world’s population in order to prevent serious disease for those who are not at risk to begin with — the CDC reports an infection survival rate of greater than 99.95% for those under age 50 — adds to the skepticism surrounding the increased push for COVID shots, and now, boosters. . . .

There has been no discussion of halting this experimental COVID-19 vaccine drive despite the death count being 65 times higher than it was in 1976 when the government suspended its swine flu vaccine campaign after just 10 weeks due to 40 sudden deaths and several hundred reports of Guillain-Barré syndrome.

What a win! How do you feel encouraged after reading this news? Let us know your thoughts and prayers in the comments below!

(Excerpt from Lifesite. Article written by Jack Bingham. Photo credit : )

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Laura K
January 20, 2022

Finally. A country with officials who have commonsense.

Thank you Father or the WCH. I ask that other countries will see the rightness of this decision and act accordingly.

Tommie Leamon
January 20, 2022

I am impressed that Japan is standing strong in this. Not reported is that millions of people across the world are protesting this…more than the US. Let us pray for these who are standing against this tyranny!

January 19, 2022

Wow this is a huge answer to prayer!! Now let the other nations follow suit!! Praise the LORD!!

Rose Rocha
January 19, 2022

Thank you Father that Japan is leading the way. May the other countries where there is freedom follow.

Roxanne Rice
January 19, 2022

Thank you, Lord, for this bright light of freedom in Japan! Grant us the same spirit here in the US!

Alyce Wich
January 19, 2022

Thank you Jesus!

Jessica Renshaw
January 19, 2022

Cheers for the sane and reasonable stand by Japan and the World Council for Health! I just read that the UK intends to drop vaccine passports on January 26. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/17346759/work-from-home-vaccine-passports-masks-plan-b-2/

Donaley Angerman
January 19, 2022

Lord we thank you for the leaders in Japan that care about their freedoms of their countrymen. We ask for more nations to follow their example.


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