I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we thank You for Senator Manchin and that he is standing up for good government.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Senator Joe Manchin is in the spotlight after refusing to support the disastrous ‘Build Back Better’ bill. An IFA intercessor alerted us to an impressive statement he made over the weekend:

“My Democratic colleagues in Washington are determined to dramatically reshape our society in a way that leaves our country more vulnerable to the threats we face,” Manchin told Fox News Sunday. “I cannot take that risk with a staggering debt of more than $29T and inflation taxes that are real and harmful to every hard-working American at the gasoline pumps, grocery stores and utility bills with no end in sight.”

We need to pray for this man’s strength, protection and for his family and his property.  We can expect that the threats and other outrages of those whom he is thwarting will be coming thick and fast now. 

Please take a minute to send Senator Manchin a message of thanks and support. Click here now and follow the simple directions. 

The Epoch Times reported that Manchin has already taken heat from his party.

The White House said that Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) went back on his word when he announced Sunday that he will not support President Joe Biden’s mammoth “Build Back Better” spending package, likely imperiling the measure.

“Senator Manchin’s comments this morning on FOX are at odds with his discussions this week with the President, with White House staff, and with his own public utterances,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki said in a statement on Sunday after Manchin earlier told Fox News that he won’t vote in favor of the legislation…

Manchin said that if he voted in favor of the bill, it would not be “genuine as far as my constituents in West Virginia.”

Manchin further said he believes the measure will cost far more than what the Congressional Budget Office and legislative caucuses have calculated. The senator argued that the bill uses legislative tricks to make it seem like it would cost less than what it actually does.

“What we need to do is get our financial house in order but be able to pay for what we do and do what we pay for,” Manchin said in the Fox News appearance.

But Psaki, in a lengthy statement, claimed Manchin—who for months opposed a larger version of the bill—went back on his word in private discussions with Biden and other White House officials…

The White House will continue to apply pressure on Manchin to see whether he will reverse his position, Psaki said.

The Hill reported Monday that Manchin had this to say to the White House:

“They figured surely to God we can move one person. We surely can badger and beat one person up. Surely we can get enough protesters to make that person uncomfortable enough that they’ll just say, ‘OK I’ll vote for anything,'” he said in a local radio interview.

“Well, guess what? I’m from West Virginia. I’m not from where they’re from and they can just beat the living crap out of people and think they’ll be submissive, period,” Manchin added. . . .

Manchin didn’t criticize Biden during Monday’s interview, adding that he was always “willing to work and listen and try.” But he suggested that White House staff had leaked negative information about him and that he was at his “wits end.”

“They know the real reason, what happened. … It’s staff-driven. I understand it’s staff. It is not the president. This is staff. And they drove some things, and they put some things out, that were absolutely inexcusable. They know what it is,” Manchin said.

Manchin didn’t indicate what he was referring to during the interview. He was visibly frustrated last week over leaks about negotiations over the bill and the child tax credit.

Please take a minute to thank Senator Manchin. Click here to take action.

(Excerpt from The Epoch Times. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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Beverly Koutny
January 25, 2022

Joe Manchin and Kristen Sinema both deserve a medal for their commonsense thinking and voting. Shame on the Democrats who
are exhibiting a herd mentality and not doing any original thinking. And Jan Saki is giving us her creative spin to make things look better than they are.
Democrats everywhere should be taking these causes back to the people they represent and not be so willing to go along with what
they are told to do in Washington. They are not representing half of the U.S. At least the Republicans know right from wrong and are
against most of the insane ideas that have been brought to the House and Senate floors.

Let’s get some action on things that matter to the most people in our country such as gas prices ( Our military needs to know we are self sufficient ); Border security (stopping crimes and criminals from spewing into our world ); Beefing up police security and keeping people who pose a threat in jail for trial . Stop dulling our spectacular nature scenes with big, ugly windmills that kill birds and break down or stop working when the wind disappears or their motors give out.

There is enough fighting in the world. We don’t have to manufacture it by hating each other and calling each other names. That is not
at all rewarding or doing something positive for the world we live in. Start working on things that matter and stop finding new projects to spend money on that we don’t have.

Beverly Kounty – Hubbard, Oregon

Sandy Baldwin
January 1, 2022

Thank God for a public servant who is actually SERVING the people of this nation instead of serving himself first!

Bob Huseby
December 22, 2021

Great example of th power of Prayer!! Hallelujah

Lillian Oliveira
December 22, 2021

Now they are trying to pass BBB by executive privilege! It isss something that will totally destroy our religious and civil freedoms. We must all be praying FERVENTLY, that God will prevent its passing! We need to rebuike Satan in this evil, malevolent attempt to take away our Judeo-Christian culture. We need to fight him with the Name of Jesus and the power of His shed blood. Very concerened, Lillian Oliveira

Deborah Learn
December 21, 2021

Very thankful for Senator Manchin. Lord God, cover Senator Manchin in Your protection and safety as he takes a strong stand against this bill for Americans.

Nancy Rife
December 21, 2021

So grateful for Senator Manchin’s bold stand FOR America!!

Nan Hanbury
December 21, 2021

Father God, please watch over Senator Joe Machin and his family. Thank you Lord for his strength and courage to stand firm against the evil that’s in the BBB bill and the evil that will result if it passes! I am continuing in prayer for him and his entire family for your hedge of protection to surround him and his faith in you always; bless him and keep him in your favor Father. Thank you God! Amen.

Brian lynch
December 21, 2021

Thank You, Dear Lord, for Senator Joe Manchin. Thank You for the courage and conviction that You have given him to do the right thing for our nation. We are so blessed that You have placed him in the Senate for such a time as this. What a wonderful Christmas gift! May this defeat of this terrible legislation be a harbinger of things to come in Washington. Please keep Sen. Manchin strong in his convictions and strength in the face of the pushback that he will surely receive from the liberal media and the radical White House. Please protect him and his family from all harm. In Jesus’ name.

Rosalind Laird
December 21, 2021

Father thank you for Sen Manchin and his boldness to do that which is right as he stands with 50 Republican Senators against this destructive bill. Thank you for giving him your wisdom and that he is being faithful to his constituents, to protect and serve them. I pray you will guard him, his family and property from any scheme of the enemy and I pray any attack from the left will embolden him even more.
Bless him And his family
In Jesus name I pray.


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